Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide > Installing Oracle BI EE Infrastructure >

Installing Oracle BI in Unattended or Silent Mode

In the so-called unattended or silent mode, Oracle Business Intelligence is installed across a network. The administrator performs the following general steps:

  1. Perform a default Oracle BI installation on an administrator machine.

    During this installation, all the installation options selected and settings created are written to a text file named response.txt.

  2. Run a batch or shell program that uses the response.txt file to install the same Oracle BI components, with all the previously selected options and settings, to other servers and client workstations.

NOTE:  Without being modified, the response.txt file is portable only to other installation computers having the identical Oracle Business Intelligence directory structure (including logical drives) as the initial installation computer.

The specific procedure to install Oracle BI in unattended mode is based on the operating system you are using. See the applicable topic:

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