This figure shows the host and database names used in the Disaster Recovery topology described in this section. The left side of the figure shows the production site and the right side shows the standby site. Note that the production site uses a Real Application Clusters database to store the Metadata Repository schemas for the Oracle Application Server instances at the production site, and the standby site uses a non-Real Application Clusters database to store the Metadata Repository schemas for the Oracle Application Server instances at the standby site. Note that one to many Oracle Application Server instances could exist at the production site and at the standby site, so the figure does not depict a set number of instances but instead has text that states the instances at each site access their configuration data in the Metadata Repository schemas in the database below.

The primary site has two hosts, both of which access a physical database depicted below them. The first host has a physical hostname of prodnode1 and a virtual hostname of vracnode1, and it uses a DB SID of orcl1 to access the physical database below it. The second host has a physical hostname of prodnode2 and a virtual hostname of vracnode2, and it uses a DB SID of orcl2 to access the physical database below it. The physical database for the production site is a Real Application Clusters database that has a database name of, and it is on shared storage.

The standby site has one host. The host has a physical hostname of standbynode1 and a virtual hostname of vracnode1, and it uses a DB SID of orcl1 to access the physical database for the standby site that is depicted at the bottom of the standby site. The physical database for the standby site is a non-Real Application Clusters database that has a database name of