Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Configuring IBM WebSphere > Configuring and Starting Scheduler on IBM WebSphere >

Configuring and Starting Scheduler on IBM WebSphere and Windows

Follow these steps to configure and start Scheduler if you are running IBM WebSphere on Windows.

To configure and start Scheduler on IBM WebSphere and Windows

  1. Open the edx_env.bat file found in the EDX_HOME\config directory, and add the following commands, where Your_Java_Home is the directory where Java is installed:

    @set EDX_HOME=D:\oracle\ebilling

    @set APP_SERVER=ws

    @set WAS_HOME= D:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer

    @set WAS_VERSION=6.1

    @set JAVA_HOME=Your_Java_Home

  2. Change following content in the ws_scheduler.bat file found in the EDX_HOME\bin directory:

    SET CMD=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %EDX_OPTS% %EDX_HOME%\J2EEApps\websphere\Deployed_ear-eStatement.ear -CCclasspath=%EDX_CLASSPATH% -CCverbose=true -CCjar=app-scheduler.jar -start


    Replace it with the following content, where bootstrapport is your bootstrap port number:

    SET CMD=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -Dwas.install.root=%WAS_HOME% %EDX_OPTS% %EDX_HOME%\J2EEApps\websphere\Deployed_ear-eStatement.ear -CCclasspath=%EDX_CLASSPATH% -CCverbose=true -CCjar=app-scheduler.jar -CCBootstrapPort=bootstrapport -start

    @for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=: " %%i IN ('time/t') do @set vTime=%%i_%%j
    @for /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%i IN ('date/t') do @set vDate=%%j
    @for /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/ " %%i IN ("%vDate%") do @set vDate=%%k_%%i_%%j%
    @set fName=%vDate%_%vTime%
    @set _log="%EDX_HOME%\logs\edx_scheduler_%fName%.log"

  3. Run the following command:

    ws_scheduler.bat -start -url iiop://Host_Name:Bootstrap_Address -verbose


    • Host_Name is the name of the application server.
    • Bootstrap_Address is the bootstrap address.
  4. To stop Scheduler, replace the -start parameter with the -stop parameter.

    ./ws_scheduler.bat -stop -url iiop://localhost:2811 -verbose

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