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Oracle® Adaptive Access Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 10g (

Part Number E12050-03
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D Encryption Reference

A reference for encryption is provided in this appendix.

D.1 Encryption Scheme Definition

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager defines encryption schemes using the "bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum" enumeration.

A user defined enumeration is a structured set of properties, that can be treated as a list of objects. Each element in the list may contain several different attributes.

The definition of a user-defined enumeration begins with a property ending in the keyword ".enum" and has a value describing the use of the user-defined enumeration.

Each element definition then starts with the same property name as the enumeration, and adds on an element name. Each enumeration has a value of a unique integer as an ID.

The attributes of the element follow the same pattern, beginning with the property name of the element, followed by the attribute name, with the appropriate value for that attribute.

An example of an enumeration for the "DESede_db" encryption scheme is shown below.

bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum.DESede_db=22 Data Encryption Standard db
bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum.DESede_db.description=Triple Data Encryption Standard, scheme used of DB sensitive data encryption

Attributes of the encryption scheme are shown in the table below:

Attribute Description Usage
classname Implementation of the encryption algorithm. com.bharosa.common.util.cipher.AESCipher



keyRetrieval Defines how to retrieve the key for used for encryption. com.bharosa.common.util.cipher.SystemKeyRetrieval


keystoreFile Defines the location of the KeyStore file. Only applicable if the KeyStore is involved in the retrieval of the key.
passwordRetrieval Defines how the password to KeyStore and Alias are provided. com.bharosa.common.util.cipher.SystemKSPassRetrImpl


com.bharosa.common.util.cipher. WebLogicKeyStorePasswordRetrievalImpl

alias Alias in the KeyStore where the key is stored. Only applicable if the KeyStore is involved in the retrieval of the key.

The password retrieval options are shown below.

Option Description
SystemKSPassRetrImpl Reads the KeyStore and alias passwords from the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager configuration
SystemKSBase64PassRetrImpl Reads the KeyStore and alias passwords from the Oracle Adaptive Access Manager configuration and expects the passwords to be Base64 encoded
WebLogicKeyStorePasswordRetrievalImpl Reads the KeyStore and alias passwords from the WebLogic container's provided encryption service

The following schemes are provided pre-configured.

Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Scheme Algorithm Keystore Used Alias Password Retrieval
DES DES system.keystore DES SystemKSBase64PassRetrImpl
DESede DESede system.keystore DESede SystemKSBase64PassRetrImpl
DESede_config DESede system_config.keystore DESede_config_key_alias SystemKSBase64PassRetrImpl
DESede_db DESede system_db.keystore DESede_db_key_alias SystemKSBase64PassRetrImpl
AES AES system.keystore AES SystemKSBase64PassRetrImpl

An example is provided showing the "DESede_db" encryption scheme

bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum.DESede_db=22 Data Encryption Standard db
bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum.DESede_db.description=Triple Data Encryption Standard, scheme used of DB sensitive data encryption

It is possible to add new schemes using the existing methods. For example, you can use the AES algorithm, read KeyStore and alias passwords from WebLogic container encryption scheme.

Scheme definitions are flexible for adding a new encryption algorithm, algorithm key retrievals, and password retrieval methods by extending Oracle Adaptive Access Manager defined interfaces.

D.2 How the Schemes are Used

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager configuration checks the property "bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum.elem.default" to get the encryption scheme used to encrypt database fields. The default value is "DESede_db". This property is expected to have encryption scheme.

The Oracle Adaptive Access Manager configuration checks the property "bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum.elem.system" to get the encryption scheme used to encrypt database fields. The default value is "DESede_config". This property is expected to have encryption scheme.

Integration clients can use "BharosaCipher.getCipher(pEncryptionAlgorithmId)" to work with custom encryption needs. This API expects one of encryption schemes as a parameter.

D.3 Example of Defining a New Encryption Scheme and Using It

bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum.AES_WL=99 AES Scheme using WL password
bharosa.cipher.encryption.algorithm.enum.AES_WL.description= AES Encryption Standard
# Change the scheme used DB sensitive fields encryption with new scheme
# (Keystore password=test123, encrypt using WL encryption service)
# (Key password=test123, encrypt using WL encryption service)

D.4 Creating a Keystore

A KeyStore can store a key used in cryptography in a secure way. Separate passwords to the KeyStore and alias can protect unauthorized access to the key.

Creating and managing a KeyStore is an industry standard. However the "com.bharosa.vcrypt.common.util.KeyStoreUtil" class part of the package provides convenient methods to manage the KeyStore. This utility class takes care of basic KeyStore needs. For advanced needs, refer to the Java Spec.

Usage: java <OARM_INSTAL_DIR>/WEB-INF/lib/ com.bharosa.vcrypt.common.util.KeyStoreUtil <command> readFromFile=<file name>

Useful Commands

Command Description
WriteKeyToFile Write secret key from KeyStore to a file
UpdateOrCreateKeyStore Creates or updates a KeyStore with the key provided
UpdateOrCreateKeyStoreWithAutoGeneratedKey This command first generates a key based on the algorithm specified. The generated key is stored in the KeyStore
base64encode Encodes passwords using Base64
base64decode Decodes passwords using Base64


Parameter Description
keystorefilename Name of the KeyStore file to be created / updated.
keystoretype Type of KeyStore JCEKS, JKS
keystorepasswd Password of the KeyStore
keystorealias Alias Name
keystorealiaspasswd Password to access the alias
keyfile File in which the secret key is stored
algorithm Algorithm DES, DESede, DES
tobase64 Value to encode to base64
frombase64 Value to decode using base64, expects encoded value as parameter
Printencodedpasswords Prints encoded KeyStore and alias passwords along with KeyStore creation / updates.
writetofilename File name where key has to be written

D.5 Secret Key

Key used for encryption / decryption of passwords. Different algorithms have different key needs. Make sure to provide proper key based on algorithm used. To use AES with 192 or 256 key sizes, refer to JVM provider.