Creating Record Basics in the Catalog

When creating a new record through the Business Service Console Catalog, a multistep wizard will guide you through the process. Note that with many record types certain criteria will need to be met. Mainly, if by definition, for example in UDDI, the record type you wish to publish must be contained as a property or field of another type, then you need to have already published one or more containing types under your account.

Furthermore, in order to ensure the stability and validity of the registry contents, many record types will need to point to live services, or to documents that the registry can retrieve and parse.

When publishing a Service, for example, this means that you must already have published a Provider under your account. You will also be asked to supply a URL to a valid WSDL that describes it.

Keep in mind that UDDI recommends limits to the number of records of a particular type that can be published under each containing class. Registry amdministrators may alter these constraints for special user profiles or as a general rule for a particular live registry. Typically the following constraints may be expected: