21 Upgrading to Enterprise Manager 11g

This chapter describes how you can use silent mode to upgrade Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 4 ( or higher to Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control Release 1 (, and how you can upgrade Oracle Management Service 10g Release 4 ( to Oracle Management Service 11g Release 1 (

In particular, this chapter covers the following:


If Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 4 ( or higher has add-ons installed, then do NOT follow the instructions outlined in this chapter. Instead, follow the instructions outlined for upgrading Enterprise Manager Grid Control with add-ons installed in Part V, "Upgrading Enterprise Manager System".

And if you want to upgrade standalone Management Agents, then see the upgrade chapters described in Part VI, "Upgrading Oracle Management Agent".


If you have Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 1 (10.1) or Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 3 ( or lower, then you must first upgrade or patch them to Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 4 ( or higher, before upgrading them directly to Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control Release 1 ( For information about upgrading or patching them to Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 4 ( or higher, see My Oracle Support note 1076420.1.

After upgrading or patching them to Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control Release 4 ( or higher, follow the instructions outlined in this chapter to upgrade them to Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control Release 1 (


You can upgrade an existing Enterprise Manager Grid Control or Oracle Management Service (OMS) in silent mode using the response file upgrade.rsp. Using the response file is only an alternative to using the GUI-rich screens offered by the installer to upgrade a previous release of Enterprise Manager Grid Control. The response file captures all the required information that the installer captures, and performs exactly the same function as the installer. This is an out-of-place upgrade where the Oracle homes of the previous release are left intact and new Oracle homes for 11g Release 1 are created.

The following are the functions performed by the response file:

  • Upgrades Oracle Management Service 10g Release 4 ( or higher

  • Upgrades Oracle Management Agent 10g Release 4 ( or higher that was installed by default with Oracle Management Service 10g Release 4 (

  • Installs Oracle Web Tier 11g Release 1


If you have multiple OMSes connecting to one Management Repository, stop all the OMSes and upgrade the first OMS using the installer. When you upgrade the first OMS, the installer also upgrades the Management Repository, and since the other OMSes connect to the same Management Repository, they must also be stopped.

Stopping the Management Agents is not mandatory, and as a result, there may be an increase in the number of Agent-related log files. However, this is harmless and can be ignored.

Once that OMS is upgraded, invoke the installer again, and select and upgrade all other OMSes, which connect to the same Management Repository, so that they are upgraded simultaneously. Ensure that Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2 (Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 Patch Set 1) is installed on every host where the OMS is being upgraded. For information on installing Oracle WebLogic Server, see My Oracle Support note 1063762.1.

This upgrade process does NOT do the following:

  • Does NOT upgrade Oracle Management Agent 10g Release 4 ( or higher that was NOT installed by default with Oracle Management Service 10g Release 4 (

    To upgrade such Management Agents, use the Agent Upgrade Wizard available in the Grid Control console.

  • Does NOT upgrade your existing Oracle Database where the Management Repository is configured.

    To upgrade such databases, use the database upgrade tool. For more information, on the upgrade tool, see the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide available at:


Before You Begin

If you are upgrading the installation type Enterprise Manager Grid Control Using a New Database or Enterprise Manager Grid Control Using an Existing Database of 10g Release 4 ( or higher, then before you begin, keep in mind the points described in Before You Begin.

If you are upgrading the installation type Additional Oracle Management Service of 10g Release 4 ( or higher, then meet the prerequisites described in Before You Begin.


Before upgrading to Enterprise Manager 11g in silent mode, ensure that you meet the following prerequisites.

If you want, you can print out this section and write 'Yes' or 'No' against each prerequisite. This will help you to track the prerequisites you have met and the prerequisites you have not met.

Table 21-1 Prerequisites for Upgrading to Enterprise Manager 11g in Silent Mode

Requirement Description Yes/No

Basic Prerequisites

The basic prerequisites for upgrading Enterprise Manager Grid Control depend on the installation type that is being upgraded.

  • If you are upgrading the installation types Enterprise Manager Grid Control Using a New Database or Enterprise Manager Grid Control Using an Existing Database of 10g Release 4 ( or higher, then meet the prerequisites described in Prerequisites. One of the most important prerequisite is to install Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2 (Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 Patch Set 1).

    Important: In Prerequisites, one of the prerequisites is to ensure that the existing database does not have any Management Repository configured. However, for upgrade, ignore this prerequisite because while upgrading, the existing Management Repository will be reused.

  • If you are upgrading the installation type Additional Oracle Management Service of 10g Release 4 ( or higher, then meet the prerequisites described in Prerequisites. One of the most important prerequisite is to install Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.2 (Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 Patch Set 1).


Existing Management Repository

Ensure that the existing, certified Oracle Database already has a Management Repository configured, and that the Management Repository is compatible with Oracle Management Service 11g Release 1 (11.1). For more information, refer to My Oracle Support note 412431.1.


Existing Database Backup and OMS Backup Requirements

Ensure that you back up the existing, certified Oracle Database (which houses the Management Repository), the Oracle home of the OMS, the Oracle home of the Management Agent (which was installed along with the OMS), and the Oracle Inventory directory. This helps you maintain a copy of the database, the Oracle home, and the inventory details that were existing before the environment was upgraded, and it naturally offers the scope to revert to it whenever you want.


Database Partitioning Requirements

Ensure that the existing Oracle Database, which houses the Management Repository, has the Partitioning Option enabled (therefore, ensure that you install it into Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.)

To verify this, connect to the database as SYSDBA and run the following query:

SQL> select value from v$option where parameter = 'Partitioning';

The result of this query should be VALUE=TRUE. No additional partitioning license is required for the database that houses the Management Repository.


Database Partition Maintenance Requirements

If the Enterprise Manager system that you are about to upgrade was shut down for a long period of time, then you will not have partitions created in the existing, certified Oracle Database, which houses the Management Repository, to load new data. Therefore, under such circumstances, do the following:

  1. Log in to the database as SYSMAN and run the following command:

    execute emd_maintenance.analyze_emd_schema('SYSMAN');


  2. Restart the OMS from its Oracle home:

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms


Database and Listener Status Requirements

Ensure that the existing, certified Oracle Database and its listener are running.


Valid Objects Requirements

Ensure that you do have only valid SYSMAN and SYS objects in the existing, certified Oracle Database.

  • To verify whether there are only valid SYSMAN objects, log in to the database as SYS and run the following command:

    select object_name, object_type from all_objects where owner='SYSMAN' and status <> 'VALID';

    The command must return 0 rows. However, if it returns one or more rows, then you have some invalid objects, and to turn them valid, run the following command as SYSMAN:

    @admin_recompile_invalid.sql SYSMAN

    Run this command again to ensure that all SYSMAN objects are valid. If you still have invalid SYSMAN objects, then contact Oracle Support.

    Note: The admin_recompile_invalid.sql script is in the following location of the Oracle home of the OMS:


  • To verify whether there are only valid SYS objects, log in to the database as SYS and run the following command:

    select object_name, object_type from all_objects where status<>'VALID' and object_name like 'DBMS%';

    The command must return 0 rows. However, if it returns one or more rows, then you have some invalid objects, and to turn them valid, recompile them by running the following command:

    alter <object type> <object name> compile;

    For example,

    If the object_type is mypackage and the object_name is foo, then run the following command:

    alter mypackage foo compile;

    Run this command again to ensure that all the packages are valid. If you still have invalid packages, then contact Oracle Support.


DBMS Jobs and DBMS Scheduler Status Requirements

Ensure that your stop the DBMS Jobs and the DBMS scheduler in the existing, certified Oracle Database. To do so, log in to the database as SYS:

  1. Write down the value of job_queue_processes by running the following command:

    select a.instance_name as sid, b.value as jobqueue from gv$instance a, gv$parameter b where a.inst_id = b.inst_id and b.name='job_queue_processes';

  2. Stop the DBMS JOBS by running the following command:

    execute emd_maintenance.remove_em_dbms_jobs;

    alter system set job_queue_processes=0 SID='*';


    Note: This will allow the currently running jobs to finish, but will not allow any new jobs to be started.

  3. Ensure that there are no active jobs by running the following:

    select l.id2 job, l.sid, to_char(last_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24.MI.SS') last_date, to_char(this_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY:HH24.MI.SS') this_date, l.inst_id instance from sys.job$ j, gv$lock l where l.type = 'JQ' and j.job (+) = l.id2 order by 5, 4;

  4. Stop the DBMS Scheduler by running the following command:

    execute dbms_scheduler.set_scheduler_attribute('SCHEDULER_DISABLED','TRUE');

  5. Ensure that there were no active schedulers running by waiting until the following query returns 0:

    select count(*) from dba_scheduler_running_jobs where SLAVE_PROCESS_ID IS NOT NULL;


Gather Statistics Job Status Requirements

Ensure that you stop the Gather Statistics job that is running in the existing, certified Oracle Database. To do so, log in to the database as SYS and run the following commands:

For Oracle Database 10g ( or higher

execute dbms_scheduler.disable('GATHER_STATS_JOB',TRUE);

execute dbms_scheduler.stop_job('GATHER_STATS_JOB',TRUE);

For Oracle Database 11g ( or higher

execute dbms_auto_task_admin.disable('auto optimizer stats collection',null,null);


User Privilege Requirements

Ensure that SYSMAN and DBSNMP users have EXECUTE privileges to access the DBMS_RANDOM package in the existing, certified Oracle Database. To verify whether the users have EXECUTE privileges, run the following query. When you run this query for the SYSMAN user, the <user_account_name> must be SYSMAN, and when you run it for the DBSNMP user, the <user_account_name> must be DBSNMP.

SQL> SELECT grantee, grantor, owner, table_name
WHERE table_name = 'DBMS_RANDOM'
AND privilege = 'EXECUTE'
AND grantee IN
SELECT DISTINCT granted_role
START WITH grantee = '<user_account_name>'
CONNECT BY PRIOR granted_role=grantee
SELECT '<user_account_name>'
FROM dual
FROM dual

If these users do not have EXECUTE privileges, then grant them the privileges by running the following command. When you run this command for granting the privileges for the SYSMAN user, the <user_account_name> must be SYSMAN, and when you run it for the DBSNMP user, the <user_account_name> must be DBSNMP.



Environment Variable Setting Requirements

Ensure that the environment variable ORACLE_HOME is set to the Oracle home of the OMS.

For example, in Cshell, set it in the following way:

setenv ORACLE_HOME /home/OraHomes/oms10g

For example, in bash shell, set it in the following way:

export ORACLE_HOME= /home/OraHomes/oms10g


OMS and Grid Control Process Status Requirements

Ensure that you shut down all the running processes (OPMN, DCM, and so on) and also all the OMSes, which are connecting to the same Management Repository. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Run the following commands from each of the Oracle homes of the OMS:

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms
  • Run the following command from each of the Oracle homes of the Management Agent:

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop agent

Customization File Requirements

If there are any middle-tier customizations files that cannot be accessed using the credentials of the user account that is used for the upgrade process, then ensure that such customizations are removed or commented out. You can reapply these customizations after the upgrade is successfully completed.


Oracle Home Path Requirements

In the following file, ensure that the Oracle home path is the same as the component you are upgrading. The path must be a hardlink.



SUDO Configuration Requirements

Ensure that you configure SUDO in your environment. If you are unable to do so or if you have already upgraded any of the core components (OMS or Management Agent) without configuring SUDO, then follow the workaround described in My Oracle Support note 789363.1.


User-Defined Metric Script Definition Requirement

If you have any user-defined metric scripts in the Oracle home of a Management Agent that you are upgrading, then ensure that you manually copy all those scripts to another directory outside any Oracle home, and then update the user-defined metric definitions to reflect the new script location.

This is because, after the Management Agent is upgraded, the user-defined metric scripts are not automatically copied to the new Oracle home.



Besides the prerequisites mentioned in Table 21-1, refer to My Oracle Support note 1073166.1 for information on other upgrade-related known issues, prerequisites, and additional requirements.

Upgrade Procedure

To upgrade to Enterprise Manager 11g in silent mode, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the following response file to an accessible location on your local host:


    In this command, <Software_Location> is either <DVD> or <Software_Downloaded_Location>.

    For example,


  2. Edit the response file:

    • If you are upgrading Enterprise Manager Grid Control, then specify values for the mandatory parameters listed in Table 21-2.

    • If you are upgrading an additional OMS, then specify values for the mandatory parameters listed in Table 21-3.

  3. Invoke the installer:

    ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile <absolute_path_location>/upgrade.rsp


    • For Microsoft Windows, invoke setup.exe instead of runInstaller.

    • In Microsoft Windows, if the path to the software download location contains a subdirectory name with two or more words and a space between each of the words, then ensure that the parent directory of such a subdirectory does not contain a file whose name matches with the first word of that subdirectory.

      For example, if the software is downloaded to C:\Documents and Settings, then before you invoke setup.exe, ensure that there are no files titled Documents (for example, shortcut files such as C:\Documents) in the C:\ drive.

    • After the installation ends successfully, the OMS and the Management Agent start automatically. If you do not want them to start automatically, then invoke the installer using the START_OMS=false and b_startAgent=false arguments.

      However, if you pass the START_OMS=false argument, the installation does not configure the EMCLI tool, and as a result, none of the EMCLI commands will work. Therefore, after the installation ends, you must manually configure the EMCLI tool in the $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin directory. To do so, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface available at:


    • By default, GCDomain is the default name used for creating the WebLogic Domain.

      To override this, invoke the installer using the following command:

      ./runInstaller WLS_DOMAIN_NAME=<Custom_Domain_Name>

  4. Run the allroot.sh script from the Oracle home of the OMS (oms11g):


    For example, if you are using SUDO to change to a root user, then you will run the following command:

    /usr/local/bin/sudo /scratch/OracleHomes/oms11g/allroot.sh

Table 21-2 Response File Parameters for Upgrading Enterprise Manager Grid Control

Parameter Description


Specify the full path to the installation base directory where the existing OMS, which has to be upgraded, is installed.


  • Specify TRUE if you want to download and install security updates. Then, specify the credentials for the following parameters:



  • Specify FALSE if you do not want to download and install security updates:


  • Specify TRUE if you want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have specified False for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT.

  • Specify FALSE if you do not want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have specified TRUE for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT.


Specify the location that was specified while installing Oracle WebLogic Server. For example, u01/app/Oracle/Middleware. Ensure that the middleware location has write permission to create the Oracle home for OMS and the Oracle home for Management Agent

For example, if you accept the default location /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware, then the Oracle home for OMS is created as /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/oms11g, and the Oracle home for Management Agent is created as /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/agent11g.

For more information about this location, see What Is Oracle Middleware Home?

Note: Ensure that the Middleware Home you specify here is used only for Enterprise Manager Grid Control. Ensure that no other Oracle Fusion Middleware products or components are installed in the same Middleware Home that is designated for Enterprise Manager Grid Control.


By default, gc_inst is considered as the OMS Instance Base directory for storing all OMS-related configuration files. If you want to accept the default directory, then leave this field blank. However, if you want to have a custom directory, then specify the name of the custom directory.

Whether you accept the default directory or specify a custom one, by default, the directory is created under the parent directory of the Oracle Middleware Home. For example, if the Oracle Middleware Home is /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware, then the directory is is /u01/app/Oracle/gc_inst.

For more information about this location, see What Is Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location?.


Specify the default user name that will be used as the administrative user for the WebLogic Domain. By default, the user name is weblogic.


Specify the password for the WebLogic user account.


Confirm the password for the WebLogic user account.


Specify the node manager password.


Confirm the node manager password.


Specify the password for SYS user account.

Table 21-3 Response File Parameters for Upgrading Additional Oracle Management Service

Parameter Description


Specify the full path to the installation base directory where the existing OMS, which has to be upgraded, is installed.


  • Specify TRUE if you want to download and install security updates. Then, specify the credentials for the following parameters:



  • Specify FALSE if you do not want to download and install security updates:


  • Specify TRUE if you want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have specified False for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT.

  • Specify FALSE if you do not want to decline the security updates. In this case, you should have specified TRUE for SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT.


Specify the location that was specified while installing Oracle WebLogic Server. For example, u01/app/Oracle/Middleware. Ensure that the middleware location has write permission to create the Oracle home for OMS and the Oracle home for Management Agent

For example, if you accept the default location /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware, then the Oracle home for OMS is created as /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/oms11g, and the Oracle home for Management Agent is created as /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/agent11g.

For more information about this location, see What Is Oracle Middleware Home?.


Specify the directory where the configuration files of OMS can be created. Ensure that the directory you specify has write permission.

By default, this location is under the parent directory of the Oracle Middleware Home. For example, if the Oracle Middleware Home is <$Home>/Oracle/Middleware, then the OMS Instance Base is <$Home>/Oracle/gc_inst.

For more information about this location, see What Is Oracle Management Service Instance Base Location?.


Specify the name of the host where the Admin Server is running. Admin Server is the server that was created when you installed the first Oracle Management Service 11g Release 1.


Specify the port on which the Admin Server is running.


Specify the user name that will be used as the administrative user for the WebLogic Server Domain. By default, the user name is weblogic.


Specify the password for the WebLogic user account that was provided during the first Oracle Management Service installation.


Specify the password for SYS user account.

After You Upgrade

After you upgrade, follow these steps:

  1. Start the DBMS Jobs and the DBMS Scheduler. To do so, log in to the database as SYS and perform the following:

    1. Start the DBMS Jobs by setting the job_queue_processes to the value you recorded while stopping the DBMS Jobs as a prerequisite.

      alter system set job_queue_processes=<original_value> scope=both;

    2. Start DBMS Scheduler by running the following command:

      execute dbms_scheduler.set_scheduler_attribute ('SCHEDULER_DISABLED','FALSE');

    3. Submit the DBMS jobs by running the following command:

      execute emd_maintenance.submit_em_dbms_jobs;

  2. Start the Gather Statistics job in the existing database by running the following as SYS:

    For Oracle Database 10g ( or higher

    execute dbms_scheduler.enable('GATHER_STATS_JOB');

    For Oracle Database 11g ( or higher

    execute dbms_auto_task_admin.enable('auto optimizer stats collection',null,null);

  3. If you upgraded an additional OMS, then refresh the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain, which hosts the Enterprise Manager application, so that the configuration changes made to the domain as a result of adding an additional OMS are reflected in the Grid Control console. To refresh the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain, follow these steps:

    1. In Enterprise Manager Grid Control, navigate to the Home page for the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain that hosts the Enterprise Manager application. In most cases, the following is the direct URL to the Home page. If your domain name is not GCDomain, then replace that string with your domain name:


    2. From the WebLogic Domain menu, click Refresh WebLogic Domain.

    3. On the Refresh WebLogic Domain page, click Continue.


    This submits a WebLogic Domain Refresh job, which captures the domain configuration changes and reflects them in the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console. The job repeats itself once a day, and therefore, if you add any more additional OMSes or remove OMSes from your Enterprise Manager system in the future, this job automatically captures the configuration changes to the Oracle WebLogic Server Domain. You do NOT have to repeat this procedure every time you add an additional OMS.
  4. Remove Oracle Application Server-related targets such as Oracle Application Server, Oracle HTTP Server, OC4J, and Oracle Web Cache from the Management Repository.

    In particular, remove <OLD_OMS_NAME>, <OLD_OMS_NAME>_home, <OLD_OMS_NAME>_OC4J_EM, <OLD_OMS_NAME>_OC4J_EMPROV, <OLD_OMS_NAME>_HTTP Server, and <OLD_OMS_NAME>Web Cache.

    Table 21-4 shows how these targets might appear in Enterprise Manager Grid Control.

    Table 21-4 Removing Oracle Application Server Targets

    Target Name Target Type


    Oracle Application Server



    EnterpriseManager0.hostname.com_HTTP Server

    Oracle HTTP Server





    EnterpriseManager0.hostname.com_Web Cache

    Web Cache

    To remove these targets, log in to Enterprise Manager Grid Control, click All Targets, select for the target, and click Remove.

  5. Discover all new targets such as Scan Listener and so on either using the Enterprise Manager Grid Control console or by running the following command from the Oracle home of the Management Agent where the new targets are running:

    $<ORACLE_HOME>/bin/agentca -d

  6. In Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control, the emoms.properties file is no longer supported. To view details related to the Management Repository, run the following command:

    emctl config oms -list_repos_details

  7. (Optional) If you want to connect to another Management Repository, then shut down the OMS, run the following command, and then restart the OMS.

    emctl config oms -store_repos_details (-repos_host <host> -repos_port <port> -repos_sid <sid> | -repos_conndesc <connect descriptor>) -repos_user <username> [-repos_pwd <pwd>] [-no_check_db]


    On Linux, you need to double escape the connect descriptor using single and double quotes. However, on Microsoft Windows, you need not.

    For example, on Linux:

    emctl config oms -store_repos_details -repos_host myreposhost.mydomain.com -repos_port 12345 -repos_sid mydb -repos_conndesc '"(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myreposhost.mydomain.com)(PORT=12345))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=mydb)))"' -repos_user sysman

    For example, on Microsoft Windows:

    emctl config oms -store_repos_details -repos_host myreposhost.mydomain.com -repos_port 12345 -repos_sid mydb -repos_conndesc (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myreposhost.mydomain.com)(PORT=12345))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=mydb))) -repos_user sysman

  8. (Optional) If you want to discover the newly installed targets, if you want to convert the standalone Management Agent to a cluster-based Management Agent, if you want to discover the targets on the new nodes of the cluster, or if you want to reconfigure the cluster-based Management Agent, you must run the agentca script to reconfigure and discover all new targets.

    For information about the agentca script, see What Is Agent Configuration Assistant Used For?.

    For information about reconfiguring the Management Agent and discovering all new targets, see Appendix I, "Reconfiguring Oracle Management Agent and Discovering New Targets".

  9. (Optional) If you want to enable the Request Monitoring feature for tracing transaction requests in WLS, you need JVM Diagnostics as well as Application Dependency and Performance (ADP) managers and agents configured against the target to be monitored.

    For information about installing JVM Diagnostics and enabling the Request Monitoring feature, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administration Guide.

    For information about enabling the ADP feature in Enterprise Manager Grid Control, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Management Pack Plus for SOA.

    Both these guides are available at:


  10. Delete the old Oracle homes of OMS (oms10g) and Management Agent (agent10g). Also remove their entries, oms10g and agent10g, from the /etc/oratab file. However, do NOT delete the Oracle home of the database because it contains the upgrade schemas.