Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Scheduling Jobs >

Creating Alert Profiles

The alert profile feature lets you associate a list of applications, jobs, and alert types with an alert group. One alert group can have multiple alert profiles associated. By default, Scheduler sends alerts to the groups configured in alert profiles when running job.

You can choose to base a profile on:

  • All Jobs. Includes all jobs for all applications (DDNs) in the profile.
  • Selected Job Types. Lets you select a list of specific job types (for all DDNs).
  • Selected DDNs. Lets you select a list of DDNs (for all job types).
  • Selected Job Types in a Particular DDN. Let you choose particular job types for a specific DDN.

For each profile you can send email notification to the associated alert group contacts when a job completes successfully, if a job fails, or both.

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Job Alerts.

To create a new alert profile for an alert group

  1. Click Settings from the Command Center Main Console.
  2. Click the Alert Settings tab.
  3. Click the Configure Alert Profiles tab.
  4. Under the Action column for the alert group, click Create.
  5. Make sure the Alert Service Status is enabled.
  6. Under Alert Category, choose one of the following options and follow any additional steps noted. Use Reset if you want to clear the screen selections at any point.
    • All Jobs. To send alerts for all jobs and all application DDNs. This option is selected by default.
    • Selected Job Types. To send alerts to specific job types for all applications, select this option, then click Configure.

      The Alert Category Configuration screen appears showing all job types in the Command Center. To select a job type, highlight it and click the double right-arrow. To deselect any job types, highlight the job type under Selected Job Types and click the double left-arrow. Click Save Job Types.

    • Selected DDNs. To send alerts to specific applications, for all job types, select this option, then click Configure.

      The DDN Profile screen appears showing all DDNs defined in the Command Center. To select a DDN, highlight the name and click the double right-arrow. (To deselect a DDN, highlight the name under Selected DDNs and click the double left-arrow.) Click Save DDNs.

    • Selected Job Types in a Particular DDN. To send alerts to specific application jobs only, select this option, then click Configure.

      The Alert Category Configuration screen appears. Choose a DDN from the list. To select a job type, highlight the name under All Job Types and click the double right-arrow. To deselect a job type, highlight the name under Selected Job Types and click the double left-arrow. Click Save Job Types.

  7. Specify when to send alerts. Select one or both alert types:
    • Success. When the job completes successfully.
    • Failure. If the job fails.
  8. In the Implementation of IAlertServicePlugin Interface field, enter:


    Alternatively, if you have a custom alert service, you can enter the name of that custom service plug-in to use for this profile.

  9. Click Submit to save the alert group profile configuration.
Related Topics

Updating an Alert Profile

Deleting an Alert Profile

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