Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing > Migrating to Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Version 6.0.4 > Process of Migrating Oracle Self-Service E-Billing 6.0 to 6.0.1 >

Migrating to Oracle Database 11g

If you are migrating Oracle Self-Service E-Billing from Oracle Database 10g to Oracle Database 11g, you must follow these procedures. These steps are for both UNIX and Windows environments.

CAUTION:  This procedure is not required if your Oracle Self-Service E-Billing installation is on Oracle Database 10g.

This task is a step in Process of Migrating Oracle Self-Service E-Billing 6.0 to 6.0.1.

To migrate Oracle Self-Service E-Billing from Oracle Database 10g to Oracle Database 11g

  1. On UNIX, log in as the ORACLE user for migration activity. Export your existing OLAP and OLTP 6.0 databases from Oracle Database 10g using the following commands:

    exp system/manager@olap_tnsname file=olap_export.dmp FULL=Y log=olap_export.log

    exp system/manager@oltp_tnsname file=oltp_export.dmp FULL=Y log=oltp_export.log

  2. Install Oracle Database 11g.
  3. Create a new Oracle Database 11g database instance, tablespace, and schema for OLAP.
  4. Verify that the following values in the file, found in the EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle directory (or the EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle directory on Windows) are correct for the current installation. In the path, EDX_HOME is the location where Oracle Self-Service E-Billing is installed:
    • ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME locations
    • OLTP and OLAP database SID, user name, and password
    • SYSDBA password and tnsnames for OLTP and OLAP
    • Database file locations
    • Redo file locations
    • Trace file location
  5. Create the Oracle Self-Service E-Billing database. Change directory to the location of the Oracle Database installation files in your software installation: EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle (or EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle for Windows). If you have not configured the Apache Ant environment, do so now:
    • UNIX:

    export ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.6.5

    export PATH=$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH

    If you are on Oracle WebLogic, run this command, where JDK150_11 is your JDK version:

    export JAVA_HOME= $WEBLOGIC_HOME/JDK150_11

    If you are on IBM WebSphere, run this command:

    export $JAVA_HOME=$WS_HOME/java for IBM WebSphere)

    Also, for all application servers, run this command:

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH

    • Windows:

    set ANT_HOME=C:\apache-ant-1.6.5

    set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin


    where JDK150_11 is your JDK version.

    1. Run the build script by typing ant.

      By default, Ant picks up the build.xml file in the current directory.

    2. Select Option 1, Install the OLAP database. Complete Options 1-5 on the OLAP menu to create the OLAP database instance, tablespaces, and schema. Review all log files for possible errors even if a Build Successful message appears. When done, choose Q (Quit).
  6. Create a new Oracle Database 11g database instance, tablespace, and user for OLTP (eStatement):
    1. Verify that the following values are correct in the file, found in the EDX_HOME/db/eStatement/oracle directory (or the EDX_HOME\db\eStatement\oracle directory for Windows):
      • OLTP database SID, user name, and password
      • SYSTEM password for OLTP
      • Database file locations
      • Redo file locations
      • Trace file location
    2. Go to the directory location of the eStatement Oracle Database installation files in your software installation:
      • UNIX. EDX_HOME/db/eStatement/oracle
      • Windows. EDX_HOME\db\eStatement\oracle
    3. Run the following commands to configure the Apache Ant environment:
      • UNIX:

    export ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.6.5

    If you are on Oracle WebLogic, run this command, where JDK150_11 is your JDK version:


    If you are on IBM WebSphere, run this command:

    export $JAVA_HOME=$WS_HOME/java

    Also, for all application servers, run this command:

    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$PATH

    • Windows:

    set ANT_HOME=C:\apache-ant-1.6.5


    set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin

    where JDK150_11 is your JDK version.

    1. Run the build script by typing ant.

      By default, Ant picks up the build.xml file in the current directory.

    2. From the top level Main Menu, select Option 1, Install eStatement Database to start.

      The Install eStatement Database menu appears.

    3. Complete Options 1-4 on the Install eStatement Database Menu to create the OLTP instance, tablespace, and user. Review all log files for possible errors even if a Build Successful message appears. When done, choose Q (Quit).
  7. Create the database link, TAM_LINK, in the OLTP schema.
  8. Log on to the OLTP instance as SYSDBA, and execute the following command, where OLTP_Schema is the name of the OLTP schema:


  9. Go to the EDX_HOME/db/ebilling/oracle directory (or the EDX_HOME\db\ebilling\oracle directory on Windows).
  10. Log on to the OLTP schema using SQL*Plus (not as SYSDBA).
  11. Execute the following SQL script, providing the three input parameters:


    SQL>@ crt_db_link.sql OLAP_User OLAP_Password OLAP_TNS_Name



    • OLAP_User is the name of the OLAP schema user.
    • OLAP_Password is the OLAP schema user's password.
    • OLAP_TNS_Name is the name of the OLAP instance.
  12. Import Oracle Database 10g database into the new database:

    imp system/manager@oltp_sid fromuser=oltp touser=oltp file=oltp_export.dmp log=oltp_import.log

    imp system/manager@olap_sid fromuser=olap touser=olap file=olap_export.dmp log=oltp_import.log

    NOTE:  If the importing and exporting schema names are different, you might receive a message indicating that the user does not exist for snapshot logs after the importing some objects. You can ignore this message.

Installation Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing Copyright © 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.