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Oracle® Role Manager User's Guide
Release 10g (10.1.4)

Part Number E12027-02
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2 Using Oracle Role Manager

This chapter discusses the procedure to access Oracle Role Manager and will help you to familiarize yourself with the Oracle Role Manager application. This will enable you to quickly start using Oracle Role Manager. This chapter discusses the following topics:


The topics discussed in this section assume that you have installed Oracle Role Manager and loaded the sample data.

2.1 Logging In to Oracle Role Manager

To log in to Oracle Role Manager:

  1. Browse to the following URL by using a Web browser:


    In this URL, hostname represents the name of the computer hosting the application server and port refers to the port on which the server is listening. The default port number for JBoss Application Server is 8080.


    The application name, webui, is case-sensitive.

    For example:

  2. After the Oracle Role Manager login page is displayed, log in with your user name and password.


    While logging in to Oracle Role Manager, if you enter n number of incorrect passwords, then your account will be locked. Here, n is the account lockout threshold or the number of attempts to log in before the account is locked. Account lockout threshold is set by the system administrator. By default, the value of n is set to 5.

2.2 Working with the User Interface

Each page in the Oracle Role Manager user interface is divided into two panes. The left pane consists of a navigation tree that enables you to navigate through various nodes. The right pane consists of a Search For field, using which you can search for one or more records in Oracle Role Manager.


You can use the percent sign (%) as the wildcard character to perform search operations.

Depending on the navigation options that you select, the contents displayed on the left and right panes vary. Figure 2-1 shows a sample page, and the layout of most pages in Oracle Role Manager is similar to the user interface layout on this page.

Figure 2-1 Layout of the People Page

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of "Figure 2-1 Layout of the People Page"

There are some pages in the Oracle Role Manager user interface that have a layout different than the one shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-2 shows one such page.

Figure 2-2 Layout of the Locations Page

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Layout of the Locations Page"

The Oracle Role Manager user interface contains the first-level navigation bar that consists of the following options:

Figure 2-3 shows the first-level navigation bar in Oracle Role Manager.

Figure 2-3 Oracle Role Manager First-Level Navigation Bar

Description of Figure 2-3 follows
Description of "Figure 2-3 Oracle Role Manager First-Level Navigation Bar"

2.2.1 First-Level Navigation Options: Home

Home is the first option on the first-level navigation bar. It contains Outbox, which is a second-level navigation option. On the left pane, the Outbox node consists of the Transactions child node.

You can use the Outbox node to search for and view details of all transactions performed using the interface.

Figure 2-4 shows the Outbox node by using which you search for transactions. You must right-click the Transactions node to search for transactions.

Figure 2-4 Home: Second-Level Navigation Option

Description of Figure 2-4 follows
Description of "Figure 2-4 Home: Second-Level Navigation Option"

A transaction in Oracle Role Manager, is a sequence of actions (performed in the UI) that can be updated and stored multiple times before it can be submitted to the database. For example, the sequence of steps performed to create a role is a transaction. Another example is, updating and submitting a role.

A transaction can be in any one of the following statuses:

  • Pending

  • Finalized

  • Canceled

The status of a transaction is pending if the transaction is not complete. For example, if you perform a sequence of actions to update the details of an IT role but do not submit the details, then the Update IT Role transaction is said to be in the pending status. Figure 2-5 shows the status of the Update IT Role transaction.

The status of a transaction is finalized if the transaction is complete and the changes are submitted to the database. For example, if you perform a sequence of actions to enter the details to create a business role and then submit the details, then the Create Business Role transaction is said to be in the finalized status. Figure 2-5 shows the status of the Create Business Role transaction.

The status of a transaction is canceled if the transaction is not complete and the sequence of actions performed are canceled. For example, if you perform a sequence of actions to update the details of a person and then cancel the details, then the Update Person transaction is said to be in the canceled status. Figure 2-5 shows the status of the Update Person transaction.

Figure 2-5 Outbox: Transactions Page

Description of Figure 2-5 follows
Description of "Figure 2-5 Outbox: Transactions Page"

2.2.2 First-Level Navigation Options: Organizations & People

You can create, update, delete, and search cost centers, location, people, and reporting organizations by using the second-level navigation options available under Organizations & People, as shown in Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-6 Organization & People: Second-Level Navigation Options

Description of Figure 2-6 follows
Description of "Figure 2-6 Organization & People: Second-Level Navigation Options"

The first-level navigation option Organizations & People contains the following second-level navigation options:

  • Cost Centers

  • Locations

  • People

  • Reporting Organizations


In this document, entities created under each of the hierarchies (such as Cost Centers, Locations, and Reporting Organizations) are called nodes.

For example, Operations is a node under the Cost Centers hierarchy.

Right-clicking a node on the left pane of the Organizations & People page will display the menu options listed in Table 2-1. You can perform the actions listed in this table depending on the privileges you have been granted. For example, the New option is grayed out if you do not have the appropriate system privilege to create a reporting organization.

Table 2-1 Organizations & People: Shortcut Menu Options

Menu Item Action

View Details

Displays details of the node.


Creates a node.


Searches for nodes within the current node and all its child nodes.


Moves the node to another location within the node-navigation tree.

Note: This option is not available in the People view.


Changes the display of the current node to show only the parent node and hide all child nodes.


Changes the display of the current node to show all its child nodes.


Refreshes the view of the node.


Deletes the node. If the node has child nodes, then this option is grayed out.

Note: This option is not available in the People view.

You can create, modify, and delete cost centers, locations, people, and reporting organizations. To perform these procedures, you must be a member of a system role that contains the All or Manage privileges for each of the objects. See "Working with System Roles" for more information about system roles.

For example, if you want to create person records, then you must be a member of a system role that contains one of the following system privileges:

  • All for Person objects

  • Manage Person objects

Similarly, if you want to modify a reporting organization of the type country, then you must be a member of a system role that contains one of the following system privileges:

  • All for Country objects

  • Manage Country objects

This section discusses the following procedures: Creating Cost Centers, Locations, and Reporting Organizations

To create a cost center, location, or reporting organization:

  1. On the first-level navigation bar, click Organizations & People.

  2. Depending on the node that you want to create, on the second-level navigation bar, select one of the following:

    • Cost Centers

    • Locations

    • Reporting Organizations

  3. On the left pane, right-click the node within which you want to create a node and then click New.

    For example, if you want to create the South America location, then you right-click the Americas location.

    Figure 2-7 shows the menu that is displayed when you right-click the Americas location.

    Figure 2-7 Shortcut Menu That Is Displayed When You Right-Click a Location Node

    Description of Figure 2-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-7 Shortcut Menu That Is Displayed When You Right-Click a Location Node"

  4. In the dialog box that appears, select the type of node that you want to create and then click Submit.


    The list in the dialog box displays only list items for which you have the Manage or All system privilege. For example, if you have the Manage system privilege for the Country and Locality objects, then you can view only the nodes of type Country and Locality in the list displaying node types.

    For example, in the Cost Center Type box, select Division and then click Submit.

    Figure 2-8 shows the dialog box containing the Cost center Type box.

    Figure 2-8 Dialog Box for Selecting the Cost Center Type

    Description of Figure 2-8 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-8 Dialog Box for Selecting the Cost Center Type"

  5. On the Attributes tab of the New page, enter appropriate values in the fields.


    You can successfully create two or more nodes with the same display name because there are no uniqueness constraints on the Display Name field. Enter a value in the Unique Name field to uniquely identify a node in Oracle Role Manager.

    Figure 2-9 shows the Attributes tab on which sample values have been specified for creating a location of the type country.

    Figure 2-9 Attributes Tab for a New Location

    Description of Figure 2-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-9 Attributes Tab for a New Location "

  6. You cannot perform any action on the Members tab while creating a node. However, while you modify a node, the Members tab displays a list of all persons who are members of the node.

    Figure 2-10 shows the list of all persons who belong to the Consumer Marketing reporting organization.

    Figure 2-10 Members Tab for a Reporting Organization

    Description of Figure 2-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-10 Members Tab for a Reporting Organization"

  7. You cannot perform any action on the History tab while creating a node. However, while you modify a node, the History tab displays a list of events for the corresponding node.

    For example, if you update the telephone number of the Risk Management cost center, then this event is stored and displayed on the History tab. Figure 2-11 shows the History tab for the Risk Management cost center.

    Figure 2-11 History Tab for a Cost Center

    Description of Figure 2-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-11 History Tab for a Cost Center"

    In addition, by clicking the View icon in the row for an event, you can view details of the event such as the time at which the event occurred, the name of the attribute that has been modified, its original value, and its new value.

    Figure 2-12 shows a dialog box that displays details of an event.

    Figure 2-12 History Dialog Box for a Cost Center

    Description of Figure 2-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-12 History Dialog Box for a Cost Center"

  8. Click Submit.

    A message indicating that the node was created successfully is displayed. Creating People


Do not perform the procedure described in this section, if the Integration Library is installed. Creating people must be performed in provisioning systems.

A provisioning system, such as Oracle Identity Manager, is the authoritative source for people data, and this data is imported into Oracle Role Manager by using the Integration Library.

To create a person:

  1. On the first-level navigation bar, click Organizations & People.

  2. On the second-level navigation bar, click People.

  3. On the left pane, right-click the node within which you want to create a person and then click New Person.

    For example, if you want to create a person belonging to the Marketing organization, then right-click the Marketing organization and then click New Person.

    Figure 2-13 shows the menu that is displayed when you right-click the Marketing organization.

    Figure 2-13 Shortcut Menu That Is Displayed When You Right-Click a Reporting Organization Node

    Description of Figure 2-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-13 Shortcut Menu That Is Displayed When You Right-Click a Reporting Organization Node "

  4. On the Attributes tab of the New Person page, enter the appropriate values in the fields.


    You can successfully create two or more persons with the same display name because there are no uniqueness constraints on the Display Name field. Enter a value in the Unique Name field to uniquely identify a person in Oracle Role Manager.

    Figure 2-14 shows the Attributes tab on which sample values have been specified.

    Figure 2-14 Attributes Tab for a New Person Record

    Description of Figure 2-14 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-14 Attributes Tab for a New Person Record"

  5. Optionally, on the Memberships tab of the New Person page, you can:

    • Change the reporting organization to which a person belongs, by using Edit to search for and select a new reporting organization.

    • Set the location to which a person belongs, by using Move to search for and select a new location.

    • Set the cost center to which a person belongs, by using Move to search for and select a new cost center.

    Figure 2-15 shows the Memberships tab on which sample values have been specified.

    Figure 2-15 Memberships Tab for a New Person

    Description of Figure 2-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-15 Memberships Tab for a New Person"

  6. You cannot perform any action on the Relationships tab while creating a person. However, while you modify a person node on the Relationships tab:

    • To view the list of people a person is managing, select Manager of and click Filter.

    • To view the list of organizations the person is heading, select Head of Organization of and click Filter.

    • To view the list of roles the person owns, select Owner of and click Filter.

    Figure 2-16 shows the Relationships tab for a person node.

    Figure 2-16 Relationships Tab for an Existing Person

    Description of Figure 2-16 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-16 Relationships Tab for an Existing Person"

  7. Optionally, on the Business Roles tab, you can:

    • Grant static business roles by using Grant Role. See "Granting and Revoking Static Business Roles" for information about granting static business roles.

    • View details of business roles granted to the person by clicking the View icon in the row for the business role.

    • Delegate static business roles by using the Delegate icon. See "Delegating Static Business Roles" for more information about delegating static business roles.

    • Filter business roles (for reference or verification) by providing a criterion for filtering business roles and then clicking Filter.

    Figure 2-17 shows the Business Roles tab.

    Figure 2-17 Business Roles Tab for a New Person

    Description of Figure 2-17 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-17 Business Roles Tab for a New Person"

  8. Optionally, on the IT Roles tab, you can:

    • Grant IT roles by using Grant Role. See "Granting and Revoking IT Roles" for information about granting IT roles.

    • View details of IT roles granted to the person by clicking the View icon in the row for the IT role.

    • Delete IT roles mapped to a person by using the Delete icon. See "Deleting IT Roles" for more information about deleting IT role mappings.

    • Delegate IT roles by using the Delegate icon. See "Delegating IT Roles" for more information about delegating IT roles.

    • Filter IT roles (for reference or verification) by providing a criterion for filtering IT roles and then clicking Filter.

    Figure 2-18 shows the IT Roles tab.

    Figure 2-18 IT Roles Tab for a New Person

    Description of Figure 2-18 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-18 IT Roles Tab for a New Person"

  9. You cannot perform any action on the System Roles tab while creating a person. However, while you modify a person node, the System Roles tab displays a list of system roles that have been granted to the person.


    Unless the person has been granted a system role, you will not be able to view any system roles on the System Roles tab.

    Figure 2-19 shows the System Roles tab for a person node.

    Figure 2-19 System Roles Tab for an Existing Person

    Description of Figure 2-19 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-19 System Roles Tab for an Existing Person"

  10. You cannot perform any action on the History tab while creating a person record. However, while you modify a person record, the History tab displays a list of events for the person records.

    For example, if you grant an IT role to a person, then this event is stored and displayed on the History tab. Figure 2-20 shows the History tab for a person record.

    Figure 2-20 History Tab for an Existing Person

    Description of Figure 2-20 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-20 History Tab for an Existing Person"

    In addition, by clicking the View icon in the row for an event, you can view details of the event, such as the time at which the event occurred, the name of the attribute that has been modified, its original value, and its new value.

    Figure 2-21 shows a dialog box that displays details of an event.

    Figure 2-21 History Dialog Box for an Existing Person

    Description of Figure 2-21 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-21 History Dialog Box for an Existing Person"

  11. Click Submit.

    A message indicating that the person was created successfully is displayed. Modifying Cost Centers, Locations, People, and Reporting Organizations

To modify a cost center, location, person, or reporting organization:

  1. On the first-level navigation bar, click Organizations & People.

  2. Depending on the node that you want to modify, on the second-level navigation bar, select one of the following:

    • Cost Centers

    • Locations

    • People

    • Reporting Organizations

  3. On the left pane, right-click the node within which you want to search the node that has to be modified, and then click Search.

  4. On the right pane, specify the search criterion for the node that you want to modify.

    A list of all nodes that meet the search criterion is displayed.

    Figure 2-22 shows the list of people who meet the sample search criterion.

    Figure 2-22 Search Results Displayed on the People Page

    Description of Figure 2-22 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-22 Search Results Displayed on the People Page"

  5. To display the details of the node that you want to modify, click the View/Edit icon in the row for the node.

  6. Depending on the node that you want to modify, select one of the following:

  7. Click Submit.

    A message indicating that the node was updated successfully is displayed.

Unassigned Node

Person records can be loaded from external systems into Oracle Role Manager. If the organization to which a person belongs was not specified on the external system, then the person is created under the Unassigned node during the loading operation.

For example, consider the following person records that are loaded into Oracle Role Manager:

  • John Doe, Accounting, San Jose

    Because the Accounting reporting organization exists in Oracle Role Manager, this person record is created in Oracle Role Manager.

  • Jane Doe, Engineering, San Francisco

    The record is not created in Oracle Role Manager because, the Engineering reporting organization does not exist in Oracle Role Manager.

  • Richard Roe, , Oakland

    This record is created in the Unassigned node of Oracle Role Manager because no reporting organization has been specified for the person record.


You cannot modify the Unassigned node. For example, you cannot change the display name of the Unassigned node. Similarly, you cannot delete the Unassigned node. Deleting Cost Centers, Locations, and Reporting Organizations

To delete a cost center, location, or a reporting organization:

  1. On the first-level navigation bar, click Organizations & People.

  2. Depending on the node that you want to delete, on the second-level navigation bar, select one of the following:

    • Cost Centers

    • Locations

    • Reporting Organizations

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Note:

      You can delete a node only if it does not have a child node and associated memberships. For example, you cannot delete an organization that contains persons. Similarly, you cannot delete a locality that contains a building.
      1. Right-click the node that you want to delete and click Delete. Then, proceed to Step 6.

        A dialog box prompting you to confirm if you want to delete the node is displayed.

      2. Right-click the reporting organization within which you want to search the node that you want to delete, and then click Search.

  4. On the right pane, specify the search criterion for the node that you want to delete.

    A list of all nodes that meet the search criterion is displayed.

    Figure 2-23 shows the list of reporting organizations that meet the sample search criterion.

    Figure 2-23 Reporting Organizations Page

    Description of Figure 2-23 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-23 Reporting Organizations Page"

  5. Click the Delete icon in the row for the node that you want to delete.

    A dialog box prompting you to confirm if you want to delete the node is displayed.

    Figure 2-24 shows the dialog box that is displayed when you delete the France location node.

    Figure 2-24 Delete Confirmation Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 2-24 follows
    Description of "Figure 2-24 Delete Confirmation Dialog Box"

  6. Click OK.

    A message indicating that the node was deleted successfully is displayed. Deleting Persons


Do not perform the procedure described in this section, if the Integration Library is installed. Deleting persons must be performed in a provisioning system.

A provisioning system, such as Oracle Identity Manager, is the authoritative source for people data, and this data is imported into Oracle Role Manager by using the Integration Library.

To delete a person:

  1. On the first-level navigation bar, click Organizations & People.

  2. On the second-level navigation bar, click People.

  3. On the left pane, perform one of the following:

    • Right-click People and then click Search.

    • Right-click the reporting organization within which you want to search the person that you want to delete, and then click Search.

  4. Perform Steps 4 through 6 of "Deleting Cost Centers, Locations, and Reporting Organizations".

2.2.3 First-Level Navigation Options: Roles

You can create, update, delete, and search approver roles, business roles, IT roles, and IT privileges by using the second-level navigation options available under Roles, as shown in Figure 2-25:

Figure 2-25 Roles: Second-Level Navigation Options

Description of Figure 2-25 follows
Description of "Figure 2-25 Roles: Second-Level Navigation Options"

Roles is a first-level navigation option. It contains the following second-level navigation options:

  • Approver Roles

  • Business Roles

  • IT Roles

  • IT Privileges

Right-clicking a node for any role or IT privilege on the left pane of the Roles page displays the menu options listed in Table 2-2. You can perform the actions listed in this table depending on the privileges that you have been granted. For example, the New option is grayed out if you do not have the appropriate system privilege to create a business role.

Table 2-2 Roles: Shortcut Menu Options

Menu Item Action

View <Role Type>

In this menu item, <Role Type> can take values such as Approver Roles, Business Role, or IT roles.

Displays a list of roles within the selected reporting organization.

For example, you can right-click Office of the CEO reporting organization under the IT Roles node, and then click View IT Roles to view the list of IT roles within the Office of the CEO reporting organization.

Note: This option is not available for the IT Privilege node.

New <Role Type>

In this menu item, <Role Type> can take the values such as Approver Roles, Business Role, or IT roles

Note: The New menu item is also available for the IT Privilege node.

Creates a role or an IT privilege.


Searches for roles or IT privileges within the current node and all its child nodes.


Changes the display of the current node to show only the parent node and hide all child nodes.


Changes the display of the current node to show all its child nodes.


Refreshes the view of the node

For information about creating, modifying, and deleting approver roles, business role, IT roles, and IT privileges see Working with IT Privileges and IT Roles, Working with Business Roles, and Working with Approver Roles.

Unassigned Node

Roles can be loaded into Oracle Role Manager by using a command line script or the Oracle Role Manager administrative console. If the organization to which a role belongs was not specified on the external system, then the role is created under the Unassigned node during the loading operation.

For example, consider the following roles that are loaded into Oracle Role Manager:

  • Risk Manager, Marketing, Active

    Because the Marketing reporting organization exists in Oracle Role Manager, this role is created in Oracle Role Manager.

  • Compliance Officer, Financial Banking, Inactive

    The role is not created in Oracle Role Manager because the Financial Banking reporting organization does not exist in Oracle Role Manager.

  • Sales Representative, , Active

    This role is created in the Unassigned node of Oracle Role Manager because no reporting organization has been specified for the role.


You cannot modify the Unassigned node. For example, you cannot change the display name of the Unassigned node. Similarly, you cannot delete the Unassigned node.

2.2.4 First-Level Navigation Options: Administration

You can create, update, delete, and search system roles by using the second-level navigation option available under Administration, as shown in Figure 2-26:

Figure 2-26 Administration: Second-Level Navigation Options

Description of Figure 2-26 follows
Description of "Figure 2-26 Administration: Second-Level Navigation Options"

Administration is a first-level navigation option. It contains System Roles, which is the second-level navigation option.

Right-clicking the system roles node on the left pane of the Administration page displays the menu options listed in Table 2-3. You can perform the actions listed in this table depending on the privileges that you have been granted. For example, the New option is grayed out if you do not have the appropriate system privilege to create a system role.

Table 2-3 Administration: Shortcut Menu Options

Menu Item Action


Displays a list of system roles within the selected reporting organization.

For example, if you right-click the Office of the COO reporting organization under the System Roles node and then click View System Roles, then you can view the list of system roles within the Office of the COO reporting organization.


Creates a system role.


Searches for system roles within the current node and all its child nodes.


Changes the display of the current node to show only the parent node and hide all child nodes.


Changes the display of the current node to show all its child nodes.


Refreshes the view of the node.

For information about creating, modifying, and deleting system roles see Working with System Roles.