K Using RepManager Utility

This appendix describes the RepManager utility. In particular, this appendix covers the following:


RepManager is a utility that enables you to create, upgrade, and drop Oracle Management Repository. This utility is available in the Oracle home of Oracle Management Service (OMS):

For UNIX operating systems:


For Microsoft Windows operating systems:


This utility is invoked by Repository Configuration Assistant while installing a complete Enterprise Manager system, and by Repository Upgrade Configuration Assistant while upgrading to Enterprise Manager 11g. For information about these Configuration Assistants, see What Are Configuration Assistants?.


Before you start using the RepManager utility, ensure that you meed the following prerequisites:

  • Ensure that the environment variable ORACLE_HOME is explicitly set. To verify whether it is already set, run the following command:

    echo $ORACLE_HOME

  • To connect to Oracle Management Repository (Management Repository), pass either <repository_database_host> <repository_database_port> <repository_database_sid> or -connectString <db_connect_string>.

    For example, the connect string can


Supported Actions and Commands

Table K-1 shows the list of actions and their associated commands supported by the RepManager utility. The ORACL_HOME mentioned in the commands is the Oracle home of the OMS.

Table K-1 Actions and Commands Supported by RepManager

Action Command Example


$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager <repository_database_host> <repository_database_port> <repository_database_sid> -dbUser sys -dbPassword <sys password> -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword <password of sysman user> -action create -mwHome <middleware home>

$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager dadvmc0217.foo.xyz.com 1521 db3 -dbUser sys -dbPassword enter123 -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword enter123 -action create -mwHome /scratch/weblogic/middleware


$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager <repository_database_host> <repository_database_port> <repository_database_sid> -dbUser sys -dbPassword <sys password> -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword <password of sysman user> -action upgrade -mwHome <middleware home>

$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager dadvmc0217.foo.xyz.com 1521 db3 -dbUser sys -dbPassword enter123 -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword enter123 -action upgrade -mwHome /scratch/weblogic/middleware


$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager <repository_database_host> <repository_database_port> <repository_database_sid> -dbUser sys -dbPassword <sys password> -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword <password of sysman user> -action preupgrade -mwHome <middleware home>

$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager dadvmc0217.foo.xyz.com 1521 db3 -dbUser sys -dbPassword enter123 -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword enter123 -action preupgrade -mwHome /scratch/weblogic/middleware


$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager <repository_database_host> <repository_database_port> <repository_database_sid> -reposName sysman -reposPassword <password of sysman user> -action transx -mwHome <middleware home>

$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager dadvmc0217.foo.xyz.com 1521 db3 -reposName sysman -reposPassword enter123 -action transx -mwHome /scratch/WLS/middleware


$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager <repository_database_host> <repository_database_port> <repository_database_sid> -dbUser sys -dbPassword <sys password> -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword <password of sysman user> -resume retry -checkpointLocation <directory where schemamanager stores checkpoints> -mwHome <middleware home>

$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager dadvmc0217.foo.xyz.com 1521 db3 -dbUser sys -dbPassword enter123 -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword enter123 -resume retry -checkpointLocation /scratch/weblogic/middleware/oms11g/sysman/log/schemamanager -mwHome /scratch/weblogic/middleware


$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager <repository_database_host> <repository_database_port> <repository_database_sid> -dbUser sys -dbPassword <sys password> -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword <password of sysman user> -action drop -mwHome /scratch/weblogic/middleware

Note: Ensure that there are no active SYSMAN sessions, scheduler jobs and dbms_jobs running. To ensure this, restart the database.

$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager dadvmc0217.foo.xyz.com 1521 db3 -dbUser sys -dbPassword enter123 -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword enter123 -action drop -mwHome /scratch/weblogic/middleware


$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager <repository_database_host> <repository_database_port> <repository_database_sid> -dbUser sys -dbPassword <sys password> -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword <password of sysman user> -action dropall -mwHome <middleware home> -mwOraHome <Oracle Home>

Note: Ensure that there are no active SYSMAN/SYSMAN_MDS sessions, scheduler jobs and dbms_jobs running. To ensure this, restart the database.

$<ORACLE_HOME>/sysman/admin/emdrep/bin/RepManager dadvmc0217.foo.xyz.com 1521 db3 -dbUser sys -dbPassword enter123 -dbRole sysdba -reposName sysman -reposPassword enter123 -action dropall -mwHome /scratch/weblogic/middleware -mwOraHome /scratch/weblogic/middleware/oms11g


RepManager 11.1 supports -action dropall (drops SYSMAN as well as SYSMAN_MDS) and -action drop (drops only SYSMAN). However, RepManager supports -action drop (drops only SYSMAN).