Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Administering the Database >

Running the Master Key Update

You must run the script to update the master key once a year as required to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). This script updates the master key as well as related subkeys and validation code in the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database.

You must also update the master key after installing Oracle Self-Service E-Billing and setting up the OLTP and OLAP databases, where the master key is used.

To run the master key update

  1. Repackage the GNU Lesser Public License on your Oracle Self-Service E-Billing files. For instructions on the process of repackaging, see Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.
  2. Shut down the application server to ensure that all data is in a consistent status.
  3. It is strongly recommended to back up the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing OLTP database.
  4. Back up the master keystore folder, EDX_HOME\keystore.
  5. Back up the persistence.xma.xml file, found in the EDX_HOME\xma\config\modules directory. You must modify the file, then restore it after you run the master key update script. Make a backup of the persistence.xma.xml file to use for the restore.

    Modify the persistence.xma.xml file for the myDataSource and TransactionManager beans, required to support OLTP database operation when the application server is shut down. It is suggested to use c3p0 to connect to myDataSource, and Spring Framework transaction support for the TransactionManager bean.

    Remove or comment out the existing configurations and uncomment the myDataSource and TransactionManager bean sections, using the code and settings shown here.

    Consult your database administrator for the appropriate database connection parameters to use in the jdbcUrl property, which points to the OLTP database.

    1. Modify the myDataSource bean section to use the following code:

    <bean id="myDataSource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource"


    <property name="driverClass">



    <property name="jdbcUrl">




    <property name="user">



    <property name="password">




    1. Modify the TransactionManager bean section to use the following code:

    <bean id="TransactionManager"


    <property name="dataSource" ref="myDataSource" />


  6. Place the following JAR files in the EDX_HOME\bin\keymgmt\lib directory:
    • (Oracle Database 11g only) The ojdbc5.jar file, found on your database server in the $ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib directory.
    • (Oracle Database 10g only) The ojdbc14.jar file, found on your database server in the $ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib directory.
    • (All versions) The jta.jar file, which can be found on your database server in the $ORACLE_HOME\jlib) directory.
  7. Set the log file path. The master key update uses Log4j. The configuration file, log4j_keymgmt.xml, is located in the EDX_HOME\config directory. For instructions on how to use Log4j, see:

    The master key update generates a default log file, keymgmt.log, in the working directory, EDX_HOME\bin\keymgmt. Make sure you have write permission in this directory before running the script.

  8. Set the correct JAVA_HOME and PATH for Java and then run the master key update script, found in the EDX_HOME\bin\keymgmt directory. For example:
    • UNIX:

    export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java1.5

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


    • Windows:

    set JAVA_HOME=c:\java1.5

    set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%


  9. Determine whether the update was successful:
    1. Check the log file. If the script was successful, the following message appears in the log: Master Key Update process is completed.
    2. Check the file, found in the EDX_HOME\keystore\AES128 (or EDX_HOME\keystore\blowfish) directory. The script generates a new master key in this file with a timestamp. The first record contains the timestamp, followed by the previous master key with the same timestamp, and the current master key. The script saves the old master key file

      Note: Distribute new file to all application servers to guarantee master key consistency.

    3. Check the following database tables:
      • The SECURE_SUBKEY column in the EDX_SECURE_SUBKEY table will be updated.
      • Code in the EDX_UMF_SEC_VALIDATIONCODE table will be updated.
      • The KEY_UPDATE_FLAG column in the EDX_SECURE_SUBKEY table will be NULL.
  10. If the master key update script ran successfully, restore the original persistence.xma.xml file to the EDX_HOME\xma\config\modules directory, and restart application server, and log in with your ID and password.

    If the master key update script did not run successfully, follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem:

    1. If the script did not generate the new master key in the file, verify the configuration of the persistence.xma.xml file and run the script again.
    2. If the script successfully generated the new master key in the file, check the sub key flag in the KEY_UPDATE_FLAG column in the EDX_SECURE_SUBKEY table:
      • If the column contains all NULL values, then you must restore the master key. Replace the file in the EDX_HOME\keystore\AES128 (or EDX_HOME\keystore\blowfish) directory with the backup file.
      • If the column contains any value other than NULL, you can run the script again.
    3. If it is not possible to run the master key update script successfully, restore the contents of the EDX_HOME\keystore directory and perform a full restore of the OLTP database.
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