Oracle® Business Intelligence Disconnected Analytics Administration and Configuration Guide > Synchronizing Applications in Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics > Setting Up for Synchronization >

Step 3: Setting Up for Background Synchronization (Silent Mode)

To integrate dashboards with Oracle's Siebel Disconnected Web client, you must set up Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics to run in the background (silent mode) using the following syntax.



-u|U[User Name]




-f|F[Dad File / URL Link]

The DAD file name. Only if you know the DAD file name on the server.


Machine name. URL is constructed from machine & application name. The use of "https" indicates that the server is configured to accept only Single Socket Layer (SSL) connections.

-a|A[Application Name]

Required to be used in conjunction with server


(Optional) Displays the Result Information window, when the synchronization process is complete, if the process had been configured to not display the window. This argument overrides the configuration that specifies to not display the window.


(Optional) Displays the Help information for the Sync command.

-l|L[Log Filename]


-o|O[Output Folder]

(Optional) Primarily used for testing.

CAUTION:  If you type a space between a parameter and its corresponding value, you will get an error such as Cannot Find DAD File. For example, type -aPharma, not -a Pharma.

Oracle's Siebel Pharma Disconnected Example

The command line interface is used extensively by Oracle's Siebel Pharma application and Oracle's Siebel Pharma Disconnected application so that synchronization can be performed on a batch basis on weekends or nights. Pharmaceutical sales representatives typically synchronize multiple disconnected application data sets using a single synchronization process. This process runs synchronization scripts for all their applications including Siebel operational applications, Oracle's Siebel Pharma Disconnected application, and Outlook.

You can use Oracle's Siebel Pharma Disconnected application to perform a separate synchronization of the CRM application. Ensure that you shut down the Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics application prior to CRM synchronization.

Synchronization for Oracle's Siebel Pharma Disconnected application typically is run as a set of scripted commands that are embedded in a script and run in the background. Oracle's Siebel Pharma Disconnected users typically do not use Oracle BI Disconnected Analytics Application Manager to synchronize.

The following is an example of the command line synchronization for Oracle's Siebel Pharma Disconnected:

  • Type the following on the command line if the server and application name are specified:

    sync -uuser -ppassword -shttp://server -aPharma where server is <hostname>:<port>

    NOTE:  Lowercase (analytics) is the default on the command line if the server and application name are specified.

  • Type the following on the command line if the URL of the DAD file is specified:

    sync -uuser -ppassword -f"http://server/Analytics/saw.dll?SyncDAD&app=Pharma"

Oracle® Business Intelligence Disconnected Analytics Administration and Configuration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.