Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide > Administering the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog > Replicating Presentation Catalogs >

Using the Oracle BI Presentation Services Replication Agent

The Oracle BI Presentation Services Replication Agent (sawrepaj) is a utility that carries out the common replication tasks such as copy, export, import, and mark for replication.

The Oracle BI Presentation Services Replication Agent needs information about the instances of Oracle BI Presentation Services and the replication tasks. This information is stored in the config.xml file. For more information about the config.xml file, see Creating the config.xml File for Replication.

The command line for the Oracle BI Presentation Services Replication Agent uses the following format:

  • In UNIX: [/C path] command [command parameters]

    The file is located in SAROOTDIR\web\bin\sawrepaj (where SAROOTDIR is the installation directory).

  • In Windows

    sawrepaj.bat [/C path] command [command parameters]

    The sawrepaj.bat file is located in SAROOTDIR\web\bin\sawrepaj (where SAROOTDIR is the installation directory).

The path following the /C specifies the path to the config.xml file. The command can be one of the following:

  • mark
  • remotecopy
  • run


Adds or removes the specified catalog folders from the list of catalog folders that are to be replicated on all or specified Oracle BI Presentation Servers. The list of catalog folders to be replicated is stored in a config item located in {presentationcatalogpath}/root/system/replication, where {presentationcatalogpath} is the full path to the Presentation Catalog folder.

Adding a catalog folder to the list does not mean that the corresponding catalog item is immediately replicated. Only future modifications are noted in the replication log file and subsequently get replicated.

The syntax for the mark command is:

sawrepaj [/C path] mark {all|servername} [/n] [catalogfolders]

  • all | servername. The name of the Oracle BI Presentation Server (or all) on which to run the mark command. If you use a specific server, the name you specify must match the name attribute of the corresponding server element in the config.xml file.
  • /n. If present indicates that the catalog folder should be removed from the list of catalog folders to be replicated, otherwise it is added.
  • catalogfolders. A list of catalog folders to add or remove from the list of catalog folders to be replicated. Separate each folder in the list with a space. To add or remove the entire Presentation Catalog (including all folders and such information as system privileges, Catalog Group membership, and so on), use /. If you do not specify any folders, then sawrepaj executes the mark command on every folder for the specified servers listed in the config.xml file.

    For example:

    sawrepaj /C OracleBI\web\bin\sawrepaj mark all /


    Exports the contents of the specified catalog folders from the source server and imports them in the destination server.

    The syntax for the remotecopy command is:

    sawrepaj [/C path] remotecopy sourceServer destinationServer catalogfolders

  • sourceServer. The name of the source server as specified in the config.xml file.
  • destinationServer. The name of the destination server as specified in the config.xml file.
  • catalogfolders. A list of catalog folders to copy remotely. Separate each folder in the list with a space. If you do not specify any folders, then sawrepaj executes the remotecopy command on every folder for the specified servers listed in the config.xml file.

    For example:

    sawrepaj /C OracleBI\web\bin\sawrepaj remotecopy Server1 Server2 users shared


    Executes all replication tasks that are set up in config.xml file and that have not expired. This command does not have any runtime parameters.

    The syntax for the run command is:

    sawrepaj [/C path] run

    For example:

    sawrepaj /C OracleBI\web\bin\sawrepaj run

  • Oracle® Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.