Browsing XSD Lists

XSD Schema documents are an effective way to publish and make available structures and types that can then be reused in different messages.

To Browse for an XSD Schema...

  1. If you are not already in the XSD Documents view click the Catalog tab in the top left corner of the console.

  2. Click the XSD Documents node. This loads the XSD Documents view.

  3. Click the List all XSD Resources link. This loads a List of XSD resources.

To Filter the XSD Resources List

  1. Select the column on which you wish to apply the filter in the Filter column list box. Default columns in this view include Name, Namespace, and Location. View columns can be customized by the administrator so this list might not completely reflect the console with which you are working.

  2. Enter the filter string in the Starts with edit box. Wildcards can be used. The "%" character is replaced by any number of characters. The "_" character is replaced by any single character. The "\" character escapes these and itself. The end of the string is treated as if it has a "%" wildcard suffix so there is no need to add a terminating wildcard.

  3. Click the Filter button. The view is updated with only those records matching the filter.