Listing Providers

Through a Provider record you can uncover information about human contacts at an organization and the technical resources for which they are responsible. You can also discover the services and technical resources that they guarantee and maintain.

When you browse through a list of providers, it is helpful to log into a profile. Some publishers may restrict record access to specific users and groups. When you browse through lists of registry records as a "guest", you will be limited to viewing a narrower record set.

To Browse a Provider List

  1. If you are not already in the Search control, click the Search tab.

  2. In the List column click the Provider link. The Browse provider control will load. This control simply contains a list of providers. Under most user profiles this will default to the Default view.

To Change the View

Simply select the desired view in the View list box. The default view options include Default, and Summary. In a customized registry, other views may be added.