A Determining the Root Audit Action Details

An XML message that is published by PeopleSoft contains a Transaction node. In case of full reconciliation, the XML file for USER_PROFILE message has multiple transaction nodes. However, in case of incremental reconciliation, the XML message has only one transaction node.

Every transaction node has a PeopleSoft Common Application Messaging Attributes (PSCAMA) subnode.

The following screenshot shows the PSCAMA node:


PSCAMA is an XML tag that contains fields common to all messages. The PSCAMA tag is repeated for each row in each level of the Transaction section of the message. PSCAMA provides the following information about the message data:

When receiving a message, PeopleCode inspects the PSCAMA node for this information and responds accordingly.

The AUDIT_ACTN subnode of PSCAMA, known as Root Audit Action, filters the data records in an XML message. It indicates the action taken against a user profile, such as Add, Change, or Delete in Oracle Identity Manager.

The AUDIT_ACTN node is shown in the following screenshot:


If the user profile information is changed on the target system, then the Root Audit Action value is C. If a new profile is added, the Root Audit Action is either A or empty.

The Add Root Audit Action is shown in the following screenshot:

Add Root Audit Action