13 Installing Oracle Management Agent Using agentDownload Script

This chapter explains how you can install Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) using the agentDownload script. In particular, this section covers the following:


This installation method is not supported on Solaris 11 x86-64, and Solaris 11 SPARC (64-bit). To install Oracle Management Agent on these platforms, follow the silent response file method described in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide.


The agentDownload script is a script that helps you install Management Agents on destination hosts, silently without having to use the GUI screens of Enterprise Manager Grid Control. The script is available on the source host where Oracle Management Service (OMS) is installed, and it is run from the destination host where the Management Agent needs to be installed.

This installation type is best suited when you want to install additional Management Agents on the destination hosts, from the destination hosts itself without having to access the source host, and without having to use the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console.

The following are the basic differences between Agent Deployment Wizard and agentDownload Script.

  • While the Agent Deployment Wizard is GUI-based, the agentDownload script is script-based. Therefore, using the script is a silent, non-GUI way of installing Management Agents.

  • While the Agent Deployment Wizard can be run from a source or destination host, the agentDownload script must be run only from a destination host.

  • While the Agent Deployment Wizard enables you to install multiple Management Agents at a time, the agentDownload script enables you to install only one Management Agent at a time.

  • The Agent Deployment Wizard pushes the software binaries from a central source location to the destination hosts. The agentDownload script pulls the software binaries from the source host to the destination hosts.


Before installing the Management Agent, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites.

If you want, you can print out this section and write 'Yes' or 'No' against each prerequisite. This will help you to track the prerequisites you have met and the prerequisites you have not met.

Table 13-1 Prerequisites for Installing Oracle Management Agent Using agentDownload Script

Requirement Description Yes/No

Hardware Requirements

Ensure that you meet the hard disk space and physical memory requirements as described in Appendix A, "Meeting Hardware Requirements".


Operating System Requirements

Ensure that you install the Management only on certified operating systems as mentioned in the Enterprise Manager Certification Matrix available on My Oracle Support.

To access this matrix, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to My Oracle Support, and click the Certifications tab.

  2. On the Certifications page, in the Certification Search region, from the Product list, select Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Agent.

  3. From the Release list, select, and click Search.


Package Requirements

Ensure that you install all the platform-specific packages as described in Appendix B, "Meeting Package, Kernel Parameter, and Library Requirements ".


User and Operating System Group Requirement

Ensure that the destination host where you want to install the Management Agent has the appropriate users and operating system groups created.

For information about creating operating system groups and users, see Appendix C, "Creating Operating System Groups and Users Requirements".


Software Availability Requirements

By default, the software for Oracle Management Agent 11g Release 1 is available on the host where Oracle Management Service 11g Release 1 is running. Note that this Management Agent software is for the platform on which the OMS is running.

Therefore, if you want to install Oracle Management Agent 11g Release 1 on a platform that is the same as the one on which the OMS is running, then you already meet this prerequisite; you do not have to take any action.

However, if you want to install Oracle Management Agent 11g Release 1 on a platform that is different from the one on which the OMS is running, then ensure that you download the Management Agent software for that platform.

For more information about downloading the Management Agent software, see Procuring Oracle Management Agent Software.


OMS Requirements

Ensure that you already have an OMS running in your enterprise because the agentDownload script needs to be downloaded from the OMS host.


Temporary Directory Space Requirements

Ensure that you allocate 400 MB of space for a temporary directory where the executables can be copied. For example, /tmp on UNIX hosts and c:\Temp on Microsoft Windows hosts.


Central Inventory Requirements

Ensure that you allocate 100 MB of space for the central inventory directory.

Also ensure that the central inventory directory is not on a shared file system.If it is already on a shared file system, then switch over to a non-shared file system by following the instructions outlined in My Oracle Support note 1092645.1.


Installation Base Directory Requirements

Ensure that the Installation Base Directory is writable and is empty.


Destination Host Requirements

Ensure that all the destination hosts have the same operating system credentials and file system structure.


/etc/hosts File Requirements

If the destination host and the host on which OMS is running belong to different network domains, then ensure that you update the /etc/hosts file on the destination host to add a line with the IP address of that host, the fully-qualified name of that host, and the short name of the host.

For example, if the fully-qualified host name is mypc.cn.company.com and the short name is mypc, then add the following line in the /etc/hosts file: mypc.cn.company.com mypc


agentDownload Script Requirements

Ensure that the agentDownload script is for the platform of the destination host where you want to install the Management Agent.

For example, if you want to run the script on a Linux host, then ensure that the script available on the OMS host is a script for Linux operating system.


agentDownload Script File-Protection Setting Requirements

Ensure that the execute binary is set and the script file has proper file-protection settings. You can use chmod to ensure the file has the correct privileges.


Load Balancer Requirements

If the OMS is using a load balancer, you must modify the s_omsHost and s_omsPort values in the agentDownload file.


Wget Defined in the agentDownload Script

Ensure that the wget software has been defined in the agentDownload script. The script checks for the existence of wget in /usr/local/bin/wget, followed by /usr/bin/wget.

If wget is not found in these locations, then it must be included in the $PATH or the script will exit with an error.


Environment Variable Settings

Ensure that the AGENT_INSTALL_PASSWORD environment variable is set in the environment if the Management Agent is uploading to a secure and locked OMS.

Alternatively, you can secure the Management Agent by running the following command from the Oracle home of the Management Agent:

<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl secure agent <password>


Installing User Requirements

If the central inventory owner and the user installing the Management Agent are different, then ensure that they are part of the same group.

Also ensure that the inventory owner and the group to which the owner belongs have read and write permissions on the inventory directory.

For example, if the inventory owner is user1, and user installing the Management Agent is user2, then ensure that user1 and user2 belong to the same group, and they have read and write access to the inventory.


Permission Requirements

  • Ensure that you have read, write, and execute permissions on oraInventory on all remote hosts. If you do not have these permissions on the default inventory (typically at /etc/oraInst.loc) on any remote host, then you can specify the path to an alternative inventory location by using the -i <location> option in the Additional Parameters section.

    For information about oraInventory permissions, see What Is Oracle Inventory Directory?.

  • Ensure that you have write permission on the Installation Base Directory, and write and execute permissions on the temporary directory where the executables will be copied. For example, /tmp or c:\Temp.


Oracle Inventory Location Requirements

Ensure that the Oracle Inventory (oraInventory) is not in a shared location. When you use the oraInst.loc file, ensure that the inventory location specified there is not pointing to a shared location. If it is, change it to a non-shared location.


SUDO Privilege Requirement

Ensure that you have SUDO privileges to run root.sh and /bin/sh (UNIX platforms only). You must specify the invoking user's password here.

To verify whether you have SUDO privileges to run these files, access the /etc/sudoers file and check whether you have a similar entry as shown below. If you do not see a similar entry, then add one.

<user> <hostname>=PASSWD: /home/em/agent11010/agent11g/root.sh, /bin/sh


SUDOERS File Configuration Requirements

Ensure that you configure /etc/sudoers file so that while running a command using SUDO, you are always prompted for a password.

If /etc/sudoers file is configured in such a way that SUDO never prompts for a password, then a directory with the host password as the title gets created in the invoking users home directory.


Installation Procedure

To install a Management Agent using the agentDownload script, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT and DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES parameters in the following file that is available in the Oracle home of the OMS:


    • If you want to download and install security updates, then do the following:


      Specify the credentials for the following parameters:



      Set the DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES parameter to False.

    • If you do not want to download and install security updates, then do the following:

      Set the SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT parameter to False.

      Set the DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES parameter to TRUE.

  2. On the destination host where you want to install the Management Agent, open a browser to access the OMS URL and download the agentDownload script.

    UNIX Platform Microsoft Windows Platforms
    Using Browser

    For example:


    Using Command Line

    wget http://<oms_host>:<oms_port>/agent_download/<version>/<platform>/agentDownload.<platform>

    For example:

    wget http://host1.servers.com:4889/agent_download/

    If you are using HTTPS protocol, then run the following command:

    wget https://<oms_host>:<oms_port>/agent_download/<version>/<platform>/agentDownload.<platform> --no-check-certificate

    (wget 1.10 and higher versions support the option --no-check-certificate)

    Using Browser

    For example:


    Using Command Line

    wget http://<oms_host>:<oms_port>/agent_download/<version>/<platform>/agentDownload.vbs

    For example:

    wget http://host1.servers.com:4889/agent_download/

  3. Run the agentDownload script on the destination host using the following command. For other options you can use with the command, see Table F-1.

    UNIX Platform Microsoft Windows Platforms
    ./agentDownload.<platform> -b <absolute_path_to_installation_base_directory> -m <OMS_Host> -r <OMS_port>
    For example:
    ./agentDownload.linux -b /john/OracleHomes -m host1.servers.com -r 4889
    cscript.exe agentDownload.vbs b <absolute_path_to_installation_base_directory> m <OMS_Host> r <OMS_port>
    For example:
    cscript.exe agentDownload.vbs b C:\scratch\OracleHomes m host1.servers.com r 4889


  • If the installation fails, then review the log files described in Appendix L, "Installation and Configuration Log Files".

  • If the installation base directory does not exist, then it is created during the installation. If it exists, then ensure that it is empty. If the variable is not set, then the script exits with an error.

After You Install

After you install the Management Agent, follow these steps outlined in After You Install.