Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide > Configuring Common Components of the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse > Configuring Conformed Dimensions >

Configuring Conformed Dimensions for Universal Source

This section provides configuration procedures for modifying dimensions that are loaded using a universal business adapter.

Product Effective Dates in the Products Dimension

The Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse stores product Effective To (SRC_EFF_TO_DT) and From (SRC_EFF_FROM_DT) dates in the Products dimension table, IA_PRODUCTS. In addition, the Products dimension stores a Support Withdrawn Date column, SPRT_WITHDRAWN_DT.

By default, the Support Withdrawn Date takes precedence over the product Effective To Date. This prioritization means that if you supply a value for the Support Withdrawn Date column in your flat file upload, the Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse uses that value as the product Effective To value as well, overwriting anything in the SRC_EFF_TO_DT column. You can change this default behavior by modifying the Products Expression in the Universal Source Products Extract mapping.

To modify the product Effective To Date logic for a flat file extract

  1. In PowerCenter Designer, open the Configuration for Universal Source folder.
  2. In the M_F_PRODUCTS_EXTRACT mapping, open the EXP_PRODUCTS expression.
  3. Edit the logic for the SRC_EFF_TO_DT_OUT port.
  4. Validate and save your changes.
Siebel Customer-Centric Enterprise Warehouse Installation and Configuration Guide