18 Introduction to Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration

This chapter introduces you to Enterprise Manager advanced configuration and provides basic information about your Enterprise Manager installation. It describes the directory structure and how to make Enterprise Manager accessible to all your users.

After you review this chapter, you can move on to the other advanced configuration tasks described in this manual.

Specifically, this chapter includes the following topics:

Types of Advanced Configuration Tasks

Enterprise Manager is designed to install easily with a set of standard configuration settings so you can get up and running with the software quickly.

However, Oracle realizes that hardware and software management requirements vary dramatically among business enterprises. As a result, Enterprise Manager can be reconfigured after installation so you can:

  • Implement Enterprise Manager security and firewall features.

  • Enable End-User Performance Monitoring for your Web applications.

  • Reconfigure Enterprise Manager components when you need to modify the topology of your network environment.

  • Maintain and troubleshoot the Enterprise Manager components as your business grows.

Understanding the Enterprise Manager Directory Structure

Before you perform maintenance and advanced configuration tasks, you must be familiar with the directories and files that are copied to disk when you install Enterprise Manager. Understanding where specific files are located can help you if you need to troubleshoot installation or configuration problems.

The directories and files installed by Enterprise Manager vary, depending upon the installation options you select during the Enterprise Manager installation. The location of Enterprise Manager files and directories also varies slightly when Enterprise Manager is installed as part of an Fusion Middleware or Oracle Database 11g installation.

Use the following sections to become familiar with the directories that are created on your disk when you install Enterprise Manager:

Understanding the Enterprise Manager Directories Installed with Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g Release 1

When you install Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 11g Release 1 , you can select from four installation types. All of these installation types, except the Oracle Management Agent installation type, install the Oracle Management Service.

When you install the Oracle Management Service, you actually install three Oracle home directories:

  • Oracle Management Service home directory

  • Middleware WebTier home directory

  • Middleware Common home directory

  • Oracle Management Service Instance home directory

  • Oracle Management Agent home directory

About the Oracle Management Service Home Directory

The Oracle Management Service is a J2EE application that is installed and deployed using the Oracle WebLogic Server.

The installation procedure installs the Enterprise Manager components within the Grid Control Home, including the Oracle Management Service.

Information about the directories that are specific to the Fusion Middleware installation can be found in the Fusion Middleware documentation.

About the Oracle Management Agent Home (AGENT_HOME) Directory

In addition to the Oracle Management Service home directory, the installation procedure installs the Oracle Management Agent that is used to gather management data and perform administration tasks for the targets on the Oracle Management Service host.

The Oracle Management Agent is installed in a separate Oracle home directory which is at the same level as the Fusion Middleware home directory.

Summary of the Important Directories in the Oracle Management Service Home

Figure 18-1 shows some of the important directories you should be familiar with in a typical Grid Control installation. You can use this information as you begin to maintain, troubleshoot, and configure the Oracle Management Service installation.

Figure 18-1 Directory Structure in the Management Service Home

This figure shows the directories installed with Grid Control 11.1.

Table 18-1 describes in more detail the Oracle Management Service directories shown in Figure 18-1. In the table, ORACLE_HOME refers to the Oracle Management Service home directory in which the Oracle Management Service is installed and deployed.

Table 18-1 Important Directories in the Management Service Oracle Home

Directory Description


The bin directory in the Management Service home contains commands used to control the components of the Grid Control installation.


The sysman directory in the Management Service home contains the system management files associated with this Grid Control installation.


The config directory contains Management Service configuration files.


This directory contains log files for the Oracle Management Service. The repository log files are under sysman/log/schemamanager.


The emd directory contains information about targets discovered on hosts.

Understanding the Enterprise Manager Directories Installed with the Management Agent

The Oracle Management Agent is installed automatically when you install Oracle Management Service. This local instance of the Oracle Management Agent gathers management information about the targets on the Oracle Management Service host. You can then manage those targets, such as the host itself, from the Grid Control Console.

You can install additional Oracle Management Agents using different installation methods. This enables you to install the Oracle Management Agent on the hosts throughout your enterprise. The Oracle Management Agent can then gather management data about the targets on each host so those targets can be managed from the Grid Control Console.

When you select the Additional Oracle Management Agent installation type, you install only the files required to run the Oracle Management Agent.

Specifically, the Oracle Management Agent files are installed into the same directory structure shown in the agent directory when you install the Oracle Management Service (Figure 18-1).

The directory that contains the files required to run the Oracle Management Agent is referred to as the AGENT_HOME directory. For example, to start or stop an Oracle Management Agent, you use the emctl command located in the bin directory of the AGENT_HOME. Similarly, to configure the log files for the Oracle Management Agent, you modify the configuration files in the sysman/config directory of the AGENT_HOME.

Summary of the Important Directories in the Oracle Management Agent Home

Table 18-2 describes some of the important subdirectories inside the AGENT_HOME directory.

Table 18-2 Important Directories in the AGENT_HOME Directory

Directory Description


The agent directory contains all the files required to configure and run the Oracle Management Agent on this host.

The default AGENT_HOME location is at the same level as the Middle Ware home.

This directory serves as the Oracle Home for the Oracle Management Agent.


The agent/bin directory in the Grid Control Home contains the emctl command that controls the Oracle Management Agent for this host.

You use the following emctl commands in this directory to start and stop the Oracle Management Agent on this host:

<agent_home>/bin/emctl start agent
<agent_home>/bin/emctl stop agent


This directory contains the files used by the Oracle Management Agent to define target types (such as databases, hosts, and so on), to run configuration scripts, and other administrative tasks.


This directory contains the configuration files for the Oracle Management Agent. For example, this is where Enterprise Manager stores the emd.properties file. The emd.properties file defines settings such as the Oracle Management Service upload URL for this particular agent.


This directory contains the log files for the Oracle Management Agent.


For real application clusters, this directory contains all configuration, log files, and system files.

Understanding the Oracle Management Agent Directory Structure on Windows

When you install the Oracle Management Agent on a Windows system, the directory structure of the AGENT_HOME directory is the same as the directory structure for installations on a UNIX system.

For example, if you installed the Oracle Management Agent in the E:\oracle\em11gAgent directory of your Windows system, you can locate the emctl command for the Oracle Management Agent on a Windows system, by navigating to the following directory:

$PROMPT> E:\oracle\em11gAgent\bin

Identifying the Oracle Home When Using the emctl Command

When you install Grid Control, Fusion Middleware, or Oracle Database, the resulting directory structure can often include multiple subdirectories with the same name. For example, you can have a bin directory within the AGENT_HOME directory. Use the emctl command within the AGENT_HOME/bin directory to control the Oracle Management Agent.

In addition, you can have a bin directory within the Oracle Management Service Oracle home. Use the emctl command in this directory to control the Oracle Management Service.

To quickly identify the Oracle home that is controlled by the files in a particular bin directory, use the following command:

$PROMPT> emctl getemhome

This command displays the path to the current Oracle home that will be affected by commands executed by this instance of the emctl command.

Enabling Enterprise Manager Accessibility Features

As part of the effort to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible and usable to the disabled community, Enterprise Manager offers several features that make management data available to users of assistive technology.

To enable these features and provide for full accessibility, you must modify two configuration settings, which are described in the following sections:

Enabling Enterprise Manager Accessibility Mode

Enterprise Manager takes advantage of user interface development technologies that improve the responsiveness of some user operations. For example, when you navigate to a new record set in a table, Enterprise Manager does not redisplay the entire HTML page.

However, this performance-improving technology is generally not supported by screen readers. To disable this feature, and as a result, make the Enterprise Manager HTML pages more accessible for disabled users, use the following procedure.

  1. Locate the uix-config.xml configuration file.

    To locate the uix-config.xml file in a Grid Control installation, change directory to the following location in the Oracle Management Service home:

  2. Open the uix-config.xml file using a text editor and locate the following entry:

    <!-- An alternate configuration that disables accessibility features  -->
  3. Change the value of the accessibility-mode property from inaccessible to accessible.

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Restart the Oracle Management Service.

Providing Textual Descriptions of Enterprise Manager Charts

Throughout Enterprise Manager, charts are used to display performance data. For most users, these charts provide a valuable graphical view of the data that can reveal trends and help identify minimum and maximum values for performance metrics.

However, charts do not convey information in a manner that can be read by a screen reader. To remedy this problem, you can configure Enterprise Manager to provide a complete textual representation of each performance chart. By default, support for the textual representation of charts is disabled. When textual description for charts is enabled, Enterprise Manager displays a small icon for each chart that can be used as a drill-down link to the textual representation.

Figure 18-2 shows an example of the icon that displays beneath Enterprise Manager charts when you have enabled the textual representation of charts.

Figure 18-2 Icon Representing the Textual Representation of a Chart

Description of Figure 18-2 follows
Description of "Figure 18-2 Icon Representing the Textual Representation of a Chart"

To enable the drill-down icon for the textual representation of charts:

  1. Locate the web.xml configuration file.

    To locate the web.xml file in a Grid Control installation, change directory to the following location in the Oracle Management Service home:

  2. Open the web.xml file with your favorite text editor and locate the following six lines of the file:

    <!-- Uncomment this to enable textual chart descriptions
  3. Remove comments from this section by deleting the first line and the last line of this section so that the section consists of only these 4 lines:

  4. Save and exit the file.

  5. Restart the Oracle Management Service.