6 Ultra Search

This represents an Oracle Ultra Search database repository.

6.1 Response

This represents the Oracle Ultra Search repository up/down status.

6.1.1 Status

This represents the Oracle Ultra Search repository up/down status.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Table 6-1 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Upload Frequency Operator Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification Alert Text

All Versions

Every 5 Minutes

After Every Sample


Not Defined



Ultra Search is down

6.2 Ultra Search Crawler Status

This represents schedule status. The following table lists the metrics and their descriptions.


For all target versions, the collection frequency for each metric is every 15 minutes.

Table 6-2 Ultra Search Crawler Status Metrics

Metric Description

Instance Name

Ultra Search instance name

Schedule Finish Time

Means that the time schedule is finished

Schedule Frequency

Represents how often the crawler will be invoked to collect data

Schedule Name

Schedule name

Schedule State

See Section 6.2.1, "Schedule State"

6.2.1 Schedule State

This represents schedule status.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Table 6-3 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Upload Frequency Operator Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

After Every Sample





Crawler status is %value%

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each "Schedule ID" object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any "Schedule ID" object, then those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each "Schedule ID" object, use the Edit Thresholds page.