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Oracle® Adaptive Access Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 10g (

Part Number E12050-03
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A Adaptive Risk Manager User Groups

The Adaptive Risk Manager users groups can access functionality in Adaptive Risk Manager based on the roles they are assigned. The main user groups are listed as:

The roles are used to set up user roles and groups in the Application Server container. This section summarizes the main user groups, their roles, functionality and level of access in Adaptive Risk Manager.

A.1 Group #1 - CSR

Group #1 has very limited access to Adaptive Risk Manager.

Employee User Group Employee Members Group has access to these areas of Adaptive Risk Manager Notes
Group #1 CSR Group #1 has very limited access to Adaptive Risk Manager. username: csr1; password: bharosa123
    Security Dashboard - No Access  
    Dashboard- No access  
    Queries- No access  
    Admin- No access  
    Cases- CSRs have access to search, open and create CSR type cases. There are no outward facing hyperlinks in any of the screens CSRs have access to. Access to a limited list of actions. No access to bulk edit functions on search cases screen.
  1. Add Note

  2. Customer Resets

    a. Image and Phrase

  3. Challenge Questions

    a. Reset Questions

    b. Reset Question Set

    c. Unlock Customer

    d. Ask Question

New Features

  1. CSR cases - Status "open" - Search & open

  2. closed status cases - No access

  3. Expired status cases - Search Access

  4. Expired status cases - No access to open

  5. Change Auth Type - Full Access

    Environment- No access  
    Help - Full access  
    Logout- Full access  

A.2 Group #2 - CSR Manager

Groups #2 members will have the access privileges of Group #1 plus some other limited functionality elsewhere.

Employee User Group Employee Members Group has access to these areas of Adaptive Risk Manager Notes
Group #2 CSR Manager Groups #2 members will have the access privileges of Group #1 plus some other limited functionality elsewhere. username: csrm1; password: bharosa123
    Security Dashboard - No Access  
    Dashboard- No access  
    Queries- No location based queries are allowed for Group #2 users. See list of recommended queries below. Below is a list of queries available to group#2.
    Queries / User  
    Recent Logins  
    Multiple Devices  
    First Login  
    Frequent Logins  
    Multiple Failures  
    Queries / Device  
    Recent Logins  
    New Devices  
    Devices by User  
    Multiple Successful Logins  
    Users by Device  
    Multiple Failures  
    Multiple Users  
    Frequent Logins  
    Queries / Summary  
    Full Access  
    Queries / Security  
    Full Access  
    Full Access  
    Admin- No Access  
    Cases- No create agent type cases. Hide actions, log and linked/related tabs in agent cases
  1. Add Note

    a. New

    b. Pending

    c. Closed

  2. Change Status

    a. New

    b. Pending

    c. Closed

  3. Change Severity

    a. Low

    b. Medium

    c. High

  4. Temporary Allow

    a. Single login

    b. 2hrs

    c. Set End Date

  5. Cancel

  6. Customer Resets

    a. Image

    b. Phrase

    c. Image & Phrase

    d. Customer (All)

  7. Challenge Questions

    a. Unlock Customer

    b. Reset Questions

    c. Reset Question Set

    d. Next Question

    e. Ask Question

New Features

  1. CSR cases - Status "open" - Search & open Access

  2. Closed status cases - Search & open Access

  3. Expired status cases - Search & Open Access

  4. Agent cases - Search access

  5. Agent cases - No access to open

  6. Escalate a CSR case to Agent case - Full Access

  7. Link Sessions tab in agent cases with escalated status

    Environment- No access  
    Help - Full access  
    Logout- Full access  

A.3 Group #3 - CSR Investigator and Investigator

CSR Investigators and Investigators have wide access to Adaptive Risk Manager.

Employee User Group Employee Members Group has access to these areas of Adaptive Risk Manager Notes
Group #3 CSR Investigator and Investigator CSR Investigators and Investigators have wide access to Adaptive Risk Manager. username: csri1; password: bharosa123
    Dashboard- Full access  
    Security Dashboard - Full Access  
    Queries- Full access  
    Admin- Read-only  
    Cases- Full access. No access to bulk editing of cases

New Features

  1. Open & Closed status CSR cases - Search & open Access

  2. Open & Closed status Agent cases - Search & open Access

  3. Expired status cases - Search & Open Access

  4. Overdue cases - Search & Open Access

  5. Escalate a CSR case to Agent case - Full Access

  6. Extend the expiration date of cases

    Environment- No access  
    Help - Full access  
    Logout- Full access  

A.4 Group #4 - Investigation Manager

Investigation Managers have wide access to Adaptive Risk Manager.

Employee User Group Employee Members Group has access to these areas of Adaptive Risk Manager Notes
Group #4 Investigation Manager Investigation Managers have wide access to Adaptive Risk Manager. username: investm1; password: bharosa123
    Security Dashboard - Full access  
    Dashboard- Full access  
    Queries- Full access  
    Admin- Read-only  
    Cases- Full access. Full access to bulk editing of cases.

New Features

  1. Open & Closed status CSR cases - Search & open Access

  2. Open & Closed status Agent cases - Search & open Access

  3. Expired status cases - Search & Open Access

  4. Overdue cases - Search & Open Access

  5. Escalate a CSR case to Agent case - Full Access

  6. Extend the expiration date of cases - Full Access

    Environment- No access  
    Help - Full access  
    Logout- Full access  

A.5 Group #5 - Rule Administrator

Rule Admins have wide access to Adaptive Risk Manager.

Employee User Group Employee Members Group has access to these areas of Adaptive Risk Manager Notes
Group #5 Rule Administrator Rule Admins have wide access to Adaptive Risk Manager. username: ruleAdmin1; password: bharosa123
    Security Dashboard - Full Access  
    Dashboard- Full access  
    Queries- Full access  
    Admin- Full access  
    Cases- No access.  
    Environment- No access  
    Help - Full access  
    Logout- Full access  

A.6 Group #6 - Environment Administrator

Limited access to Adaptive Risk Manager. The group is responsible for system/environment administration duties.

Employee User Group Employee Members Group has access to these areas of Adaptive Risk Manager Notes
Groups #6 Env Admin Limited access to Adaptive Risk Manager to manage the server environment. The server environment includes logging, properties, and enumerations. username: envAdmin1; password: bharosa123
    Security Dashboard - No access  
    Dashboard- No access  
    Queries- No access  
    Admin- No access  
    Cases- No access  
    Environment- Full access  
    Help - Full access  
    Logout- Full access  

A.7 Group #7 - SOAP Services

The SOAP user is the credentials used to securely communicate between Adaptive Risk Manager and Adaptive Strong Authenticator (or native API).

Employee User Group Employee Members Group has access to these areas of Adaptive Risk Manager Notes
Groups #7 SOAP user Access to Adaptive Risk Manager Web services only. username: envAdmin1; password: bharosa123