This section lists the XML elements with their attributes for the configuration file for Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics. The list is in alphabetical order by XML element and then by attribute under each XML element.

CAUTION:  Elements and attributes are case-sensitive. All must appear in lowercase.

NOTE:  If you created a configuration file using a previous version of the product and you used the attributes that were available for incremental synchronization, then those attributes will not work with the current version. See Step 5: Setting Up for Incremental Synchronization for information.

  • XML Element: <application>

    This element identifies the disconnected application.

    Parent element: <remotecfg>



    The internal name of the disconnected application. It is the same name as the disconnected application directory described in Step 1: Understanding the Directory Structure for Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics. It is the same name as the base name of the disconnected application configuration file. For example, a disconnected application called MyApp would have a configuration file called MyApp.xml that resides in the MyApp directory.

    The name must consist of only digits and alphabetic characters. It can be as long as the maximum directory name length that is allowed by the operating system of the Oracle BI Server.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes


    The name of the disconnected application metadata directory described in Step 1: Understanding the Directory Structure for Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics.

    Type: String

    Required: No. Default is the disconnected application directory described in Step 1: Understanding the Directory Structure for Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics.

  • XML Element: <data>

    Parent element: <remotecfg>



    The name of the disconnected application data directory described in Step 1: Understanding the Directory Structure for Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics.

    Type: String

    Required: No. Default is the disconnected application directory described in Step 1: Understanding the Directory Structure for Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics.


    The full path of the folder within the full Oracle BI Presentation Catalog that contains the various sourcing reports. Syntactically, anything that Oracle Business Intelligence accepts will be valid as long as such a folder actually exists in the full Oracle BI Presentation Catalog and all disconnected application end users have read-access to it.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes

  • XML Element: <dataset>

    Parent element: <data>



    Specifies whether this data set uses incremental synchronization. Replaces these obsolete attributes: rank, validitytype, start, expiry, syncdefaultfirsttime, syncsubsequenttimes, period, periodunit, dependson.

    Type: boolean keyword-true or false

    Required: Yes



    An internal name that uniquely identifies the data set.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes



    Synchronization can take place in one of two ways: preprocessed or online. For the online option, Oracle Business Intelligence on the Oracle BI Server will run a sourcing report to generate the data files for the data set as part of the sync operation. Oracle BI Administrators typically use the online option for real-time data.

    For the pre-processed option, Oracle Business Intelligence on the Oracle BI Server will look for existing data files to download and will only run the sourcing report if no such preprocessed files exist.

    Type: keyword-valid values are pre-processed and online.




    The advanced mode of the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager allows users to choose not to download a particular data set. The forcesync attribute allows you to override that choice, forcing the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager to perform the download. Oracle BI Administrators typically use this attribute for system-related data and for commonly-used dimension tables such as a time dimension.

    Type: boolean keyword-true or false. (yes and no may be supported later.)

    Required: No



    The name of the subject area in the repository that is associated with the disconnected application. Oracle Business Intelligence on the Oracle BI Server uses this name when storing filters for the application in the full Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

    Type: String



  • XML Element: <displayname>

    This identifies the descriptive name of either an application or a data set in a specified language. The descriptive name for an application appears in the Disconnected Analytics page of Oracle Business Intelligence on the Oracle BI Server and in the application pull-down menu of the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager on the disconnected machine. The descriptive names for all data sets appear in the Advanced section of the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager and on the Disconnected Analytics Filter page of Oracle Business Intelligence.

    An application or data set may have multiple <displayname> elements each corresponding to a different language. Users logging in to Oracle Business Intelligence specify their choice of language. Based on this choice, the corresponding display name will appear.

    If a data set contains no <displayname> element (or if a user specifies a language for which no <displayname> element exists), the data set's internal name appears in the advanced section of the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager.

    If an application contains no <displayname> element (or if a user specifies a language for which no <displayname> element exists), the application's default display name appears instead.

    NOTE:  For applications, the <displayname> element must follow the <webcatalog> element and the <postdbschema> element (if specified); for data sets, the <displayname> element must precede the first <table> element.

    Parent element: <application> or <dataset>








    (A code that represents the display name language.) Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics currently supports the following languages and their corresponding codes:

        • Czech



        • Danish



        • German



        • English



        • Spanish



        • Finnish



        • French



        • Italian



        • Japanese



        • Korean



        • Dutch



        • Portuguese



        • Brazilian Portuguese



        • Swedish



        • Chinese



        • Chinese Traditional



    Type: String (code for the display name language).

    Required: Yes









    The actual text of the display name in the appropriate language.

    Type: String



    Required: Yes



  • XML Element: <filterables>

    You can optionally use this element to enumerate a set of columns from the sourcing report that end users can specify in filters to restrict what rows get downloaded to the table on the disconnected machine.

    Parent element: <sourcingreport>

    Attributes: None

  • XML Element: <formula>

    This element identifies a particular column from the sourcing report as available for use in filters. For example, in the Retail database described in Scenario for Using SQL Scripts to Create Disconnected Tables and Indexes, the Store sourcing report has columns such as Store.Name (with values such as Downtown and West End) and (with values such as San Francisco and Seattle). Specify the following elements to make these columns available for filtering:

    <sourcingreport name = "Store" file = "Store.csv">






    End users could then add more filters to the sourcing report. For example, they could add a filter to download only the Store records for San Francisco and Seattle.

    Alternatively, you can supply * as the column name. This indicates that all filterable columns previously specified in the data set apply to the sourcing report. For example, suppose the SalesFact sourcing report has the following filter specified:

    <sourcingreport name = "SalesFact" file = "SalesFact.csv">





    This means that all filterable columns on previous sourcing reports (Store.Name and Store.color in our example), also apply to the SalesFact sourcing report. Therefore, if an end user adds filters to download only the Store records for San Francisco and Seattle, then only the fact table records for San Francisco and Seattle will be downloaded as well.

    Note that you can specify the * option only for the last sourcing report in a data set.

    Parent element: <filterables>

    Attributes: none

  • XML Element: <indexsql>

    Parent element: <table>



    The name of a SQL script file that the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager will use for creating one or more indexes on a table downloaded to the disconnected machine.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes

  • XML Element: <messages>

    Parent element: <application>



    The name of the disconnected application message directory described in Step 1: Understanding the Directory Structure for Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics. This directory contains the message localization XML files for the local catalog of the disconnected application.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes

  • XML Element: <postdbschema>

    The <postdbschema> element is optional, but if specified, it must follow the <webcatalog> element.

    Parent element: <application>



    The name of a SQL script file that the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager will run once it has loaded all data for the application into the SQL Anywhere database on the disconnected (laptop) machine. You might set up such a script file for updating statistics or reorganizing the database.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes

  • XML Element: <remotecfg>

    This element that brackets the entire XML file, identifying it as a disconnected application configuration file.

    Parent element: none

    Attributes: none

  • XML Element: <repository>

    The <repository> element is mandatory and must precede the <webcatalog> element.

    Parent element: <application>



    The name of the disconnected application repository. Oracle BI Server on the disconnected machine uses this repository as its source for Oracle Business Intelligence metadata.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes

  • XML Element: <sourcingreport>

    Parent element: <table>



    The name of the Oracle Business Intelligence report that generates the data for a particular table on the disconnected machine.

    Type: String

    Required: No, not necessary for externally generated data files.


    The name of the output file generated from the sourcing report, or alternatively, it could be the name of an externally generated file (for example, syndicated data). This file is sent to the disconnected machine and used to load the table. This attribute need not be specified; by default the output file name is the same as the name attribute followed by a CSV suffix.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes, only if the name attribute is not specified.

  • XML Element: <table>

    Parent element: <dataset>



    The name of the table stored in the SQL Anywhere database on the disconnected machine.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes

  • XML Element: <tablesql>

    Parent element: <table>



    The name of the script file that the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager will use for creating or updating the relevant table on the disconnected machine. For full data sets, the script file will typically contain a DROP TABLE statement followed by a CREATE TABLE statement. For incremental data sets, the table already exists on the disconnected machine, so the script file will typically contain DELETE statements followed (optionally) by INSERT statements.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes

  • XML Element: <webcatalog>

    The <webcatalog> element is mandatory and must follow the <repository> element.

    Parent element: <application>



    The name of the local Oracle BI Presentation Catalog for the disconnected application. The local Oracle BI Presentation Services uses this local catalog to store dashboards and reports.

    Type: String

    Required: Yes

Oracle® Business Intelligence Disconnected Analytics Administration and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.