Publishing XSD Schemas

XSD Schemas provide type and structure definitions for XML documents. To make sure this schema is included as a part of automated publishing check the source document and make sure that the targetNamespace attribute in the base xsd:schema element is defined.

To Publish an XSD Resource

  1. If you have not done so, Log in to your user profile.

  2. Click the Catalog tab in the top left of the console.

  3. Click the XSD Documents node. This loads the XSD Documents view in the central panel.

  4. Click the Publish a new XSD resource link. This loads the Publish a new XSD Resource control.

  5. In the Location edit box enter a URL from which the XSD document can be retrieved. You might also want to add a Description to help users understand how the schema is intended to be used.

  6. Click the Finish button. A message will load indicating that the resource has been published. To view the record details click the link made from the resource name.