Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide > Initializing and Populating the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse >

Initialization Workflow Files

The following files are found in the common initialization workflow, INITIALIZE:

  • timespan.txt
  • dates.txt

You modify the timespan.txt and the dates.txt files. These files reflect your data warehouse time span. Do not modify the other files in the INITIALIZE workflow, because the system requires those default values during installation.

Timespan.txt File

Required by the INITIALIZE workflow. Open the timespan.txt, edit the $$START_DATE, and the $$END_DATE.

Time.txt File

Required by the Z_LOAD_DATES_TIME worklet. The time.txt file contains references to the time_am.csv, and time_pm.csv files. Do not modify the file.

Time_am and Time_pm.csv Files

Required by the Z_LOAD_DATES_TIME worklet. The time CSV files contain either the A.M. or the P.M. hours of the 24-hour day. Do not modify these files. Each of the two comma-separated files contains a 12-hour segment of the day, broken down by minute and second, and mapped to a description such as night, dawn, and morning for the A.M. hours, or afternoon, evening, and night for the P.M. hours.

Dates.txt File

Required by the INITIALIZE workflow, the dates.txt file contains pointers to each of the Dates_xxxx_xxxx CSV files. You must configure this file to match your data warehouse requirement for a time horizon.

Example of Dates.txt File Use

For example, imagine that today is March 3, 2004 and you want to create a data mart that contains your data from January 2004 through December 2012. In your dates.txt file, you reference the dates_xxxx_xxxx CSV files (see the next paragraph) that define your desired time horizon by removing the entries for the files that are not needed. In this example, you must reference two files (dates_2000_2009.csv and dates_2010_2019.csv), so you remove the entries for the other Dates_xxxx_xxxx CSV files that do not match your time horizon.

Dates_XXXX_XXXX.csv Files

Required by the Z_LOAD_DATES_TIME worklet. The date CSV files are used as described under the heading, Dates.txt. Do not modify the Dates_xxxx_xxxx.csv files.

Example of Using the Dates_XXXX_XXXX.csv Files

In this example, the Xs are a placeholder for the decade start and end dates (such as 1970-1979). These files are divided by decades. For example, the 1970s decade is 1970-1979. The files are optional, because you choose the appropriate decade files, depending on the time horizon you want to represent in your data warehouse. (For example, if you want to represent 1990 through 2009, you keep the Dates_1990_1999.csv and the Dates_2000_2009.csv files in your Dates.txt file, thus defining your time horizon.) Each comma-separated file contains every day of the decade, mapping it to weeks, months, quarters, and years. Each file also contains other descriptive information for each year, such as day of week, end or beginning of month flags, and so on.

Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide