Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Payment Transactions > About Credit Card Payment Transactions >

About Scheduled Credit Card Payments

Scheduled credit card payments process in the following order:

  1. The customer schedules a credit card payment from the UI, and the Payments module marks the payment as scheduled in the creditcard_payments table.
  2. Before the pmtCreditCardSubmit job process the scheduled credit card payment, a user can modify or cancel it.
  3. When the pmtCreditCardSubmit job runs, it selects all credit card payments that are scheduled to be paid at the time the job runs, opens a connection to the credit card payment gateway, and starts making payments. The Number of days before a credit card's pay date for it to be submitted parameter on the pmtCreditCardSubmit job determines how many days ahead to look when selecting payments to be made.

    If the IPaypalCreditCardSubmitPlugIn has been implemented in Payment Settings, this job modifies the credit card payments that are scheduled to be paid, or takes other actions related to the selected credit card payments. Functions in the plug-in are called before and after credit card payment processing. For information about configuring job plug-ins, contact Oracle Professional Services.

  4. The credit card gateway sends the transactions to the credit card processor. The credit card processor either authorizes and settles the credit card payment, or rejects it. The results are returned to the credit card gateway, which forwards the results to the pmtCreditCardSubmit job.
  5. The pmtCreditCardSubmit job changes the status of the credit card payment in the database depending on the transaction status returned by the credit card processor, and optionally sends email to the customer about the status of the payment.
    • If the card is authorized and settled, it sets the state to settled.
    • If the card fails to authorize, it sets the state to failed_authorize.
    • If there is a network problem, the state remains scheduled, so it can process the next time pmtCreditCardSubmit runs.
  6. The pmtPaymentReminder job runs and (optionally) sends email to users about the status of their scheduled payment.
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