Viewing Groups

Often it is important to review a Group and its members and properties without opening it to be edited. Since Group management is a part of User Profile management, you need to be logged in before you can view the groups owned under a user account.

To View A Group...

  1. Once you have logged in click on the Profile tab.

  2. Click on the Groups menu item.

  3. In the Filter edit box, enter all or part of a search string. You can use the "%" wildcard to create GREP-like searches. For example the string "%c%t" will return "accounting" and "security". Leaving the edit box empty will automatically return all groups owned by the current user account.

  4. In the record set that is returned, click the name of the desired group, in the Group name field. The View group page will load.

  5. To view all or some of the members of the group, under the Users List control:

    1. Select whether you want to filter the list by Login name or by Full name as entered in the user account.

    2. In the edit box enter all or part of a search string. You can use the "%" wildcard to create GREP-like searches. For example the string "%a%e" will return the users "corporate" and "jane". Leaving the edit box empty will return all users. This may result in a very large list.

    3. Click the Filter button. The filtered list of user names will appear under the Users List control.