Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide > Administering Oracle BI Dashboards >

About Managing Dashboards

Before you create shared dashboards, make sure you have planned your Presentation Catalog directory or folder structure and security strategy. Guidelines for creating a shared dashboard, within the broader context of Presentation Catalog structure and security framework, are given in Guidelines for Configuring Oracle BI Presentation Services Security for the Presentation Catalog and Dashboards.

For more information about shared folder structures in the Presentation Catalog read Administering the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

For more information about permissions, read Managing Oracle BI Presentation Services Security.

Overall, to create a shared dashboard, you first create the dashboard and then add content using the Dashboard Editor. You can also assign Presentation Services group permissions to access the dashboard. Users who are members of more than one Presentation Services group can select the dashboard they display by default from all of the dashboards to which they have permissions.

You can also authorize users to act for others, which allows them to access the other users' dashboards. For more information, see About Authorizing Users to Act for Others.

This section describes, from an administrator's perspective, how to create and delete dashboards, and add sections. For more information about adding pages, sections, and content from an end-user's perspective, read Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide.

Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.