Creating WSDL Service Resources

To Publish a Service

  1. Log in if you have not already done so.

  2. Click on the Catalog tab to bring up the Catalog view.

  3. Expand the Resources and WSDL nodes by clicking on their expansion icons. This is the box with the plus sign in the center.

  4. In the left side navigation pane click the Services node, this loads the Services view in the central panel

  5. Click the Create service link in the central panel.

  6. Step through the Create Service Process

    1. Provide a URL point to the WSDL Location of your service. The URL MUST point to a valid WSDL document.

      The Service will be associated with the default provider. If your administrator allows multiple providers per one profile, you can select an alternate in the Provider drop down list box.

      When you have a valid URL click the Next > button.

    2. Set Service Properties

      If this is a New Service, the following properties should be set:

      • Name - this will be taken from the Localname of the WSDL. You can change it if you wish.

      • Description - provide clarifying information.

      • Usage - a short string whose meaning is reserved for the User or Registry Administrator to define.

      • Certification - has the Service been certified by a competent standards body or is such certification pending.

      • Release Date - date the service was/will be released.

      • Version - which meaningful iteration in the development of this Service does this record represent.

      • Milestone - which point in the release cycle has this service passed.

      Once some or all of these properties are set, click the Next > button.

    3. Set Interface Properties

      As the WSDL is parsed the operations and messages defined or imported under the portType inside are aggregated into an Interface record. If this is a new record it also has additional descriptive properties which need to be set.

      • Description - provides special clarifying information.

      • Usage - a short string whose meaning is reserved for the User or Registry Administrator to define.

      • Status - establishes the usefulness and support guaranteed for this interface.

      • Compliance - indicates whether the interface complies with one of the Web Service Interoperability versions.

      Once some or all of these properties are set click the Next > button.

    4. Set Endpoint properties.

      Finally, if the WSDL contains a Port element an Endpoint record will be generated automatically. These properties will need to be set:

      • Access point - this will be filled in with the location specified in the WSDL. If you would like to use an alternate location, enter it here.

      • Usage - a short string whose meaning is reserved for the User or Registry Administrator to define.

      • Compliance - indicates whether or not the endpoint complies with a Web Services Interoperability specification.

      • Availability - Is the service available, degraded or down?

      • Status - Is the service operational, in maintenance, or being tested?

  7. Click the Finish button. A message stating that the service has been created will be returned. Beneath the message is a line for each new record created through this process. Clicking the links formed from the name of the Record type will load a view of each new record's details.