Oracle® Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide > Using XML as a Data Source for the Oracle BI Server >

XML Examples

The following XML documents provide examples of several different situations and explain how the Oracle BI Server XML access method handles those situations.

  • The XML documents 83.xml and 8_sch.xml demonstrate the use of the same element declarations in different scope. For example, <p3> could appear within <p2> as well as within <p4>.

    Because the element <p3> in the preceding examples appears in two different scopes, each element is given a distinct column name by appending an index number to the second occurrence of the element during the Import process. In this case, the second occurrence becomes p3_1. If <p3> occurs in additional contexts, they become p3_2, p3_3.

  • XML documents 83.xml and 84.xml demonstrate that multiple XML files can share the same schema (8_sch.xml).
  • Internet Explorer version 5 and higher supports HTML documents containing embedded XML fragments called XML islands.

    The XML document island2.htm demonstrates a simple situation where multiple XML data islands, and therefore multiple tables, could be generated from one document. One table is generated for each instance of an XML island. Tables are distinguished by appending an appropriate index to the document name. For island2.htm, the two XML tables generated would be island2_0 and island2_1.

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