Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide > Enabling Secure Communication in Oracle Business Intelligence >

Process for Enabling Secure Communication for Oracle BI Components

The process for enabling secure communication for the components of Oracle Business Intelligence consists of the following:

  • Generating certificates and keys
  • Configuring SSL parameters for each Oracle BI component in order for communication to occur over SSL.

NOTE:  To configure your Web Server or Application Server to use the HTTPS protocol, consult your vendor documentation for instructions.

The Oracle Application Server can be set to use HTTPS protocol during installation using the Advanced option. For more information on configuring the Oracle HTTP Server for SSL, see the chapter on enabling SSL for Oracle HTTP Server in the Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide 10g ( The SSL Configuration Tool allows configuration of the Oracle Application Server for HTTPS after the installation of Oracle Application Server. Refer to the Oracle Application Server Administrator's Guide 10g Release 3 ( for more information.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.