Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Installing the ETL Module for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing >

Running the ETL Loader Job Using Sample Data

The ETL module is now ready to load data. Sample data is provided with Oracle Self-Service E-Billing for testing purposes.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Installing the ETL Module for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

To run the ETL Loader job using sample data

  1. Copy the following sample data files from the EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle\olap\etl\sample_data directory (or the EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle/olap/etl/sample_data directory on Windows) to the ETL input directory. In the path, EDX_HOME is the location where Oracle Self-Service E-Billing is installed:
    • MASTER-DATA-FILE-20070509.dat
    • EBILLING_B2B-DATA-FILE-20070510.dat
    • EBILLING_B2B-DATA-FILE-20070512.dat
    • EBILLING_B2C-DATA-FILE-20070516.dat
    • EBILLING_B2B-DATA-FILE-20070551.dat
    • EBILLING_B2B-DATA-FILE-20070552.dat
    • EBILLING_B2B-DATA-FILE-20070553.dat

      For consistency, it is recommended that you create the input directory in the same directory as the file locations previously defined in Oracle Warehouse Builder Design Center.

  2. Log in to the Oracle Warehouse Builder Design Center as the repository owner. Start the Control Center from the Tools menu.
  3. Select Tools, then Preferences. (In Oracle Database 11g Release 2, select OWB, then Deployment Menu.) Make sure the Prompt for execution parameters option is enabled.
  5. Right click the ETL_SUPER_PF_2 node (the ETL Loader job), and click Start. A dialog box might appear stating that the object must be deployed before execution. If this dialog appears, click OK. Or you can run the ant command again from the EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle directory (the EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle directory in Windows,) and choose Option 5, Install the ETL database, then choose Option 3, OWB Mappings Deployment. When finished, check the deploy.log file, found in the EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle/olap/etl directory, for errors.

    NOTE:  The following files support single statement and multiple period functionality: EBILLING_B2B-DATA-FILE-20070552.dat; EBILLING_B2B-DATA-FILE-20070553.dat. Before loading these files, run the Hierarchy Copy job in the Command Center to the period specified in the data file.

  6. You must remove sample data before going live. For information about the process of purging sample data, see Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

    CAUTION:  You must remove sample data from your production environment to remain in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

  7. You must run the master key update script, which updates the master key as well as related subkeys and validation code in the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database. The master key is used when setting up the OLTP and OLAP databases. For instructions on running the master key update, see Administration Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing.

    CAUTION:  You must run the master key update after loading sample data to remain in compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

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