First Principles of Publishing

Publishing a record to the registry implies a contract and responsibility for its state and maintenance. For this reason all published records are assigned to a profile. Before you can publish you must create a profile. You must also log in under that profile. There are limits to the number of records of a specific type that can be published under a single profile. These are set by the system administrator, and are detailed in the profile overview.

Publishing in the Business Service Console (BSC) is simplified and streamlined. While in a Standard UDDI Console publishing and editing a Provider (Business) is open ended, with many fields and properties to choose from, the BSC approach guides users through the publishing process with multi-step wizards.

Publishing wizards ensure that no essential data is omitted. Wizards also provide an opportunity to set aspects of registry record types that often go unnoticed. Additional publishing branches, nodes and wizards can be customized and plugged into the console as needed by the administrator.

The Navigation Pane

The BSC Publish view is implemented along the lines of the left hand navigation, right hand workspace design used for all major task sets. To reach a particular record type, navigate to it through the tree on the left.

The Publish/Edit Pane

Clicking a node will bring up an editable list of records published under the active profile in the right hand pane.

This pane is set aside for viewing and editing your records. When starting out, the lists will be empty. As you add Providers, Services and other resources you can use controls in these lists to edit and select records. At the bottom right corner of the pane are the major buttons through which you create, add and delete records.

When you choose to add, create or edit a record, the multi-step wizard associated with that record type will guide you through the process in this space. Note that some complex controls will load in a scrollable panel. If a control is not visible, be sure to scroll around to find it.