Oracle® Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide > Clustering Oracle BI Servers >

Implementing the Cluster Server

These are the high-level steps to implement the Cluster Server:

  1. Install Oracle BI components, including the Cluster Controller component.
  2. Set parameters in the NQSConfig.INI file.
  3. Set parameters in the NQClusterConfig.INI file.
  4. Set up the Oracle BI ODBC data source for clustering.
  5. Configure the Schedulers to be participants in the cluster.
  6. Configure Oracle BI Presentation Services to point to the Scheduler Cluster Controllers.
  7. Copy the NQClusterConfig.INI file to the Cluster Controllers and Oracle BI Server in the cluster.
  8. Start the machines in the cluster.

For information about installing and configuring the Cluster Server, refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide.

Installing the Cluster Server Component

To install this component, see Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide.

Setting Parameters in the NQSConfig.INI File

In the Server section of the NQSConfig.INI file, you need to set parameters for any Oracle BI Server that will participate in a cluster. The NQSConfig.INI file is located in the Config directory in the Oracle BI software installation folder. For more information about this file and its parameters, refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide.

Setting Parameters in the NQClusterConfig.INI File

The NQClusterConfig.INI file contains the cluster configuration parameters. The Oracle BI Server and Scheduler read this file after it reads the NQSConfig.INI file (when CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT is set to YES in the NQSConfig.INI file). Cluster Controllers also read this file.

The NQClusterConfig.INI file is located in the Config directory in the Oracle BI installation folder. For more information about this file and its parameters, refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide.

Configuring the Oracle BI ODBC Data Source Name

All clients, including Oracle BI Presentation Services clients, need to have a clustered data source name (DSN) configured in order to communicate with a cluster. You set up a DSN by using the Oracle BI DSN Configuration wizard, described in Connectivity and Third-Party Tools in Oracle BI Server.

Copying the NQClusterConfig.INI File

A configured NQClusterConfig.INI file needs to reside in the Config directory of every Oracle BI Server and Cluster Controller that is to participate in the cluster.

For detailed instructions on configuring the NQClusterConfig.INI file, refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Deployment Guide.

Starting Cluster Controllers and Oracle BI Servers

When you are using the Administration Tool and have a repository open in online mode, you can use the Cluster Manager to monitor and manage the operations of the cluster Oracle BI Server. However, opening a repository in online mode does not automatically start a clustered Oracle BI Server or a Cluster Controller; therefore, you must start one Oracle BI Server and one Cluster Controller manually. You can then use the Cluster Manager to start additional clustered servers.

NOTE:  On all platforms, you need to manually start each Oracle BI Server, Scheduler, and Cluster Controller.

To start the Oracle BI Server, Scheduler, and Cluster Controller from the Command window on Windows

  • Open a Command window and type the following:

    net start "Oracle BI SERVER"

    net start "Oracle BI CLUSTER"

    net start "Oracle BI SCHEDULER"

NOTE:  You can also use a third-party tool designed for remote service manipulation.

After you start the services and Cluster Controller, use a text editor to examine the log files NQServer.log, NQScheduler.log, and NQCluster.log in the Log directories, and verify that all processes started without errors and joined the operational cluster configuration successfully. If the log files indicate errors, correct the errors and restart the servers.

To start the Oracle BI Server, Scheduler, and Cluster Controller from the command line on UNIX

  1. Navigate to a command window (xterm).
  2. In the Command window, type the following commands (the commands will be slightly different if using csh):

    cd INSTALLDIR/setup

    ./ start

    ./ start

    ./ start

Oracle® Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.