Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide > Clustering, Load Balancing, and Failover in Oracle Business Intelligence > Configuration of BI Components for Clustering, Load Balancing, and Failover >

Configuring BI Scheduler

BI Scheduler must first be configured following instructions in the chapter on configuring BI Scheduler in the Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide.

  • For steps that require configuration of BI Presentation Services, you must perform the configuration on all instances of BI Presentation Services in your deployment. For example, one of the steps requires you to add BI Scheduler Administrator credentials to the BI Presentation Services Credential Store. You must update the credential store for each instance of BI Presentation Services to store the BI Scheduler credentials, or copy the credential store with updated credentials to each BI Presentation Services machine. The instanceconfig.xml file for each BI Presentation Services must specify the location of the credential store.
  • The BI Scheduler instances must be configured to participate in the cluster. The Scheduler instances must be configured to communicate with:
    • Multiple BI Presentation Services instances
    • Multiple BI Javahost instances
  • The Scheduler instances must be configured to use the shared location for the Scheduler scripts.

Configuration of BI Scheduler is done either through Job Manager, installed with the Scheduler component on Windows, or by using the schconfig utility on Windows, Linux, or UNIX. The schconfig utility is located in the following directory:

  • Under Windows, OracleBI_HOME\server\bin
  • Under Linux or UNIX, OracleBI_HOME/setup on Linux or UNIX.

Configuration settings are saved to the Scheduler instanceconfig.xml file located in the following directory

  • Under Window, OracleBIData_HOME\scheduler\config
  • Under Linux or UNIX, OracleBIData_HOME/scheduler/config on Linux or UNIX.

To configure the BI Scheduler parameters for cluster participation

  • In the Advanced tab, set the following parameters for Scheduler to participate in a BI cluster:
    • Check the box Participant in Cluster.
    • Set Cluster Monitor Port to 9708.

      NOTE:  The Cluster Monitor Port defaults to 9708. If this port number is changed, you will need to change the <monitor port> port number specified in the SCHEDULER parameter in the NQClusterConfig.INI file.

Communication with Multiple BI Presentation Services in the Cluster

Since communications to BI Presentation Services instances in a cluster are not controlled via the Cluster Controllers, the list of BI Presentation Services instances must be specified. This is done either through Job Manager or the schconfig utility. When more than one BI Presentation Services instance is specified, load balancing of requests to the multiple BI Presentation Services instances automatically takes effect.

  • In the iBots tab of the Scheduler Configuration window in Job Manager, provide the comma-separated list of the BI Presentation Services instances:

    OBI Presentation Server = <BI Presentation Services Host1>:9710, <BI Presentation Services Host2>:9710

  • From the Delivers Configuration Menu when running the schconfig utility, selection 3 - Configure iBots, select the 1-Saw Machine name parameter and set it to the following:

    <BI Presentation Services Host1>:9710, <BI Presentation Services Host2>:9710

    The default port that BI Presentation Services uses to listen to RPC calls is 9710.

Communication with BI Javahost Cluster

Communication with the multiple BI Javahost instances in a cluster is enabled for the Scheduler instance by specifying the list of BI Javahost instances. This is done either through Job Manager or the schconfig utility. When more than one BI Javahost is specified, load balancing of requests automatically effective.

  • In the Java Extension tab of the Scheduler Configuration window in Job Manager, provide the comma-separated list of BI Javahost instances:

    Java Host Servers = <BI Javahost Machine1>:<Port>, <BI Javahost Machine2>:<Port>

  • From the Delivers Configuration Menu when running the schconfig utility, select 5 - Configure Java Extension, Select the 1 - Java Host Server parameter and set it to the following:

    <BI Javahost Machine1>:<Port>, <BI Javahost Machine2>:<Port>

The default port that Javahost listens on is 9810. This port is configured in the <Port> element in the config.xml configuration file for BI Javahost. For more information, see Configuring Oracle BI Javahost for Communication Over SSL.

Share for Scheduler Scripts

BI Scheduler must be directed to use the network share for the Scheduler Scripts. This is done either through Job Manager or the schconfig utility

  • In the General tab of the Scheduler Configuration window in Job Manager, set the Scheduler Script Path and Default Script Path fields to network shares.
  • From the Scheduler Configuration menu when running the schconfig utility, select 2 - General. Select the 1 - Scheduler Script Path to the following:

    <Shared file system location for Scheduler scripts>

  • From the Scheduler Configuration menu when running the schconfig utility, select 2 - General. Select the 2 - Default Script Path to the following:

    <Shared file system location for default scripts>

Copy default and custom Scheduler scripts to the shared file system locations.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.