15 WebCenter

This chapter describes Oracle WebCenter metrics.


This metric indicates the current status of the WebCenter application:

Up (Green Up Arrow) - The WebCenter application is up and running and the last operation was successful.

Down (Red Down Arrow) - The WebCenter application is not currently available. The last operation was unsuccessful due to an unexpected error or exception. User errors, such as an authentication failure, do not change the status to ‘Down’.

Unknown (Clock) - Unable to query the status of the WebCenter application for some reason.

UpDown Status

This metric indicates the current status of the WebCenter application:

Up (Green Up Arrow) - The WebCenter application is up and running and the last operation was successful.

Down (Red Down Arrow) - The WebCenter application is not currently available. The last operation was unsuccessful due to an unexpected error or exception. User errors, such as an authentication failure, do not change the status to 'Down'.

Unknown (Clock) - Unable to query the status of the WebCenter application for some reason.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Upload Frequency Operator Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification Alert Text
All Versions Every Minute After Every 60 Samples = Not Defined 0 1 The WebCenter Application is down

User Action

If you are having problems with the WebCenter application and the status is 'Down' or 'Unavailable', check the diagnostic logs to establish why the application is not up and running. The WebCenter application, and maybe the WebLogic server, must be restarted.

WebCenter Spaces (Aggregated)

Provides information about the WebCenter Spaces (Aggregated) metrics

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these group space metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of group space invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count. All group spaces in the WebCenter application are included in this count. Processing time is available on application's main metric page.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric further. Navigate to the application's group space metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why group space invocations are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the number of group space invocations per minute.

All group spaces in the WebCenter application are included in this count. The number of invocations per group space is available on application's group space metric page. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for group spaces is high (compared with other WebCenter services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

Page Throughput (per minute)

This metric shows the average number of pages accessed per minute.

All group spaces in the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of group spaces. You can evaluate when pages are accessed the most, as well as the maximum and minimum usage.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

Average Page Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) spent processing group space operations.

All group spaces in the WebCenter application are included in the count. Processing times for individual group spaces are available on application's main metric page. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average page processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of group space operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for group space operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's group space metric page where more detailed metric data for individual group spaces is available.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the WebCenter group space.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Content Repositories (Aggregated)

Provides information about the WebCenter Content Repositories (Aggregated) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these content repository metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Documents service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count. All the content repositories used by the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual content repositories is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Documents service invocations per minute. All the content repositories used by this WebCenter application are included in this count.

Invocation rates and invocation counts for individual content repositories are available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Documents service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Average Login Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent logging in to content repositories (in ms).

All the content repositories used by the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average login time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the Login operation. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time to login is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application’s main metric page where more detailed metric data for the Login operation (and all other operations) is available. Use the information on this page to help determine the underlying cause of the time delay. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Logins (per minute)

This metric counts the number of times a WebCenter user logs in to a content repository per minute.

All the content repositories used by the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of content repositories. You can evaluate when most logins occur, as well as the maximum and minimum usage--which can be useful for tuning content repository performance.

If you are experiencing performance issues outside normal peak login times, navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for all operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Documents service spends processing content repository operations (in ms).

Content repository operations include: Download, Upload, Search, Login, Delete. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

All the content repositories used by the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of content repository-related operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for content repository operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to content repositories used by the Documents service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Events (Aggregated)

Provides information about WebCenter Events (Aggregated).

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Group Space and Personal Events service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Group Space and Personal Events service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric further. Navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for individual operations is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Events Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of invocations per minute for the Group Space and Personal Events services.

The number of invocations per operation is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for Group Space and Personal Events services is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Events Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Group Space Events service and the Personal Events service spends processing events operations (in ms).

Group Space Events and Personal Events service operations include: Create Event, Update Event, List Event, Delete Event, Search Event. Processing times for individual operations are available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Group Space Events and Personal Events service operations. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for Group Space Events and Personal Events operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for individual operations is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Events Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to group space events and personal events used by the WebCenter application.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter External Applications (Aggregated)

Provides information about the WebCenter External Applications (Aggregated) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these external application metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of external application invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count. All the external applications accessed by the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, check the diagnostic logs to establish why service operations are failing. Typical examples are, trying to invoke the automated login servlet without being authenticated or specifying an incorrect external application name. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual external applications is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing External Application Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of external application invocations per minute.

All external applications used by this WebCenter application are included in this count. Invocation rates and invocation counts for individual external applications are available on application's main metric page.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate application performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for external applications is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing External Application Metrics.

Page Throughput (per minute)

This metric shows the average number of pages accessed per minute.

All pages in the WebCenter application are included in this count.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent processing external application operations (in ms).

External application operations include: Fetch Credentials, Store Credentials, Fetch External Application, and Automated Logins. Processing times for individual operations are available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

All external applications used by the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the overall external application performance. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for external application operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing External Application Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the External Applications service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Spaces Pages (Aggregated)

Provides information about the WebCenter Spaces Pages (Aggregated) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these portlet metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

All portlets used in the WebCenter application are included in this count.

This metric indicates the percentage of portlet invocations that succeeded.

Any request that fails will impact this percentage. This includes WebCenter application-related failures such as timeouts and internal errors, as well as remote/server failures such as requests returned with response codes HTTP4xx or HTTP5xx, responses with a bad content type, and SOAP faults, where applicable. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate the metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why portlet requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of portlet invocations per minute.

All portlets used in the WebCenter application are included in this count. The number of invocations is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate portlet performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the invocation rate for portlets is high (compared with other WebCenter services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Page Throughput (per minute)

This metric shows the average number of pages accessed per minute.

All pages in the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Average Page Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) to display the page.

All pages in the WebCenter application are included in the count. Processing times for individual pages are available on application's main metric page. See Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average page processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Service Name

These metrics apply to the WebCenter Spaces page.

WebCenter Portlets (Aggregated)

Provides information about WebCenter Portlets (Aggregated) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these portlet metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of portlet invocations that succeeded.

All portlets used in the WebCenter application are included in this count.

Any request that fails will impact this percentage. This includes WebCenter application-related failures such as timeouts and internal errors, as well as remote/server failures such as requests returned with response codes HTTP4xx or HTTP5xx, responses with a bad content type, and SOAP faults, where applicable. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate the metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why portlet requests are failing.

Average HTTP 2xx Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time portlets take to process requests returning a HTTP2xx response code (in ms).

All portlets used in the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average HTTP 2xx time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

See, Viewing Performance Information.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to track overall portlet performance.

If this metric is out-of-bounds, consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts for the portlets. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of portlet invocations per minute.

All portlets used in the WebCenter application are included in this count. The number of invocations is available on application's main metric page. See Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate portlet performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the invocation rate for portlets is high (compared with other WebCenter services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent processing portlet operations (in ms).

All portlets used in the WebCenter application are included in this count. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the portlet performance. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for portlet operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to WebCenter portlets.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Producers (Aggregated)

Provides information about WebCenter Producers (Aggregated) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these portlet producer metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of producer invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count. All portlet producers used in the WebCenter application are included in this count.

Any request that fails will impact this percentage. This includes WebCenter application-related failures such as timeouts and internal errors, as well as remote/server failures such as requests returned with response codes HTTP4xx or HTTP5xx, responses with a bad content type, and SOAP faults, where applicable. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%), investigate the metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why producer requests are failing.

Average HTTP 2xx Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time that all portlets used in the WebCenter application take to process requests returning a HTTP2xx response code (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average HTTP 2xx time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

See, Viewing Performance Information.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to track the overall performance of producers in the WebCenter application.

If this metric is out-of-bounds, consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts for the producers. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of producer invocations per minute.

All portlet producers used in the WebCenter application are included in this count. The number of invocations is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate producer performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the invocation rate for producers is high (compared with other WebCenter services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent processing portlet producer operations (in ms).

All portlet producers used in the WebCenter application are included in this count. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the portlet producer performance. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for producer operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the portlet producers used by the WebCenter application.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Search (Aggregated)

Provides information about WebCenter Search (Aggregated) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Search service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Search service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count. All WebCenter search sources are included in the count: Announcements, Documents, Discussion Forums, Group Spaces, Group Space Events, Lists, Notes, Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Pages, People Connections, Wikis and Blogs, and Tagged Items.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate the metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual search sources is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why search requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Search service invocations per minute across all WebCenter search sources: Announcements, Documents, Discussion Forums, Group Spaces, Group Space Events, Links, Lists, Notes, Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Pages, People Connections, Wikis and Blogs, and Tagged Items.

Invocation rates and invocation counts for individual search sources are available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Search service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) the Search service spends processing search operations.

All WebCenter search sources are included in the count: Announcements, Documents, Discussion Forums, Group Spaces, Group Space Events, Lists, Notes, Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Pages, People Connections, Wikis and Blogs, and Tagged Items. Processing times for individual search sources are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Search service operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for search operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual search sources is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Search service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Services

Provides information about WebCenter Services metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these WebCenter service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of invocations that succeeded for this WebCenter service. Any operation or request that fails will impact this percentage.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Understanding WebCenter Performance Metrics Information.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of invocations per minute for this WebCenter service. The number of invocations is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the invocation rate for this WebCenter service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

See, Understanding WebCenter Performance Metrics Information.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent processing operations for this WebCenter service (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

Use this metric to determine the performance of WebCenter services. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Understanding WebCenter Performance Metrics Information.

WebCenter BPEL Worklists (Aggregated)

Provides information about WebCenter BPEL Worklists (Aggregated) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Worklists service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Worklists service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count. All the BPEL worklists used by the WebCenter application are included in this count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual worklists is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Worklist Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Worklists service invocations per minute.

All the BPEL worklists used by the WebCenter application are included in this count. Invocation rates and invocation counts for individual worklists are available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Worklists service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Worklist Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Worklists service spends processing operations (in ms).

All the BPEL worklists used by the WebCenter application are included in this count. Processing times for individual worklists are available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Worklists service operations. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for worklist operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Worklist Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Worklists service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Portlets

Provides information about WebCenter Portlet metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these portlet metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All versions Every 300 seconds

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of portlet invocations that succeeded.

Any request that fails will impact this percentage. This includes WebCenter application-related failures such as timeouts and internal errors, as well as remote/server failures such as requests returned with response codes HTTP4xx or HTTP5xx, responses with a bad content type, and SOAP faults, where applicable. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why portlet requests are failing.

Average HTTP 2xx Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the portlet takes to process requests returning a HTTP2xx response code (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average HTTP 2xx time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

See, Viewing Performance Information.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to detect the most performing portlets. If you use this metric in conjunction with the Invocations (per minute) metric, then you can identify the top performing portlet.

See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of invocations per minute for a portlet. The number of invocations is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate portlet performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the invocation rate for the portlet is high (compared with other portlets), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent processing portlet requests (in ms). Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine portlet performance. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for portlet operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Producer Type

The portlet producer type: Web or WSRP

Web portlet producer - deployed to a J2EE application server, which is often remote and communicates through Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP.

WSRP portlet producer - Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is a Web services standard that allows interoperability between a standards enabled container and a WSRP client application.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Portlets (Top 5)

Provides information about the WebCenter Portlets (Top 5) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these portlet metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of portlet invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count. Any request that fails will impact this percentage. This includes WebCenter application-related failures such as timeouts and internal errors, as well as remote/server failures such as requests returned with response codes HTTP4xx or HTTP5xx, responses with a bad content type, and SOAP faults, where applicable. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

This portlet is one of the top five, most popular portlets in this WebCenter application.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate the metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why portlet requests are failing.

Average HTTP 2xx Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the portlet takes to process requests returning a HTTP2xx response code (in ms).

This portlet is one of the top five, most popular portlets in this WebCenter application.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average HTTP 2xx time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

See, Viewing Performance Information.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to track the performance of popular portlets.

If this metric is out-of-bounds, consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts for the most popular portlets. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of invocations per minute for the portlet.

This portlet is one of the top five, most popular portlets in this WebCenter application. The number of invocations is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate portlet performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the invocation rate for the portlet is high (compared with other portlets), start by troubleshooting this portlet.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) spent processing operations for portlet.

This portlet is one of the top five, most popular portlets in this WebCenter application. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of popular portlets.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for portlet operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Metrics.

Producer Type

The portlet producer type: Web or WSRP

Web portlet producer - deployed to a J2EE application server, which is often remote and communicates through Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP.

WSRP portlet producer - Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is a Web services standard that allows interoperability between a standards enabled container and a WSRP client application.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Producers

Provides information about the WebCenter Producers metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these portlet producer metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of portlet invocations that succeeded for this producer.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

Any request that fails will impact this percentage. This includes WebCenter application-related failures such as timeouts and internal errors, as well as remote/server failures such as requests returned with response codes HTTP4xx or HTTP5xx, responses with a bad content type, and SOAP faults, where applicable. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate the metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why producer requests are failing.

Average HTTP 2xx Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time that all portlets from this producer take to process requests returning a HTTP2xx response code (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average HTTP 2xx time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

See, Viewing Performance Information.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to detect the most performing producers. If you use this metric in conjunction with the Invocations (per minute) metric, then you can identify the top-performing producer.

See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of invocations per minute for a producer. The number of invocations is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate producer performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the invocation rate for the producer is high (compared with other producers), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent processing operations for a particular portlet producer (in ms). Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of portlet producers. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for producer operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Producer Type

The portlet producer type: Web or WSRP

Web portlet producer - deployed to a J2EE application server, which is often remote and communicates through Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP.

WSRP portlet producer - Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is a Web services standard that allows interoperability between a standards enabled container and a WSRP client application.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Producers (Top 5)

Provides information about the WebCenter Producers (Top 5) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these portlet producer metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of producer invocations that succeeded.


Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

This producer is one of the top five, most popular producers in this WebCenter application.

Any request that fails will impact this percentage. This includes WebCenter application-related failures such as timeouts and internal errors, as well as remote/server failures such as requests returned with response codes HTTP4xx or HTTP5xx, responses with a bad content type, and SOAP faults, where applicable. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate the metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why producer requests are failing.

Average HTTP 2xx Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time that all portlets from this producer take to process requests returning a HTTP2xx response code (in ms).

This producer is one of the top five, most popular producers in this WebCenter application.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average HTTP 2xx time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

See, Viewing Performance Information.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to track the performance of popular producers.

If this metric is out-of-bounds, consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts for the most popular producers. Navigate to the application's main metric page where additional metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of invocations per minute for this producer.

This producer is one of the top five, most popular producers in this WebCenter application.

The number of invocations is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate producer performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this producer is high (compared with other producers), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) spent processing operations for this producer. Maximum processing times for individual HTTP request types are also available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

This producer is one of the top five, most popular producers in this WebCenter application.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the top five producers. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for producer operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Portlet Producer Metrics.

Producer Type

The portlet producer type: Web or WSRP

Web portlet producer - deployed to a J2EE application server, which is often remote and communicates through Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP.

WSRP portlet producer - Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) is a Web services standard that allows interoperability between a standards enabled container and a WSRP client application.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Announcements

Provides information about the WebCenter Announcements metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Announcements service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Announcements service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Announcement Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Announcements service invocations per minute.

The number of invocations per operation is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Announcements service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Announcement Metrics.

Average Login Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent logging in to the back-end discussions server hosting announcements (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average login time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the Login operation. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time to login is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for the Login operation (and all other operations) is available. Use the information on this page to help to determine the underlying cause of the time delay. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Announcement Metrics.

Logins (per minute)

This metric counts the number of times per minute a WebCenter user logs in to the back-end discussions server hosting announcements.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the Announcements service. You can evaluate when most logins occur, as well as the maximum and minimum usage-- which can be useful for tuning discussion server performance.

If you are experiencing performance issues outside normal peak login times, navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for all operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Announcement Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Announcements service spends processing announcement operations (in ms).

Announcement operations include: Create, List, Search, Login, Logout. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Announcements service operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for announcement operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Announcement Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Announcements service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Spaces

Provides information about WebCenter Spaces metrics.

Application Name

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of group space invocations that succeeded. Processing time is available on application's main metric page.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100% investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's group space metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the number of group space invocations per minute.

The number of invocations for this group space is available on application's group space metric page. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this group space is high (compared with other group spaces), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's group space metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information</</a>.

See also,Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

Page Throughput (per minute)

This metric shows the average number of pages accessed per minute for the group space.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the group space. You can evaluate when pages are accessed the most, as well as the maximum and minimum usage.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

Average Page Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent processing operations for a particular group space (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average page processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of a group space.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for group space operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

WebCenter Spaces (Top 5)

Provides information about WebCenter Spaces (Top 5) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these group space metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of group space invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

This group space is one of the top five, most popular group spaces in this WebCenter application.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, navigate to the application's group space metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why group space invocations are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of group space invocations per minute for a single group space. This group space is one of the top five, most popular group spaces in this WebCenter application.

The number of invocations for this group space is available on application's main metric page. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this group space is high (compared with other group spaces), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's group space metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

Page Throughput (per minute)

This metric shows the average number of pages accessed per minute for the group space. This group space is one of the top five, most popular group spaces in this WebCenter application.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the group space. You can evaluate when pages are accessed the most, as well as the maximum and minimum usage.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

Average Page Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) spent processing operations for the group space.

This group space is one of the top five, most popular group spaces in this WebCenter application. Processing times for all group spaces is available on application's group space metric page. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average page processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the five most popular group spaces.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for group space operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's group space metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring WebCenter Spaces Information.

See also, Analyzing Group Space Metrics.

WebCenter Content Repositories

Provides information about WebCenter Content Repository metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these content repository metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Documents service invocations that succeeded for this content repository.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Average Get Item Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent selecting and displaying items, such as a document or image, in Content Presenter task flows.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing metrics that are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for Content Presenter operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Get Item

This metric indicates the number of times an item, such as a document or image, is selected or displayed in Content Presenter task flows.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing metrics that are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

If you are experiencing performance issues and the number of Get Item operations is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Total Get Item Time (ms)

This metric indicates the total time spent selecting and displaying items, such as a document or image, in Content Presenter task flows.

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate application performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total time spent on Get Item operations is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Documents service invocations per minute for this content repository.

The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this content repository is high (compared with other content repositories), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Average List Folder Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time Content Presenter task flows spend listing folders stored in a content repository.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing metrics that are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for Content Presenter operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

List Folder

This metric indicates the number of times folder content is displayed through Content Presenter task flows.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing metrics that are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

If you are experiencing performance issues and the number of List Folder operations is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Total List Folder Time (ms)

This metric indicates the total time Content Presenter task flows spend listing folders stored in a content repository.

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate application performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total time spent listing folders in Content Presenter task flows is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Average Login Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent logging in to the content repository (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average login time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the Login operation. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time to login is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for the Login operation (and all other operations) is available. Use the information on this page to help determine the underlying cause of the time delay. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Logins (per minute)

This metric counts the number of times a WebCenter user logs in to the content repository per minute.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the content repository. You can evaluate when most logins occur, as well as the maximum and minimum usage--which can be useful for tuning content repository performance.

If you are experiencing performance issues outside normal peak login times, navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for all operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Documents service spends processing operations relating to this content repository (in ms).

Content repository operations include: Download, Upload, Login, Delete. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Document service operations, for this content repository.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for content repository operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Content Repository Metrics.

WebCenter Events

Provides information about the WebCenter events metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Group Space Events or Personal Events service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Events service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric further. Navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for individual operations is also available for group space events and personal events. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Events Metrics.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of invocations per minute for the Group Space Events or Personal Events service.

The number of invocations per operation for both group space and personal events is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Group Space Events service or the Personal Events service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Events Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Events service spends processing operations (in ms) associated with group space events or personal events.

Events operations include: Create Event, Update Event, List Event, Delete Event, Search Event. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page for both group space and personal events. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10- 15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Events service operations. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for Events operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for individual operations is also available for both group space and personal events. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Events Metrics.

WebCenter External Applications

Provides information about WebCenter External Applications metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these External Application metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of times per minute a single external application was accessed.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate application performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this external application is high (compared with other external applications), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See, Analyzing External Application Metrics.

WebCenter External Applications

Provides information about the WebCenter external applications metrics.

Application Name

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds


The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

WebCenter Discussion Forum

Provides information about the WebCenter Discussion forum metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Discussions service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Discussions service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Discussions Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Discussions service invocations per minute. The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Discussions service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Discussions Metrics.

Average Login Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent logging in to the back-end discussions server hosting discussion forums (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average login time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the Login operation. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time to login is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for the Login operation (and all other operations) is available. Use the information on this page to help to determine the underlying cause of the time delay. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Discussions Metrics.

Logins (per minute)

This metric counts the number of times per minute a WebCenter user logs in to the back-end discussions server hosting discussion forums.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the Discussions service. You can evaluate when most logins occur, as well as the maximum and minimum usage-- which can be useful for tuning discussion server performance.

If you are experiencing performance issues outside normal peak login times, navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for all operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Discussions Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Discussions service spends processing operations (in ms).

Discussions service operations include: Login, Create Forum, Create Topic, List Forums, List Topics, Search, Logout. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Discussions service operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for discussion forum operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Discussions Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Discussions service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Spaces Pages

Provides information about WebCenter spaces pages metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these page metrics apply.

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of page invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, navigate to the application's page metric page where more detailed metric data is available.

See Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why page invocations are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of page invocations per minute.

The number of invocations for this page is available on application's main metric page. See Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate page performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this page is high (compared with other pages), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's page metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

Page Throughput (per minute)

This metric shows the average number of pages accessed per minute.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the page. You can evaluate when this page is accessed the most, as well as the maximum and minimum usage.

See, Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

Average PPR Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) to refresh the partial page.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average page processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Average Page Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) to display the page.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average page processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of a page.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time to display pages is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's page metric page where more detailed metric data is available.

See, Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

WebCenter Spaces Pages (Top 5)

Provides information about WebCenter spaces pages (Top 5) metrics

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these page metrics apply.

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of page invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

This page is one of the top five, most popular pages in this WebCenter application.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, navigate to the application's page metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why page invocations are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of page invocations per minute. This page is one of the top five, most popular pages in this WebCenter application.

The number of invocations for this page is available on application's main metric page. See, Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this page is high (compared with other pages), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's page metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

Page Throughput (per minute)

This metric shows the average number of pages accessed per minute. This page is one of the top five, most popular pages in this WebCenter application.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the page. You can evaluate when pages are accessed the most, as well as the maximum and minimum usage.

Average Page Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) to display the page.

This page is one of the top five, most popular pages in this WebCenter application. Processing times for all pages is available on application's page metric page. See, Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average page processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the five most popular pages.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time to display pages is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's page metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Monitoring Page Metrics for Spaces and Monitoring Page Metrics for WebCenter Portal Applications.

WebCenter Import/Export

Provides information about WebCenter Import/Export metrics.

Application Name

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

Service Name

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

WebCenter Lists

Provides information about WebCenter Lists metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Lists service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Lists service invocations that succeeded. Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is less than 100%, navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing List Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Lists service invocations per minute. The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Lists service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing List Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Lists service spends processing list operations (in ms).

List operations include: Create List, Copy List, Delete List, Create Row, Delete Row, Update Row, Search, and Save Data. Processing times for individual operations are available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Lists service operations. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for list operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing List Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Lists service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Mail

Provides information about the WebCenter Mail metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Mail service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Mail service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Mail Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Mail service invocations per minute.

The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Mail service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Mail Metrics.

Average Login Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent logging in to the mail server that is hosting mail services (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average login time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the Login operation. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time to login is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for the Login operation (and all other operations) is available. Use the information on this page to help determine the underlying cause of the time delay. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Mail Metrics.

Logins (per minute)

This metric counts the number of times per minute a WebCenter user logins to the back-end mail server that is hosting mail services.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service.

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the Mail service. You can evaluate when most logins occur, as well as the maximum and minimum usage--which can be useful for tuning mail server performance.

If you are experiencing performance issues outside normal peak login times, navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for all operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Mail Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Mail service spends processing operations (in ms).

Mail operations include: Login, Logout, Receive, Send, Search. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Mail service operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for mail operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Mail Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Mail service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Notes

Provides information about the WebCenter Notes metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Notes service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Notes service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%), investigate this metric further. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Note Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Notes service invocations per minute.

The count includes the following Notes operations: Create, Delete, Find, Find All Notes, Save Changes, Update. The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Notes service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

Also see, Analyzing Note Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Notes service spends processing note operations (in ms).

Notes operations include: Create, Update, Find. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Notes service operations. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for note operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Note Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Notes service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Page Service

Provides information about the WebCenter Page Service metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Page service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Page service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Page Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Page service invocations per minute.

The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Page service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also Analyzing Page Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Page service spends processing operations associated with the Page service (in ms).

Page operations include: Create, Update Properties, Copy, Delete, Search. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric whilst assessing the overall performance of the Page service.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for page operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Page Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Page service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter People Connections

Provides information about the WebCenter People Connections metrics.

Application name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these People Connections service metrics apply.

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of People Connection service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%), investigate this metric further. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing People Connection Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of People Connection service invocations per minute.

The count includes the following People Connection operations: Get Profiles, Get Activities, Publish Activities, Get Messages, Get Feedback, Get Connections. The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the People Connections service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

Also see, Analyzing People Connection Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the People Connections service spends processing user operations (in ms).

People Connection operations include: Get Profiles, Get Activities, Publish Activities, Get Messages, Get Feedback, Get Connections. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of People Connection service operations. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for user operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing People Connection Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the People Connections service.

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Polls

Provides information about WebCenter Polls metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Poll service metrics apply.

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Poll service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%), investigate this metric further. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Poll Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Poll service invocations per minute.

The count includes the following Polls operations: Create Poll, Edit Poll, Delete Poll, Get Poll By ID, Submit Poll, Analyze Results. The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Polls service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

Also see, Analyzing Poll Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Polls service spends processing poll operations (in ms).

Polls operations include: Create Poll, Edit Poll, Delete Poll, Get Poll By ID, Submit Poll, Analyze Results. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Poll service operations. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for poll operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Poll Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Polls service.

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Recent Activity

Provides information about the WebCenter Recent Activity metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Recent Activity metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Recent Activities service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Recent Activity Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Recent Activities service invocations per minute.

The number of invocations is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the Recent Activities service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Recent Activity Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the total time the Recent Activities service spends processing Recent Activity operations (in ms).

Processing time is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Recent Activities service operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for recent activity operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Recent Activity Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Recent Activities service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter RSS News Feeds

Provides information about the WebCenter RSS News Feeds metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these RSS News Feed metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of RSS service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing RSS News Feed Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of RSS New Feed invocations per minute.

The number of invocations is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for RSS news feeds is high (compared with other services consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing RSS News Feed Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the RSS service spends processing operations (in ms).

Processing time is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of RSS service operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for RSS operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing RSS News Feed Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the RSS service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Instant Messaging and Presence

Provides information about the WebCenter Instant Messaging and Presence metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Instant Messaging and Presence service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service invocations that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service invocations per minute.

The number of invocations per operation is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for the IMP service is high (compared with other services), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) Metrics.

Average Login Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time spent logging in to the back-end server hosting instant messaging and presence services (in ms).

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average login time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of the Login operation. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time to login is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for the Login operation (and all other operations) is available. Use the information on this page to help determine the underlying cause of the time delay. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) Metrics.

Logins (per minute)

This metric counts the number of times a minute a WebCenter user logins to the server that is hosting instant messaging and presence services.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor typical and peak usage of the Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service. You can evaluate when most logins occur, as well as the maximum and minimum usage-- which can be useful for tuning IMP server performance.

If you are experiencing performance issues outside normal peak login times, navigate to the application's main metric page where detailed metric data for all operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service spends processing IMP operations (in ms).

IMP operations include: Get Presence, Login, Logout. Processing times for individual operations are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service operations.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for IMP operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for individual operations is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) Metrics.

Service Name

These metrics apply to the Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP) service.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

WebCenter Search

Provides information about WebCenter Search metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Search service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Search service invocations that succeeded for a particular search source.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for the search source is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Search service invocations per minute for a single search source.

WebCenter search sources include data associated with: Announcements, Documents, Discussion Forums, Group Spaces, Group Space Events, Lists, Notes, Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Pages, Wikis and Blogs, People Connections, and Tagged Items.

The number of invocations for this search source is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this search source is high (compared with other search sources), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Search service spends processing search operations (in ms) for a single search source.

WebCenter search sources include data associated with: Announcements, Documents, Discussion Forums, Group Spaces, Group Space Events, Lists, Notes, Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Pages, Wikis and Blogs, People Connections, and Tagged Items. Processing times for all search sources are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Search service operations for a single search source.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for search operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for the search source is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

WebCenter Search (Top 5)

Provides information about the WebCenter Search (Top 5) metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Search service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Search service invocations that succeeded. This search source is one of the top five most popular search sources in this WebCenter application.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

WebCenter search sources include data associated with: Announcements, Documents, Discussion Forums, Group Spaces, Group Space Events, Lists, Notes, Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Pages, Wikis and Blogs, People Connections, and Tagged Items.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%, investigate the metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for the search sources is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why search requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Search service invocations per minute for a single search source. This search source is one of the top five most popular search sources in this WebCenter application.

WebCenter search sources include data associated with: Announcements, Documents, Discussion Forums, Group Spaces, Group Space Events, Lists, Notes, Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Pages, Wikis and Blogs, People Connections, and Tagged Items.

The number of invocations for this search source is available on application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this search source is high (compared with other search sources), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time (in ms) the Search service spends processing search operations for a single search source. This search source is one of the top five, most popular search sources in this WebCenter application.

WebCenter search sources include data associated with: Announcements, Documents, Discussion Forums, Group Spaces, Group Space Events, Lists, Notes, Oracle Secure Enterprise Search, Pages, Wikis and Blogs, People Connections, and Tagged Items. Processing times for all search sources are available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine search performance for the five most popular search sources.

If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for search operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data for all search sources is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Search Metrics.

WebCenter BPEL Worklists

Provides information about the WebCenter BPEL worklists metrics.

Application Name

This metric identifies the WebCenter application to which these Worklists service metrics apply.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

No action required.

Successful Invocations (%)

This metric indicates the percentage of Worklists service invocations, for this BPEL worklist, that succeeded.

Successful Invocations (%) is equal to the number of successful invocations divided by the invocation count.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

If Successful Invocations (%) is below 100%), investigate this metric in more detail. Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is also available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Worklist Metrics.

You can also check the diagnostic logs to establish why service requests are failing.

Invocations (per minute)

This metric indicates the total number of Worklists service invocations per minute for a single BPEL worklist. The number of invocations is available on the application's main metric page. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate this metric. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the metric is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to monitor minimum, typical, and peak usage, and to evaluate service performance under peak load conditions. You can use this information to assess whether additional resources or hardware are required for scalability.

If you are experiencing performance issues and the total number of invocations per minute for this BPEL worklist is high (compared with other worklists), consider prioritizing troubleshooting efforts in this area.

Navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Worklist Metrics.

Average Processing Time (ms)

This metric indicates the average time the Worklists service spends processing operations relating to this BPEL worklist (in ms).

Processing time is available on application's main metric page where detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

The last 10-15 minutes of data is used to calculate the average processing time. If 10-15 minutes of data is not yet available, the average is calculated over the collection period (until 10-15 minutes is reached). Metric collection starts when the application first starts up and continues indefinitely providing that metrics are requested by the client (Enterprise Manager or WLST). Metric collection stops temporarily if no metric requests are detected over a long period of time and will restart when the client next requests metrics. In this instance, the metric shows data for the delta period since metric collection stopped (until 10-15 minutes is reached).

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 300 Seconds

User Action

Use this metric to determine the performance of Worklists service operations, for this BPEL worklist. If this metric is out-of-bounds (the average time for worklist operations is increasing or higher than expected), navigate to the application's main metric page where more detailed metric data is available. See, Viewing Performance Information.

See also, Analyzing Worklist Metrics.