Oracle® Business Intelligence Disconnected Analytics Administration and Configuration Guide > Preparing Applications for Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics >

Deleting Applications from Oracle BI Server

You can delete a disconnected application from the Oracle BI Server if you do not want anyone to download that application.

NOTE:  For instructions about deleting disconnected applications from a laptop, see Oracle Business Intelligence Disconnected Analytics Online Help.

To delete a disconnected application

  1. On the Oracle BI Server machine, delete the application directory and files from the $OracleBIData_HOME\Disconnected\ directory, where $OracleBIData_HOME is the data directory.
  2. Log in to Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards and navigate to Answers.
  3. In Answers, delete sourcing queries from the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Disconnected Analytics Administration and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.