Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler > Creating Oracle BI Scheduler Databases and Tables >

Changing Oracle BI Scheduler Table Names

You can change the names of the tables that Oracle BI Scheduler uses by adding settings to the Oracle BI Scheduler configuration file, instanceconfig.xml, located in the directory OracleBIData_HOME\scheduler\config.

NOTE:  For organizations that use Oracle Application Server, Oracle recommends that you use Oracle Application Server Control to modify configuration files. For organizations that use other application servers, Oracle recommends that you use JConsole. For more information, see the topic Updating Configuration Settings Using Oracle Application Server Control or JConsole.

The following procedure shows how to change Oracle BI Scheduler table names. For this procedure, a new tag, DB Column Names, has been created as an example.

To change Oracle Business Intelligence Scheduler table names

  1. Using an XML editor, open the instanceconfig.xml file.
  2. Create a new tag named DB Column Names.
  3. For each of the entries under the tag DB Column Names, add the parameter and string values shown in the following table. The values created in the data string become the values used for Oracle BI Scheduler table names.
    Parameter Name
    String Value













    NOTE:  The data types for each column should remain true to the intent of the schema. For example, if the job ID is defined as an integer type, do not change it to a varchar type. However, increasing the number of characters in a varchar column is an acceptable change.

  4. Restart the Oracle BI Scheduler server.
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