Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide > Localizing Oracle Business Intelligence Deployments > Adding Converted Fonts to the Charting Image Server >

Adding a Font to the Chart Template Files

Corda chart template (pcxml) files describe various chart types. In these files, by default, a font name is not referenced but font size is. You edit a pcxml file to refer to the font newly converted during the task Converting Chart Fonts. Any text editor can be used to edit the pcxml files.

Corda chart template files are located in the Windows directories containing the chart server files:

  • OracleBI_HOME\web\app\res\s_oracle10\popbin
  • OracleBI_HOME\web\app\res\s_Siebel77\PopBin

CAUTION:  Back up these directories before editing any pcxml files.

To add a font to image server templates

  1. Open the pcxml file in the text editor (for example, pie.pcxml).
  2. In the file, search for the word Font.
  3. Add the display name of the font that was specified during the font conversion.

    For example, to add the Arial font to pie.pcxml, search for the word Font:

    <Properties TransparentFill='True' BorderType='None' Font='Size:11; Style:Bold;'/>

    Add the font display name attribute so that the line reads:

    <Properties TransparentFill='True' BorderType='None' Font='Name:Arial; Size:11; Style:Bold;'/>

  4. Save and close the pcxml file.

    NOTE:  Perform Steps 1 through 4 for each pcxml file.

  5. Stop and restart the Oracle BI Presentation Services and the Oracle BI Java Host services in order to see the changes.
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