Search Principles

When searching the registry, users want a process that is easy to work with and that will quickly return results on which they can depend. Typical Registry search consoles put a graphical user interface over UDDI find and get operations. Using this traditional approach, combinations of search criteria can become very complex.

Just as the Business Service Console approach to publishing narrows data down to essentials, and encourages publishers to fill in as much relevant data as possible, the customizable Search controls try to help users focus their queries on small sets of relevant parameters.

The Search control itself follows the design pattern of left hand navigation, right hand workspace panes used throughout the interface.

The Navigation Pane

The navigation pane contains a small tree through whose nodes you load the workspaces for finding and accessing different record types.

The Search Pane

It is important to notice that the search pane contains two tabs. You can switch between them at the bottom of the page. The top tab, the tab that usually loads first, is labelled "Search". On this tab, controls allowing you to establish all search criteria are aggregated.

The second tab contains the results of the last search performed. If you fail to see your desired results, you can switch back to the "Search" tab and modify your search parameters.

String Wildcards - Nearly all edit boxes accept standard UDDI wildcards. These are:

  • % (Percent) - replaced by any number of characters.

  • _ (Underscore) - replaced by any single character.

  • \ (Backslash) - escapes other wildcards and self.

They can be used at the beginning, within and at the end of strings. Strings should be terminated with wildcards when that behavior is desired. The console does not provide invisible wildcard completion with every control.

Keyword Searches

Provider, Service, Endpoint and Interface records offer a Keyword search control comprised of left and right edit boxes. This parameter control is based on the uddi-org:general_keywords category. Technically this is an unchecked taxonomy. In this control the left hand KeyName acts as a namespace or value set and the right hand KeyValue specifies a value within. Registry administrators are encouraged to set up policies for using this categorization system in a globally meaningful way. Providers are also encouraged to use it to make it easier to categorize and discover their services.

As of this release uddi-org:general_keywords categories can only be published on a record in the Standard Registry Console where they are added as a category. However, you can use them as parameters in the BSC Search console.