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Oracle® Role Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 10g (10.1.4)

Part Number E12029-02
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5 Configuring Oracle Role Manager for Single Sign-On

This chapter describes managing user authentication and authorization by using Oracle Access Manager (OAM) when a user logs into Oracle Role Manager.

This chapter covers the following topics:

5.1 About the Single Sign-On Configuration with Oracle Role Manager

The configuration of Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Role Manager provides a secure web-based infrastructure for role management for all customer applications and processes. Oracle Access Manager integrates identity and access management across Oracle Role Manager, enterprise resources, and other domains deployed on eBusiness networks. Oracle Access Manager provides the foundation for managing the identities of customers, partners, and employees across internet applications. These user identities are combined with security policies for protected web interaction.

The configuration of Oracle Access Manager with Oracle Role Manager adds the following features to Oracle Role Manager implementations:

5.2 Configuration Design

Oracle Role Manager has two authentication mechanisms:

The header variable should contain the user ID of the Oracle Role Manager user.

To achieve the Oracle Access Manager single sign-on with Oracle Role Manager:

Figure 5-1 shows the configuration design for single sign-on between Oracle Role Manager and Oracle Access Manager.

You can access the Administrative and User Console with a web browser. The WebGate intercepts the your HTTP request and checks for the presence of an obSSOCookie. If the cookie does not exist or it has expired, an error message is shown asking you to verify the credentials.

On the Oracle Role Manager side, there is a J2EE Servlet Filter, which is configured to intercept requests to the faces servlet such as HttpHeaderSSOInterceptor or AbstractSSOInterceptor. The filter verifies if the user is authenticated, that is if the user has a ClientEntity in the session, and allows the request to proceed if the value is true. If the user is not authenticated, then the filter looks for a particular header, configured by the filter's configuration in the web.xml file, to use as the person identifier. If the header is present, then the header's value is used to create a ClientEntity that the Web UI uses for the rest of the session.

Oracle Access Manager verifies the credentials, and if the user is authenticated, the WebGate redirects the user to the requested resource and passes the required header variable to Oracle Identity Manager. Oracle Identity Manager, which has been configured to read a HTTP Header variable instead of its authentication, reads the HTTP Header and uses the value stored in the variable as the logged in user.

Figure 5-1 shows the configuration design of Oracle Role Manager for single sign-on.

Figure 5-1 Configuration Design of Oracle Role Manager for Single Sign-On

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 Configuration Design of Oracle Role Manager for Single Sign-On"

The following steps explains the single sign-on with Oracle Role Manager:

  1. A user attempts to access the Administrative and User Console.

  2. A WebGate that is deployed on the HTTP server intercepts the request.

  3. The WebGate checks the Access Server to determine if the resource (the Oracle Role Manager URL) is protected.

    The security policy in the Access System contains an authentication scheme, authorization rules, and allowed operations based on authentication and authorization success or failure.

  4. If a valid session does not exist, and the resource is protected, WebGate prompts the user for credentials.

  5. If the credentials are validated, Oracle Access Manager performs the actions that are defined in the security policy for the resource and sets an HTTP header variable that maps to the Oracle Role Manager user ID.

  6. If a valid session cookie exists, and if the user is authorized to access the resource, WebGate redirects the user to the requested Oracle Role Manager resource.

  7. The Administrative and User Console reads the HTTP header variable and sets the value as the logged-in user.

  8. The Administrative and User Console generates the applications pages, pending any further authorization checks performed in Oracle Role Manager.

5.2.1 Preparing Your Environment

To prepare your environment for the integration, perform the following steps:

  1. Install a supported directory server according to vendor instructions, for example, iPlanet.

  2. Install and configure Oracle Access Manager using the directory server as the LDAP repository.

  3. Ensure that the Oracle Role Manager J2EE application server is proxied by an HTTP server (Apache 2.0).

  4. Configure the Web browser (Apache) to allow cookies, according to vendor instructions.

  5. Set up Oracle Access Manager for Oracle Role Manager.

  6. Ensure that user IDs in ORM and OAM are the same.

5.2.2 Setting Up Oracle Role Manager for Single Sign-On

To configure Oracle Role Manager for single sign-on with Oracle Access Manager, perform the following procedure:

  1. Extract webui.ear and locate the file web.xml. The file is present in the WEB-INF directory. Refer to "Creating the Webui.war File" for information about creating the webui file.

  2. Open the web.xml file in a text editor.

  3. Locate the following section:

    <filter-name>SSO Filter</filter-name>
  4. Replace the value username with a name such as ORM_UID.


    The name can be any value, but the same name is to be used for header variable while creating access policy in OAM Access System.
  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Disable the logout link by opening the header.xhtml file present in the pages/components folder and add an attribute rendered="false" to the commandLink tag with an attribute id="logout".

    You can achieve this by replacing the tag:

    <h:commandLink id="logout" value="#{b:text('button.signout')}" action="#{ClientSession.gotoSignoutAction}"/>


    <h:commandLink id="logout" value="#{b:text('button.signout')}" action="#{ClientSession.gotoSignoutAction}" rendered="false"/>
  7. Re-create the file webui.war.

  8. Deploy the WAR file, webui.war to the App Server.

5.2.3 Creating the Webui.war File

The webui.war file can be created after modifying the web.xml by using the utility such as WinZip or jar.

5.3 Configuring Apache As a Proxy for Jboss

Oracle Role Manager runs on a J2EE application server, for example, JBoss, BEA Weblogic, and IBM WebSphere. You cannot install an AccessGate directly against these application servers. You can deploy a Web server, for example, Apache, in front of these application servers. You can deploy the AccessGate on the web server, and configure the web server to route requests to the Oracle Role Manager Application and forward responses back to the user.

For application servers such as JBoss, you must deploy an additional plug-in, referred to as the mod_jk plug-in or the JBoss plug-in, on the Web server.

To configure the Apache HTTP server as a proxy for JBoss:

  1. Download and install Apache HTTP Server 2.0.63.

  2. Download the latest stable version of mod_jk 1.2.26 binary that supports the installed Apache HTTP Server, from the following URL:

  3. Rename it to

  4. Copy this file to the following directory:


  5. Modify Apache_install_dir /conf/httpd.conf and add a single line at the end of the file:

    # Include mod_jk's specific configuration file

    include conf/mod-jk.conf

  6. Create the following text files in the directory Apache_install_dir\conf:

    • mod-jk.conf



      Oracle recommends that you do not rename and If you do, your configuration may stop working. The locations of these files are defined under two registry keys: worker_file and worker_mount_file. These files are in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\version_number.

  7. Copy the following configuration into the mod-jk.conf file:

    # Load mod_jk module
    # Specify the filename of the mod_jk lib
    LoadModule jk_module modules/
    # Where to find
    JkWorkersFile conf/
    # Where to put jk logs
    JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
    # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
    JkLogLevel info 
    # Select the log format
    JkLogStampFormat  "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"
    # JkOptions indicates to send SSK KEY SIZE
    JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
    # JkRequestLogFormat
    JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
    # Mount your applications
    JkMount /application/* loadbalancer
    # You can use external file for mount points.
    # It will be checked for updates each 60 seconds.
    # The format of the file is: /url=worker
    # /examples/*=loadbalancer
    JkMountFile conf/               
    # Add shared memory.
    # This directive is present with 1.2.10 and
    # later versions of mod_jk, and is needed for
    # for load balancing to work properly
    JkShmFile logs/jk.shm 
    # Add jkstatus for managing runtime data
    <Location /jkstatus/>
        JkMount status
        Order deny,allow
        Deny from all
        Allow from
  8. Copy the following into the file:

    # Define list of workers that will be used
    # for mapping requests
    # Define Node1
    # modify the host as your host IP or DNS name.
    worker.node1.port=8009<host IP or DNS Name>
    # Load-balancing behaviour
    # Status worker for managing load balancer
  9. Copy the following into the file:

    # Simple worker configuration file
    # Mount the Servlet context to the ajp13 worker
  10. Edit JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/server.xml (replace /all with your own server name) and locate the <Engine….> element and add an attribute jvmRoute:

    <Engine name="jboss.web" defaultHost="localhost" vmRoute="node1">
  11. Edit JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml (replace /all with your own server name) and locate the <attribute> element with a name of UseJK and set its value to "true":

    <attribute name="UseJK">true</attribute>

5.4 Configuring Apache As a Proxy for WebLogic

To configure the Apache HTTP server as a proxy for WebLogic:

  1. Download and install Apache HTTP Server 2.0.63.

  2. Copy the from weblogic_install\server\plugin\<platform> into modules in Apache_install_dir/modules.

    Where <platform> reflects the appropriate Weblogic install platform required.


    This directory path applies only to Weblogic 9.2. For Weblogic 10.3 you must download the plugin(s) from the following location:

  3. Modify Apache_install_dir /conf/httpd.conf and add at the end of the file:

    LoadModule weblogic_module modules/
    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    WebLogicHost <hostname>
    WebLogicPort <port>
    <LocationMatch ^/webui>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler


    Replace <hostname> and <port> for the appropriate values from the Weblogic Installation.
  4. In the Weblogic domain configuration, add the following element:


    to the last line of <security-configuration> in config.xml for the users domain, usually in DOMAIN_NAME/config/config.xml. This keeps WebLogic from trying to authenticate basic authentication headers.

5.5 Configuring Apache as a Proxy for WebSphere Update 13

To configure the Apache HTTP server as a proxy for WebSphere:

  1. Download and install Apache HTTP Server 2.0.63.

  2. Copy the from weblogic_install\server\plugin\win32 into modules in Apache_install_dir/modules.

  3. Modify Apache_install_dir /conf/httpd.conf and add at the end of the file:

    LoadModule proxy_module modules/
    LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
    ProxyRequests Off
       Order deny,allow
       Allow from all

    RewriteEngine on

    ProxyPass /webui/ http://localhost:9080/webui/
    ProxyPassReverse /webui/ http://localhost:9080/webui/
    RewriteRule ^/webui$ /webui/ [R]

5.6 Setting Up a WebGate on an HTTP Server

To set up a WebGate on an HTTP server:

  1. Install and configure Oracle Access Manager on a supported platform, using a supported LDAP server.

  2. Create an AccessGate and install it on the Apache server.

    The following is the sample configuration for an access gate:

    AccessGate Name: AccessGate_Apache

    State: Enabled

    Hostname: <hostname where Apache is installed>

    Port: 80

    AccessGate Password: abcd1234

    Access Management Service: On

    Primary HTTP Cookie Domain:

    Preferred HTTP Host: <hostname where Apache is installed>

  3. Associate the Access Server.

See Also:

Oracle Access Manager Installation Guide for more information about setting up a WebGate on an HTTP server.

5.7 Setting Up Oracle Access Manager for Single Sign-On With Oracle Role Manager

To configure Oracle Access Manager for single sign-on with Oracle Role Manager, perform the following procedure:

  1. In the landing page for the Access System, click Policy Manager and then click Create Policy Domain.

  2. Create a policy domain and policies to restrict access to the Oracle Role Manager URLs.

  3. In the Access System Console, define host identifiers for Oracle Role Manager.

  4. Go to Policy Manager, Oracle Role Manager policy domain, Resources tab, and define resources for Oracle Access Manager to protect. Figure 5-2 shows the resource definition for Oracle Access Manager.

    Figure 5-2 Resource Definition

    Description of Figure 5-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-2 Resource Definition"

  5. Click the Authorization Rules tab and define an authorization rule to determine which authenticated users can access the Oracle Role Manager URLs. Figure 5-3 shows the authorization rules for the users who access Oracle Role Manager.

    Figure 5-3 Authorization Rules

    Description of Figure 5-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-3 Authorization Rules"

  6. Click the Default Rules tab. The Authentication Rule subtab is selected. Perform the following steps:

    1. Define an authentication rule, for example, Basic Over LDAP.

    2. Click the Actions subtab and define an authorization action that sets a custom HTTP header variable upon successful authorization.

      The header variable must contain a value that maps to the Oracle Role Manager user ID. Figure 5-4 shows the authorization expression for the custom HTTP header variable.

      Figure 5-4 Authorization Expression for Custom HTTP Header Variable

      Description of Figure 5-4 follows
      Description of "Figure 5-4 Authorization Expression for Custom HTTP Header Variable"

  7. Click the Policies tab, and then click Add. Define an access policy in the Oracle role Manager policy domain and add the Oracle Role Manager URL resources to this policy. Figure 5-5 shows the access policy to add the Oracle Role Manager URL resources to it.

    See Also:

    Oracle Access Manager Installation Guide for more information.