Getting Started With WebLogic Event Server

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Introduction and Roadmap

Document Scope and Audience

WebLogic Event Server Documentation Set

Guide to This Document

Samples for the WebLogic Event Server Application Developer

Overview of WebLogic Event Server

Introduction to WebLogic Event Server

Conceptual Overview of WebLogic Event Server

Event Processing Networks

Use Cases

Summary of WebLogic Event Server Features

Supported Configurations

Next Steps

WebLogic Event Server Examples

Overview of the Samples Provided in the Distribution Kit

Increasing the Performance of the Examples

Setting Your Development Environment



HelloWorld Example

Running the HelloWorld Example from the helloworld Domain

Building and Deploying the HelloWorld Example from the Source Directory

Description of the Ant Targets to Build Hello World

Implementation of the HelloWorld Example

The HelloWorld EPN Assembly File

The HelloWorld Component Configuration File

The XSD File that Describes the Extended HelloWorld Component Configuration

Foreign Exchange (FX) Example

Running the Foreign Exchange Example

Building and Deploying the Foreign Exchange Example from the Source Directory

Description of the Ant Targets to Build FX

Implementation of the FX Example

The FX EPN Assembly File

The FX Processor Configuration Files

Algorithmic Trading Example

Running the Algorithmic Trading Example

Installing WebLogic Event Server

Before You Begin

Installation Overview

Installing WebLogic Event Server in Graphical Mode: Main Steps

Installing WebLogic Event Server in Console Mode: Main Steps

Installing WebLogic Event Server in Silent Mode: Main Steps

Creating a silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation

Guidelines for Component Selection

Sample silent.xml File for Silent-Mode Installation

Returning Exit Codes to the Command Window

Post-Installation Steps

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