List Browsing Basics in the Catalog

List controls let you load a list view of a given record type. Browsing lists is an open way of acquainting yourself with records contained in the registry. When working with lists in the Catalog each record set begins with a select Check box on the left most side. List views are also accompanied with a set of controls that let you work with the records you find.

Create New Button This button lets you begin the process of creating a new record of the selected type under your user account.

Action Drop down List This control to the right of the Create New button lets you select an action that you may want to initiate on the records you have checked. In an uncustomized registry installation, these actions are three:

Go Button  Initiates the action selected in the action list.

Quick Editing Records In the right most field of the record set you may also notice an icon of a pad of paper and pencil. This icon means the record can be quick edited directly from the browse list. If the account you are working under has the correct permissions to alter the record, simply click the icon to begin the edit process.

Filtering Lists

All lists can be filtered using standard UDDI wildcards. These include: the percent character ("%") which expands into any string; the underscore character ("_") which expands to a single character; and the backslash character ("\" which escapes these two.

For example, the string "AC%" will expand to "ACME", "ACTORS", and "ACCOUNTS". The string "C_U" will expand to "CPU", "CDU" and "CLU".