Searching for Providers

Through a Provider record you can uncover information about human contacts at an organization and the technical resources for which they are responsible.

To Search for a Provider

  1. If you are not already in the Search control, click the Catalog tab.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click the Providers node.

  3. In the central panel click the Search providers link. This will load the Search providers control.

  4. Set Search Parameters

    Provider searches can be constrained by two basic parameters: Name, and Keyword categorization. Multiple parameters are AND'ed together reducing the contents of the result set. Leaving all controls blank will return all visible providers. This set may be extremely large.

    • To set a Name parameter, simply enter a string in the Name edit box. The percent "%", and underscore "_" wildcards can and should be used. For example, the string "H%" will return all Providers whose names begin with the letter "H".

    • To set a Keyword based on the uddi-org:general_keywords category, enter all or part of the KeyName with wild cards in the left edit box, and then all or part of the KeyValue with wild cards in the right.

      For example a KeyName of "Fr%" and a KeyValue of "Ch%" would return a Provider categorized as "Franchise:Chicken" as well as one categorized as "Franchise:Chinese Cuisine".

  5. Click the Find button. The results tab will be made active. All Provider records matching your search criteria will be listed in the Default view. This can be changed to the Summary view through the Result view list box at upper left.

  6. To modify the search criteria and search again, simply click the Search tab and start again from step 3.