The WS-I Interface Report

This report aggregates all Interfaces which publishers have indicated conform to a Web Services Interoperability specification. As of this release pertinent versions are 1.0 and 1.1.

To Browse Interfaces by WS-I Report

  1. If you are not already in the Browse control click on the Browse tab on the upper left of the console.

  2. In the left navigation panel, expand the Reports node by clicking on its expansion icon. This is the box with the plus sign inside.

  3. Click the WS-I Interfaces link. A Default view of all interfaces which have WS-I Compliance specified is loaded into the right panel. Here you can Filter the list or change the Result view.

To Change the Result View

Simply select the desired view in the Result view list box. The default view options include Default and Technical. Other views can be added by the administrator so this list may not completely reflect the list in your console.