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Oracle® Adaptive Access Manager Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 10g (

Part Number E12050-03
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13 Configuring Database Connectivity

TopLink is an object-relational mapping (ORM) package for Java developers. Oracle Adaptive Access Manager uses TopLink for database connectivity. You must configure sessions.xml to use TopLink in order to connect to your Adaptive Risk Manager Online or Offline database.

For information on configuring your database connectivity for JDBC, refer to the "Configuring sessions.xml for JDBC" section; for information on configuring your database connectivity for JNDI, refer to the "Configuring sessions.xml for JNDI" section.

If you are using the Tomcat Web server, follow the procedure documented in the "Configuring sessions.xml for JDBC" section.

13.1 Configuring sessions.xml for JDBC

To configure sessions.xml for JDBC

  1. Copy your sample.sessions.xml reference file into a sessions.xml file. The sample.sessions.xml is located under the /WEB-INF/classes directory.

  2. Modify the following tags with the appropriate values. Refer to "sessions.xml Tags for JDBC" for more information.

13.1.1 sessions.xml Tags for JDBC

How to modify the tags is explained below.


Refer to "TopLink platform-class" for the platform specific property that you will modify the TopLink <platform-class> tag with.


If you are using an Oracle 10g driver, specify the JDBC driver class. An example in bold type is provided in the "sessions.xml File Sample for JDBC" section.


The connection URL is given as "jdbc:oracle:thin:@%hostname%:%port%:%database sid%." An example in bold type is shown in the "sessions.xml File Sample for JDBC" section below.


Specify the username for the database account.


Specify the password for the database account.


The password can be a TopLink encrypted password.

To encrypt the password, using the following command:

For Windows:

java -classpath "vcrypt.jar;toplink.jar" 
com.bharosa.vcrypt.utility.cmdline.BharosaCmdLine -toplink-password-encrypt mydbpassword


echo "mydbpassword" | $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath ./vcrypt.jar:./toplink.jar:./log4j-1.2.9.jar com.bharosa.vcrypt.utility.cmdline.BharosaCmdLine -toplink-password-encrypt 


For performance reasons, make sure that the max-connections and the min-connections are set to the same value for the <read-connection-pool> and the <write-connection-pool>.

13.1.2 sessions.xml File Sample for JDBC

For your reference, a sessions.xml file is provided below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
- <toplink-sessions version="10g Release 3 (" 
- <session xsi:type="server-session">
  <event-listener-classes /> 
  <primary-project xsi:type="xml">BharosaTLMappings.xml</primary-project> 
- <login xsi:type="database-login">
- <sequencing>
- <default-sequence xsi:type="native-sequence">
<connection-url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@%hostname%:%port%:%database sid%</connection-url> 
- <connection-pools>
- <read-connection-pool>
- <write-connection-pool>
<connection-policy /> 

JDBC String for RAC Database

The correct connection URL for RAC databases is shown below.

<connection-url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description = (address = (protocol = tcp)(host = XXhost1XX)(port = 1521))(address = (protocol = tcp)(host =XXhost2XX)(port = 1521))(load_balance = yes)(connect_data =(server = dedicated)(service_name = XXservice_nameXX)(failover_mode =(type = select)(method = basic)(retries = 100)(delay = 5)))) </connection-url>

Globalization Support for Microsoft SQL Server

To support Globalization with Microsoft SQL Server, please remove the "sendStringasUnicode= false" string from the JDBC URL.

13.2 Configuring sessions.xml for JNDI

To configure sessions.xml for JNDI

  1. Copy your sample_jndi.sessions.xml reference file into a sessions.xml file. The sample_jndi.sessions.xml file is located under the /WEB-INF/classes directory.

  2. Modify or add the following tags with the appropriate values. Refer to "sessions.xml Tags for JNDI" for more information.

13.2.1 sessions.xml Tags for JNDI

The tags to modify or add are explained below.


Modify the <platform-class> tag. Refer to "TopLink platform-class" for the platform specific property that you will modify the TopLink <platform-class> tag with.


Modify the <external-connection-pooling> tag. An example in bold type is provided in the "sessions.xml File Sample for JNDI" section.


Modify the <datasource> tag. For example,

<datasource>%datasource name%</datasource>


For a RAC database, use the RAC JDBC string for the datasource.

For another example, refer to the "sessions.xml File Sample for JNDI" section.

13.2.2 sessions.xml File Sample for JNDI

For your reference, a sessions.xml file is provided below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<toplink-sessions version="10g Release 3 ("
    <session xsi:type="server-session">
        <primary-project xsi:type="xml">BharosaTLMappings.xml</primary-project>
        <login xsi:type="database-login">
                <default-sequence xsi:type="native-sequence">

13.3 TopLink platform-class

Platform specific property that you modify the TopLink <platform-class> tag with are listed below.

13.3.1 Oracle

Oracle TopLink <platform-class> tag that you will need to modify are listed below.

Oracle - Generic


Oracle10g (

For WebLogic:


Oracle10g (

For WebLogic:



For WebLogic, use Oracle drivers with the Utility class. The WebLogic database drivers will not work with the Utility class.

13.3.2 Microsoft

SQL Server 2005
