Siebel Analytics Message Reference >

Siebel Analytics Messages

Siebel Analytics software messages can appear interactively or in the Siebel Analytics log files. Not all messages indicate problems; some are informational, while others may help diagnose problems with network communications, system hardware, permissions, or system software.

Messages are listed in numerical order.

10002 No data is found or end of data has occurred.
10003 API Access handle is invalid.
10004 General warning. Data is still accessible.
10005 Error in disconnecting the connection handle.
10006 Data is truncated. Check the allocated buffer size.
10007 The privilege of the user is not revoked.
10008 The connection string is invalid.
10009 An error has occurred in accessing the requested row.
10010 The option values set for the handle have changed.
10011 An error has occurred because no row was modified.
10012 An error has occurred because multiple rows have been modified.
10013 The parameter count is incorrect.
10014 The data type is wrong or not supported.
10015 The connection has failed.
10016 The connection is busy. The request cannot be processed.
10017 The connect operation failed.
10018 Access for the requested connection is refused.
10019 The connection failed while performing a transaction operation.
10020 The server communication link has failed.
10021 The insert value list does not match.
10022 The degree of the derived table does not match the requested derived table.
10023 String data is right truncated. Check the size of the buffer.
10024 A numeric range error has occurred while evaluating an expression.
10025 Error in data assignment.
10026 Date time field has overflown.
10027 Division by zero has occurred.
10028 String data length does not match.
10029 The operation has caused an integrity constaint violation.
10030 The statement cursor is in an invalid state.
10031 The transaction is in an invalid state.
10032 The authorization is invalid.
10033 The cursor name is not valid.
10034 The SQL statement has a syntax error.
10035 The same cursor name is given more than once.
10036 The request is not serialized appropriately.
10037 A syntax error or access violation has occurred.
10038 The operation is aborted.
10039 The driver does not support this function.
10040 The requested data source name is either not found, incomplete, or incorrect.
10041 Driver could not be loaded by the driver manager.
10042 The environment handle could not be allocated. Check for more than one allocation.
10043 Connection handle allocation failed.
10044 The connection option could not be set. Check the supported options.
10045 Data source is not specified or invalid data source is given.
10046 Dialog failed or is not supported.
10047 Unable to load the translation shared library.
10048 Data source name is too long.
10049 Driver name is too long.
10050 Driver keyword syntax error.
10051 Base table or view already exists.
10052 Base table is not found.
10053 Index already exists.
10054 Index not found.
10055 Column already exists.
10056 Missing column.
10057 No default exists for the requested column.
10058 A general error has occurred.
10059 There is no memory available to process the request.
10060 The column number is invalid.
10061 The program type is out of range.
10062 The SQL data type is out of range.
10063 The operation is cancelled.
10064 The API argument value is invalid.
10065 An ODBC function call is out of sequence.
10066 The requested operation is invalid.
10067 The transaction operation code is invalid.
10068 The cursor name is not available.
10069 The buffer length or string is invalid.
10070 Column description is out of range.
10071 The option type is out of range.
10072 Invalid parameter number identifier.
10073 Scale value is invalid.
10074 Function type is out of range.
10075 Information type is out of range.
10076 Column type is out of range.
10077 Scope type is out of range.
10078 Nullable type is out of range.
10079 Uniqueness option type is out of range.
10080 Accuracy option type is out of range.
10081 Direction option type is out of range.
10082 The precision value is invalid.
10083 The parameter type is invalid.
10084 Fetch type is out of range.
10085 Row value is out of range.
10086 The concurrency option is out of range.
10087 Invalid cursor position.
10088 Invalid driver completion.
10089 Invalid bookmark value.
10090 The driver is not capable of processing the given request.
10091 The timeout period has expired.
10092 The Siebel Analytics Server is not currently running.
Cause. An attempt was made to access the Siebel Analytics Server while it was not running.
Response. Have the Siebel Administrator start up the Siebel Analytics Server from the Windows NT Services control panel.
10093 The connection/statement is killed.
10094 Open statement failed.
10095 Close statement failed.
10096 Get statement option failed.
10097 Set statement option failed.
10098 Get cursor name failed.
10099 Set cursor name failed.
10100 SQL statement preparation failed.
10101 SQL statement execution failed.
10102 SQL statement direct execution failed.
10103 Getting the number of columns for the sql statement failed.
10104 Describing a column for the sql statement failed.
10105 Binding the buffer at the result column of the sql statement failed.
10106 Getting the number of parameters for the sql statement failed.
10107 Describing the parameter column for the sql statement failed.
10108 Binding the buffer at the parameter column for the sql statement failed.
10109 Fetching the row failed.
10110 Bulk fetching rows failed.
10111 Getting column data for the result row failed.
10112 Setting row position in the result set failed.
10113 Getting row count for the result set failed.
10114 Closing the cursor for the statement handle failed.
10115 Cancelling the operation for the statement handle failed.
10116 Getting table information failed.
10117 Getting column information failed.
10118 Getting data type information failed.
10119 Getting index information using statistics operation failed.
10120 Getting foreign key information failed.
10121 Getting primary key information failed.
10122 Getting special column information failed.
11001 Siebel communication error (@1%x): @2%ls, File @3%ls, line @4%d. Verify Siebel Analytics Server machine is accessible.
Cause. A communications error occurred at the specified location in the named file. The Siebel Analytics Server service may not be available.
Response. Verify that the Siebel Analytics Server service is started, and then try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
11002 Siebel communication error (@1%x): @2%ls. Verify Siebel Analytics Server machine is accessible.
Cause. A communications error occurred. The Siebel Analytics Server service may not be available.
Response. Verify that the Siebel Analytics Server service is started, and then try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
11003 Siebel communication error: @1%ls, File @2%ls, line @3%d. Verify Siebel Analytics Server machine is accessible.
Cause. A communications error occurred at the specified location in the named file. The Siebel Analytics Server service may not be available.
Response. Verify that the Siebel Analytics Server service is started, and then try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
11004 Siebel communication error: @1%ls. Verify Siebel Analytics Server machine is accessible.
Cause. A communications error occurred. The Siebel Analytics Server service may not be available.
Response. Verify that the Siebel Analytics Server service is started, and then try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
12001 Unable to connect to Domain Controller for OS authentication.
Cause. Operating system authentication could not be performed because the domain controller could not be accessed. The domain controller may be down, or the network may be experiencing problems.
Response. Correct any communications problems, and verify that the domain controller is accessible. Try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
12002 Socket communication error at call=@1%ls: (Number=@2%d) @3%ls
Cause. The communication failure is likely caused by incorrect Siebel ODBC DSN communication settings or a bad server installation.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12003 Call=@1%ls: An unknown socket communications error has occurred.
Cause. The communication failure is likely caused by incorrect Siebel ODBC DSN communication settings or a bad server installation.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12004 A socket has been closed while reading @1%lu of @2%lu bytes.
Cause. The communication failure is likely caused by incorrect Siebel ODBC DSN communication settings or a bad server installation.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12005 Unknown server machine: @1%ls.
Cause. The communication failure is likely caused by incorrect Siebel ODBC DSN communication settings or a bad server installation.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12006 Cannot initialize TCP/IP communications layer: unspecified port number.
Cause. The communications failure is likely caused by an incorrect Siebel Analytics server installation or configuration.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12007 Cannot find port number for unknown service name: @1%ls.
Cause. The communications failure is likely caused by an incorrect Siebel Analytics server installation or configuration.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12008 Unable to connect to port @1%ls on machine @2%ls.
Cause. This communications failure is likely caused by an incorrect Siebel Analytics server installation or configuration.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping). If basic network connectivity is present, then consider increasing the maximum number of server threads as the server could reject new connection requests to avoid exceeding the configured maximum number of threads.
12009 Illegal message from client requesting unknown remote function @1%ld.
Cause. This communications failure is likely caused by an incorrect Siebel Analytics server installation or configuration (e.g. incompatible client and server versions).
Response. Correct any configuration problems.
12010 Communication error connecting to remote end point: address = @1%ls; port = @2%ls.
Cause. The communication failure is likely caused by incorrect Siebel Analytics ODBC DSN communication settings or a bad server installation.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12011 Unexpected server-side socket shutdown detected by client-side heartbeat facility.
Cause. The communication failure is likely caused by incorrect Siebel Analytics ODBC DSN communication settings or a bad server installation.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12012 Unexpected client shutdown detected by orphaned heartbeat thread.
Cause. The communication failure is likely caused by incorrect Siebel Analytics ODBC DSN communication settings or a bad server installation.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12013 An unknown server error has occurred while responding to a socket message from the client.
Cause. Unexpected server-side problem.
Response. Please contact Technical Support.
12014 Illegal access to a socket pool that has not been opened or explicitly closed.
Cause. Unexpected client-side problem.
Response. Please contact Technical Support.
12015 Communication error with remote end point:@1%ls.
Cause. It is likely that the underlying network layer has failed, if the installation and configuration settings are correct.
Response. Correct any communication configuration problems, and verify that underlying network connectivity is available (e.g. using ping).
12016 Client is incompatible with the server.
Cause. This communications failure is likely caused by an incorrect Siebel Analytics server installation or configuration (e.g. incompatible client and server versions).
Response. Correct any configuration problems.
12017 Unexpected socket read timeout: connection terminated by network, e.g. by the firewall.
Cause. This communications failure is likely caused by a firewall configuration with an overly aggressive timeout of less than 5 minutes.
Response. Correct any configuration problems.
12018 Failed to initialize SSL library Context
Cause. Unexpected problem.
Response. Please contact Technical Support.
12019 Failed to create SSL context.
Cause. Unexpected problem.
Response. Please contact Technical Support.
12020 Failed to create SSL.
Cause. Unexpected problem.
Response. Please contact Technical Support.
13001 User is not authorized to modify the parent object.
Cause. The user is not authorized to perform the requested action.
Response. If the user should have the authority to perform the action, correct the privileges associated with the user or group.
13002 User is not authorized to read the object.
Cause. The user is not authorized to perform the requested action.
Response. If the user should have the authority to perform the action, correct the privileges associated with the user or group.
13003 User is not authorized to modify the object.
Cause. The user is not authorized to perform the requested action.
Response. If the user should have the authority to perform the action, correct the privileges associated with the user or group.
13004 User is not authorized to delete the object.
Cause. The user is not authorized to perform the requested action.
Response. If the user should have the authority to perform the action, correct the privileges associated with the user or group.
13005 User is not authorized to grant privileges on the object.
Cause. The user is not authorized to perform the requested action.
Response. If the user should have the authority to perform the action, correct the privileges associated with the user or group.
13006 User does not have all the privileges.
Cause. The user is not authorized to perform the requested action.
Response. If the user should have the authority to perform the action, correct the privileges associated with the user or group.
13007 Password has expired for the user '@1%ls'. Please change password.
Cause. The password for the named user has expired.
Response. Change your password.
13008 Impersonation cannot be done for bypass NQS authentication
Cause. Impersonation cannot be performed if AUTHENTICATION_TYPE = BYPASS_NQS.
Response. Change the authentication model specified in the NQSConfig.ini file, or do not attempt impersonation.
13009 Row-wise initialization of session variables must be done with a 2 column query, i.e. attribute and value columns.
Cause. An incorrect query was specified in the Initialization Block property dialog.
Response. Fix the query in the Initialization Block so that it returns a result set with 2 columns.
13010 The init block for database authentication must only contain the USER system session variable if impersonation is also used.
Cause. Too many variables are assigned to this initialization block.
Response. Move the extra variables to another initialization block.
13011 Query for Initialization Block '@1%ls' has failed.
Cause. A query for a Session Variable's initialization block returned an error.
Response. Verify correctness of initialization block's query.
13012 NULL values are not allowed in row-wise initialization blocks.
Cause. The SQL query for a row-wise initialization block returned a row containing a NULL value. NULL values are not allowed in row-wise initialization blocks.
Response. Fix the query in the Initialization Block so that it returns a result set that does not contain NULL values.
13013 Init block, '@1%ls', has more variables than the query select list.
Cause. The SQL query has fewer fields than the number of variables associated with the init block. Remove extra variables.
Response. Remove the extra variables or fix the query to populate all variables.
13014 Password length is less than the required minimum, @1%d.
Cause. Minimum password length is being enforced.
Response. Change the password to conform to the length requirements.
13015 You do not have the permission to set the value of the variable '@1%ls'.
Cause. The security setting of this variable in the repository prevents you from setting this variable.
Response. Ask the administrator to change the this variable's setting in the repository to grant appropriate rights if necessary.
13016 User or group has not been granted the populate privilege to write to the @1%ls '@2%ls'. Please verify the User/Group Permissions in the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool.
Cause. The user does not have enough privilege to execute populate statement.
Response. Ask the administrator to add the privileges for you.
13017 User or group has not been granted the Direct Database Access privilege to write to the @1%ls '@2%ls'. Please verify the User/Group Permissions in the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool.
Cause. The user does not have enough privilege to execute the Direct Database Access statement.
Response. Ask the administrator to add the privileges for you.
14001 Column @1%ls (ID=@2%ls) is not part of a table.
Cause. The named column is not part of a table.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14002 Column @1%ls (ID=@2%ls) is not associated to a level.
Cause. The named column is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14003 Cannot complete the translation of the following level table filter: @1%ls.
Cause. The named level table filter is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14004 Union view @1%ls contains only one part. A union view must contain at least two parts.
Cause. The named union view is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14005 Mismatched columns in part @1%ld of union view @2%ls.
Cause. The named union view is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14006 Unsupported predicate: @1%ls.
Cause. A predicate is incorrectly specified or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14007 Unsupported conjunction of predicates: (1) @1%ls, and (2) @2%ls.
Cause. A predicate is incorrectly specified or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14008 Inconsistent lower and upper interval values: @1%ls, @2%ls.
Cause. The fragment range content specification is not valid.
Response. Rewrite the fragment content specification so that the lower limit is less than the higher limit.
14009 Error in @1%ls. Multiple references to different columns are not supported within predicates and OR conditions.
Cause. The specified query is invalid.
Response. Correct the query to remove the multiple references to different column and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14010 Parent view @1%ls does not belong to the same subject area as @2%ls.
Cause. The named parent view is incorrectly defined.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14011 Missing or invalid subject area for view @1%ls.
Cause. The subject area for the specified view is invalid or missing.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14012 Invalid conditional expression: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified conditional expression is invalid.
Response. Correct the expression and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14013 Missing view for fact table: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified fact table is incorrectly defined or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14014 Fact table aggregation level @1%ls is not within one of the subject area's dimension hierarchies.
Cause. The specified fact table aggregation level is invalid.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14015 Key column @1%ls is not projected out by level source: @2%ls.
Cause. The named key column is incorrectly defined.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14016 Queries requesting a grand total along with foreign keys from the fact table are not supported.
Cause. The query is invalid because it requests a grand total along with foreign keys from a fact table.
Response. Correct the query and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14017 Key column @1%ls is missing in the logical data source at the @2%ls aggregation level.
Cause. At the specified aggregation level, the named logical data source is missing a specified key column.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14018 Logical data source has a missing most detailed data aggregation level.
Cause. The logical data source is incorrectly defined, or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14019 Improperly defined repository: no fact tables.
Cause. The repository definition is invalid.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14020 None of the fact tables are compatible with the query request @1%ls.
Cause. The query is invalid, or the repository is incorrectly defined.
Response. Review the query and the available fact tables in the repository, and make the appropriate corrections. Try your actions again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14021 Improperly defined repository: unrecognizable aggregate expression in @1%ls.
Cause. The repository definition is invalid, or an internal error occurred.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14022 Unknown navigation error for request @1%ls.
Cause. The named request could not be completed due to an unknown navigation error.
Response. Review the request, and correct any errors. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14023 None of the fact sources for @1%ls are compatible with the detail filter @2%ls.
Cause. The repository definition is inconsistent with the query.
Response. Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14024 Summary filter @1%ls is not supported by any of the fact sources.
Cause. The repository definition is inconsistent with the query.
Response. Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14025 No fact table exists at the requested level of detail: @1%ls.
Cause. The repository definition is inconsistent with the query.
Response. Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14026 Unable to navigate requested expression: @1%ls. Please fix the metadata consistency warnings.
Cause. The metadata is inconsistent.
Response. Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14027 The navigator cannot handle the following request containing constants only: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified request is invalid.
Response. Review the query and make the appropriate modifications. Correct any other problems and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14028 Level predicates can only be combined with other level predicates in a disjunction.
Cause. The query is invalid.
Response. Correct the query and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14029 The dynamic navigation level intersection space is not consistent with the static metadata.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14030 Unsupported level predicate: Predicate ID = @1%ld.
Cause. The query is invalid because the specified level predicate is unsupported.
Response. Correct the query and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14031 The content filter of a source for logical table: @1%ls references multiple dimensions.
Cause. The source content filter for the named logical table is invalid.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14032 Fact source contents must be described at a single level of aggregation.
Cause. The repository definition is invalid.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14033 Missing level column for table @1%ls. A dimension table can only support multiple levels of content if there is a level column.
Cause. The named dimension table requires multiple levels of content, but includes no level column.
Response. Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14034 The logical level column must be mapped to physical objects for a physical classic star dimension table source.
Cause. The logical level is not mapped to physical columns
Response. Correct the mapping of the logical level so that the logical columns map to physical columns.
14035 The logical table @1%ls is associated to more than one dimension.
Cause. The named logical dimension table is associated with multiple dimensions.
Response. Correct your business model in the Business Model and Mapping Layer, so that the named logical dimension table is only associated with a single dimension.
14036 The logical column @1%ls is associated to a dimension different than the other columns in the logical table.
Cause. The named logical column definition is invalid. It is not associated with the same dimension as other columns in the logical table.
Response. Correct your business model in the Business Model and Mapping Layer, so that the named logical column is associated with the same dimension as the other columns in the logical table. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14037 Improperly defined subject area. No logical fact table in subject area @1%ls.
Cause. The named subject area is invalid, because it does not contain a logical fact table.
Response. Correct the subject area definition so it contains a logical fact table. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14038 Missing key column counterpart to foreign key column @1%ls. Foreign key @2%ls has no associated key.
Cause. The specified foreign key has no associated key column counterpart. The repository definition is invalid.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14039 Physical foreign key @1%ls has @2%ld columns, whereas the corresponding key @3%ls has @4%ld columns. Edit the foreign key object to specify matching columns.
Cause. The physical foreign key specifies a different number of columns than the corresponding key. The repository definition is invalid.
Response. Review the repository foreign key object definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14040 Missing definition for derived logical column @1%ls.
Cause. The named derived logical column is not defined. The repository definition is invalid.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14041 Error in measure definition for column @1%ls. Nested aggregate measure definitions are currently not supported.
Cause. The measure definition for the named column is invalid. It may contain a nested aggregate.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14042 Requested @1%ld levels of aggregation. (Maximum number of levels of aggregation in a query is @2%ld.)
Cause. The query exceeds the maximum allowable level of aggregation.
Response. Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14043 The join condition @1%ls does not contain references to both tables!
Cause. The specified join condition is missing a table reference. The repository definition is invalid.
Response. Review the join condition definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14044 Missing join between logical tables: @1%ls and @2%ls.
Cause. The repository definition is invalid because there is a missing join condition between the two named tables.
Response. Add the appropriate join condition definition for the named tables. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14045 There must be at least one physical join link between the underlying physical tables @1%ls and @2%ls.
Cause. The repository definition is invalid. At least one physical join link must exist between the two named physical tables.
Response. Add the appropriate join condition definition for the named tables. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14046 No physical join relationships exist between any of the following tables: left = @1%ls and right = @2%ls.
Cause. The repository definition is invalid. At least one physical join must exist between the two named physical tables.
Response. Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14047 No common drill-down child exists for the following levels: @1%ls and @2%ls.
Cause. The named levels lack common drill-down children.
Response. Review the query and the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14048 The SQL request is logically inconsistent.
Cause. The query is invalid because it is logically inconsistent.
Response. Correct the query and try again.
14049 Internal Error: expression @1%ls spans multiple dimensions.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14050 Internal Error: could not find level detailed enough for GROUP BY clause: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14051 Internal Error: Level @1%ls has a NULL dimension pointer.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14052 Internal Error: Logical column @1%ls.@2%ls has no physical sources that can be joined to the physical fact table source @3%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14053 Subject area @1%ls is unavailable.
Cause. The subject area has been marked as unavailable.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to make the subject area available, and retry the action.
14054 Unable to load subject area: @1%ls.
Cause. The named subject area could not be loaded. The repository definition for the subject area may be inconsistent.
Response. Review the repository definition for the subject area and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14055 Loading subject area: @1%ls ...
Cause. The named subject area is being loaded.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
14056 Finished loading subject area: @1%ls.
Cause. The named subject area has been successfully loaded.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
14057 Unloaded subject area: @1%ls.
Cause. The named subject area has been unloaded.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
14058 Unloaded all subject areas.
Cause. All subject areas have been unloaded.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
14059 Illegal query: cannot request both @1%ls and its aggregation in the same query.
Cause. The query is invalid.
Response. Review the query and the associated repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14060 Illegal query: cannot request both summary and detail data in the same query.
Cause. The query is invalid.
Response. Review the query and the associated repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14061 Specified drill-down selection does not exist.
Cause. The query is invalid.
Response. Review the query and the associated repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14062 Measure header drill-down is not supported.
Cause. The query is invalid.
Response. Review the query and the associated repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14063 @1%ls is not mapped properly in one of the sources for that table.
Cause. The repository definition is invalid because the named dimension column is not properly mapped.
Response. Review the repository definition and correct the dimension column mapping. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14064 Dimensional column, @1%ls.@2%ls, has associations with more than one level: @3%ls.
Cause. The repository definition is invalid because the named dimensional column is associated with multiple levels.
Response. Review the repository definition and correct the dimension column level associations. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
14065 Illegal cross join within the same dimension caused by incorrect subject area setup: @1%ls with @2%ls
Cause. The metadata for this subject area has been incorrectly defined.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the subject area metadata.
14066 Dimensional logical table sources with nested outer joins cannot mix shared fact tables across the outer join.
Cause. A dimension table source contains outer joins with tables partially shared in common with a fact table source, resulting in a complex join merging problem across dimension and fact table sources.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to eliminate mixed sharing, e.g. include all the driving tables in the fact source.
14067 Inconsistent lower and upper interval values: @1%ls, @2%ls.
Cause. The fragment range content specification is invalid.
Response. Rewrite the fragment content specification to make the lower limit less than the higher limit.
14068 Inconsistent lower and upper interval values: @1%ls, @2%ls.
Cause. The fragment range content specification is invalid.
Response. Rewrite the fragment content specification to make the lower limit less than or equal to the higher limit.
14069 Inconsistent lower and upper interval values for a non-inclusive range: @1%ls, @2%ls.
Cause. The fragment range content specification is invalid.
Response. Rewrite the fragment content specification to make the lower limit less than the higher limit.
14070 Cannot find logical table source coverage for logical columns: @1%ls. Please check more detailed level keys are mapped correctly.
Cause. Level keys are likely not mapped correctly in the dimension(s) associated with these columns.
Response. Map the level key columns correctly.
15001 Could not load navigation space for subject area @1%ls.
Cause. The named subject area may be inconsistent.
Response. Review the repository definition for the subject area and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15002 Missing navigation space for subject area @1%ls.
Cause. The named subject area is unavailable for query purposes.
Response. Ask the Administrator to make the subject area available. The Administrator should check the repository for inconsistencies and compilation errors before making the subject area available.
15003 Missing most detailed table for dimension tables: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15004 Internal Error: Missing functional dependency association for column: @1%ls.@2%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15005 Internal Error: Missing table to dimension linkage for table @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15006 Internal Error: Orphaned table @1%ls has no subject area parent.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15007 Table @1%ls.@2%ls is not in subject area @3%ls. Make sure that presentation tables only contain columns from the same subject area.
Cause. The named presentation table is not in the specified subject area.
Response. Make sure that presentation tables only contain columns from the same subject area. After making the appropriate corrections, try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15008 Logical column @1%ls.@2%ls has an aggregate measure definition with a secondary aggregation rule expression, @3%ls, that does not refer to the logical column.
Cause. The aggregate measure definition for the named column is invalid.
Response. Correct the secondary aggregation rule expression for the named column and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15009 Multiple paths exist to table @1%ls. Circular logical schemas are not supported.
Cause. The repository contains a circular logical scheme, which is not supported.
Response. Correct the repository so it does not contain multiple paths to the named table, and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15010 The join cardinality for the logical join relationship @1%ls (between tables @2%ls and @3%ls) is specified incorrectly. (Note that many-to-many logical joins require bridge tables.)
Cause. The specified join cardinality is invalid.
Response. Correct the join cardinality specification. If you have many-to-many logical joins, be sure to specify a bridge table. After making the corrections, try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15011 The dimension table source @1%ls.@2%ls has an aggregate content specification that specifies the level @3%ls. But the source mapping contains column @4%ls with a functional dependency association on a more detailed level @5%ls.
Cause. The source mapping includes a column that is dependent on a more detailed level than the aggregate content specification for the source.
Response. Correct the dimension level specifications and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15012 The dimension table source @1%ls.@2%ls has an aggregate content specification that specifies the level @3%ls. But the source mapping contains column @4%ls with a functional dependency association on a level @5%ls in a different hierarchy.
Cause. The hierarchy in the dimension level source doesn't match that specified for the aggregate content.
Response. Correct the hierarchy specifications and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15013 Logical table, @1%ls.@2%ls, does not join to any other logical table
Cause. The repository contains an isolated logical table.
Response. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15014 No subject area is available in the repository @1%ls. Remove the repository from NQSConfig.ini and restart the server.
Cause. The repository does not contain any subject areas.
Response. Remove the repository from the nQSConfig.ini file and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.
15015 The content filter currently does not support a disjunction of certain predicates. The predicate @1%ls participates in a disjunction with @2%ls.
Cause. The content filter is invalid.
Response. Correct the content filter and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15016 The logical table source @1%ls.@2%ls has no physical tables.
Cause. The named logical table source does not include any physical tables. The logical table source may be specified in error.
Response. Correct the logical table source specification and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15017 Could not update subject area @1%ls because the following requests are still pending: @2%ls.
Cause. The requested update to the named subject area could not be completed because the specified requests are still pending.
Response. Allow all pending requests to complete and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15018 Incorrectly defined logical table source (for fact table @1%ls) does not contain mapping for @2%ls.
Cause. The logical table source for the named fact table lacks appropriate mappings.
Response. Correct the definition and mappings for the logical table source and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15019 Table @1%ls is functionally dependent upon level @2%ls, but a more detailed child level has associated columns from that same table or a more detailed table.
Cause. The named table level dependencies are inconsistent.
Response. Correct the level dependencies and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for details.
15020 Dimensional table source @1%ls.@2%ls, has no column mappings.
Cause. The named dimensional table source contains no column mappings.
Response. Correct the dimensional table source definition and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15021 @1%ld candidate union combinations for logical table source @2%ls. Please verify fragments and their content filter.
Cause. The fragment range content specification is invalid.
Response. Correct the fragment content specifications and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15022 Cannot extract overlapping and non-overlapping predicate descriptions from the following two conditions: (1) @1%ls, and (2) @2%ls.
Cause. The fragment content specifications are too complex.
Response. Review, simplify and correct any problems with the fragment content specification. Try your actions again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15023 Error in setting up logical column measure: @1%ls.
Cause. The measure definition or datatype for the named physical column is incorrect.
Response. Correct the measure definition or the datatype associated with the underlying physical column.
15024 There is an inconsistent number of parallel content filter tracks: @1%ld vs @2%ld.
Cause. The content filter specification is incorrect.
Response. Fix the content filter(s) of the source(s) participating in the fragment set so that each source in that set has the same number of parallel content tracks.
15025 Content ranges where the higher limit is inclusive are currently not supported.
Cause. The ranges in the content filter are currently not supported.
Response. Try to rewrite the content filter to remove the inclusive higher limit by incrementing the higher limit.
15026 Content ranges excluding both the lower and upper limits are currently not supported.
Cause. The ranges in a content filter exclude both the lower and upper limits. Siebel Systems does not currently support this feature.
Response. Rewrite the content filter to include either or both of the limits by decrementing or incrementing the limits.
15027 Unknown content predicate overlap is not resolvable.
Cause. An internal predicate partition analysis error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
15028 Disjunctive content predicate, @1%ls, overlaps other disjunctive predicate content, e.g. @2%ls.
Cause. The disjunctive content filter is too complex.
Response. Rewrite the content filter to eliminate disjunctive overlap.
15029 Content filter disjunct uses an attribute, @1%ls, which is not a subset of attributes used in other disjuncts.
Cause. The disjunctive content filter is too complex.
Response. Rewrite the content filter so that alternate content filter disjuncts are a subset of the primary disjunct.
15030 Content filter, @1%ls, has an inconsistent number of tracks with @2%ls.
Cause. The named content filters for the named sources in the fragment set are inconsistently specified.
Response. Fix the content filter(s) for the source(s) participating in the fragment set so that each source in the set has the same number of parallel content tracks.
15031 The dimension table source @1%ls.@2%ls has a non-interpretable aggregate content specification, possibly caused by missing columns or keys.
Cause. The named table source has an aggregate content specification that cannot be interpreted. This problem may be caused by missing level keys or columns.
Response. Check the dimension table source for missing level keys or columns.
15032 The dimension table source @1%ls.@2%ls has an aggregate content specification with multiple levels of aggregation.
Cause. The named table source has an unsupported aggregate content specification scheme.
Response. Siebel Systems does not currently support multiple levels of aggregation in a non-logical classic star subject area.
15033 Logical table @1%ls does not have a properly defined primary key.
Cause. The named table does not have a primary key or the primary key definition is incorrect.
Response. Add the correct primary key definition to this table.
15034 Dimension @1%ls is not associated with any dimension tables.
Cause. The leaf level(s) of the named dimension do not have any association to a dimension table.
Response. Add the correct key definition(s) to these leaf levels.
15035 Logical table @1%ls has a dangling join relationship @2%ls with no association to another table.
Cause. A corrupt relationship object is in the repository.
Response. Try deleting this relationship using the Joins Manager screen in the metadata Administration Tool.
15036 Logical table @1%ls needs a primary key to support count aggregates on that table.
Cause. Table is missing a key definition in the metadata repository.
Response. Add a key definition to this table.
15037 Table, @1%ls, has multiple key level associations: @2%ls and @3%ls.
Cause. Logical table has multiple incompatible keys at different levels of granularity.
Response. Fix the metadata definition for the table and its associated keys or levels.
15038 Logical join relationship between @1%ls and @2%ls has a dangling driving table reference to @3%ls.
Cause. The join relationship between these two objects has been corrupted.
Response. Fix the join relationship metadata object.
15039 Level @1%ls has drilldown levels associated with multiple (likely overlapping) dimensions: (1) @2%ls, (2) @3%ls. Please check logical table key definitions, particularly for fact tables, and level-based measure definitions.
Cause. Incomplete table or level key definitions are leading to overlapping dimension definitions. A level-based measure without an aggregation rule may also cause this issue.
Response. Fix the definitions of the keys to make them complete. Make sure measures have aggregation rules.
15040 Logical column, @1%ls.@2%ls, is associated to a level, @3%ls.@4%ls, from a separate business model!
Cause. The metadata for this logical column has been corrupted, perhaps from a prior merge.
Response. Remove the association of the level from the column by editing the level associations in the separate subject area.
15041 Adding drilldown level, @1%ls, to a level, @2%ls, that is currently a drilldown level of the first, thus creating illegal circularity. Please report this error!
Cause. There is an internal error causing the creation of an illegal circular level hierarchy.
Response. Please report this error to technical support immediately. Avoid running this query for the time being.
15042 The parent level @1%ls.@2%ls.@3%ls is missing from the navigation space for the child level @4%ls.@5%ls.@6%ls.
Cause. There is a metadata setup error where the preferred UI drilldown of a level is extending across multiple subject areas.
Response. Fix the metadata so that drilldowns stay within the same subject area.
16001 ODBC error state: @1%ls code: @2%d message: @3%ls.
Cause. The data source reported an ODBC error.
Response.  Examine the error message text to determine the cause of the problem. Consult the vendor's documentation using the error number to determine the cause and response. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16002 Cannot obtain number of columns for the query result.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16003 Column description failed.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16004 Cannot obtain the number of columns for the input parameter.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16005 Input parameter description failed.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16006 Setting the statement option for extended fetch failed.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16007 ODBC error occurred while freeing statement resources.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16008 ODBC error occurred while canceling a statement execution.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16009 ODBC error occurred while binding the columns of a SQL statement.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16010 ODBC error occurred while retrieving information about the columns of a SQL procedure.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16011 ODBC error occurred while executing SQLExtendedFetch to retrieve the results of a SQL statement.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16012 ODBC error occurred while binding the parameters of a SQL statement.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16013 Statement handle allocation error.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16014 SQL statement preparation failed.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16015 SQL statement execution failed.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16016 No connection pool for database @1%ls.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred. No connection pool exists for the named database.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to define a connection pool for the database and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16017 Memory allocation error occurred while allocating ODBC environment.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred. The system may be short on resources.
Response. Close unnecessary applications and retry your actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16018 Database @1%ls version @2%ls is not supported.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred. The specified database version is not currently supported.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16019 Client @1%ls version @2%ls is not supported.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred. The specified client version is not currently supported.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16020 Metadata Database Type: @1%lsData Source Name: @2%lsData Source Type: @3%ls
Cause. The database server version is logged on first successful connection since startup.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
16021 ODBC error occurred while resetting the parameters buffer of a SQL statement.
Cause. An ODBC error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
16022 A bulkInsert statement has failed after successfully inserted @1%d rows but failed in batch @2%d. Maximum batch size @3%d. Current batch size @4%d
Cause. Errors happen when insert data in backend database.
Response. Please check detail information with the native odbc error code. You may need to delete inconsistent records from database.
17001 Oracle Error code: @1%d, message: @2%ls.
Cause. An Oracle error occurred.
Response. Refer to your Oracle documentation for additional information about the error and possible resolutions.
17002 Oracle connection pool error: @1%ls.
Cause. An Oracle connection pool error occurred.
Response. Refer to your Oracle documentation for additional information about the error and possible resolutions.
17003 Oracle gateway error: @1%ls.
Cause. An Oracle gateway error occurred.
Response. Refer to your Oracle documentation for additional information about the error and possible resolutions.
17004 Statement handle allocation error.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17005 Error while executing OCIParamGet.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17006 Error while executing OCIAttrGet.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17007 Error while executing OCIDefine routines.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17008 Error while executing OCIHandleAlloc routines.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17009 Error while executing OCIHandleFree routines.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17010 SQL statement preparation failed.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17011 SQL statement execution failed.
Cause. An internal error caused the SQL statement execution to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17012 Bulk fetch failed.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17013 Binding parameter by position failed.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17014 Could not connect to Oracle database.
Cause. A connection to the Oracle database could not be established. The database may not be available, or the network may be down.
Response. Verify that the database is available and that there is network connectivity. Try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17015 Could not turn on the asynchronous call option for OCI8 connection.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17016 Could not commit transaction on Oracle database.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17017 Could not rollback transaction on Oracle database.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17018 Could not bind buffer on Oracle database.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17019 Error while executing OCIAttrSet.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
17020 A bulkInsert statement has successfully inserted @1%d rows but failed in batch @2%d. Maximum batch size @3%d. Current batch size @4%d.
Cause. Errors happen when insert data in Oracle database.
Response. Please check detail information with the native Oracle Error Code
17021 Current batch failed with @1%d errors.
Cause. Errors happen when insert data in Oracle database.
Response. Please check detail information with the native Oracle Error Code.
17022 Bulkinsert functionality is not supported in OCI8 gateway.Please use OCI8i instead
Cause. Configuration Error.
Response. Please choose OCI8I in the gateway option.
18001 Connection is not established by logging into the database.
Cause. A connection error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
18002 Oracle native error code: @1%d, message: @2%ls.
Cause. An Oracle error occurred.
Response. Refer to your Oracle documentation for additional information about the error and possible resolutions.
18003 Statement cursor open error.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
18004 Error while describing select column list.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
18005 Error while binding result column.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
18006 Error while binding parameter column.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
18007 SQL statement preparation failed.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
18008 SQL statement execution failed.
Cause. An internal error caused the SQL statement execution to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
18009 Error while bulk fetching result set.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
19002 Incorrect use of parameters. The parameters used in @1%ls cannot be resolved without ambiguity.
Cause. The SQL statement contains parameters that are inconsistent with the named operation.
Response. Review and correct the SQL syntax before retrying the action.
19005 Mismatched number of columns for key @1%ls and foreign key @2%ls.
Cause. There is a logical inconsistency in the repository.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the logical key and foreign key mismatch. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
19006 Illegal recursive expression definition for object: @1%ls, ID=@2%ls.
Cause. The definition of the named measure object in the repository contains a recursive expression.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the measure object definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
19007 The user does not have sufficient privilege to access the database @1%ls.
Cause. The database cannot be accessed by the user. The user privileges are insufficient.
Response. Direct the user to another connection pool, or change the user database privileges.
19008 Logical table source @1%ls.@2%ls has a dangling reference to a join link (ID=@3%ls) that no longer exists. Refresh the table source state by bringing up the dialog and clicking on OK.
Cause. Change have been made to the Business Model and Mapping layer, causing an invalid logical table source state.
Response. Refresh the named table source state by bring up the dialog and clicking on OK. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action.
19009 Logical table source @1%ls.@2%ls uses an invalid join condition: @3%ls.
Cause. An invalid join condition exists for the named logical table source.
Response. Correct the join conditions for the named logical table source and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
22001 Target data source does not support the @1%ls operation.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
22002 An object in the repository does not have data type information.
Cause. The repository definition is incomplete. An object does not include data type information.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
22005 Repository metadata: column @1%ls has no data type information.
Cause. The named column lacks data type information. The repository definition is incomplete.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
22006 Repository metadata: missing column object: ID=@1%ls.
Cause. The specified column cannot be located in the repository metadata.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
22007 The user does not have sufficient privilege to execute this query.
Cause. The query cannot be completed. The user who issued the query has insufficient authority.
Response. This is an informational message. If the user should be allowed to issue the query, make the appropriate modification to the permissions for the user or group before allowing the user to try the query again.
22008 The user cannot execute this query at this time.
Cause.  The user does not have sufficient privilege to execute the query at the current time
Response. This is an informational message. No response is required. If the user should be allowed to run the query at this time, see the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional information about specifying query execution privileges, including time limits for access.
22009 The Concatenation operation must have character operands.
Cause. The concatenation operation in the query is invalid.
Response. Review the query and make any necessary corrections. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
22010 The operand of the CHAR function must be an integer.
Cause. The CHAR function in the query is invalid. The operand is not an integer.
Response. Modify the query or the repository so that the CHAR function has a proper integer operand and retry the action.
22011 Database @1%ls does not support feature @2%ls. Please check the features table for this database.
Cause. The database features table contains an invalid setting. The features table may have been modified in error.
Response. The Siebel Analytics Server uses the features table to determine what kinds of queries it can send to the underlying databases. The features table contains default settings for each database type and have been tested with that database. Use the Administration Tool to restore the features table for the database to the tested default settings and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
22012 The first operand of BottomN must be a numeric data type.
Cause. The first operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement is not a numeric data type.
Response. Change the first operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric data type and resubmit the query.
22013 The second operand of TopN and BottomN must be a numeric data type.
Cause. The second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a numeric data type.
Response. Change the second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric data type and resubmit the query.
22014 The first operand of MavN must be a numeric data type.
Cause. The first operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a numeric data type.
Response. Change the first operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric data type and resubmit the query.
22015 The second operand of MavN must be a numeric data type.
Cause. The second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a numeric data type.
Response. Change the second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric data type and resubmit the query.
22016 The result types of the CASE expression are incorrect.
Cause. Either the result types from the CASE statement are incompatible or all of the result types are NULL.
Response. Correct the THEN and ELSE expressions of the CASE statement to make sure that they are type compatible and that at least one of them returns a non-NULL value.
22017 Data type, @1%ls, is incompatible with an arithmetic aggregation.
Cause. The SQL statement contains an incorrect aggregation for the named data type.
Response. Correct the SQL statement or the aggregation rule defined in the repository.
22018 Siebel Analytics Server XML does not support the @1%ls operation.
Cause. The specified operation is currently not supported.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
22019 Function @1%ls does not support non-numeric types.
Cause.  The SQL query contains a call to the named function which does not support non-numeric types.
Response. Modify the query or the repository to add an explicit CAST function or correct the operand to the function, and retry the action.
22020 Function @1%ls does not support non-text types.
Cause. The SQL query contains a call to the named function which does not support non-text types.
Response. Modify the query or the repository to cast the column to a text type and retry the action.
22021 Function @1%ls does not support non-exact Numeric types.
Cause. The SQL query contains a call to the named function which requires an exact numeric type (e.g. an integer), but the data type passed was not an integer.
Response. Modify the query or the repository to use an exact numeric type (e.g. an integer) and retry the action.
22022 Function @1%ls does not support binary types.
Cause. The SQL query contains a call to the named function which does not support a binary type..
Response. Modify the query or the repository to use an appropriate data type and retry the action.
22023 An arithmetic operation is being carried out on a non-numeric type.
Cause. The SQL query contains a call to an arithmetic function using a non-numeric data type.
Response. Modify the query or the repository to use the appropriate data type and retry the action.
22024 A comparison is being carried out between non-compatible types.
Cause. The SQL query contains a call to a comparison function using non-compatible data types.
Response. Modify the query or the repository to use the appropriate data type and retry the action.
22025 Function @1%ls is called with an incompatible type.
Cause. The SQL query contains a call to the named function which is using an incompatible data type.
Response. Modify the query or the repository to use a compatible data type and retry the action.
22026 A logical connective (AND/OR/NOT) uses a non-Boolean.
Cause. The SQL query contains a logical connective that uses an illegal data type.
Response. Modify the query or the repository to use the appropriate data type and retry the action.
22027 Union of non-compatible types.
Cause. The SQL query contains a union of non-compatible types.
Response. Modify the query or the repository to use the appropriate data types and retry the action.
22028 Siebel Analytics Server tried to issue a DELETE statement.
Cause. The Event Polling Table's physical database type does not support necessary features.
Response. Modify the repository so that the EPT uses a different physical database type or modify the database features to support IS_DATE_TIME_LITERAL_SUPPORTED.
22029 Database connectivity for the connection pool @1%ls.@2%ls has not been installed correctly.
Cause. The third party database connectivity driver is missing or not installed properly.
Response. Install the connectivity package correctly.
22030 Database @1%ls does not support Millisecond as the unit in function @2%ls.
Cause. Some database vendors such as Teradata do not support Millisecond as the unit in timestampdiff and timestampadd functions.
Response. Modify the logical query to avoid using Millisecond as the unit or disable the timestampadd/timestampdiff feature in the feature table.
23001 Invalid aggregate expression @1%ls for aggregation rule @2%ls.@3%ls.@4%ls.
Cause. The named aggregation expression for the named aggregation rule in the repository is invalid.
Response. Review the repository aggregation rule definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
23002 The aggregate measure definition @1%ls.@2%ls has no aggregation rules.
Cause. The named aggregation measure definition in the repository is invalid.
Response. Review the repository aggregation rule definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
23003 Ordering by columns not in the select list is incompatible with the following: SELECT DISTINCT, UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, or derived table parents.
Cause. The SQL syntax is invalid.
Response. Review and correct the SQL syntax before retrying the action.
23004 Invalid request: Subtotal GROUP BY clause cannot contain an aggregate expression @1%ls.
Cause. The SQL syntax is invalid.
Response. Review and correct the SQL syntax before retrying the action.
23005 The repository variable, @1%ls, has no value definition.
Cause. The named repository variable must have a defined value expression before it can be used.
Response. Specify a value expression for the named repository variable.
23006 The session variable, @1%ls.@2%ls, has no value definition.
Cause. The named session-specific variable must be defined before it can be used.
Response. Specify a value for the session variable through the initialization string.
23007 Atomic table reference cannot be mixed with derived column references in the same SELECT.
Cause. The SQL syntax is unsupported.
Response. Nest the atomic table reference(s) within an inner derived table, preferably an existing one.
23008 Out of bounds derived column reference index.
Cause. An internal error occurred. This may be an internal parser error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
23009 Derived column reference to unknown table: @1%ls.
Cause. The SQL syntax is invalid.
Response. Review and correct the SQL syntax before retrying the action.
23010 Multiple repository or session variables have the same name: @1%ls.
Cause. The same name is used for multiple repository or session variables.
Response. Specify a unique name for each repository and session variable.
24001 Error code @1%d, token code @2%d, size @3%d.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
25001 Invalid attribute name: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
25002 Invalid relationship name: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
26001 Near <@1%ls>: String must be in a single line.
Cause. The string extends across multiple lines.
Response. Remove all the newline characters within this string.
26002 Near <@1%ls>: End of input has been reached. Illegal syntax.
Cause. The single or double quoted string does not have a matching end quote.
Response. Add a single or double quote at the end and retry the query.
26003 Bad space for scanner.
Cause. An MKS LEX internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
26004 No space for scanner.
Cause. An out-of-memory MKS LEX internal error occurred.
Response. Add more memory or increase virtual memory size.
26005 Token buffer overflow.
Cause. An MKS LEX internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
26006 Push-back buffer overflow.
Cause. An MKS LEX internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
26007 Parser stack overflow.
Cause. An MKS YACC internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
26008 File @1%ls no input.
Cause. The line is empty or the input is incomplete.
Response. Correct the grammar and try the action again.
26009 File @1%ls Near Line @2%d, Near <@3%ls>: new line in string.
Cause. The string needs to be on a single line.
Response. Remove all the new lines within this string.
26010 File @1%ls Near Line @2%d, Near <@3%ls>: EOF in string.
Cause. The single or double quoted string does not have a matching end quote.
Response. Add a single or double quote at appropriate place and try the action again.
26011 File @1%ls Near Line @2%d, near <@3%ls>: Syntax error @4%ls.
Cause. A keyword was misspelled or an unexpected identifier was encountered.
Response. Review the file and make the appropriate correction before retrying the action.
27001 End of input has been reached. Illegal syntax.
Cause. An empty line or incomplete input was encountered.
Response. Correct the illegal syntax and try the action again.
27002 Near <@1%ls>: Syntax error @2%ls.
Cause. A keyword was misspelled or an unexpected identifier was encountered.
Response. Correct the illegal syntax and try the action again.
27003 ORDER BY subclause: column number @1%d is out of range.
Cause. The column number is greater than the number of columns in the select statement.
Response. Correct the column number in the Order By clause and retry the query.
27004 Unresolved table: @1%ls.
Cause. The table name was misspelled or the user does not have access rights to this table.
Response. Verify the spelling of the table name, and be sure the user has access rights to the table. Correct any problems and retry the action.
27005 Unresolved column: @1%ls.
Cause. The column name was misspelled or the user does not have access rights to this column.
Response. Verify the spelling of the column name, and be sure the user has access rights to the column. Correct any problems and retry the action.
27006 Ambiguous table: @1%ls.
Cause. There are two or more tables in the repository with the same name.
Response. Use a qualifier like Catalog Name to limit the choice.
27007 Ambiguous column: @1%ls.
Cause. There are two or more columns in the repository with the same name.
Response. Use a qualifier like Table Name to limit the choice.
27008 Ambiguous catalog: @1%ls.
Cause. There are two or more catalogs in the repository with the same name. Catalog names must be unique within a repository.
Response. Remove or rename the duplicate catalog. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
27009 Unresolved identifier: @1%ls.
Cause. The identifier was misspelled or the user does not have access to it.
Response. Check the spelling of the identifier, and verify that the user has access right to this identifier in the repository.
27010 Ambiguous identifier: @1%ls.
Cause. There are two or more identifiers in the repository with the same name.
Response. Use one or more qualifiers to limit the choice.
27011 <@1%ls>: Invalid Date format.
Cause. The date string does not follow the required format.
Response. Correct the date string to match the required format.
27012 <@1%ls>: Invalid Time format.
Cause. Time string does not follow the required format.
Response. Correct the time string to match the required format.
27013 <@1%ls>: Invalid DateTime format.
Cause. The datetime string format is invalid.
Response. Correct the datetime string to match the required format.
27015 <@1%ls>: column in GROUPBY clause not in the projection list.
Cause. The named column is not in the select statement.
Response. Add the named column to the select statement or remove it from the GROUPBY clause.
27016 <@1%ls>: column name should not exceed 256 characters. The last part should not exceed 128 characters.
Cause. The column name is too long.
Response. Reduce the length of the column name.
27017 Unresolved init block: @1%ls.
Cause. The named identifier may be misspelled or does not exist.
Response. Verify the spelling of the named identifier and that it exists. Correct any problems before retrying the action.
27018 Ambiguous init block: @1%ls.
Cause. There are two or more initiation blocks in the repository with the same name.
Response. Remove or rename one of the initiation blocks in the repository. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for other repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
27019 Unresolved rp variable: @1%ls.
Cause. The named variable may be misspelled or does not exist.
Response. Verify the spelling of the variable and that it exists. Correct any problems before retrying the action.
27020 <@1%ls>: Invalid variable name.
Cause. The named variable may be misspelled or does not exist.
Response. Correct the spelling of the named variable and retry the action.
27021 Query rejected. You do not have access to any of the columns in the query.
Cause. The query user does not have permission to any of the columns in the projection list.
Response. Login as a different user or ask administrator change the permissions.
27022 Unresolved Connection Pool object: @1%ls.
Cause. The Connection Pool name was misspelled or the user does not have access rights to this Connection Pool.
Response. Verify the spelling of the Connection Pool name, and be sure the user has access rights to the Connection Pool. Correct any problems and retry the action.
27023 Ambiguous Connection Pool object: @1%ls.
Cause. There are two or more Connection Pool objects in the repository with the same name.
Response. Use a qualifier like Database Name to limit the choice.
27024 The EXECUTE PHYSICAL statement must specify a physical SQL statement to execute.
Cause. The physical SQL statement to execute is missing from the EXECUTE PHYSICAL statement.
Response. Add the physical SQL to the end of the EXECUTE PHYSICAL statement and re-submit the statement.
27025 Invalid delimiter. A delimiter has to be a single character.
Cause. The populate statement specified a delimeter that is an empty string or has more than one characters.
Response. Modify the delimiter to be a single character quoted in a pair of single quotes.
27026 EXECUTE PHYSICAL statement execution is not allowed.
Cause. The (default) value of ALLOW_EXECUTE_PHYSICAL in NQSConfig.INI is 'No'.
Response. Set the value of ALLOW_EXECUTE_PHYSICAL to 'Yes'.
28001 Near Line @1%d, Near <@2%ls>: String must be in a single line.
Cause. The named string must be on a single line.
Response. Remove all the new lines within this string.
28002 Near Line @1%d, Near <@2%ls>: End of file has been reached.
Cause. The singly or doubly quoted string does not have a matching quote.
Response. Add single or double quote at the end.
28003 Near Line @1%d, near <@2%ls>: Syntax error @3%ls.
Cause. A keyword was misspelled or an unexpected identifier was encountered.
Response. Verify the syntax and correct any errors before retrying the action.
28004 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: Duplicate definition.
Cause. The same object was defined more than once.
Response. Change the name of one of the objects.
28005 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: Multiple matches found in the current repository.
Cause. More than one match was found in the repository. The repository may be corrupted.
Response. Repair the repository. Restore it from a back-up, or use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to identify compilation errors. Correct any problems before retrying your actions.
28006 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: Not defined.
Cause. The named symbol is not defined either in the script or the repository.
Response. Define the named symbol in the script or create an object in the repository. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28007 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This data type is not supported.
Cause. The named data type is not supported.
Response. Correct the data type and retry the action. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28008 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This database type is not supported.
Cause. The named database type is not supported.
Response. Correct the database type and retry the action. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28009 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This connection type is not supported.
Cause. The named connection type is not supported.
Response. Correct the connect type and retry the action. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28010 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: It cannot be a parent or container of itself.
Cause. A circular definition was found.
Response. Correct the appropriate definitions to break the circle. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28012 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This role is not defined.
Cause. The required role is missing. Each relationship needs to have 2 roles. This is an internal error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28013 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This object privilege cannot be used for none set.
Cause. This object privilege is wrong. This is an internal error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28014 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This object privilege cannot be used for read set.
Cause. This object privilege is wrong. This is an internal error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28015 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This object privilege cannot be used for read_write set.
Cause. This object privilege is wrong. This is an internal error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28016 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This object privilege cannot be used for erase set.
Cause. This object privilege is wrong.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28017 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This object privilege cannot be used for grant set.
Cause. This object privilege is wrong.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28018 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This object privilege cannot be used for all set.
Cause. This object privilege is wrong.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28019 Near Line @1%d: In the metadata expression {@2%ls ......}, the following error occurred: @3%ls@4%ls.
Cause. The named expression has one or more errors. This can be caused by spelling errors or objects referenced in the expression that are missing.
Response. Ignore and then reconstruct the problem expressions.
28020 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: is already in the repository and it's ID is different from the designated ID.
Cause. An object of the same name exists in the repository but with a different ID. The repository may be corrupted.
Response. Repair the repository. Restore it from a back-up, or use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to identify compilation errors. Correct any problems before retrying your actions.
28021 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: is an invalid feature.
Cause. The system could not find the named feature.
Response. Verify the spelling of the named feature.
28022 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: is an invalid value for the feature <@3%ls>
Cause. The specified value is invalid for the named Boolean feature.
Response. Valid values include words like YES, NO, ON or OFF. Make the appropriate changes before retrying the action.
28023 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: is an invalid value repository property name.
Cause. The property name is wrong.
Response. Use 'CustomPresentationLayer'.
28024 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This alias appears more than once.
Cause. The alias appeared twice in the repository, either as the name or alias of an object of the same type.
Response. Find the duplicates in the repository using the Query tool and make the appropriate changes.
28025 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This alias is the same as an object in the script.
Cause. The alias has the same name as another object of the same type in the script.
Response. Correct the script so the alias and the object use different names.
28026 Near Line @1%d, <@2%ls>: This alias is the same as an object in the repository.
Cause. The alias has the same name as another object of the same type in the repository.
Response. Correct the repository so the alias and the object use different names.
28027 Near Line @1%d: The Administrator security role does not inherit from any other roles.
Cause. The Administrators role inherited from another role.
Response. The Administrator security role can only be a root level role.
28028 Near Line @1%d: <@2%ls>: Invalid DateTime format.
Cause. The format of the Datetime string is invalid.
Response. Correct the format of the Datetime string and retry the action.
28029 Invalid level relationship to @1%ls found . Please recreate the level(s) relationships.
Cause. The level with the required ID does not exist in the repository. The repository may be corrupted.
Response. Repair the repository. Restore it from a back-up, or use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to identify compilation errors. Correct any problems before retrying your actions.
28030 Error: The object @1%ls(@2%ls) does not exist. If it is on-line mode, please check in changes from the File menu.
Cause. The object with the required ID does not exist in the repository. The object may not be checked in.
Response. If the repository is in on-line mode, use the Check-in function from the File menu to make the object available.
28031 Error: Cannot open the file: @1%ls.
Cause. Cannot open the named UDML script file. The file may not exist, or may be in use.
Response. Verify that the file exists and is not in use by another process. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
28032 Internal error: The UDML for this object has not been implemented yet: @1%ls.
Cause. UDML generation and parser need to be implemented for this type of object.
Response. Developer need to implement the corresponding code.
29001 The table in the join graph is NULL.
Cause. One of the tables to be joined does not exist.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
29002 <Init block variable does not exist>
Cause. The initialization block has already been deleted. But the expression still has a reference to it.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
29005 <<MISSING>>
Cause. An unknown object has already been deleted. But the expression still has a reference to it.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
29006 Upgrade/Merge: The object corresponding to <@1%ls> is NULL.
Cause. Internal error: The corresponding object has been deleted.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
29007 Upgrade/Merge:For <@1%ls>, there is no object in the second repository that has <@1%u> as upgrade id.
Cause. Internal error: The second repository does not have the upgrade id. The expression cannot be converted.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
29008 Upgrade/Merge: The object corresponding to <@1%ls> in the second repository is NULL.
Cause. Internal error: The target object in the second repository is NULL. The expression cannot be converted.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
29009 Upgrade/Merge: The source object <@1%ls> and target object <@1%ls> are of different types.
Cause. Internal error: There is an error in the upgrade map.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
30002 The join info part vector is empty.
Cause. The vector passed to the underlying layer is empty.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
31001 <@1%ls>: Multiple matches found in the current repository.
Cause. The repository contains multiple matches.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
32001 The object @1%ls of type '@2%ls': is missing a role. Two roles are required for a relationship.
Cause. The repository is not set up correctly. The named object is missing a role.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
32002 The object @1%ls of type '@2%ls': is missing an object of type '@3%ls'.
Cause. The repository is not set up correctly. The named object definition is invalid.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
32003 The object @1%ls of type '@2%ls': is missing a list of type '@3%ls'.
Cause. The repository is not set up correctly. The named object definition is invalid.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
32004 The object @1%ls of type '@2%ls': is missing a table in the join graph.
Cause. The repository is not set up correctly. The named object is missing a table in the join graph.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
32005 The object @1%ls of type '@2%ls': is missing a foreign key or a complex join in the join graph.
Cause. The repository is not set up correctly. The named object is missing a foreign key or complex join in the join graph.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
32006 The object @1%ls of type '@2%ls': missing a driving table.
Cause. The repository is not set up correctly. The named object is missing a driving table.
Response. Review the repository definitions and make the appropriate modifications. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any other problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34001 Cannot convert repository query to desired target format.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34002 Unknown Siebel Analytics repository object construction error.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34003 Unknown repository object type. Check for missing metadata DLL(s).
Cause. An internal error occurred. The installation may be incomplete.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34004 Unknown repository implementation type. Check for missing metadata DLL(s).
Cause. An internal error occurred. The installation may be incomplete.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34005 Missing executable file. Check installation or system configuration.
Cause. The installation or the system configuration may be incomplete.
Response. Complete installation and system configuration. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34006 Error when accessing executable file. Check file permissions.
Cause. The installation or the system configuration may be incomplete.
Response. Complete installation and system configuration. Verify permissions for the Siebel Analytics folders. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34007 Not licensed to access all metadata objects.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34008 Internal error: cannot cast from @1%ls to @2%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34009 Missing repository object: @1%ls.
Cause. The named repository object is missing. The installation or system configuration may be incomplete or corrupted.
Response. Complete installation and system configuration. Verify permissions for the Siebel Analytics folders. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34010 Cannot convert to string: check that the value of reserved system session property (either user or group) is of type string.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34011 Cannot convert session property value to an integer.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34012 Cannot convert session property value to a float.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34013 Cannot convert session property value to a date.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34014 Cannot convert session property value to a date time.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34015 Cannot convert session property value to a time.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34016 Administrator is concurrently updating object @1%ls(@2%ls).
Cause. The named object is currently being updated by the Siebel Analytics administrator.
Response. Try the update later. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34017 The repository publishing directory '@1%ls' is not a directory.
Cause. The REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY parameter in the Siebel Analytics Server configuration file (NQSConfig.ini) references some object, such as a file, that exists but is not a directory.
Response. Specify a valid directory for the REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY in the NQSConfig.ini file.
34018 The repository publishing directory '@1%ls' is not accessible.
Cause. The respository publishing directory specified in the Siebel Analytics Server configuration file does not exist or is not accessible. More detailed error messages which may be helpful in diagnosing the problem sometimes accompany this message.
Response. Verify the REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file on the reporting machine, and make any needed corrections. If the specification was correct, determine why the directory is inaccessible and remedy the problem. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34019 The server is terminating because an error was encountered accessing the repository publishing directory or some file within it.
Cause.  The REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file requests that the server not be started if errors are encountered while accessing the repository publishing directory so the server is being stopped.More detailed error messages which may be helpful in diagnosing the problem accompany this message.
Response. Either fix the problem detected by the server or set the value of the REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to "NO" and restart the server. (Note that this change may result in the reporting server using an outdated version of one or more repositories.) If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34020 An error was encountered while attempting to locate or access a published version of repository file '@1%ls'.
Cause.  An error prevented the Siebel Analytics Server from determining if an updated version of the specified repository is available in the publishing directory or from accessing a published version. The local version of the repository will be used unless the REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file indicates that the server should be stopped in response to this condition. More detailed error messages which may be helpful in diagnosing the problem generally accompany this message.
Response. Verify that the repository publishing directory, and the files in it, are accessible from the reporting server. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34021 The repository file '@1%ls' was located but is not an ordinary file.
Cause. The specified name must be a repository file but the filesystem object with that name is not an ordinary file (for example, it may be the name of a directory).
Response. Update the NQSConfig.ini file to specify the correct respository file and restart the server.
34022 An attempt to access the repository file '@1%ls' resulted in an error.
Cause. The specified repository file could not be accessed. More detailed error messages which may be helpful in diagnosing the problem may accompany this message.
Response. Either modify the reporting server's NQSConfig.ini file to specify a valid repository file or fix the access problem by altering the environment and restart the server. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34023 An attempt to upgrade repository file '@1%ls' from a published version failed.
Cause. A different version of the specified repository was located in the repository publishing directory but attempts to replace the local repository with the published one failed. If the REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file does not specify that this is a fatal error, the server will attempt to continue processing with the local copy, if any, of the repository. Generally this message is preceeded by other messages which provide additional detail.
Response. Examine other messages logged about the specified repository file, remedy the situations indicated in those messages, and restart the server. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34024 An attempt to copy the published version of repository file '@1%ls' from the publishing directory to the local repository directory failed.
Cause. More detailed error messages which may be helpful in diagnosing the problem may accompany this message.
Response. Examine other messages logged about the specified repository file, remedy the situations indicated in those messages, and restart the server. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34025 The repository file '@1%ls' was successfully updated from published repository file '@2%ls'.
Cause. The local version of the repository did not match the published version so it was replaced with the most recent published version.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
34026 The repository file '@1%ls' has been published to the other clustered Siebel Analytics Servers.
Cause. The specified file was saved to the local repository directory and a copy was also made to the repository publishing directory where it will be available to other Siebel Analytics Servers in the cluster the next time they restart.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
34027 Attempt to publish repository file '@1%ls' failed.
Cause. The publish phase of saving the specified respository was not completed due to an error. Generally, other messages providing additional detail accompany this message. The repository was successfully saved to the master server's local repository directory and will be available to the master server. However, the new repository will not be available to any of the other servers in the cluster. When this message is displayed in the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool, note that all filesystems and directories specified in the accompanying messages are relative to the machine running the master Siebel Analytics Server, not the machine running the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool.
Response. The Siebel Analytics administrator should examine the accompanying messages to determine the source of the problem and resolve the problem. After the problem has been resolved, use the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool to load, modify, and save the repository, forcing it to be published to the other servers in the cluster. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance if necessary.
34028 Attempt to purge obsolete published repository file '@1%ls' failed.
Cause. A new version of the repository was published and an attempt to delete obsolete published versions failed. Generally, other messages providing addtional detail accompany this message. The initiating repository publishing operation was completed successfully. This is only a warning message.
Response. If this message is reported infrequently and the repository publishing directory contains only versions of the referenced repository that were published recently (based on modificaton date), no action is required. Otherwise, examine the accompanying messages to assist in determining and resolving the problem. Contact Siebel Systems technical support if needed.
34029 Cannot convert to string vector: check that the value of the multi-row session variable (row-wise initialization) is of type string.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
34030 A presentation catalog corresponding to the business model has at least one column that does not originate from this business model. For more information, please check global consistency.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Please check global consistency or contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
35001 Invalid file name specified.
Cause. The file name is invalid.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
35002 Write operation on change log failed.
Cause. There may be insufficient space on the disk.
Response. Verify that there is sufficient disk space available. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
35003 Rename of change log from @1%ls to @2%ls failed while recovering.
Cause. A file rename operation failed during recovery. The file may already exist.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
35004 @1%ls (@2%ls)
35005 Catalog Folder:
35006 BUSINESS MODEL @1%ls:
36001 Unable to load the dll @1%ls.
Cause. The named dll failed to load due to an internal error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
36002 Failed to recover the repository. Restore earlier version of repository archive.
Cause. An unknown error caused repository recovery to fail.
Response. Restore an earlier version of the repository. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
36003 Failed to sync up with master server this round.
Cause. An unknown error occurred.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
36004 Object @1%ls is already checked out or temporarily locked.
Cause. Another Siebel Analytics administration tool is running and has this object checked out.
Response. Undo the checkout from the other administration tool or wait for several minutes
36005 Failed to get exclusive lock on @1%ls. It is checked out or temporarily locked.
Cause. Another Siebel Analytics administration tool is running and has this object checked out.
Response. Undo the checkout from the other administration tool or wait for several minutes
36007 Loading repository @1%ls.
Cause. This is only informational.
Response. This message will appear in the log file.
36010 Server version @1%d cannot read the newer version @2%d of the repository @3%ls.
Cause. The repository is from a newer version of Siebel Analytics Server.
Response. Upgrade to a newer version of Siebel Analytics Server.
37001 Could not connect to the Siebel Analytics Server instance.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server may not be running, or the network is temporarily unavailable.
Response. Verify that the Siebel Analytics Server is running and is available through the network, and then retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
37002 Admin procedure request failed. The server may be down.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server may not be running, or the network is temporarily unavailable.
Response. Verify that the Siebel Analytics server is running and is available through the network, and then retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
37003 Data fetch failed for output parameters. The server may be down.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server may not be running, or the network is temporarily unavailable.
Response. Verify that the Siebel Analytics Server is running and is available through the network, and then retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
37004 Invalid repository handle.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
37005 Transactional update failed.
Cause. Repository may not be consistent.
Response. Verify in offline mode that repository is consistent. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38001 Logical column @1%ls.@2%ls has no physical data source mapping.
Cause. The named logical column is not mapped to any physical data source.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the logical column mapping. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38002 Expression validation error: check logical table sources.
Cause. The expression could not be validated. There may be a problem with the logical table sources.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the logical table mapping. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38003 Key @1%ls in logical table @2%ls has no columns. A valid key must have at least one column.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the key mapping. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38004 Foreign key @1%ls in logical table @2%ls has no columns. A valid key must have at least one column.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the foreign key mapping. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38005 Empty level key definition: @1%ls.@2%ls.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the level key definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38006 Logical table @1%ls is associated to multiple dimensions: @2%ls and @3%ls.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the logical table associations. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38007 Level @1%ls associated to logical table @2%ls does not belong to a dimension.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the level and logical table definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38008 Content filter in table source @1%ls of logical table @2%ls is invalid.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38009 No table source exists for logical table @1%ls.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the logical table source definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38011 Logical tables from multiple subject areas associated, @1%ls and @2%ls.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38012 Logical column @1%ls.@2%ls does not have a physical data type mapping, nor is it a derived column.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38013 Dimension table @1%ls does not have any joins!
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38014 Logical tables @1%ls and @2%ls have multiple joins.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38015 Physical tables @1%ls and @2%ls have multiple joins. Delete new foreign key object if it is a duplicate of existing foreign key.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38016 Physical table @1%ls has a self join.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38017 Logical table @1%ls has a self join.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38018 Subject area @1%ls does not have corresponding Presentation Catalog.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38021 Group @1%ls has privilege setting on a missing (deleted) object @2%ls. Please update the group privileges.
Cause. Group privileges exist for an object that is no longer in the repository.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the privilege setting, or correct the repository definition to restore the missing object. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38022 User @1%ls has privilege setting on a missing (deleted) object @2%ls. Please update the user privileges.
Cause. User privileges exist for an object that is no longer in the repository.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the privilege setting, or correct the repository definition to restore the missing object. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38023 Complex join @1%ls refers to the column @2%ls. Please update or delete the complex join first.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38024 Session Variable Block @1%ls is not associated with a valid connection pool or LDAP server.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38025 Object @1%ls has invalid dynamic name.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38026 Logical column @1%ls is not mapped properly.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38027 Catalog folder @1%ls has the same name or alias as that of presentation table @2%ls.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38028 Logical column @1%ls.@2%ls does not have a valid data type.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38030 Dimension @1%ls is associated with table @2%ls, which is also associated with another dimension. Use multiple hierarchies in the same dimension instead.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38031 The presentation table @1%ls is corrupted. Please regenerate the repository using script tools.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance. (The repository must be regenerated using scripts like nqudmlgen and nqudmlexec.)
38033 The join @1%ls is not properly defined.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Define the join properly.
38034 @1%ls is name reserved for system session variable. It is defined in this repository as repository variable.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the variable definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38035 Repository variable @1%ls is defined more than once. Name of the variable has to be unique. Please redefine/remove one instance.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the variable definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38036 Repository variable @1%ls is defined more than once. Name of the variable has to be unique. Please redefine/remove one instance.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the variable definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38037 Logical join @1%ls is invalid.
Cause. The repository contains invalid logical join.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38038 Level @1%ls is invalid.
Cause. The repository contains invalid level.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38039 User @1%ls is defined more than once. Name of the user has to be unique. Please remove one instance.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the user definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38040 Group @1%ls is defined more than once. Name of the group has to be unique. Please remove one instance.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the group definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38041 Query privilege @1%ls is invalid.
Cause. The repository contains invalid query privilege.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38042 Privilege package @1%ls is invalid.
Cause. The repository contains invalid privilege package.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38043 Logical table @1%ls contains invalid key @2%ls.
Cause. Table contains invalid key.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38044 Presentation table @1%ls contains alias @2%ls which is already used.
Cause. Presentation table contains invalid alias.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38045 Presentation column @1%ls.@2%ls contains alias @3%ls which is already used.
Cause. Presentation column contains invalid alias.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38046 Segmentation catalog @1%ls does not define a key or join path to filter the target level @2%ls.
Cause. Segmentation catalog does not define a key or join path to filter the target level.
Response. If the segmentation catalog contains the primary qualified item ID, then map that ID as a qualification key for the catalog. Otherwise, define a conforming dimension links path starting from the primary catalog to the segmentation catalog.
38047 Target Level '@1%ls' contains a sampling table '@2%ls' which has an invalid sampling factor. The sampling factor is either greater than 100% or less than or equal to 0%.
Cause. Target Level '@1%ls' contains a sampling table '@2%ls' which has an invalid sampling factor. The sampling factor is either greater than 100% or less than or equal to 0%.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38048 Target Level '@1%ls' contains a sampling table '@2%ls' which does not contain a physical table object. Please choose a valid physical table object for this sampling table.
Cause. Target Level '@1%ls' contains a sampling table '@2%ls' which does not contain a physical table object. Please choose a valid physical table object for this sampling table.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38049 Target Level '@1%ls' contains a sampling table '@2%ls' which does not contain a valid physical table object. Valid physical tables have a dynamic name and are of table type none.
Cause. Target Level '@1%ls' contains a sampling table '@2%ls' which does not contain a valid physical table object. Valid physical tables have a dynamic name and are of table type none.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38050 Target Level '@1%ls' has a sampling table '@2%ls' which has no relationship to any of the segmentation catalogs in its target level.
Cause. Target Level '@1%ls' has a sampling table '@2%ls' which has no relationship to any of the segmentation catalogs in its target level.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38051 Target Level '@1%ls' has a segmentation catalog '@2%ls' that has two keys which reference the same qualified list item '@3%ls
Cause. Target Level '@1%ls' has a segmentation catalog '@2%ls' that has two keys which reference the same qualified list item '@3%ls
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38052 Target level does not have a primary Qualified List Item set.
Cause. Target level does not have a primary Qualified List Item set.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38053 Target Level '@1%ls' must have either all or none of the saved result set parameters filled in.
Cause. Target Level '@1%ls' must have either all or none of the saved result set parameters filled in.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38054 Target level may not have the same presentation columns set for the saved result set GUID and Target Id columns.
Cause. Target level may not have the same presentation columns set for the saved result set GUID and Target Id columns.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38055 Target level '@1%ls' must have the GUID column and the Target Id Column come from the same table in the saved result set tab.
Cause. Target level '@1%ls' must have the GUID column and the Target Id Column come from the same table in the saved result set tab.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38056 List Catalog '@1%ls' has two keys which reference qualified list item '@2%ls'.
Cause. List Catalog '@1%ls' has two keys which reference qualified list item '@2%ls'.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38057 Target Level '@1%ls' has a primary catalog '@2%ls' which does not contain a key which references the target level's primary qualified list item '@3%ls'.
Cause. Target Level '@1%ls' has a primary catalog '@2%ls' which does not contain a key which references the target level's primary qualified list item '@3%ls'.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38058 Target level '@1%ls' does not have a primary segmentation catalog.
Cause. Target level '@1%ls' does not have a primary segmentation catalog.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38059 Target level '@1%ls' has a saved result set physical data table '@2%ls' that is either 1. not derived from the Saved Results Catalog or 2. not of the type none or alias.
Cause. Target level '@1%ls' has a saved result set physical data table '@2%ls' that is either 1. not derived from the Saved Results Catalog or 2. not of the type none or alias.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38060 Qualified List Item Cache for Qualified List Item '@1%ls' has a physical table '@2%ls' which is either 1. not derived from the Cache Catalog or 2. not of the type none or alias.
Cause. Qualified List Item Cache for Qualified List Item '@1%ls' has a physical table '@2%ls' which is either 1. not derived from the Cache Catalog or 2. not of the type none or alias.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38061 Qualified List Item '@1%ls' must have qualified list item cache values either all filled in or nothing filled in.
Cause. Qualified List Item '@1%ls' must have qualified list item cache values either all filled in or nothing filled in.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38062 Qualified list item '@1%ls' must have different values for the qualified list item cache GUID column and qualified id column.
Cause. Qualified list item '@1%ls' must have different values for the qualified list item cache GUID column and qualified id column.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38063 Qualified list item '@1%ls' has a GUID column and a qualified id column that are coming from different tables in the qualified list item cache.
Cause. Qualified list item '@1%ls' has a GUID column and a qualified id column that are coming from different tables in the qualified list item cache.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38064 Comforming dimension link '@1%ls' can not have an empty in or out column.
Cause. Comforming dimension link '@1%ls' can not have an empty in or out column.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38065 Conforming dimension link '@1%ls' cannot have the same from catalog and to catalog.
Cause. Conforming dimension link '@1%ls' cannot have the same from catalog and to catalog.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38066 Conforming dimension link '@1%ls' is invalid. There already exists a conforming dimension link with the same from and to catalogs.
Cause. Conforming dimension link '@1%ls' is invalid. There already exists a conforming dimension link with the same from and to catalogs.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38067 Logical Table '@1%ls' has a logical table source '@2%ls' which contains a dimension '@3%ls' which has no level.
Cause. Logical Table '@1%ls' has a logical table source '@2%ls' which contains a dimension '@3%ls' which has no level.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38068 Logical Fact Table '@1%ls' has a logical table source '@2%ls' which directly joins to a dimension '@3%ls' which has no level.
Cause. Logical Fact Table '@1%ls' has a logical table source '@2%ls' which directly joins to a dimension '@3%ls' which has no level.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38069 Presentation catalog '@1%ls' does not have a business model associated to it.
Cause. Presentation catalog '@1%ls' does not have a business model associated to it. Please reassociate the business model for this presentation catalog
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38070 The alias '@1%ls' has already been used by the catalog folder '@2%ls'.
Cause. The alias '@1%ls' has already been used by the catalog folder '@2%ls'. Delete the alias '@1%ls' from the catalog folder.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38071 The group '@1%ls' has a cyclic membership with a path: '@2%ls'.
Cause. The group '@1%ls' has a cyclic membership with a path: '@2%ls'. Please correct the child memberships of the '@1%ls' group.
Response. Please check the appropriate documentation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38072 Repository variable @1%ls is defined by an initialization block that uses :USER, which will not be defined for dynamic variable usage.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the variable definition. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38073 Dimension '@1%ls' has multiple leaf levels which are not identical.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error. Leaf levels in a dimension have to be identical.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the dimension hierarchy. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38074 Level @1%ls has a key '@2%ls' with a logical column @3%ls that does not belong to the current level or an upper level.
Cause. The logical column has been removed from this level or an upper level.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to fix the level key.
38075 Hierarchy @1%ls has levels not ordered by level number.
Cause. Level numbers are not set properly.
Response. Set level numbers properly or contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38076 You need to configure key file and password in the Repository property page from the Tools|Options menu in order to use LDAP authentication over SSL.
Cause. LDAP SSL are not configured properly.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to fix problem.
38077 The key file names and passwords of all LDAP server objects must be the same. Please fix this in the Repository property page from the Tools|Options menu.
Cause. LDAP SSL are not configured properly.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to fix problem.
38078 Complex join @1%ls : @2%ls
Cause. Incorrectly defined complex join.
Response. Set complex join properly or contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38079 Foreign key @1%ls : @2%ls
Cause. Incorrectly defined foreign key.
Response. Set foreign key properly or contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
38080 Initialization block @1%ls is invalid.
Cause. Incorrectly defined initialization block.
Response. Set initialization block properly or contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39001 Logical table @1%ls has no defined key.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39002 Level @1%ls has no defined key to uniquely identify members.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39003 Missing functional dependency association for column: @1%ls.@2%ls.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39004 Source expressions @1%ls and @2%ls have incompatible types.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39005 Source expression @1%ls is non-nullable, but a nullable source was found.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39006 Source expression @1%ls is smaller in length that the max length @2%d from other sources.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39007 The source expressions @1%ls is not binary, while other binary sources exist.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39008 Logical dimension table @1%ls has a source @2%ls that does not join to any fact source.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39009 Logical fact table @1%ls has an aggregate source @2%ls that does not join to a @3%ls source at the proper level of detail.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39010 Disabled join in logical table source @1%ls.@2%ls. Please verify.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39011 Key @1%ls in logical table @2%ls is a superset or subset of another key in this table. Any redundant table key should be removed.
Cause. The repository contains a definition error or inconsistency.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the problem definitions. Use the Check Consistency command to check for additional repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39015 The name @1%ls has leading or trailing space(s) in it.
Cause. The name has leading or trailing space(s)
Response. Please remove the leading or trailing space(s) using the Administration Tool.
39016 The alias "@1%ls" of @2%ls has leading or trailing space(s) in it.
Cause. The alias has leading or trailing space(s)
Response. Please remove the leading or trailing space(s) using the Administration Tool.
39017 The project "@1%ls" was modified because it referenced invalid or deleted object(s).
Cause. The project referenced invalid or deleted object(s).
Response. Administration Tool automatically fixed the problem.
39018 The object @1%ls is not available for query by any user due to permission setup.
Cause. The permission of the object does not allow it or its descendents to be queried.
Response. You can change the permission of this object to make it available.
39019 Logical fact table @1%ls is not referenced in any project.
Cause. Logical fact table is not referenced in any project. Therefore, it cannot be exported or used in MUD process.
Response. You should add logical fact table to at least one project.
39020 Logical table source @1%ls: No path has been found to link all tables. There is no link between the set ( @2%ls ) and the set ( @3%ls ).
Cause. There might be wrong settings (for example, one join is unchecked) in the logical table source.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to check and fix the joins in the logical table source.
39021 Dimension @1%ls should have exactly one grand total level.
Cause. Grand total for level is not set properly, or there are more than one root levels in the dimension.
Response. Set grand total level properly or contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
39022 @1%ls @2%ls is not referenced in any project.
Cause. The object is not referenced in any project. Therefore, it cannot be extracted during multi-user development.
Response. You should add the object to at least one project.
40001 Source object types are different.
Cause. A drag and drop error occurred.
Response. Select objects with matching source object types and try the action again.
40002 This kind of drag and drop is not supported at this time.
Cause. A drag and drop error occurred.
Response. Perform a support drag and drop operation, or use menu selections to perform the needed actions.
40003 Only tables from the subject area @1%ls may be dragged to this catalog folder.
Cause. A drag and drop error occurred.
Response. Drag and drop a table from the named subject area, or choose a valid catalog folder.
41001 The server is not yet running.
Cause. The client cannot connect because the Siebel Analytics Server is not yet running.
Response. Start the Siebel Analytics Server and try the action again.
41002 The client is unable to connect to the server.
Cause. The client cannot connect to the server. The server may not be running, or the network may be unavailable.
Response. Verify that the server is running and that it is available from the client workstation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
41003 Client connection timeout.
Cause. The client failed to establish a connection within the specified timeframe.
Response. Verify that the server is running and that it is available from the client workstation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
41004 Server is shut down.
Cause. The server is not running.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
41005 The server is in single user mode.
Cause. The server is running in single user mode.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
41006 The server is not in a stable condition.
Cause. An unknown error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
41007 The server is not in normal service mode.
Cause. An unknown error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
41008 Attempted to open a session again.
Cause. An initial attempt to open a session failed. Another attempt is being made.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
41009 The session is unable to connect to the server.
Cause. The session is unable to connect to the server. The server may not be running, or the network may be down.
Response. Verify that the server is running and that it can be accessed from the network. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
41010 The session is not open.
Cause. The specified session is not open.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
41011 Failure to open a new request: @1%x.
Cause. The named new request could not be opened due to an unknown error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
41012 Asynchronous execution of request: @1%x failed.
Cause. An unknown error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
41013 Request: @1%x processing is not in a stable condition.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
41014 The client is not connected to the present server.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42001 Missing repository object with ID=@1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42002 Corrupt repository object with ID=@1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42003 Expression object (Name=@1%ls, ID=@2%ls) has illegal type @3%ld.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42004 Logical element @1%ls (ID=@2%ls) has no physical data link.
Cause. The specified repository object is incorrectly defined.
Response. Use the Check Consistency command in the Administration Tool to check for repository compilation errors. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42005 Attribute @1%ls (ID=@2%ls) is not part of an entity.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42006 Column @1%ls (ID=@2%ls) is not part of a table.
Cause. The named column is not defined correctly. It is not part of a table.
Response. Verify the definition of the named column and use the Administration Tool to perform a consistency check on the repository. Correct any errors and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42007 Table @1%ls (ID=@2%ls) is not part of a database.
Cause. The named table is not associated with a known data source.
Response. Verify the definition of the named table and use the Administration Tool to perform a consistency check on the repository. Correct any errors and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42008 Cannot find database definition for @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42009 Operation @1%ls has no implementation.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42010 @1%ls is not a conditional expression.
Cause. The specified expression is not a valid conditional expression.
Response. Use the Expression Editor in the Administration Tool to review the expression. Correct any problems and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42011 Foreign key object, @1%ls, is not completely specified.
Cause. The foreign key specification for the named object is invalid.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to review foreign key specifications for the named object. Correct any problems and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42012 Incorrect foreign key specification for object @1%ls.
Cause. The foreign key specification for the named object is invalid.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to review foreign key specifications for the named object. Correct any problems and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42013 Unsupported fiscal extract operation.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42014 Improperly defined qualified entity attribute object: @1%ls (ID=@2%ls).
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42015 Cannot function ship the following expression: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42016 Check database specific features table. Must be able to push at least a single table reference to a remote database
Cause. The database features table contains an invalid setting. The features table may have been modified in error.
Response. The Siebel Analytics Server uses the features table to determine what kinds of queries it can send to the underlying databases. The features table contains default settings for each database type and have been tested with that database. Use the Administration Tool to restore the features table for the database to the tested default settings and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42017 Query refers to @1%ld catalog(s). A request can only refer to tables from a single catalog.
Cause. The query is invalid because it refers to tables from multiple catalogs.
Response. Review the query and correct any problems. If necessary, use the Administration Tool to modify the Catalog Folder in the Presentation Layer of the repository. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42018 Unknown logical query request translation failure. Notify technical support.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42019 Join condition, @1%ls, contains predicates that are currently not supported for outer joins across multiple databases.
Cause. The query contains an invalid join.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to review defined joins, correct any problems, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42020 GROUP BY clause, @1%ls, is inconsistent with the projected columns in the SQL query request.
Cause. The specified GROUP BY clause is invalid.
Response. Review the query, correct any problems, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42021 The query does not reference any tables.
Cause. The query is invalid because it does not reference any tables. The problem may be due to incorrectly defined metadata or to security restrictions.
Response. Review the query, correct any problems, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42022 The query contains a self join. This is a non-supported operation.
Cause. The query contains an invalid join.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to review defined joins, correct any problems, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42023 Illegal aggregate nesting in query.
Cause. The query is invalid because it contains illegal aggregate nesting.
Response. Review the query, correct any problems, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42024 Regular aggregates cannot be nested.
Cause. The query is invalid because it contains nested aggregates.
Response. Review the query, correct any problems, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42025 The value of N for TopN, BottomN, Mavg, and NTile must be a constant.
Cause. The second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a numeric constant.
Response. Change the second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a numeric constant and resubmit the query.
42026 Navigator for subject area: @1%ls could not be accessed.
Cause. The named subject area could not be accessed. The subject area in the Business Model and Mapping Layer may not be correctly defined.
Response. Check the repository for the validity of the named subject area. Correct any problems, and retry the action.
42027 Subquery within a predicate must project out 1 column only.
Cause. The subquery is invalid.
Response. Modify the subquery so that only one column is projected out.
42028 The current drill-down implementation requires the catalog to be specified in the FROM clause.
Cause. The FROM clause does not explicitly specify the catalog.
Response. Modify the query so that the catalog is explicitly specified in the FROM clause.
42029 Subquery contains too many values for the IN predicate.
Cause. The subquery is invalid.
Response. Strengthen the filtering within the subquery so that it returns fewer values.
42030 FROM clause cannot contain both atomic tables and embedded queries.
Cause. The FROM clause is invalid.
Response. Nest the atomic tables in an embedded query.
42031 Empty join condition specified for an outer join.
Cause. An outer join has an invalid search condition specified.
Response. Specify the correct search condition for the outer join.
42032 Parameters are not supported in the select list.
Cause. The query select list includes parameters.
Response. Remove all parameters from the query select list and resubmit the query.
42033 Improperly defined presentation column object: @1%ls (ID=@2%ls).
Cause. The named presentation column is improperly defined.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to review the named presentation column definition. Correct any problems, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
42034 Unexpected error, @1%ls, while parsing @2%ls, when generating disconnected cube query.
Cause. Internal error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support to file a problem report.
42035 Illegal use of a REPORT totalling function.
Cause. A Report totalling function, e.g., REPORT_SUM or REPORT_MAX, is referenced in a WHERE, HAVING, GROUP-BY clause. This is not allowed.
Response. Report Totalling functions can only appear in the project list of a select statement. Modify the SQL query and re-submit the request.
42036 Can not Order By a REPORT totalling function.
Cause. A Report totalling function, e.g., REPORT_SUM or REPORT_MAX, is referenced by an Order By clause. This is not allowed.
Response. Modify the Order By clause of the SQL query to not include the Report totalling function and re-submit the request.
42037 A REPORT totalling function can not be part of an expression.
Cause. A Report totalling function, e.g., REPORT_SUM or REPORT_MAX, is part of an expression. This is not allowed.
Response. Modify the SQL query and re-submit the request.
42038 A REPORT totalling function must be in a leaf query block.
Cause. A Report totalling function, e.g., REPORT_SUM or REPORT_MAX, is included in a non-leaf query block. This is not allowed.
Response. Modify the SQL query and re-submit the request.
42039 Columns in BY clause of REPORT totalling function must be in select list.
Cause. A column specified in the BY clause of a REPORT totalling function, e.g., REPORT_SUM or REPORT_MAX, is not included in the project list of the select statement.
Response. Modify the SQL query and re-submit the request.
42040 The session variable, @1%ls.@2%ls, is defined as Row-Wise Initialization. It is restricted to usage with equality comparisons.
Cause. A session variable created via a Row-Wise Initialization block was referenced in the SQL statement other than an equality comparison. For example, these session variables can not be used in the project list, or with <, >, <>, >=. or <= comparisons. They can only be used in equality comparisons, e.g., where col1 = valueof(nq_session.rwsv).
Response. Modify the SQL query and re-submit the request.
42041 The session variable, @1%ls.@2%ls, cannot be compared to another session variable, @3%ls.@4%ls.
Cause. A session variable is being compared to another session variable. This is not allowed.
Response. Modify the SQL query and re-submit the request.
43001 Authentication failed for @1%ls in repository @2%ls: invalid user/password.
Cause. The named user was unable to access the named repository. The user ID or password is invalid.
Response. Correct the user ID and/or password. For details on secure access control, see the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide.
43002 Session: @1%x Query engine failed for repository: @2%ls user: @3%ls
Cause. In the named session, an unknown error caused the failure of a query for the named user and repository.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43003 Session: @1%x unknown error while preparing session.
Cause. An unknown error occurred while preparing the session.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43004 Session: @1%x repository name: @2%ls is invalid
Cause. The session specified an invalid repository name.
Response. Verify the repository name, correct any errors, and try the action again.
43005 Request: @1%x query compile error. May be due to circularity in the join graph.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43006 Request: @1%x query execution error.
Cause. An unknown error occurred during query execution.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43007 Request: @1%x unknown request option: @2%ld.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43008 Request: @1%x cursor option has to be dynamic for repositioned fetch access.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43009 Request: @1%x improper cursor access property: @2%ld.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43010 Request: @1%x failed to access cursor record at location: @2%ld.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43011 Request: @1%x is not prepared before.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43012 Request: @1%x input parameter not given for execute.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43013 Request: @1%x mismatch between parameter record size: @2%d and given record size: @3%d.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43014 Request: @1%x is not in fetch state; fetch may not be called before execute.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43015 Query failed because of an unknown query preparation error.
Cause. An unknown error caused the query to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43016 Query failed because of an unknown execution error.
Cause. An unknown error caused the query to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43017 Query failed because of an unknown fetch error.
Cause. An unknown error caused the query to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43018 An unknown exception has taken place.
Cause. An unknown error caused the query to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43019 Catalog name or pattern not given.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43020 Schema name or pattern not given.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43021 Table name or pattern not given.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43022 Procedure: @1%ld not yet supported.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43023 Number of sessions exceeded the limit.
Cause. The request could not be processed. The session would exceed the maximum number of connections allowed by the server.
Response. Try the request again later. To increase the maximum number of sessions allowed by the server, modify the MAX_SESSION_LIMIT parameter in the NQSConfig.INI file. The server must be shut down and restarted to make the new value effective.
43024 Number of requests per session exceeded the limit.
Cause. The request could not be processed. The request would exceed the maximum number of logical requests allowed for a session.
Response. Allow some requests to complete, and then try the action again. Usually, individual users will have only one open request per session at the same time. Application programs and Siebel Analytics Web, however, will typically have more than one open at the same time. To increase the maximum number of logical requests allowed for a session, modify the MAX_REQUEST_PER_SESSION_LIMIT parameter in the NQSConfig.INI file. The server must be shut down and restarted to make the new value effective. See the Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide for additional information about this parameter.
43025 Request: @1%x open failed because of system error.
Cause. A system error occurred.
Response. Review the system error logs for additional information. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43026 Server startup error. Shared memory could not be setup in the server.
Cause. The failure to set up shared memory caused the Siebel Analytics Server startup to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43027 Server startup error. Session table could not be setup.
Cause. The session table could not be set up during the Siebel Analytics Server startup process.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43028 Server startup error. Server listener could not be setup.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43029 Server startup error. Server timer could not be setup.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43030 @1%ls:Siebel Analytics Server started. Version: @2%ls.
Cause. The specified version of the Siebel Analytics Server started normally.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
43031 @1%ls:Siebel Analytics Server shutdown.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server shut down normally.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
43032 Siebel Analytics Server could not be started. Initialization failed.
Cause. An unknown error caused the Siebel Analytics Server initialization process to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43033 Server task procedure Id: @1%d is invalid.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43034 User is not authorized to shutdown the server.
Cause. A user has attempted to shutdown the Siebel Analytics Server, but that user is not authorized to perform the task. Only users defined as Siebel administrators can shut down the Siebel Analytics Server.
Response. Define the user as an Siebel administrator, or have another properly authorized user shut down the server.
43035 User is not authorized to set the server in single user mode.
Cause. An unauthorized user attempted to set the Siebel Analytics Server into single user mode.
Response. Change the authority for the user, or have a properly authorized user perform the action.
43036 Catalog, @1%ls, is unavailable. Please contact the administrator.
Cause. The named catalog is currently unavailable. It may be open in offline mode. When a repository is opened in offline mode, it means that the repository is not loaded by the Siebel Analytics Server and is therefore not accessible by any users.
Response. Contact your Siebel Analytics administrator.
43037 Invalid catalog, @1%ls, specified.
Cause. The named catalog is invalid.
Response. Verify the catalog name and perform a consistency check on the repository. Correct any errors and try the action again.
43038 Invalid access mode, @1%ls, specified.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43039 Invalid timeout value, @1%ls, specified.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43040 Invalid transaction option, @1%ls, specified.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43041 Invalid session state, @1%ls, specified.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43042 Invalid session option, @1%d, specified.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43043 Task cancelled.
Cause. An outstanding task has been cancelled.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
43044 Repository, @1%ls, has no catalogs.
Cause. The named repository has no catalog.
Response. Review the Business Model and Mapping Layer and the Presentation Layer of the repository, and define at least one subject area.
43045 Repository, @1%ls, opened in read-only mode. Another process may have it opened in update mode.
Cause. The named repository was opened in read-only mode. If the server is running, the named repository may already be loaded.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. If you want to edit the repository while it is loaded, you must open it in online mode.
43046 Another server is already running, pid: @1%d.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server service is already running.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43047 Invalid procedure name: @1%ls.
Cause. The named procedure is invalid.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43048 Invalid call specification in procedure: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43049 Invalid input specification for procedure: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43050 Invalid catalog name: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified catalog name is invalid.
Response. Correct the catalog name and try the action again.
43051 Invalid SQL query: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified SQL query is invalid.
Response. Correct the query and try the action again.
43052 Invalid expression: @1%ls.
Cause. The named expression is invalid.
Response. Correct the expression and try the action again.
43053 Drill-down is not currently supported for composite queries: @1%ls.
Cause. The named query is a composite query. Drill-down is not supported for composite queries.
Response. Either modify the query so it is not a composite query, or do not attempt drill-down.
43054 Log Viewer process reported error @1%d.
Cause. The process that was created to run nQLogViewer reported an error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance. Include the error code reported in this message.
43055 Unable to open file @1%ls produced by Log Viewer, error @2%d.
Cause. The query log file that is produced by the nQLogViewer executable could not be opened.
Response. Check the permissions for the directories that are part of the filename. Correct any problems and try the nQLogViewer again.
43056 File access error @1%d from Log Viewer file @2%ls.
Cause. The specified error occurred when accessing the query log file that is produced by the nQLogViewer executable.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance. Include the error code reported in this message.
43057 Log Viewer process creation failed with error @1%d.
Cause. An attempt to create the nQLogViewer process in order to extract the information from the query log failed.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance. Include the error code reported in this message.
43058 Unable to acquire exclusive lock for refreshing repository variable: @1%ls.
Cause. There are too many concurrent users on the system to allow a successful metadata update.
Response. Wait until the system is less busy, then try the action again.
43059 Dynamic refresh of repository scope variables has failed.
Cause. An error caused a refresh of repository scope variables to fail. The data source may not be available or a failure may have occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43060 Missing repository: @1%ls.
Cause. An unknown error caused the named repository to close unexpectedly.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43061 Server startup error. Cluster monitor could not be setup.
Cause. A Cluster monitor error caused the server startup to fail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43062 Server startup error. Unable to establish listener on port specified in the SERVER_PORT parameter in the Cluster Configuration File.
Cause. Messages following this one may clarify the source of the problem.
Response. Review the associated messages and take the appropriate corrective actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43063 An unknown exception caused the thread accepting connections from Cluster Controllers to fail.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43064 The following unexpected errors caused the thread accepting connections from Cluster Controllers to fail.
Cause. Messages following this one may clarify the source of the problem.
Response. Review the associated messages and take the appropriate corrective actions. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43065 The connection with Cluster Controller @1%ls was lost.
Cause. A connection had been established with the specified Cluster Controller but the connection was later dropped. This may be caused by many conditions.
Response. If the specified Cluster Controller should be online, examine its state and repair or restart it if necessary. If problems persist, examine the network connectivity to the specified Cluster Controller.
43066 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies additional servers that are not present in the cluster configuration of this Siebel Analytics Server.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Siebel Analytics Server and the specified Cluster Controller do not match. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration. However, the Cluster Controller and the Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster in spite of this condition.
Response. If the reported differences are not intentional, update the NQClusterConfig.INI files as necessary to synchronize their contents and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
43067 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls is missing Siebel Analytics Server(s) that are included in the cluster configuration of this Siebel Analytics Server.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Siebel Analytics Server and the specified Cluster Controller do not match. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the save configuration. However, the Cluster Controller and the Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster in spite of this condition.
Response. If the reported differences are not intentional, update the NQClusterConfig.INI files as necessary to synchronize their contents and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
43068 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies a different Primary Cluster Controller or client controller port than this Siebel Analytics Server's cluster configuration.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Siebel Analytics Server and the specified Cluster Controller do not match. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the save configuration. However, the Cluster Controller and the Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster in spite of this condition.
Response. If the reported differences are not intentional, update the NQClusterConfig.INI files as necessary to synchronize their contents and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
43069 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies a different Secondary Cluster Controller or client controller port than this Siebel Analytics Server's cluster configuration.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Siebel Analytics Server and the specified Cluster Controller do not match. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the save configuration. However, the Cluster Controller and the Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster in spite of this condition.
Response. If the reported differences are not intentional, update the NQClusterConfig.INI files as necessary to synchronize their contents and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
43070 Cluster Controller @1%ls contacted this Siebel Analytics Server but the local configuration does not indicate it is a Cluster Controller.
Cause. There may be an inconsistency between the NQClusterConfig.INI file for this Siebel Analytics Server and the NQClusterConfig.INI file for the specified Cluster Controller. The port numbers may be incorrect in one or both files, or the list of Siebel Analytics Servers may be incorrect in the Cluster Controller's NQClusterConfig.INI file. This may be the result of copying cluster configuration files from one cluster to another without appropriate modifications. This Siebel Analytics Server will ignore the invalid request.
Response. Update the NQClusterConfig.INI files as necessary to synchronize their contents and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
43071 A connection with Cluster Controller @1%ls was established.
Cause. A connection has been established with the specified Cluster Controller. This is usually the result of either the Siebel Analytics Server or Cluster Controller restarting. This may also result from repairing a network connectivity problem that was previously preventing communication.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
43073 The monitoring of the Cluster Controller at @1%ls failed for the following reasons.
Cause. The thread that was allocated to monitoring the specified Cluster Controller failed and Cluster Controller communication was terminated. Message that follow this will contain additional information.
Response. Examing the following messages and take the appropriate corrective action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43075 An unknown exception was encountered while monitoring Cluster Controller at @1%ls.
Cause. An unknown exception occurred. This is generally the result of an internal error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43076 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies a different Master Siebel Analytics Server than this server.
Cause. All Cluster Controllers and Siebel Analytics Servers must have the same Master Siebel Analytics Server specified in their NQClusterConfig.INI files.
Response. Update the NQClusterConfig.INI files as necessary to synchronize their contents and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
43077 The query cache is being purged because new published repositories were located.
Cause. When newly published repositories are found, the query cache is automatically purged before importing the new repositories. This insures that query results properly reflect changes in the imported respositories.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
43078 The query cache purge operation failed.
Cause. An attempt to delete all of the query cache data files failed. Accompanying error messages give additional detail.
Response. Examine accompanying error messages to determine why the operation failed. After fixing the source of the failure, restart the server. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems Technical Support.
43079 Siebel Analytics Server could not start because locating or importing newly published repositories failed.
Cause. While searching the repository publishing directory for newly published repositories or while importing newly published repositories to the reporting server's repository directory, an error was encountered. The server could not be brought online due to this error. Most errors that are encountered while accessing the repository publishing directory can be ignored by setting the REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY parameter to "NO" in the Siebel Analytics Server configuration file. However, note that setting this parameter to "NO" may result in inconsistent query results from different clustered servers if it causes a failure such as this one to be ignored.
Response. Examine accompanying error messages to determine why the operation failed. After fixing the source of the failure or altering the setting of the REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY, restart the server. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems Technical Support.
43080 The user is not authorized to kill sessions.
Cause. User does not have the security privileges for this operation.
Response. Logon as an administrative user to kill sessions.
43081 Illegal operation attempted on a closed session.
Cause. A session-level operation was attempted on a session that is not open.
Response. The calling program must be modified to correct this out-of-sequence function call error.
43082 Illegal operation attempted on a closed request.
Cause. A request-level operation was attempted on a request that is not open.
Response. The calling program must be modified to correct this out-of-sequence function call error.
43083 Internal error: CheckReturnStatus should no longer be used to implement asynchronous calls.
Cause. There is an internal problem with this implementation of asynchronous calls.
Response. Try using synchronouse calls only. Please also submit a problem report to technical support.
43084 Function call sequence error: CloseServer called without a preceding OpenServer call.
Cause. There is a logic error in the client program.
Response. Make sure that the ODBC SQL environment and session are properly initialized and opened.
43085 Siebel Analytics Server disabled Performance Monitoring due to a bad registry.
Cause. Siebel Analytics Server disabled Performance Monitoring due to an inconsistent or corrupt registry. Registry corruption can occur after unclean server shutdowns or by incorrectly modifying the registry manually.
Response. If Performance Monitoring is desired, shut down the server cleanly and restart it. Depending on the degree of corruption, the Siebel Analytics Server may be able to fix the registry. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support. Under no circumstances should anyone but Siebel Systems technical support personnel attempt to manually fix the registry.
43086 Siebel Analytics Server disabled Performance Monitoring due to a Memory Mapped File creation error.
Cause. Siebel Analytics Server disabled Performance Monitoring due to a failure to create a Memory Mapped File.
Response. The problem is most likely due to unavailable operating system resources. Shut down the Siebel Analytics Server cleanly, reboot the operating system and restart the Siebel Analytics Server. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43087 Signalled server start.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server NT service has been signalled to start.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
43088 Could not signal server start.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server NT service did not start properly.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43089 Stopping Siebel Analytics Server.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server received a shutdown signal and is starting the shutdown procedure.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
43090 Server version (@1%ls) is incompatible with the client. The client protocol version range is @2%d - @3%d. Server range is @4%d - @5%d.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server received a request from a client with an older or newer installation.
Response. The client installation upgraded/downgraded to match the server protocol version.
43091 ODBC procedure SetSessionValue internal error: The value type @1%ls is not supported.
Cause. Wrong value type is used. It is not a supported type.
Response. The types allowed are: Integer, String, Float, Date, Time and DateTime.
43092 ODBC procedure SetSessionValue internal error: The value @1%ls does not match the specified type.
Cause. Either the value or the value type is wrong.
Response. Make sure the value match the type and have correct format.
43093 An error occurred while processing the EXECUTE PHYSICAL statement.
Cause. An error occurred while processing the EXECUTE PHYSICAL statement.
Response. Examine the error message for any additional information. If that is not sufficient, then Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43094 An error occurred while purging query cache via an ODBC function.
Cause. An error occurred while purging query cache via an ODBC function.
Response. Examine the error message for any additional information. If that is not sufficient, then Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43095 An error occurred while seeding query cache via ODBC function SASeedQuery.
Cause. An error occurred while seeding query cache via ODBC function SASeedQuery.
Response. Examine the error message for any additional information. If that is not sufficient, then Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
43096 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies that TestMode is @2%ls. However, the configuration on this Siebel Analytics Server specifies that TestMode is @3%ls.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Siebel Analytics Server and the specified Cluster Controller do not match.
Response. If the reported differences are not intentional, update the NQClusterConfig.INI files as necessary to synchronize their contents and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
43097 The configuration on this Siebel Analytics Server specifies a different client server port than Cluster Controller @1%ls.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) specifies a client server port and each Siebel Analytics Server must have the same client server port specified in their NQSConfig.INI file.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to NQSConfig.INI and restart the server.
43098 The format of the input string is wrong.
Cause. The input has error in terms of format.
Response. The allowed format is a semicolon separated list of: type variable=value.
43099 @1%ls is a repository variable. You can only set the value of a session variable.
Cause. This is not allowed by design.
Response. Use a session variable or use a name that is different from all the session and repository variables
43100 Log Viewer process reported error @1%d:@2%ls.
Cause. The process that was created to run nQLogViewer reported an error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance. Include the reported error message.
43101 Unable to open file @1%ls produced by Log Viewer, error @2%ls.
Cause. The query log file that is produced by the nQLogViewer executable could not be opened.
Response. Check the permissions for the directories that are part of the filename. Correct any problems and try the nQLogViewer again.
43102 File access error @1%ls from Log Viewer file @2%d:@3%ls.
Cause. The specified error occurred when accessing the query log file that is produced by the nQLogViewer executable.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance. Include the reported error message.
43103 Log Viewer process creation failed with error @1%d:@2%ls.
Cause. An attempt to create the nQLogViewer process in order to extract the information from the query log failed.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance. Include the reported error message.
43104 Could not restore the value of the variable '@1%ls' to its default.
Cause. Invalid session variable.
Response. The variable specified must be in the repository, have a valid initial value and be associated with an initialization block.
44001 code @1%d, position @2%d badType @3%d
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
44002 Unexpected end of data.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46001 Virtual page size is zero.
Cause. An unknown internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46002 System cannot allocate temporary file name.
Cause. The system cannot allocate the temporary file. The file may already be in use.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46003 File: @1%ls open failed.
Cause. The named file could not be opened. The file may not exist, or its permissions may be incorrect. This error could also occur because another application has the file locked.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46004 Size of virtual table: @1%ls is not a multiple of the record size: @2%d.
Cause. The named virtual table is sized incorrectly due to an unknown error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46005 Virtual table: @1%ls write failed.
Cause. An attempt to write to the named virtual table failed due to an unknown error. The temporary work space may be full.
Response. Verify that there is space on the path(s) specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter. To make more space available, shutdown the Siebel Analytics Server Server and increase the maximum space available on one or more existing WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file or add additional entries to WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS. Save the updated NQSConfig.ini file and restart the Siebel Analytics Server Server. If the problem persists, or if the temporary work space is not full, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46007 Resource load failure: @1%ls.
Cause. The named resource could not be loaded. There may be insufficient memory to perform the action. In some cases, a more specific error may have been logged to the server log which will assist in diagnosis and repair of the problem.
Response. Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for additional assistance.
46008 Internal error: File @1%ls, line @2%d.
Cause. An internal error occurred at the specified location in the named file.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46009 Write failure of merge record in work space.
Cause. A merge record could not be written to the work space. This may be caused by insufficient memory or disk space.
Response. Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for additional assistance.
46010 Sort key error at: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred in the sort engine.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46011 Sort key order error at: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred in the sort engine.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46012 Sort key offset error at: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred in the sort engine.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46013 Sort key data type: @1%d error.
Cause. An internal error occurred in the sort engine.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46014 Character type: @1%d error in sort key specification.
Cause. An internal error occurred in the sort engine.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46015 Sort key data field length error at: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred in the sort engine.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46016 Sort is unable to get work space directory.
Cause. The work space directory is unavailable. If the directory is on another server, that server may be down or the network used to access that server could be unavailable.
Response. The work directory is specified in the NQSConfig.ini file. Verify that the WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS value point to valid directories and that they can be accessed by the server. Correct any problems, and try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46017 Sort has no work space in the work directory.
Cause. The work directory has no available space. The disk may be full, or the directory may have reached its maximum size.
Response. Make space available in the directory, or add another work directory to the NQSConfig.ini file by adding a path to the WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS value.
46018 Merge set up for sorter failed.
Cause. An internal error caused a merge file failure.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46019 Merge file: @1%ls is empty.
Cause. The named merge file contains no records.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46020 Sorter is not in merge state.
Cause. An unknown error has occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46021 Cannot combine stable sort and duplicate record deletion together.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46022 No proper directory in work directory list: @1%ls.
Cause. A valid work directory cannot be found. The work directories are specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter.
Response. Review the value of the WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file. Be sure fully qualified pathnames to existing, writable directories are specified. Correct any problems, and try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46023 Sort work directory path: @1%ls illegal.
Cause. The named work directory path is invalid. The work directories are specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter.
Response. Correct the invalid path and try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Software Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46024 Dynamic link library: @1%ls load error for NQS Native API.
Cause. The named dll could not be loaded.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46025 Unable to extract NQS Native API from the loaded Dynamic link library: @1%ls.
Cause. The NQS Native API could not be extracted from the named dll.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46026 Cannot convert multibyte string (@1%hs) to integer data.
Cause. The source data is not a well-formed number.
Response. Correct the mappings in the repository to generate well-formed numeric data. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46027 Cannot convert multibyte string (@1%hs) to floating point data.
Cause. The source data is not a well-formed number.
Response. Correct the mappings in the repository to generate well-formed numeric data. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46028 Unable to get the DLL path for the CLI @1%ls from the NQSConfig.ini file.
Cause. A path to dll for the named CLI could not be found.
Response. Review the dynamic library parameters in the NQSConfig.ini file for the named CLI. Be sure the name of the dll is spelled correctly, and that the file exists in the Bin directory in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. Correct any errors and try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46029 Failed to load the DLL @1%ls. Check if '@2%ls' database client is installed.
Cause. The named DLL failed to load. The specified database client, for example, Oracle 8, may not be installed.
Response. Be sure the specified database client is installed and correctly configured. Then try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46030 Field descriptor id @1%d is beyond the maximum field count @2%d.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46031 No field with descriptor id: @1%d is in the field descriptors for the record.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46032 Field descriptor is not set for the record at location: @1%d.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46033 Datatype: @1%d is not supported.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46034 Data size: @1%d exceeded the defined field size: @2%d.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46035 Datatype(@1%ls) nullable(@2%d) unicode(@3%d) external char(@4%d) conversion to datatype(@5%ls) nullable(@6%d) unicode(@7%d) external char(@8%d) is not supported.
Cause. The source data cannot be converted as described.
Response. If possible, correct the datatype in the repository to allow appropriate conversion.
46036 Internal Assertion: Condition @1%ls, file @2%ls, line @3%d.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. The error is meant for internal diagnostic and debugging by Siebel Engineering. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46037 File: @1%ls write error - @2%ls.
Cause. The specified write error occurred for the named file. The disk drive may not have enough space.
Response. Increase the number of temporary or cache directories available for use in the Siebel Analytics Server configuration file, NQSConfig.ini.
46038 File: @1%ls read error - @2%ls.
Cause. The specified read error occurred for the named file. Read failures typically occur when a file or a disk is corrupted.
Response. Run a utility to determine if the disk is corrupted, and repair it, if possible. If the disk and/or file are not corrupted, and the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46039 File: @1%ls open failed: @2%ls
Cause. The specified open error occurred for the named file. This may happen when trying to open a file that does not exist.
Response. Verify that the file exists. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46040 Unable to allocate file backing storage, @1%hs, for shared memory: @2%ls
Cause. An allocate error occurred for the named file. This may happen when there is insufficient disk space to perform the action.
Response. Verify that there is space on the path(s) specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter. To make more space available, shutdown the Siebel Analytics Server and increase the maximum space available on one or more existing WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file or add additional entries to WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS. Save the updated NQSConfig.ini file and restart the Siebel Analytics Server. If the problem persists, or if the temporary work space is not full, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46041 Unable to map shared memory view of @1%ld bytes onto @2%hs: @3%ls
Cause. Shared virtual memory could not be mapped. This typically indicates insufficient free virtual memory and/or disk space.
Response. Free additional virtual memory and disk space, and then try the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46042 Unable to allocate record from shared memory segment: @1%hs
Cause. An internal logic error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46043 Internal error: @1%ls, File @2%ls, line @3%d.
Cause. An internal logic error occurred at the specified location in the named file.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46044 Cannot convert string (@1%ls) to integer data.
Cause. The specified source data is not a well-formed number.
Response. Correct the mappings in the repository to generate well-formed numeric data. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46045 Cannot convert string (@1%ls) to floating point data.
Cause. The specified source data is not a well-formed number.
Response. Correct the mappings in the repository to generate well-formed numeric data. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46046 Datetime value @1%ls does not match the specified format.
Cause. The specified source data is not a well-formed datetime string, based on the current datetime format.
Response. Correct the mappings in the repository. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46047 Datetime value @1%ls from @2%ls does not match the specified format.
Cause. The source data is not a well-formed datetime string, based on the current datetime format.
Response. Correct the mappings in the repository. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46048 Datetime @1%ls value @2%d from @3%ls is out of range.
Cause. The specified source data is not a well-formed date time string, based on the current datetime format.
Response. Correct the mappings in the repository. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46049 The datetime format @1%ls is not valid.
Cause. The specified datetime format string is invalid.
Response. Correct the datetime format string.
46050 The SUExpireCallback::Run method returned a time value less than or equal to the current time.
Cause. An unknown SUTimer class usage error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46051 Attempted to execute a member of SUTimer before the timer was started.
Cause. An unknown SUTimer class usage error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46052 Attempted to start SUTimer after it was already started.
Cause. An unknown SUTimer class usage error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46053 The License for the Product has Expired.
Cause. The license has expired.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems customer support for assistance.
46054 The license is invalid. The license file is either corrupted or not found.
Cause. The license file is corrupted or cannot be found.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46055 The license is going to expire in @1%d hours. Enable grace period, if disabled.
Cause. The software license will expire in 168 hours (7 days)
Response. The license must be renewed. Contact Siebel Systems customer support for assistance.
46056 Attempt to stop service '@1%ls' on machine '@2%ls' failed.
Cause. The specified service failed to stop as requested. Additional information typically follows this message. There are many possible causes of this error including: (1) the specified machine is down or does not exist, (2) the specified machine cannot be reached due to network problems, (3) the specified service is not installed or is not configured correctly, (4) the access rights on the service restrict the issuing process from performing the operation, (5) the service is already started.
Response. Examine the following messages and the Event Log on the specified machine to determine the course of action. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46057 Attempt to start service '@1%ls' on machine '@2%ls' failed.
Cause. The specified service failed to start as requested. Additional information typically follows this message. There are many possible causes of this error including: (1) the specified machine is down or does not exist, (2) the specified machine can not be reached due to network problems, (3) the specified service is not installed or is not configured correctly, (4) the access rights on the service restrict the issuing process from performing the operation, (5) the service is not running.
Response. Examine the following messages and the Event Log on the specified machine to determine the course of action. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46058 The service failed to complete startup and reported error 0x@1%08x.
Cause. The service did not complete the startup process but reported the specified error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46059 The service failed to complete startup and did not report an error.
Cause. The service did not complete the startup process and failed to report a specific error code.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46060 The service is in an unexpected state (0x@1%08x).
Cause. The service reported that it was in the specified state and this is not a valid state for the current operation being performed.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46061 The service failed to respond and complete the operation within the allocated time.
Cause. Each service specifies the amount of time that should be allowed for specific operations but the service failed to complete the operation within this time. The service may be in an indeterminate state after this error or may have subsequently completed the requested operation. The service may not be responding properly and it may be necessary to terminate the service.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46062 The operating system returned the following error: (@1%d) '@2%ls'.
Cause. An operating system call returned the specified error. This message is usually preceded by other messages that provide additional context.
Response. Examine any preceding messages and act on those messages. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46063 Cannot allocate any more operating system kernel resources (e.g. mutex, thread, etc.).
Cause. Too many operating system kernel objects have been allocated.
Response. Reconfigure your operating system to allow more kernel objects. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46064 Out of memory in operating system kernel.
Cause. Too many operating system kernel objects have allocated.
Response. Reconfigure your operating system to allow more kernel objects. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46065 Unexpected error.
Cause. An unknown error (e.g. 3rd party library, access violation) has occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46066 Operation cancelled.
Cause. The operation was cancelled as a response to an external cancellation request, or from internal resource management or governing.
Response. Run the request again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46067 Queue has been shut down. No more operations will be accepted.
Cause. The system may have been shut down by the administrator.
Response. Contact the Siebel Analytics administrator.
46068 System Host-ID is not licensed.
Cause. System HostID does not match the license.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems customer support for license assistance.
46069 The product is not licensed.
Cause. The product is not enabled in the license.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems customer support for license assistance.
46070 The product is not licensed to run on this platform.
Cause. The platform does not match the license.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems customer support for license assistance.
46071 The product version does not match the license.
Cause. The product version does not match the license.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems customer support for license assistance.
46072 A search for files matching wildcard '@1%ls' failed with error: (@2%d) @3%ls.
Cause. An attempt to locate all files matching the specified wildcard failed. The may be the result of specifying an incorrect Siebel Analytics configuration parameter or a system environment problem. This message often results from specifying a directory in an Siebel Analytics configuration file when the directory level permissions prohibit access by the reporting Siebel Analytics product.
Response. For additional information, examine any messages that may accompany this one. Determine if the directory specified in the message exists and is accessible to the reporting Siebel Analytics product. Make the appropriate changes and corrections to the NQSConfig.ini file or system environment. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46073 Operation '@1%ls' on file '@2%ls' failed with error: (@3%d) @4%ls.
Cause. The indicated error was encountered while processing the specified file. This may be the result of specifying an incorrect Siebel Analytics configuration parameter or a system environment problem.
Response. For additional information, examine any messages that may accompany this one. Determine if the directory or file specified in the message is in the proper state and, if appropriate, is accessible to the reporting Siebel Analytics product. Make the appropriate changes and corrections to the NQSConfig.ini file or system environment. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46074 Operation 'CopyFile' from '@1%ls' to '@2%ls' failed with error: (@3%d) @4%ls.
Cause. The indicated error was encountered while copying the specified file. This may be the result of specifying an incorrect Siebel Analytics configuration parameter or a system environment problem.
Response. For additional information, examine any messages that may accompany this one. Determine if the directories or files specified in the message are in the proper state and, if appropriate, are accessible to the reporting Siebel Analytics product. Make the appropriate changes and correction to the NQSConfig.ini file or system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46075 Operation 'MoveFile' from '@1%ls' to '@2%ls' failed with error: (@3%d) @4%ls.
Cause. The indicated error was encountered while renaming the specified file. This may be the result of specifying an incorrect Siebel Analytics configuration parameter or a system environment problem.
Response. For additional information, examine any messages that may accompany this one. Determine if the directories or files specified in the message are in the proper state and, if appropriate, are accessible to the reporting Siebel Analytics product. Make the appropriate changes and correction to the NQSConfig.ini file or system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46076 Trying to access a closed file.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46077 Illegal file open mode for file: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46078 Cannot open file: @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46079 Unknown Licensing Error occurred.
Cause. An internal error occurred in the Licensing API, which cannot be handled.
Response. Verify that licensing and its supporting libraries have been installed and setup correctly. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46080 Unable to create XML parser object.
Cause. This is caused by a failed COM call to create an XML parser object.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46081 XML Parser failed.
Cause. The XML file is invalid or corrupt.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46082 The Timezone ID '@1%ls' was not found for the language '@2%ls'.
Cause. An invalid Time Zone ID or Language ID was specified to the Time Zone Utility.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46083 Time Zone XML Parsing error file '@1%ls': @2%ls.
Cause. The Time Zone XML file is invalid.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46084 Error at file '@1%ls', line @2%d, column @3%d, Message: @4%ls
Cause. The Time Zone XML file is invalid.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46085 Time Zone DOM Parsing error for file '@1%ls': Error Number: @2%d.
Cause. The Time Zone XML file is invalid.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46086 Time Zone XML Parsing error: No rows were found in the file '@1%ls'.
Cause. The Time Zone XML file is invalid.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46087 Time Zone XML Parsing error: Invalid element structure for element '@1%ls'.
Cause. The Time Zone XML file is invalid.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46088 The language '@1%ls' is not supported in the Time Zone Utility.
Cause. The Time Zone XML file is invalid.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46089 The odbc.ini file has invalid line: '@1%ls'.
Cause. The indicated error was encountered while reading the odbc.ini file. This may be the result of specifying an incorrect odbc parameter or a system environment problem.
Response. Make the appropriate changes and corrections to the odbc.ini file specified in your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46090 The odbc.ini file could not found or could not be accessed.
Cause. The indicated error was encountered while trying to open the odbc.ini file. This may be the result of not having appropriate permissions on the file or a system environment problem.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46091 Creation a thread local storage key failed because the value specified by key is invalid.
Cause. Thread Local Storage key creation failed because the value specified by key is invalid.
Response. This is an internal logic error. Please contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46092 The necessary resources to create another thread-specific data key are not available, or the total number of keys per process has exceeded the PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX of @1%d.
Cause. Thread Local Storage key creation failed for inadequate system resources.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46093 There is insufficient memory available in which to create key.
Cause. There is insufficient memory available in which to create key.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46094 Creation of a thread local storage key failed with an unknown status @1%d.
Cause. Thread Local Storage key creation failed with an unknown status.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46095 Setting a thread local storage key value failed with an unknown status @1%d.
Cause. Thread Local Storage key setting failed with an unknown returned status.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46096 There is insufficient memory available in which to associate value with key.
Cause. There is insufficient memory available in which to associate value with key.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46097 The key specified is an invalid thread-specific data key.
Cause. The key specified is an invalid thread-specific data key.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46098 Call to MwDisAssociateCurrentThread() failed with a status @1%d.
Cause. Association with Mainwin Threads failed for the reasons specified by the returned status.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46099 Call to MwDisAssociateCurrentThread() failed with a status @1%d.
Cause. Disassociation with Mainwin Threads failed for the reasons specified by the returned status.
Response. Please make the appropriate changes and corrections to your system environment. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46100 Sax Parser failed with error @1%ls.
Cause. Sax xml parser encounters a problem as described in the error string.
Response. Please check to see if the syntax of the xml file passed in for parsing is correct. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46101 Http client failed with error @1%ls.
Cause. Http client failed as described in the error string.
Response. Please check to see if the Http server is set up correctly. If necesary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
46102 Sorter failed to get record. Current record number @1%ld, current record size @2%ld, current file name @3%ls
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to read from the temporarily file.
Response. Check if there is any disk failure in system log. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance
46103 Sorter failed to compress result. The compressed result is more than four gigabytes, please refine the query
Cause. There are too many rows in the result set.
Response. Refine the query or setup filter
47001 Invalid Siebel Analytics Bin directory: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Bin directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47002 Invalid Siebel Analytics Document directory: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Document directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Compete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47003 Invalid Siebel Analytics Data directory: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Data directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47004 Invalid Siebel Analytics Sample directory: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Sample directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Compete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47005 Invalid Siebel Analytics Log directory: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Log directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47006 Invalid Siebel Analytics Repository directory: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Repository directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47007 Invalid repository file: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified file is not an Siebel Analytics repository.
Response. Specify a valid repository and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47008 Invalid work directory: @1%ls.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the named work directory does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Response. Review the directories specified in the WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file, and correct the invalid entry. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.
47009 Invalid cache file storage location: @1%ls.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the named location specified for storing cache files does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Response. Review the directories specified in the DATA_STORAGE_PATHS parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file, and correct the invalid entry. All specified directories must exist and must be writable. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.
47010 Invalid cache metadata file: @1%ls.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the named cache metadata file does not exist or cannot be accessed. A directory path may be specified without a file name, the fully-qualified name may contain an invalid directory, or the specified file may not be writable.
Response. Review the METADATA_FILE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file, and correct any errors. The filename must be a fully qualified pathname and the file must be writable. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server.
47011 Configuration NQSConfig.ini file parse error.
Cause. A error occurred while parsing the NQSConfig.ini file. This message may be accompanied by additional messages indicating the specific errors that were detected.
Response. Correct the configuration errors in the NQSConfig.ini file before restarting the server. If no errors can be found, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance
47012 Syntax error in NQSConfig.ini file.
Cause. The NQSConfig.ini file contains a syntax error.
Response. Review the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the location of the syntax error. The default location for this file is the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor.
47013 NLS locale @1%ls is not supported by the operating system.
Cause. The specified NLS locale is not supported by the existing operating system.
Response. Specify an appropriate NLS locale that is supported by the operating system.
47014 Invalid locale directory @1%ls.
Cause. The specified directory does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Locale directory is created during installation, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47015 Invalid error message catalog: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified error message catalog is invalid, does not exist, or cannot be accessed. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47016 Error message catalog: @1%ls load error.
Cause. The specified error message catalog could not be loaded.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47017 Server log start failed.
Cause. Logging could not be started for the Siebel Analytics Server. The Log directory, in the Siebel Analytics installation directory, may not exist or may not be accessible. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted, or the disk may be corrupted.
Response. Complete or repair the Siebel Analytics installation, and check the disk for possible corruption. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47018 nQuire_dir home directory is not in the registry.
Cause. The nQuire_dir registry setting reflects the location where the Siebel Analytics is installed. This directory is specified during installation. The registry may be corrupted, or the Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted.
Response. Review the registry and repair the nQuire_dir setting. If necessary, complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47019 @1%ls is not a valid nQuire_dir home directory path.
Cause. The nQuire_dir registry setting reflects an invalid directory structure. The directory structure does not exist or cannot be accessed. The Siebel Analytics installation may be incomplete or corrupted.
Response. Review the registry and correct the nQuire_dir setting. If necessary, complete or repair the Siebel Analytics software installation. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47020 The value (@1%0d) specified for METADATA_BACKUP_FREQUENCY_MINUTES exceeds the maximum value (@2%0d) allowed.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the specified value for the METADATA_BACKUP_FREQUENCY_MINUTES parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file was too large. This value specifies the amount of time, in minutes, between each backup of the cache metadata file. The maximum value is 10080 minutes (7 days).
Response. Correct the value of the METADATA_BACKUP_FREQUENCY_MINUTES parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file and restart the server. To disable periodic updates of the metadata file, specify a value of 0 for this parameter. See the Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide for additional information.
47021 No specific error code was available for NT Event Logging, error message follows: @1%ls
Cause. An Siebel Analytics component attempted to log a message to the NT Event Log, but the specific error code could not be logged. The text of the message, which usually includes the error number, is displayed.
Response. The message text describes the error and usually contains the error code. Consult the system manual for additional information about the specified error code, including any corrective action that may be required. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47022 @1%ls is not a valid Job Accounting directory path.
Cause. The named Job Accounting directory, specified in the NQSConfig.ini file, does not exist or cannot be accessed.
Response. Review the STORAGE_DIRECTORY parameter in the ACCOUNTING section of the NQSConfig.ini file, and correct the invalid entry. The directory listed must be a valid fully-qualified, writable directory pathname, with double quotes ( " ) surrounding the pathname. Specify local or mapped directories only; UNC names are not supported. If usage tracking is enabled, but no storage directory is specified, the files are written to the Log directory, in the Siebel Analytics finstallation directory.
47023 Illegal zero maximum space for cache file storage location: @1%ls.
Cause. The server failed to start because the maximum space allocated to a cache file storage location was zero.
Response. All DATA_STORAGE_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file must have non-zero maximum space allocated. Restart the server.
47024 The Siebel Analytics Server participates in a cluster but errors were found in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.ini file indicated the server was to participate in a cluster but errors were found in the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini). The log files usually contain additional messages about the specific errors encountered.
Response. Review the cluster configuration file and correct any errors. If the Siebel Analytics Server should not participate in a cluster, set CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT = NO in the NQSConfig.ini file.
47025 The Siebel Analytics Server participates in a cluster but an internal error occurred while processing the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start. The NQSConfig.ini file indicated the server was to participate in a cluster but an unknown exception occurred while processing the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.ini). The log files may contain additional messages about the specific errors encountered.
Response. Review the cluster configuration file and correct any errors. Verify that the file can be read. If one of the Cluster Controllers or Siebel Analytics Servers on another node in the cluster are starting correctly, consider copying the cluster configuration file from the working node to the configuration directory on the node that is encountering errors. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
47026 The Siebel Analytics Server Configuration File indicates that this node participates in a cluster but its name (@1%ls) is not in list of Siebel Analytics Server nodes in the Cluster Configuration File.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server configuration file, NQSConfig.ini, and the cluster configuration file, NQClusterConfig.ini, are out of sync.
Response. If the Siebel Analytics Server should participate in a cluster, add the server to the cluster configuration file, NQClusterConfig.ini. If the server should not participate in the cluster, set CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT = NO in the NQSConfig.ini file.
47027 The server locale @1%ls or sort type @2%ls is not valid.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the LOCALE or the SORT_TYPE entry in the NQSCONFIG.INI file is invalid.
Response. Verify that the LOCALE value is a valid value, supported by Siebel Systems. Verify that the locale is installed and supported by the operating system. Verify that the combination of LOCALE and SORT_TYPE values is valid. Make the necessary corrections and restart the server.
47028 The Siebel Analytics Server is specified as participating in a cluster but is missing the required REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY entry.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.ini file indicated, via the CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT entry, that the server participates in a cluster but the required REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY was not specified.
Response. Update the NQSConfig.ini file to either specify that this Siebel Analytics Server does not participate in a cluster or specify a valid REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY entry.
47029 The Siebel Analytics Server is specified as participating in a cluster but is missing the required REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY entry.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.ini file indicated, via the CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT entry, that the server participates in a cluster but the required REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY was not specified.
Response. Update the NQSConfig.ini file to either specify that this Siebel Analytics Server does not participate in a cluster or specify a valid REQUIRE_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY entry.
47030 The repository publishing directory specified via REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY is a relative path.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.ini file specified a relative path for the value of REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY. The publishing directory must always be specified as an absolute path.
Response. Update the NQSConfig.ini file to specify an absolute path for REPOSITORY_PUBLISHING_DIRECTORY.
47031 Usage Tracking table name and connection pool have mismatching database components.
Cause. The database component of the Usage Tracking table specified in the configuration file doesn't match the database component for the connection pool.
Response. Change the parameters PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME and CONNECTION_POOL in the ACCOUNTING section of the configuration file to have matching database components.
47032 The RPC service or port number specified via RPC_SERVICE_OR_PORT (NQSConfig.INI) is different than the Siebel Analytics Client Port specified via CLIENT_SERVER_PORT (NQClusterConfig.INI).
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start because the NQSConfig.INI file specified a different port number number than the NQClusterConfig.INI file.
Response. Update the RPC_SERVICE_OR_PORT field in NQSConfig.INI file to match the CLIENT_SERVER_PORT field in NQClusterConfig.INI .
47033 NQSConfig.INI: Warning, the value of SERVER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE in NQSConfig.INI is too small. 256 KB was used instead.
Cause. The value of SERVER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE cannot be less than 256 KB by design.
Response. Set it to a different value or use 0 for system default 1 MB.
47034 NQSConfig.INI: Warning, the value of DB_GATEWAY_THREAD_STACK_SIZE in NQSConfig.INI is too small. 256 KB was used instead.
Cause. The value of DB_GATEWAY_THREAD_STACK_SIZE cannot be less than 256 KB by design.
Response. Set it to a different value or use 0 for system default 256 KB.
47035 NQSConfig.INI: Warning, the value near line @1%d exceeds the maximum allowable value for an unsigned 32 bit integer. A default maximum value of 4294967295 bytes was used instead.
Cause. The value exceeds the maximum allowable value for an unsigned 32 bit integer.
Response. Set it to a value that is less than 4 GB.
47036 NQSConfig.INI: At least one repository must be specified in the REPOSITORY section.
Cause. No repository is specified in the configuration file NQSConfig.INI.
Response. Please specify at least one repository in the REPOSITORY section.
47037 Error(s) happened when trying to validate configuration.
Cause. There is error in the configuration validation process.
Response. Please check the server log (NQServer.log) for errors related to entries in the NQSConfig.ini file. Make the necessary corrections and restart the Analytics Server.
49001 The handler is not installed.
Cause. A handler for the Siebel Analytics server service could not be located or could not be registered.
Response. Make sure that the Siebel Analytics server service is set up correctly in the service control panel. See the Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide and the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional details. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49002 Bad service request.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics server service received an invalid service request.
Response. Make sure the COM gateway registration parameters are valid. To configure the Siebel Analytics server to be automatically launched by a remote client, see the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Software technical support for assistance.
49003 Siebel Analytics server service stopped.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server service stopped normally.
Response. The is an informational message. No action is required.
49004 Bad server configuration - Siebel service shutting down.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server service detected an invalid configuration, such as the incorrect spelling of a repository file name, and shut down.
Response. Review the messages in the NQServer.log file, and correct any syntax errors in the NQSConfig.ini file. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server service.
49005 The Siebel Analytics Server failed to startup - check the server log for details. Siebel service shutting down.
Cause. During startup, the Siebel Analytics Server service encountered conditions that prevented it from completing the startup process.
Response. Review the messages in the NQServer.log file for error details and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server service.
49006 Siebel Analytics Server service terminated.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server service ended normally.
Response. If the service termination is not expected, examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine the cause.
49007 Siebel Analytics Server service could not be terminated.
Cause. A request to terminate the Siebel Analytics Server service was received, but could not be processed.
Response. Kill the Siebel Analytics Server service, and the nqscomgateway processes. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server service.
49008 Siebel Analytics Server service halted.
Cause. A request to pause the Siebel Analytics Server service was received and processed normally.
Response. If the service pause is not expected, examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine the cause.
49009 Server startup event creation failed - Siebel Analytics Server service shutting down.
Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server service encountered invalid startup parameters.
Response. Make sure that the Siebel Analytics Server service is set up correctly in the Windows Service Control panel. See the Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide and the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional details. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49010 Siebel Analytics Server service started.
Cause. A request to start the Siebel Analytics Server service was received and processed normally.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
49011 Server shut down by request. Halting Siebel Analytics Server service.
Cause. A request to shut down the Siebel Analytics Server service was received and is being processed.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
49012 Could not create the start event to restart Siebel Analytics Server service.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49013 Could not restart Siebel Analytics Server service.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server service encountered errors that prevented it from restarting.
Response. Review the messages in the NQServer.log file for error details and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server service. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49014 Siebel Analytics Server shut down unexpectedly - restarted.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server service shut down unexpectedly, but restarted normally. An unexpected shutdown can be caused, for example, by a power failure.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
49015 Siebel Analytics Server shut down unexpectedly - restart failed.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server shut down unexpectedly and was unable to restart. An unexpected shutdown can be caused, for example, by a power failure.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine why the service was unable to restart and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. Restart the Siebel Analytics Server service. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49016 Server shut down unexpectedly - received stop during restart.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server shut down unexpectedly. During restart, a stop request was received. An unexpected shutdown can be caused, for example, by a power failure.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. However, if the stop request was not expected, examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine the cause.
49017 Server shut down unexpectedly - no exit code available. Halting Siebel service.
Cause. After an unexpected shutdown of the Siebel Analytics Server, no exit code was available. This caused the Siebel Analytics Server service to be halted.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine why the Server shut down. Correct any problems and then restart the Siebel Analytics Server service. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49018 Siebel Analytics Server pid @1%d exists, but can not be opened - Siebel Analytics Server service halting.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49019 Attached to existing Siebel Analytics Server: pid @1%d.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49020 Siebel Analytics Server start up failed - cannot get exit code.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to start. No exit code was available.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine why the server was unable to start and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49021 Siebel Analytics Server failed to open the Service Manager during @1%ls. The error is: @2%ls
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to open the Service Manager.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine if the server was unable to start due to a prior error and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49022 Siebel Analytics Server failed to create a service during @1%ls. The error is: @2%ls
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to create a Service.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine if the server was unable to start due to a prior error and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49023 Siebel Analytics Server failed to delete a service during @1%ls. The error is: @2%ls
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to delete a Service.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine if the server was unable to start due to a prior error and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49024 Siebel Analytics Server failed to create a valid Event in @1%ls.
Cause. An Event in Siebel Analytics Server is not valid.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine why the server was unable to start and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49025 Siebel Analytics Server failed to create a process in @1%ls. The error is: @2%ls.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server failed to create a Service.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine why the server was unable to start and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49026 Siebel Analytics Server caught an unknown exception.
Cause. An unknown exception was caught in the Siebel Analytics Server.
Response. Examine previous messages in the NQServer.log file to determine why the server was unable to start and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49027 Siebel Analytics Server failed to create the required events - Siebel Analytics Server service shutting down.
Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server service encountered invalid startup parameters.
Response. Make sure that the Siebel Analytics Server service is set up correctly in the Windows Service Control panel. See the Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide and the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional details. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49028 Siebel Analytics Server encountered an error while waiting for an event.
Cause.  The Siebel Analytics Server service encountered invalid wait parameters.
Response. Make sure that the Siebel Analytics Server service is set up correctly in the Windows Service Control panel. See the Siebel Analytics Installation and Configuration Guide and the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional details. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49029 An error was encountered in ServerManager @1%ls.
Cause. An known exception was caught in the Siebel Analytics Server.
Response. Examine the error message in the NQServer.log file to determine if this error was caused by a previous error. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
49030 An unknown Exception was encountered in ServerManager @1%ls.
Cause. An unknown exception was caught in the Siebel Analytics Server.
Response. Examine the error message in the NQServer.log file to determine if this error was caused by a previous error. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
51001 Load of NQUtility Dll failed.
Cause. An unknown error caused a load failure for the NQUtility.dll.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
51002 Cannot find utility dll entry point.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
51003 Load of NQSServer Dll failed.
Cause. An unknown error caused a load failure for the NQSServer.dll.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
51004 Cannot find Server Dll entry point.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
51005 A configuration error occurred.
Cause. An unknown configuration error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
52001 Query Cache was terminated abnormally.
Cause. The cache system was not shut down cleanly. This is usually the result of the Siebel Analytics server not being shut down cleanly, for example, due to a power failure.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
52002 Recovering Query Cache metadata from backup copy.
Cause. The primary copy of the query cache metadata was unavailable or unusable. However, a backup copy was located and the cache system will attempt to recover the primary copy from this backup copy. The backup copy may be out of date so some cache entries may be deleted.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
52003 The contents of the Query Cache are being deleted and it is being reinitialized.
Cause. Either the contents of the query cache metadata file could not be used, or no usable version of that file was located. The query cache is being reinitialized with no entries.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
52004 Deletion of Query Cache data file '@1%ls' failed for the following reason: @2%ls.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics server was unable to delete the specified query cache file containing data for a cached query. This could be due to a configuration or system problem. In most cases the system will continue to operate normally, but the specified file may be consuming disk space limiting the ability to cache additional query results.
Response. Using the supplied operating system error code or message, determine the cause of the failure and correct the situation. Contact Siebel Systems technical support if additional assistance is required.
52005 An attempt to create a backup copy of Query Cache metadata failed.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics server was unable to create a backup copy of the query cache metadata file either during system initialization or as part of a periodic backup. The situation may be the result of a configuration or system problem, such as insufficient disk space in the directory containing the metadata file. In most cases the system will continue to operate normally, but the failure to create a current metadata backup may result in many or all cache entries being deleted from the query cache should the Siebel Analytics server be terminated abnormally.
Response. After correcting the problem, shut the Siebel Analytics server down cleanly and then restart it. This will result in the creation of a metadata backup file.
52006 Updating of a Query Cache metadata entry failed.
Cause. An error encountered during updating of a query cache metadata entry prevented the operation from completing successfully. The situation may be the result of a Siebel Analytics server configuration or resource problem, such as insufficient disk space in the file system containing the query cache metadata. In most cases, a more specific error has been logged to the Siebel Analytics server log which will assist in diagnosis and repair of the problem.
Response. Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for additional assistance.
52007 Deletion of the Query Cache metadata backup file '@1%ls' failed for the following reason: @2%ls.
Cause. An attempt to delete the backup copy of the query cache metadata file in preparation for saving an updated copy failed for the specified reason. This situation may be the result of a configuration or resource problem.
Response. Using the supplied operating system error code or message, determine the cause of the failure and correct the situation. Contact Siebel Systems technical support if additional assistance is required.
52008 Copying of the Query Cache metadata file '@1%ls' to '@2%ls' failed for the following reason: @3%ls.
Cause. An attempt to copy the query cache metadata file to the specified temporary file failed for the indicated reason. This situation may be the result of a configuration or resource problem.
Response. Using the supplied operating system error code or message, determine the cause of the failure and correct the situation. Contact Siebel Systems technical support if additional assistance is required.
52009 Renaming the temporary Query Cache metadata file '@1%ls' to '@2%ls' failed for the following reason: @3%ls.
Cause. An attempt to rename the temporary query cache metadata file to the specified backup file failed for the indicated reason. This situation may be the result of a configuration or resource problem.
Response. Using the supplied operating system error code or message, determine the cause of the failure and correct the situation. Contact Siebel Systems technical support if additional assistance is required.
52010 WARNING: Failure to reserve space on any cache data file storage location. Failure has occurred '@1%d' times since last warning.
Cause. Caching is enabled but there is insufficient space available on any data file storage location to accommodate the current user load.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. To make more space available for cache data files, shutdown the Siebel Analytics server and increase the maximum space available on one or more existing DATA_STORAGE_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file or add additional entries to DATA_STORAGE_PATHS. Save the updated NQSConfig.ini file and restart the Siebel Analytics server.
53001 LDAP initialization failure.
Cause. A session with the LDAP server could not be initialized. The LDAP server may be unavailable, or configuration parameters specified in the LDAP Server Initialization block may be incorrect.
Response. Be sure the LDAP server is available. Review the configuration information using the Security Manager in the Administration Tool. Correct any errors and try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
53002 LDAP search failure: @1%ls.
Cause. An unknown error caused the specified LDAP search failure.
Response. Review the LDAP configuration parameters in the LDAP Initialization Block, using the Security Manager in the Administration Tool. Correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
53003 LDAP bind failure: @1%ls.
Cause. An attempt to bind to the LDAP server resulted in the specified bind failure. The LDAP server may be unavailable, or the bind parameters specified in the LDAP Server Initialization block may be incorrect.
Response. Be sure the LDAP server is available. Review the bind parameters and other LDAP configuration information using the Security Manager in the Administration Tool. Correct any errors and try the action again.
53004 LDAP parse failure: @1%ls.
Cause. An unknown error caused the specified LDAP parse failure.
Response. Review the LDAP configuration parameters in the LDAP Initialization Block, using the Security Manager in the Administration Tool. Correct any problems and retry the action. See the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
53005 LDAP server referral is not supported.
Cause. LDAP server referral is required, but this is not currently supported.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
53006 Part of the DN that matches an existing entry: @1%ls.
Cause. The specified base DN does not exactly match any entry in the subtree.
Response. Review the Base DN specified in the LDAP configuration parameters in the LDAP Initialization Block, using the Security Manager in the Administration Tool. Correct any problems and retry the action. See the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional information.
53007 LDAP set option failure: @1%ls.
Cause. An unknown error caused the specified LDAP set option failure.
Response. Review the LDAP configuration parameters in the LDAP Initialization Block, using the Security Manager in the Administration Tool. Correct any problems and retry the action. See the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
53008 UID must be present in the filter.
Cause. The USER system variable does not contain a user name.
Response. Review the configuration for the USER system session variable for LDAP authentication, using the Variable Manager in the Administration Tool. Correct any errors and try the action again. See the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional information.
53009 (objectclass=groupofuniquenames) must be present in the filter.
Cause. The GROUP system variable does not contain a set of unique names.
Response. Review the configuration for the GROUP system session variable, using the Variable Manager in the Administration Tool. Correct any errors and try the action again. See the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional information.
53010 Found duplicate entries in the repository for the user: @1%ls.
Cause. There are duplicate entries for the named user. An LDAP synchronization may have been performed without dropping a recycled user name from the repository.
Response. Use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the problem.
53011 Found duplicate entries in the repository for the group: @1%ls.
Cause. There are duplicate entries in the repository for the named group. An LDAP synchronization may have been performed without dropping a recycled group name from the repository.
Response. Use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the problem.
53012 User authentication failure: @1%ls.
Cause. Authentication for the named user failed.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. If the user should be authenticated, make the appropriate changes based on the type of security implemented for the repository. See the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for additional security information.
53013 Empty password is not allowed for LDAP authentication.
Cause. A password was not specified.
Response. Specify a password for the user.
53014 Not supported for Active Directory Services.
Cause. The feature used is not supported.
Response. This feature cannot be used.
53016 The IBM LDAP SSL (Secure Socket Layer) client library initialization failed. Reason: @1%ls.
Cause. The key database file does not exist or it is a wrong file. Or the password is wrong.
Response. Make sure that the key database file specified in the Administration tool does exist and is the correct one.
54001 ODBC Connection handle limit: @1%d exceed for connection pool: @2%ls.
Cause. The specified ODBC connection handle limit has been reached for the named connection pool.
Response. Try the connection again later. To minimize the number of ODBC handles used, enable connection pooling for the named connection pool.
54004 Connection allocation failed.
Cause. Client connectivity type is not specified or is unknown.
Response. Make sure that the CLI type is set correctly and that the client driver is present. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
54009 Unable to create connection pool @1%ls in repository @2%ls.
Cause. The named connection pool could not be created in the named repository.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to review the connection pool settings and correct any errors. Retry the connection.
54010 The connection pool @1%ls is not available. Consequently, could not execute physical query: @2%ls.
Cause. The named connection pool may not have been created properly, and may contain invalid or incorrect configuration settings.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to review the connection pool settings and correct any errors. Retry the connection.
54011 Trying to update missing connection pool: @1%ls.
Cause. The named connection pool may not have been created properly, and may contain invalid or incorrect configuration settings.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to review the connection pool settings and correct any errors. Retry the connection.
55001 The physical table @1%ls in a cache polled row does not exist.
Cause. A row in the event polling table refers to a physical table that does not exist. No cache invalidation was performed for this row.
Response. Make sure that the techniques used to insert rows into the event polling table use table names consistent with the physical layer of the repository. The table names in the event polling table must match the name defined for the table in the Physical Layer of the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool.
55002 The physical table @1%ls in a cache polled row is ambiguous.
Cause. A row in the event polling table refers to a physical table name that is ambiguous. No cache invalidation was performed for this row.
Response. Change the techniques used to insert rows into the event polling table to use fully qualified table names.
55003 The cache polling SELECT query failed for table @1%ls.
Cause. The SELECT query used to retrieve the rows from the event polling table failed.
Response. Check that the event polling table exists in the database and is accessible. To see the SQL statement that is causing the problem, set the query logging level to 2 for the Administrator user name. Cache invalidation will not be performed until the problem is corrected.
55004 The prepare operation failed while polling from table @1%ls.
Cause. The attempt to retrieve rows from the event polling table failed.
Response. Check that the event polling table exists in the database and is accessible. Cache invalidation will not be performed until the problem is corrected.
55005 The cache polling delete statement failed for table @1%ls.
Cause. The attempt to remove rows from the event polling event table failed.
Response. Check that the event polling table is accessible for Delete operations. Cache invalidation will continue to occur correctly, but the number of rows in the event polling table will increase.
55006 Invalid update code @1%d during cache polling. The physical table is @2%ls.
Cause. An invalid update code was found when retrieving rows from an event polling table. No cache invalidation was performed for this row.
Response. Change the techniques used to insert rows into the event polling table to use a valid update code.
55007 An illegal null value was found in the polling row: @1%ls.
Cause. A null value was found when retrieving a row from an event polling table. Several columns of the polling table cannot contain null values, including UpdateType and UpdateTime. No cache invalidation was performed for this row.
Response. Change the techniques used to insert rows into the event polling table, so null values cannot be specified for these columns. For more information about the event polling table structure, see the Server Administration Guide.
56001 The cache polling event table @1%ls has an incorrect schema.
Cause. The schema for the event polling table does not conform to the requirements.
Response. Change the schema in the physical layer of the repository to conform to the event polling table requirements, and make sure that a compatible schema exists for the table in the database system. For more information about the event polling table structure, see the Server Administration Guide.
58001 Query Cache Statistics -- Hits:@1%1.0f(@2%1.0f%%), Qualified Misses:@3%1.0f(@4%1.0f%%), Unqualified Misses:@5%1.0f(@6%1.0f%%).
Cause. This message contains statistical information about the cache system.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
58002 Query Cache loaded with @1%d entries from saved cache files.
Cause. This message contains statistical information about the cache system.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
58003 Query Cache disabled due to error while loading saved cache files.
Cause. A problem occurred while loading the saved cache files, causing the query cache to be disabled.
Response. Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor such as Windows Notepad. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for additional assistance.
58004 A fatal error occurred while initializing the cache.
Cause. The server detected some problem while starting the cache system.
Response. Refer to the NQServer.log file for detailed information on the cause of the problem. The default location for this file is the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics installation directory. Log entries are self-explanatory and can be viewed using a text editor such as Windows Notepad. If there is insufficient information in the server log to resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems Siebel Analytics technical support for additional assistance.
58005 Purged @1%d uninterpretable entries while initializing the cache.
Cause. The server encountered cache entries from an earlier release while starting the cache system.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
59001 @1%ls operation is not permitted on @2%ls operand(s).
Cause. The specified SQL function does not take an operand of the specified type. This may be the result of an internal error, or a mismatch between the Physical Layer of the repository and the source database.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59002 @1%ls operation is not supported on @2%ls operand(s).
Cause. The specified SQL function contains an invalid data type for the specified operand (e.g. TRIM, SUM).
Response. Review the SQL statement or the repository definitions, and correct any problems. Retry the action. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59003 The data type @1%ls is not supported.
Cause. The SQL function contains an invalid data type.
Response. Review the SQL statement or the repository definitions, and correct any problems. Retry the action. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59005 The requested @1%ls extract operation is not supported.
Cause. The named Calendar extract function contains an unsupported operand.
Response. Review the SQL statement or the repository definitions, and correct any problems. Retry the action. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59006 The requested trim style is not supported.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59007 The length operand @1%d of the @2%ls operator must be greater than zero.
Cause. The specified length operand is zero or a negative number.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59008 Divide by Zero occurred during execution.
Cause. The SQL statement contains an expression where the divisor is zero.
Response. Review the SQL statement or the repository definitions, and correct any problems. Retry the action. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59009 The square root of a negative value: @1%f is not allowed.
Cause. The SQRT function was evaluated on a negative number. This is not allowed.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59010 The argument for the function @1%ls is outside the domain over which the function is defined.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. The named function was passed an illegal value during execution.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59011 OverFlow occurred during the execution of @1%ls.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. The named math function experienced a runtime error.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59012 UnderFlow occurred during the execution of @1%ls.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. The named math function experienced a runtime error.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59013 The operation @1%ls on @2%ls operand is causing loss of data.
Cause. A CAST operation is attempting to convert data into a datatype that is too small to hold the data. The query was terminated in order to prevent data corruption.
Response. Change the CAST operation to convert data into an appropriately sized datatype.
59014 The requested column does not exist in this table.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59015 The requested column @1%ls does not exist in this table.
Cause. The SQL statement may be incorrect or an internal error may have occurred.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59016 The filter expression can be a conditional expression only.
Cause. The filter expression is expected to return a Boolean data type.
Response. Correct the filter expression. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59017 An error occurred while performing a DateTime conversion.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59018 All of the input streams to the sorter should have an identical number of columns and data types.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59019 All of the input streams to the Union operator should have an identical number of columns and union compatible data types.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59020 All of the possible results of a CASE expression should have union compatible data types.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. It contains an invalid CASE expression.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59021 CASE conditional expressions have mismatching data types.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. The WHEN clauses of the CASE expression are not union-compatible.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59022 The data type @1%ls is not supported in a case expression.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. The CASE expression is incorrect.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59023 The number of WHEN expressions in a case statement is more than the number of THEN/ELSE expressions.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. The CASE expression is incorrect.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59024 The aggregate @1%ls can only work on a single column.
Cause. The SQL statement may be incorrect or an internal error may have occurred.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59025 The escape character operand of the LIKE operator can have only one character.
Cause. The LIKE operator accepts a single character as input for the escape character. The SQL statement LIKE operator contains multiple escape characters.
Response. Rewrite the SQL statement to use a single escape character.
59026 The Execution Engine encountered an internal error in the module @1%ls.
Cause. An unknown internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59028 NTile, TopN, BottomN and Mavg require a positive integer for the N value.
Cause. The second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement does not evaluate to a positive numeric value.
Response. Change the second operand of the aggregate in the SQL statement to use a positive numeric value and resubmit the query.
59029 The Trim character expression must be a single character.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. The character to be trimmed does not evaluate to a single character.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action.
59030 Illegal data type conversion from source type: @1%ls to target type: @2%ls.
Cause. The SQL statement may be incorrect or an internal error may have occurred.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59031 A query cannot contain multiple instances of TopN or BottomN.
Cause. The query contains two or more instances of the TopN or BottomN aggregate functions.
Response. Modify the query to contain no more than one TopN or BottomN aggregation function.
59032 The Case expression cannot be a NULL literal.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. The first expression in the CASE statement is a NULL literal.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action.
59033 At least one of the result expressions of CASE must be a non-NULL literal.
Cause. The SQL statement is invalid. Every WHEN clause of the CASE statement returns NULL.
Response. Review the SQL statement, correct any problems and retry the action.
59034 A Drive Table join exceeded the limit of @1%d backend database queries.
Cause. The query reached the maximum allowable number of physical database queries for a Drive Table join without completing.
Response. Increase the maximum limit for queries in Drive Table joins as specified in the database features table. If this degrades performance beyond acceptable limits, disable the Drive Table join hint in the repository.
59035 The Derived Tables feature is not compatible with the SQL89 Column Alias Conformance feature.
Cause. Column aliases are inhibited, but the derived table feature is still enabled in the features table.
Response. Do not inhibit column aliases. If column aliases must be inhibited, the derived table feature must be turned off in the features table.
59036 The resulting SQL statement exceeded the maximum statement length of @1%d.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server attempted to submit a query to a backend database, but the number of characters in the query exceeds the defined limit.
Response. If you manually set the statement length, try increasing the maximum SQL statement length in the features table. If you are using a CASE statement and the features table supports CASE LOOKUP and not CASE IF, disable CASE LOOKUP. If possible, reduce the number of expressions in your SQL statement.
59037 Job Accounting activity stopped due to error encountered accessing a Job Accounting data file.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server could not access the usage tracking data files. The storage path may be invalid, the storage device holding these files may have no more available space, or the device may have corrupted or faulty media. The files may also be inaccessible due to changes in data path security.
Response. Depending on the cause, take the appropriate action. For example, free up space on the storage device, replace the corrupted device or faulty media, or change the security for the storage path. You may also change or correct the specified storage path, and then restart the Siebel Analytics Server. The full path to the directory used to store usage tracking files is specified by the STORAGE_DIRECTORY parameter in the Usage Tracking section of the NQSConfig.ini file.
59038 Query statistics logging stopped due to error accessing file @1%ls.
Cause. The storage directory for the Server Query Statistics subsystem may be invalid, the directory or file may be inaccessible, or there may be no more space available on the storage device.
Response. Review the STORAGE_DIRECTORY parameter in the Usage Tracking section of the NQSConfig.ini file and verify that the directory exists and is writable. Verify that there is sufficient disk space on the specified storage device. After correcting any problems, restart the Siebel Analytics Server.
59039 The Query Statistics file must be non-zero bytes in size.
Cause. The file size specified in the NQSConfig.ini file for the Server Query Statistics log parameters has been defined as zero bytes.
Response. Modify the FILE_SIZE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to be a non-zero number of bytes and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.
59040 The code page @1%ls for Server Query Statistics is not valid.
Cause. The code page specified in the NQSConfig.ini file for the Server Query Statistics subsystem is not valid.
Response. Modify the CODE_PAGE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to be a valid Siebel Analytics code page and re-start the Siebel Analytics Server.
59041 The code page @1%ls for Usage Tracking is not valid.
Cause. The code page specified in the NQSConfig.ini file for the Usage Tracking subsystem is not valid.
Response. Modify the CODE_PAGE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to be a valid Siebel Analytics code page and re-start the Siebel Analytics Server.
59042 The code page @1%ls for User Logging is not valid.
Cause. The code page specified in the NQSConfig.ini file for the User Log subsystem is not valid.
Response. Modify the CODE_PAGE parameter in the NQSConfig.ini file to be a valid Siebel Analytics code page and re-start the Siebel Analytics Server.
59043 Unable to generate SQL for @1%ls to Cast to the data type @2%ls.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server attempted to generate a SQL statement for the indicated backend database. However, this system does not support the conversion of data to the indicated data type.
Response. Modify the query to Cast to a supported data type.
59044 Unable to create table @1%ls.
Cause. There are several possible reasons for the failure including insufficient privilege to create a table in the database and the table already exists.
Response. Verify that the connection pool user has sufficient privilege to create a table in the backend database. Verify that the table does not already exist. Fix any permission problems and try again.
59045 The INSERT-VALUES statement for table @1%ls failed.
Cause. The table may not exist or the values in the statement may not be properly matched with the data types in the table.
Response. Verify that the table exists, the user has sufficient privilege to insert, and that the schema for the table matches the values being inserted. Correct any problems and try again.
59046 The SQL statement to create table @1%ls via a Select statement failed.
Cause. The table may already exist or the database user may not have sufficient privilege to create a table.
Response. Verify that the connection pool user has sufficient privilege to create a table in the backend database. Verify that the table does not already exist. Fix any permission problems and try again.
59047 The SQL statement to insert rows into table @1%ls via a Select statement failed.
Cause. The table may not exist or the values in the select statement may not be properly matched with the data types in the table.
Response. Verify that the table exists, the user has sufficient privilege to insert, and that the schema for the table matches the values being inserted. Correct any problems and try again.
59048 Usage Tracking encountered an insert statement execution error. This error has occurred @1%d times and resulted in the loss of @2%d insert statements since this message was last logged.
Cause. The Usage Tracking subsystem could not insert a record into the configured database table.
Response. Verify that the table and connection pool still exist, that sufficient space exists on the database host machine, that the network connection is up and that the schema is appropriate for Usage Tracking. Correct any problems and, if necessary, stop the Siebel Analytics Server and restart it.
59049 Usage Tracking not started due to non-existent Usage Tracking table @1%ls.
Cause. The Usage Tracking table specified in the configuration file does not exist.
Response. Change the PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME parameter in the ACCOUNTING section of the configuration file to match the Usage Tracking table from the physical layer of the loaded repository file.
59050 Usage Tracking not started due to non-existent Usage Tracking connection pool @1%ls.
Cause. The Usage Tracking connection pool specified in the configuration file does not exist.
Response. Change the CONNECTION_POOL parameter in the ACCOUNTING section of the configuration file to match the Usage Tracking connection pool from the physical layer of the loaded repository file.
59051 Usage Tracking could not keep pace with query activity. This error has occurred @1%d times and resulted in the loss of @2%d insert statements since this message was last logged.
Cause. Siebel Analytics Server activity as a whole outpaced the Usage Tracking subsystem.
Response. Ignore if amount of lost data is immaterial. If problem persists, consider increasing the values for BUFFER_SIZE or MAX_INSERTS_PER_TRANSACTION in the ACCOUNTING section of the configuration file. If problem still persists, consider setting the DIRECT_INSERT parameter in the ACCOUNTING section of the configuration file to NO and write Usage Tracking data to a flat file instead.
59052 Usage Tracking stopped because of a memory allocation failure.
Cause. Either insufficient memory on server machine or Usage Tracking buffer size is too large.
Response. Compare the value for BUFFER_SIZE in the ACCOUNTING section of the configuration file with the amount of memory available on the system.
59053 Usage Tracking stopped because the specified Usage Tracking table contained the wrong number of columns or a column with an inappropriate data type.
Cause. Specified Usage tracking table contained wrong number of columns or a column with an inappropriate data type. The Usage Tracking database was either imported into the repository incorrectly or it was inadvertantly modified.
Response. Fix the Usage Tracking table in the repository to have the correct number of columns with appropriate data types.
59100 Unknown error happened when issuing Populate-File command.
Cause. Unknown Error.
Response. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
59101 Statement failed due to invalid directory path: @1%ls.
Cause. Invalid directory path when issuing Populate-File command.
Response. Check and provide a valid file directory path.
59102 Statement failed due to missing output file name.
Cause. Missing output filename when issuing Populate-File command.
Response. Check and provide a valid file name for output.
59103 Statement failed due to invalid file name: @1%ls.
Cause. Invalid file name when issuing Populate-File command.
Response. Check the file name parameter, it should not contain sufix and path symbol, like . and , etc.
59104 Statement failed due to trying to open non-existent file: @1%ls.
Cause. The file for appending does not exist.
Response. Check to make sure that you have provide valid path and file name. In addition, if you intend to create a new file, please set the respective parameter to be TRUE.
59105 Statement failed due to error in opening @1%ls file: @2%ls.
Cause. Possible wrong permission setting or corruption of the output file.
Response. Clean the files under the output directory, set the file permission appropriately.
59106 Statement failed due to error in writing to @1%ls file: @2%ls.
Cause. Possible wrong permission setting or corruption of the output file.
Response. Clean the files under the output directory, set the file permission appropriately.
59107 Set operation failed due to incompatible sort order.
Cause. The set operation (Union, Intersect, or Except) failed because the input data was not sorted in the order expected by the Siebel Analytics Server. The Siebel Analytics Server sort order is defined by SORT_TYPE and SORT_ORDER_LOCALE in the NQSConfig.ini file.
Response. Either change the SORT_ORDER_LOCALE value in the database features table using the Administration Tool so that it does not match the SORT_ORDER_LOCALE value in the NQSConfig.ini file or change the data source so that it sorts data the same way as the Siebel Analytics Server.
59108 Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate.
Cause. An aggregate function cannot reference another aggregate expresion
Response. Modify the SQL statement so that the aggregates are not nested.
59109 Column '@1%ls' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in the GROUP BY clause.
Cause. A column in the select list of the derived table query block does not appear in the GROUP BY clause.
Response. Modify the SQL such that every non-aggregated expression in the select list of a derived table query block also appears in the GROUP BY clause.
59110 Column at position '@1%d' in the select list is invalid because it is not contained in the GROUP BY clause.
Cause. A column in the select list does not appear in the GROUP BY clause.
Response. Modify the SQL such that every non-aggregated expression in the select list of a derived table query block also appears in the GROUP BY clause.
59111 The SQL statement must include a GROUP BY clause.
Cause. A GROUP BY clause is required for derived table query blocks when the select list includes both aggregates and non-aggregates.
Response. Modify the SQL to include a GROUP BY clause.
59112 Operation is not supported for data source connectivity type: @1%ls.
Cause. The operation cannot be performed with the specified connection pool.
Response. Modify the request to specify a supported connectivity type.
59113 Parameter @1%d of function @2%ls must be positive.
Cause. Certain SQL functions require positive valued parameters.
Response. Modify function's parameter to ensure that it takes on a positive value.
59114 Unable to drop table @1%ls.
Cause. There are several possible reasons for the failure including insufficient privilege to drop a table in the database and the table does not exist.
Response. Verify that the connection pool user has sufficient privilege to drop a table in the backend database. Fix any permission problems and try again.
59115 Operation not performed because caching is not enabled.
Cause. Cache is currently disabled.
Response. Please check the configuration file, enable cache and restart Analytics Server.
59116 Purge not performed because database @1%ls does not exist.
Cause. There is no such database specified in the parameter in current repository.
Response. Verify the parameter and specify a valid underlying database name.
59117 Purge not performed because physical table @1%ls.@2%ls.@3%ls.@4%ls does not exist.
Cause. There is no such database specified in the parameters in current repository.
Response. Verify the parameters and specify a valid physical table name.
59118 Operation @1%ls succeeded!
Cause. The ODBC cache purge procedure returns successfully.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
60001 Connection failed for: @1%ls with message: @2%ls.
Cause. A connection for the named connection pool failed with the specified message.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to correct the connection pool configuration and retry the action.
60002 The Gateway Connection Pool is unstable. Please stop and restart the Siebel Analytics Server.
Cause. The connection pool is unstable due to unknown errors.
Response. Stop and restart the Siebel Analytics Server. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
60003 The prefetch of records into virtual storage failed.
Cause. An unknown error occurred while trying to write records into a temporary file. There may be insufficient space on the disk.
Response. Verify that there is space on the path(s) specified in the NQSConfig.ini file WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS parameter. To make more space available, shutdown the Siebel Analytics Server and increase the maximum space available on one or more existing WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS entries in the NQSConfig.ini file or add additional entries to WORK_DIRECTORY_PATHS. Save the updated NQSConfig.ini file, restart the Siebel Analytics Server, and retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
60004 The virtual table is not set in the database gateway.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
60005 There is an improper prefetch setting in the database gateway.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
60006 Failed to load the gateway DLL for the CLI @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
60007 Database gateway execution is cancelled.
Cause. The database gateway execution is cancelled. This can be caused by a normal request or event, or an error.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. If this behavior is unexpected, review the log files for additional information.
60008 The query for user '@1%ls' exceeded the maximum query governing rows @2%ld from the database '@3%ls'.
Cause. The user request resulted in a query that attempted to retrieve more rows than is allowed. The query is terminated.
Response. Use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to modify the maximum number of rows the user or group is allowed to retrieve from a database. See the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for more information about controlling query privileges. Optionally, modify the request to retrieve fewer rows.
60009 The user request exceeded the maximum query governing execution time.
Cause. The user request resulted in a query that exceeded execution time limits on the database. The query is terminated.
Response. Use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to modify the maximum time a query can run on the database. See the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for more information about controlling query privileges. Optionally, modify the request to take less time.
60011 User @1%ls retrieved @2%ld rows, exceeding the maximum rows warning limit for database @3%ls: @4%ls.
Cause. The named user request retrieved the specified number of rows, which exceeded the maximum allowed.
Response. This is a warning message. You can use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to modify the maximum number of rows the user or group is allowed to retrieve from a database. See the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for more information about controlling query privileges.
60012 User @1%ls (elapsed execution time: @2%ld seconds) exceeded the maximum execution time warning limit for database @3%ls: @4%ls.
Cause. The named user request exceeded the maximum execution time limits for the named database.
Response. This is an warning message. You can use the Security Manager in the Administration Tool to modify the maximum time a query can run on the database. See the Security chapter in the Siebel Analytics Server Administration Guide for more information about controlling query privileges.
60013 The NQUIRE_GATEWAY_PROCESS environment variable is not compatible with parameterized queries.
Cause. A parameterized query is being executed in a system where the NQUIRE_GATEWAY_PROCESS environment variable has been set. This combination is not allowed.
Response. Remove the NQUIRE_GATEWAY_PROCESS environment variable and reboot the system. Alternatively, turn off Drive Table join hints to prevent parameterized queries.
60014 The XML adapter currently does not support multiple statement transactions.
Cause. Explicit transaction start and end commands are not currently supported by the XML adapter.
Response. Use another connection pool call interface type (e.g. native) to process the transaction.
60015 The client library of client type "@1%ls" for data base type "@2%ls" could not be loaded.
Cause. The client library for the specified database might not have been installed correctly.
Response. Please make sure the client library for the specified database is installed, of right version and in the path(or shared library path for UNIX).
61001 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61002 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: No Error Specified.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61003 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: A generic file error occurred.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61004 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: The specified file was not found.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61005 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: The specified path was invalid.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61006 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: There are too many open files.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61007 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: Access is denied.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61008 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: The specified file is invalid.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61009 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: Could not remove the current directory.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61010 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: The directory is full.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61011 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: Bad Seek.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61012 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: Hard IO.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61013 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: There has been a sharing violation.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61014 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: There has been a lock violation.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61015 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: The disk is full.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
61016 File error: path=@1%ls, code=@2%d: End of File.
Cause. The specified file error occurred on the named file.
Response. Verify that the named path and file are valid, and that you have permission to access the file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
62001 Invalid statement handle. The statement has not been prepared.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems Software technical support for assistance.
62002 Invalid table type specified for ODBC metadata.
Cause. ODBC metadata import is not available for the specified table type.
Response. Choose another table type or correct the metadata import request, and try the action again.
62003 Database version @1%ls of @2%ls is not supported.
Cause. Siebel Systems does not support the named database version.
Response. Select a supported database version. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
62010 Mismatch detected between metadata type "@1%ls" and provider type "@2%ls".
Cause. The type of the provider type in metedata is different from what retrieved from the data source.
Response. Please make sure that the provider type is defined correctly in the metadata.
62011 Hierarchy "@1%ls" from data source "@2%ls", catalog "@3%ls", cube "@4%ls" is virtual and not imported.
Cause. The specified hierarchy from xmla source is virtual and will not be imported.
Response. The message is informational.
63001 The file @1%ls is not found.
Cause. The path to the named XML file is not correct or the file does not exist.
Response. Correct the path or URL to the specified XML file, and try the action again.
63002 Failing to obtain XML data islands or HTML tables in the file @1%ls.
Cause. The named HTML file does not contain any XML data islands enclosed in XML tags or HTML tables.
Response. Check the contents of the HTML file, and make the necessary corrections.
63003 File @1%ls with unsupported suffixes; currently only .xml, .htm, and .html are supported.
Cause. The named file contains suffixes other than .xml, .htm, and .html.
Response. Modify the file to contain only supported suffixes.
63004 Attempting to store a column @1%ls which does not exist in the schema; the column is ignored.
Cause. An attempt was made to store a column which does not exist in the schema. This could be caused by XML features that are not currently supported by Siebel Systems.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
63005 No file has been found in the specified directory path @1%ls
Cause. The named directory for import does not exist, is empty, or the wildcard (if specified) does not match any existing file names.
Response. Specify a valid directory path and file for import.
63006 The number of columns generated from the schema is less than those in the data @1%ls; possible information loss.
Cause. Siebel Systems may not currently support some features in the schema.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
63007 Warning: Problems were encountered in handling the following files:
Cause. Problems were encountered in loading, parsing, and/ or flattening the named files.
Response. Review the contents of the problem files, and correct any problems. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64001 The file @1%ls is not found.
Cause. The path to named XML file is not correct or the file does not exist.
Response. Correct the path or URL to the specified XML file, and try the action again.
64002 The table @1%ls is not found in file @2%ls loaded.
Cause. The unqualified name of the table is not found in the list of opened tables and tables to be opened.
Response. Verify that the name of the table is correct, and try the action again.
64003 Msxml cannot load and parse in memory the object contained in @1%ls.
Cause. The named text fragment does not conform to proper XML syntax.
Response. Review the content of the XML or HTML file that contains the specified text fragment, correct any problems, and try the action again.
64004 Failed to flatten the object @1%ls.
Cause. Problems were encountered in flattening the specified object.
Response. Review the content of the XML or HTML file that contains the specified text fragment, correct any problems, and try the action again.
64005 Failure in executing HTTP request for object @1%ls.
Cause. Problems were encountered during execution of an HTTP GET request for the named object.
Response. Check the URL of the named XML or HTML file, correct any problems, and try the action again.
64006 Failing to parse the file @1%ls.
Cause. The path to the named XML file is not correct or the file does not exist.
Response. Correct the path or URL to the named file an, and try the action again.
64007 Declarations missing for element or attribute @1%ls.
Cause. A declaration for the specified attribute or element in all scopes was not found.
Response. Review the content of the file, correct any problems, and try the action again.
64008 Internal Error: the number of columns to save in textstreamstore is less than originally declared.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64009 Internal Error: failure in storing data to virtual table.
Cause. An internal error occurred. The temporary directory of the local machine may be full.
Response. If the temporary directory is full, make additional space available. If the temporary directory is not full, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64010 Internal Error: no fully qualified column name has been given to column for binding to record.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64011 Internal Error: attempt to bind record to an non-existent column.
Cause. The column name specified in the physical table does not match any element name in the corresponding XML file.
Response. Verify that the column name specified in the physical table matches the corresponding element name in the XML file. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64012 Internal Error: unable to get record for the specified column.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64013 Unable to handle documents of less than two level deep @1%ls.
Cause. XML documents require a second level element to act as a row delimiter. XML documents that are less than two levels deep cannot be flattened.
Response. Add a row delimiter for each row, and try the action again.
64014 Unable to obtain columns for flattening @1%ls.
Cause. XML documents require a second level element to act as a row delimiter. XML documents that are less than two levels deep cannot be flattened. Other possible causes are that the HTML table does not contain any column values even though there are column headings, or the XML document does not contain any elements inside the second level element.
Response. Add a row delimiter for each row, and make sure that each HTML table or XML files contain some column values. After making the corrections, try the action again.
64015 No files have been loaded successfully from directory @1%ls.
Cause. Problems were encountered in loading, parsing, and/ or flattening files from the named directory.
Response. Review the contents of the files in the named directory, and correct any problems. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64016 Cannot write to specified file @1%ls.
Cause. Problems were encountered in writing to the named file. An disk may be out of space, or there may be permission problems with the specified path.
Response. Check the disk space of the drive that is to contain the specified file and make additional space available, if necessary. Verify that the path is writable. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64017 Cannot allocate a write buffer for the specified file @1%ls.
Cause. Problems were encountered in allocation of the write buffer for the named file. There may be insufficient memory available.
Response. Make additional memory available by shutting down unnecessary applications. Try the action again. If necessary, restart the Siebel Analytics Server.
64018 Cyclic inclusion of node @1%ls not allowed in file @2%ls.
Cause. Cyclic inclusion of the named element was detected in the specified file.
Response. Change the schema to give the cyclically nested elements different names in different scopes.
64019 No data is found in file @1%ls.
Cause. No data is contained in the named XML file. The file may be a schema file.
Response. Verify that the named XML file is not a schema file, and contains appropriate XML data. Correct any problems, and retry the action.
64020 Http Authentication Failure for @1%ls.
Cause. The user ID and password pair is invalid.
Response. Verify that the user ID and password pair is valid and has the right to access the data source. Correct any problems and retry the action.
64021 The table @1%ls is not found for import.
Cause. The unqualified name of the table is not found in the list of opened tables and tables to be opened.
Response. Verify that the name of the table is correct, and then try the action again.
64022 The table @1%ls could not be contained in the URL @2%ls specified in the Connection Object.
Cause. The unqualified name of the table is not found in the list of opened tables and tables to be opened. The specified URL may be unavailable, or incorrect.
Response. Review the URL associated with the Connection Pool or specified during the import process, make the appropriate changes, and try the action again.
64023 @1%ls for table @2%ls
Cause. Cannot establish read access to the file that contains the named table. The table name may be incorrect.
Response. Review the name of the table, make the appropriate changes, and try the action again.
64024 Unable to obtain rows for flattening @1%ls.
Cause. The row data necessary to create the HTML tables cannot be obtained. There may be a problem with the data format.
Response. Review the data and the data format, make the appropriate changes, and try the action again.
64025 Cannot access @1%ls: @2%ls. Please check the path and the adequacy of the access privilege.
Cause. The named path cannot be accessed. This may occur because the path is invalid or the permissions are incorrect.
Response. Review the path and the associated permissions, and make the appropriate changes. Try the action again.
64026 The structure of the XML file @1%ls is not currently supported.
Cause. The structure of the named XML file is not currently supported./
Response. Change the structure of the file and try the action again.
64027 There are more than one second level, or row delimiting, elements, in XML file @1%ls.
Cause. There are multiple second level, or row delimiting, elements, in the named XML file.
Response. All second level elements in the XML file must have the same name. Review the contents of the named file, make the necessary corrections, and try the action again.
64028 Stat() call on table @1%ls failed.
Cause. The data file that contains the named table no longer exists. The file may have been moved or deleted, or the path may be incorrect.
Response. Verify the existence of the data file, correct any problems, and try the action again.
64029 Loading of URL @1%ls failed: @2%ls.
Cause. The named URL is invalid or does not exist.
Response. Verify the URL and be sure that it is accessible. After making the appropriate corrections, try the action again.
64030 Opening of temporary output file failed: @1%ls.
Cause. The named temporary output file does not exist or user does not have read permission.
Response. Verify that the named file exists and can be opened. Verify that the permissions are set appropriately. After making the necessary corrections, try the action again.
64031 Execution of user-specified filter @1%ls failed for @2%ls.
Cause. The named filter program or data file does not exist or the user does not have read / execute permission.
Response. Verify the existence of the filter and the data file. Verify that the permissions are set appropriately. After making the necessary corrections, try the action again.
64032 HTTP_STATUS_ACCEPTED (202): The request has been accepted for processing , but the processing has not been completed.
Cause. The request has been accepted for processing , but the processing has not been completed.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64033 HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL (203): The returned meta information in the entity-header is not the definitive set available from the origin server.
Cause. The returned meta information in the entity-header is not the definitive set available from the origin server.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64034 HTTP_STATUS_NO_CONTENT (204): The server has fulfilled the request, but there is no new information to send back.
Cause. The server has fulfilled the request, but there is no new information to send back.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64035 HTTP_STATUS_RESET_CONTENT (205): The server has fulfilled the request, but there is no new information to send back.
Cause. The server has fulfilled the request, but there is no new information to send back.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64036 HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT (206): The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource.
Cause. The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64037 HTTP_STATUS_AMBIGUOUS (300): The server could not decide what to return.
Cause. The server could not decide what to return.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64038 HTTP_STATUS_MOVED (301): The requested resource has been assigned to a new permanent URI, and any future references to this resource should be done using one of the returned URIs.
Cause. The requested resource has been assigned to a new permanent URI. Any future references to this resource should be made using one of the returned URIs.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. However, you may wish to update the underlying related URL, if necessary. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64039 HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT (302): The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI.
Cause. The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64040 HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_METHOD (303): The response to the request can be found under a different URI and should be retrieved using a GET method on that resource.
Cause. The response to the request can be found under a different URI and should be retrieved using a GET method on that resource.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64041 HTTP_STATUS_NOT_MODIFIED (304): The requested resource has not been modified.
Cause. The requested resource has not been modified.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64042 HTTP_STATUS_USE_PROXY (305): The requested resource must be accessed through the proxy given by the location field.
Cause. The requested resource must be accessed through the proxy given by the location field.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64043 HTTP_STATUS_REDIRECT_KEEP_VERB (307): The redirected request keeps the same verb. HTTP/1.1 behavior.
Cause. The redirected request keeps the same verb. HTTP/1.1 behavior.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64044 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST (400): The request could not be processed by the server due to invalid syntax.
Cause. The request could not be processed by the server due to invalid syntax.
Response. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, seeW3C at Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64045 HTTP_STATUS_DENIED (401): The requested resource requires user authentication.
Cause. The requested resource requires user authentication.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64046 HTTP_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQ (402): Not currently implemented in the HTTP protocol.
Cause. Not currently implemented in the HTTP protocol.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64047 HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN (403): The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Cause. The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64048 HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND (404): The server has not found anything matching the requested URI.
Cause. The server has not found anything matching the requested URI.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64049 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_METHOD (405): The method used is not allowed.
Cause. The method used is not allowed.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64050 HTTP_STATUS_NONE_ACCEPTABLE (406): No responses acceptable to the client were found.
Cause. No responses acceptable to the client were found.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64051 HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ (407): Proxy authentication required.
Cause. Proxy authentication required.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64052 HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT (408): The server timed out waiting for the request.
Cause. The server timed out waiting for the request.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64053 HTTP_STATUS_CONFLICT (409): The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. The user should resubmit with more information.
Cause. The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. The user should resubmit with more information.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64054 HTTP_STATUS_GONE (410): The requested resource is no longer available at the server, and no forwarding address is known.
Cause. The requested resource is no longer available at the server, and no forwarding address is known.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64055 HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED (411): The server refuses to accept the request without a defined content length.
Cause. The server refuses to accept the request without a defined content length.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64056 HTTP_STATUS_PRECOND_FAILED (412): The precondition given in one or more of the request header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
Cause. The precondition given in one or more of the request header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64057 HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE (413): The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
Cause. The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64058 HTTP_STATUS_URI_TOO_LONG (414): The server is refusing to service the request because the request URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
Cause. The server is refusing to service the request because the request URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64059 HTTP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA (415): The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
Cause. The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64060 HTTP_STATUS_RETRY_WITH (449): The request should be retried after doing the appropriate action.
Cause. The request should be retried after doing the appropriate action.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64061 HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR (500): The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Cause. The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64062 HTTP_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED (501): The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
Cause. The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64063 HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY (502): The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.
Cause. The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64064 HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAIL (503): The service is temporarily overloaded.
Cause. The service is temporarily overloaded.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64065 HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT (504): The request was timed out while waiting for a gateway.
Cause. The request was timed out while waiting for a gateway.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64066 HTTP_STATUS_VERSION_NOT_SUP (505): The server does not support, or refuses to support, the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message.
Cause. The server does not support, or refuses to support, the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request message.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. For additional information on HTTP STATUS codes, see W3C at
64067 XSLT transformation of the data file failed: @1%ls.
Cause. The XSLT transformation returns the specified error.
Response. Try running the transformation from Internet Explorer 5 or higher, and with msxml3 or higher installed. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64068 The data file is not a delimited file as declared: @1%ls.
Cause. The data file is declared as a delimited file, but it is not.
Response. Review the content of the data file, make the appropriate corrections, and try the action again.
64069 A search script has not been specified for the XML_Server database type, or the Initialization String of an Initialization Block does not comply with the XML query syntax of Siebel Analytics: @1%ls.
Cause. A search script has not been specified for the XML_Server database type, or the query string specified as the initialization string of an initialization block does not comply with Siebel Systems's XML query syntax.
Response. Verify that a search script has been specified if the XML_Server database type is selected. Review the syntax of the initialization strings of all initialization blocks to make sure that they conform to Siebel Systems's XML query syntax.
64070 The query string sent to the external database gateway does not comply with Siebel Analytics's XML query syntax: @1%ls.
Cause. The query string does not comply with Siebel Systems s XML query syntax.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64071 The query has been timed out.
Cause. The query has been timed out.
Response. Set a longer time-out period for the client or the Connection Pool. This value is set in the Connection Pool XML tab URL loading time-out field.
64072 Not all rows in the delimited or fixed-width query output file contains the same number of fields.
Cause. The delimited or fixed-width query has been improperly generated. All rows should have the same number of fields, and they do not.
Response. Examine the external script used to generated the query output, correct the problem, and try the action again.
64073 An internal error in flattening the XML file creates an unsymmetrical flattening output.
Cause. A logical error was encountered in the XML flattening code.
Response. Send the source file to Siebel Systems technical support for investigation.
64074 Duplicated column names detected: @1%ls.
Cause. Siebel Systems does not supported columns of the same names and level of nesting in an HTML table or XML text fragment.
Response. Rename the elements of the documents to avoid naming conflict.
64075 Third party query process execution failed with exit code: @1%ls. Try to debug it from the command line using the XML query in the query log as input.
Cause. Execution of the third party process failed with the specified exit code.
Response. For additional error diagnostics, try to run the third party program from the command line using the XML query in the query log as input. If you cannot correct the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64076 Launching of third party query process failed: @1%ls. Please check the correctness of the program path.
Cause. Launching the third party process failed with the specified error code. The path to the program may be incorrect or not available.
Response. Verify the path and name of the third party program specified for execution. Make the necessary changes, and try the action again.
64077 Insufficient number of columns returned for table @1%ls. Please check the search script.
Cause. The union set of the input parameters and returned column values of the search script should equal to the set of columns of the physical table.
Response. Verify that the union set of input parameters and returned column values of the search script equals the set of columns of the physical table.
64078 No search script has been specified for table @1%ls.
Cause. No search script has been specified for the table.
Response. Please specify a search script at the search script boxes under the XML tab of either the Connection Pool or the Physical table.
64079 No XML header file has been specified for table @1%ls.
Cause. No XML header file has been specified for the table.
Response. Please specify an XML header file at the XML header file text boxes under the XML tab of either the Connection Pool or the Physical table.
64080 No XML Trailer file has been specified for table @1%ls.
Cause. No XML Trailer file has been specified for the table.
Response. Please specify an XML Trailer file at the XML trailer file text boxes under the XML tab of either the Connection Pool or the Physical table.
64081 Insufficient number of predicate columns provided for the query to table @1%ls.
Cause. The driving join setup is incorrect or the table is joined to more than one other table.
Response. Please check the driving join setup to make sure that the union set of the input parameters and returned column values of the search script should equal to the set of columns of the physical table.
64082 Could not find or load up the search utility shared object or DLL @1%ls.
Cause. The specified search utility does not exist or cannot be loaded.
Response. Verify that the specified search utility exists and is loadable.
64083 Could not find the function @1%ls in the search utility shared object or DLL @2%ls.
Cause. The specified function does not exist in the shared object or DLL.
Response. Verify that the specified search utility exists and is loadable.
64084 Execution of the third-party iterative API in @1%ls throws an error: @2%ls.
Cause. The iterative API of the specified third-party component throws an error.
Response. Respond according to the contents of the error message.
64085 Data type of column @1%ls is unsupported by the data mining adaptor.
Cause. The data type is not currently supported by the data mining adaptor.
Response. Please use only the supported data types for the data mining adaptor.
64201 The backend MDX query did not generate correct output and could be parsed.
Cause. The MDX query did not generate axis information.
Response. Modify the SQL query and try again.
64202 XML/A parser encountered internal error.
Cause. An internal error occured.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64203 XML/A error returned from the server: Fault code: "@1%ls". Fault string: "@2%ls".
Cause. An internal error occured.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64204 The type "@1%ls" is not supported.
Cause. An internal error occured and XML/A parser does not know how to handle this type.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
64205 XML/A connection timeout.
Cause. The backend of Siebel Analytic server failed to establish a connection to the XML/A server within the specified timeframe.
Response. Verify that the XML/A server is running and accessible. Increase the timeout value in the connection pool dialog.
64206 Column "@1%ls": The value "@2%ls"of type "@3%ls" from the XMLA backend cannot be converted.
Cause. The type of the column might be wrong in the metadata.
Response. Please make sure that the type is defined correctly in the metadata.
65001 The type @1%ls is an invalid data conversion for column @2%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
65002 The backend database connection pool for @1%ls already exists.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
65003 Could not find poolID @1%ls in call to DbTransactionManager::CreateTrCommand.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
65004 The connection pool must be valid before calling TrCommand::Execute.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
65005 At least one SQL statement must be added calling TrCommand::Execute.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
65006 The database command was cancelled.
Cause. The command issued to the backend database was cancelled.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
65007 The database command timed out.
Cause. The command issued to the backend database timed out.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
65008 Unknown exception caught in @1%ls.
Cause. An internal conversion error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
65009 An invalid SQL statement was issued as a database command.
Cause. A command was issued to a Siebel Analytics recordset that had an empty SQL statement.
Response. Change the job script so that the OpenRecordset command for a Siebel Analytics recordset has a valid SQL statement.
65010 @1%ld is not a valid Field index.
Cause. The Field method was given an invalid index.
Response. Change the job script so that the Field command for a Siebel Analytics object has a valid index.
65011 '@1%ls' is not a valid Field name.
Cause. The Field method was given an invalid field name.
Response. Change the job script so that the Field command for a Siebel Analytics object has a valid field name.
66001 Failed to create the ActiveX scripting engine.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66002 Failed to set the IActiveScriptSite interface for the ActiveX scripting engine.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66003 Script engine does not support the IActiveScriptParse interface.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66004 Failed to initialize the ActiveX scripting engine.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66005 Failed to make the scheduler object available in the ActiveX scripting engine.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66006 Failed to make Siebel Analytics Script Engine library available in the script.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66007 Cannot load the script.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66008 Script is already running!
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred. The script may already be running.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66009 Could not run the script.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66010 Failed to cancel the running script.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66011 Failed to retrieve error information.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66012 [Line:? Column:?]
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66013 [Line:@1%ld Column:@2%ld]
Cause. An error occurred during execution of a job script.
Response. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional job script information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66014 Line in the source file could not be retrieved.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66015 Error reading file: @1%ls
Cause. The named file could not be read. The file may not exist or the associated permissions may be incorrect.
Response. Verify that the named file is available and can be accessed successfully before retrying the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66016 Unknown error code '0x@1%X'.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66017 Failed to create ADO Connection object.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66018 Failed to create ADO Recordset object.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66019 Failed to hook up connection events.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66020 Failed to create an event object.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66021 Failed to create a new process: @1%ls
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66022 Failed to wait for process.
Cause. An internal script engine error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66023 No script engine supported for '@1%ls'.
Cause. The supplied script type is not supported. Use either JScript or VBScript.
Response.  See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional job script information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66024 Script was canceled.
Cause. The script was canceled.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
66025 Script has timed out.
Cause. The running script exceeded it's maximum run time setting and timed out before completion.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to increase the maximum run time setting for the job. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
66026 Script is not running.
Cause. A cancel was issued to an instance when the job script was not running.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
66027 The Siebel Analytics recordset is not open.
Cause. A call was issued on a Siebel Analytics recordset before the Open method was called.
Response. Modify the job script so that Open is called.
66028 An unsupported file format was given.
Cause. A call was issued to OpenTextFile and the given FileFormatEnum is not supported.
Response. Modify the job script so that a proper file format is used.
66029 An unsupported IOMode was given.
Cause. A call was issued to OpenTextFile and the given IOModeEnum is not supported.
Response. Modify the job script so that a proper IO mode is used.
66030 The TextStream object was not created with a given IOMode of nqFileForReading.
Cause. The Read method of a TextStream object was called, but it was not created with nqFileForReading.
Response. Modify the job script so that a proper IO mode is used.
66031 The TextStream object was not created with a given IOMode of nqFileForWriting or nqFileForAppending.
Cause. The Write method of a TextStream object was called, but it was not created with nqFileForWriting or nqFileForAppending.
Response. Modify the job script so that a proper IO mode is used.
66032 The job script has invalid number of parameters.
Cause. The job script has invalid number of parameters.
Response. Modify the job script to provide all the necessary parameters.
66033 The user does not have the privilege to schedule and run jobs for other users.
Cause. Only administrator can schedule and run jobs for other users.
Response. Use the administrator privileges to schedule and run jobs for other users.
66034 The number or type of job parameters for an iBot engine is incorrect.
Cause. An iBot job was launched with improper parameters.
Response. If using SASchInvoke.exe to launch an iBot, do not change the first three parameters.
66035 The ScriptHost process never contacted the Scheduler server process.
Cause. Either the process failed or it failed to connect.
Response. Decrease the number of execution threads.
66036 The method and/or object @1%ls has been deprecated.
Cause. The method and/or object is no longer supported.
Response. Choose some other method for the task at hand.
67001 Invalid End Date/Time.
Cause. A recurrent trigger has an invalid end date / time setting.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the end date and time settings before retrying the job. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67002 Invalid Begin Date/Time.
Cause. A trigger has an invalid begin date / start time setting.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the begin date and start time settings before retrying the job. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67003 Interval Minutes Must be greater than 0.
Cause. The number of minutes between subsequent executions is not set or is not valid.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the Interval in Minutes setting for the recurrent job before retrying the job. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67004 Registry value for @1%ls not set.
Cause. The named registry value is not set. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler configuration settings may be invalid or incomplete.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct or complete the Siebel Analytics Scheduler configuration settings. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67005 Days interval must be greater than 0.
Cause. The job trigger is set to daily, but the number of days between subsequent executions is not set or is invalid.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct or complete the Days Interval setting before retrying the job. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67006 Error when removing job @1%ld instance @2%.14G.
Cause. An internal error occurred when an attempt was made to remove the specified job instance.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67007 Invalid instance filter type.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67008 Cannot instantiate more than one SchJobManager.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67009 Job @1%ld has running instances.
Cause. Instances of the job are currently running.
Response. Cancel all running instances or wait for them to complete before removing.
67010 Cannot find job id @1%ld.
Cause. The specified job cannot be located. The job ID may be incorrect.
Response. Verify the accuracy of the job ID before attempting to retry the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67011 Instance did not complete.
Cause. An unknown error caused the failure of the job instance to complete successfully.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
67012 Invalid job filter type.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67013 Invalid job sort by type.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67014 Log file was not initialized.
Cause. The log file failed to initialize. There may be insufficient space on the disk, or the network may be unavailable.
Response. Verify that there is sufficient disk space and that the path is accessible. The full path name must be specified in the Qualified Log File Name field in the Job Manager. By default, this path is set to NQScheduler.log in the Log directory in the Siebel Analytics software installation directory. For example, on a Windows machine, $(nQuire_dir)\Log\NQScheduler.log, where $(nQuire_dir) is the location in which the Siebel Analytics software is installed. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67015 Invalid monthly date trigger.
Cause. The trigger is invalid.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67016 Invalid month range.
Cause. The trigger is invalid.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67017 Invalid invalid days of the week range.
Cause. The trigger is invalid.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67018 Invalid occurrence for Monthly DOW.
Cause. The trigger is invalid.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67019 Invalid monthly DOW trigger.
Cause. The trigger is invalid.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger setting. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67020 Exceeded max concurrent instances.
Cause. A long running job attempted an overlapping execution that exceeded the maximum allowable concurrent instances.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to adjust the Maximum Concurrent Instances field. To allow any number of concurrent instances, set this value to zero. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67021 Unknown error in primary run loop.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67022 Unknown critical error. Fatal.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67023 Could not create waitable timer.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67024 Could not create reset event.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67025 Could not create shutdown event.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67026 Could not create pause event.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67027 Could not create Continue event.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67028 Could not set waitable timer.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67029 Wait failed.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67030 Invalid Trigger Type.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67031 Error reading file @1%ls.
Cause. The named file could not be read. The file may not exist or the associated permissions may be incorrect.
Response. Verify that the named file is available and can be accessed successfully before retrying the action. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67032 Weeks interval must be greater than 0.
Cause. A weekly trigger is specified, but the Weeks Interval field is invalid or not set.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to set the Weeks Interval field, which specifies the weeks between executions. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67033 Invalid Job Trigger. Either you tried to schedule the job in the past, or you provided an invalid Begin/End range for your trigger type.
Cause. The job trigger is invalid.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job trigger. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67034 You must specify a User ID for a job.
Cause. The job properties are invalid because the user ID has not been specified.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job properties by specifying a valid user ID in the UserID field. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information.
67035 The Windows system call GetTimeZoneInformation() failed. Make certain that you have a time zone properly specified for your system.
Cause. Your system may not have a time zone specified.
Response. Set the time zone using the Windows Date/Time Properties dialog before retrying the action.
67036 Error encountered in primary loop.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67037 An error occurred that was so detrimental that the scheduler was unnaturally shutdown.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred, resulting in an abnormal Scheduler shutdown.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67038 The scheduler is already paused.
Cause. A request to pause the Siebel Analytics Scheduler was received, but the Scheduler is already paused.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
67039 The scheduler is not paused.
Cause. A request was made to take an action (such as resume Scheduler) that requires the Scheduler to be in a paused state, but the Scheduler is not paused.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
67040 Too many errors occurred in the underlying timing mechanism.
Cause. An internal Scheduler error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
67041 The previous error repeated @1%ld times.
Cause. A previous error has been repeated the specified number of times.
Response. Review the NQScheduler.log to locate the previous error. Take the appropriate action based on that error.
67042 The Scheduler Configuration is incorrect.
Cause. The Scheduler either has not been configured or has been misconfigured.
Response. Review the configuration through the Job Manager.
67043 No file was specified in the Job Script field.
Cause. A job was submitted that did not specify a Job Script.
Response. Populate the Job Script field and resubmit the job.
67044 You must specify a Job Name for a job.
Cause. The job properties are invalid because the Job Name has not been specified.
Response. Use the Job Manager in the Administration Tool to correct the job properties by specifying a job name in the Job Name field. See the Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler documentation for additional information.
67045 The URL of the workflow is:@1%ls, and data sent out is:@2%ls.
Cause. Log the URL and DATA related to the specific workflow.
Response. This is an informational message.
68001 Couldn't open service manager.
Cause. An internal error occurred associated with the Scheduler service.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68002 Couldn't create service.
Cause. An internal error occurred associated with the Scheduler service.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68003 Couldn't open service.
Cause. An internal error occurred associated with the Scheduler service.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68004 Service could not be deleted.
Cause. An internal error occurred associated with the Scheduler service.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68005 Could not open the event log.
Cause. The event log could not be opened. There may be insufficient disk space, or the file may not exist.
Response. Verify that there is sufficient disk space and that the file exists. By default, the location of the file is $(nQuire_dir)LogNQScheduler.log, where $(nQuire_dir) is the location in which the Siebel Analytics software is installed. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68006 Could not set the event message file.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68007 Could not set the supported types.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68008 Scheduler Error: @1%ls
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68009 Handler not installed.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler installation may not be complete or the installation is corrupted.
Response. If the installation was completed successfully, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68010 Service stopped.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service has been stopped.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
68011 Bad service request.
Cause. An internal error occurred associated with the Siebel Analytics Scheduler service.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68012 Bad server configuration - Siebel Analytics Scheduler Service shutting down.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service is not correctly configured.
Response. Review the configuration of the Siebel Analytics Scheduler service and correct any errors. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68013 Service started.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service started successfully.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
68014 Server failed to startup - check server log for details. Scheduler Service shutting down.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service shut down because the server failed to start.
Response. Review the information in the log file for additional details about the error. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68015 Service stopped.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler service stopped successfully because the server stopped.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. If this action is unexpected, review the server log files for additional information. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68016 An unknown Siebel Analytics Scheduler server error occurred in @1%ls. Contact Siebel Systems technical support.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68017 Could not read from IByteStream. Contact Siebel Systems technical support.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
68018 An Invalid enumeration handle was passed to the Scheduler server.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
69001 Error occurred while processing @1%ls.
Cause. An attempt to communicate or perform an operation on the Cluster Controller failed. The routine encountering the failure is included in the message.
Response. Examine the messages that normally follow this one. If retrying the operation does not resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support.
69002 Error returned by DCOM while processing '@1%ls' against Cluster Controller @2%ls: '@3%ls' (@4%X).
Cause. An attempt to perform an operation on the Cluster Controller failed with the specified Win32 DCOM error code.
Response. Use a reference source (such as the Support Knowledge Base at to research the specified Win32 error code, and correct any identified environmental or configuration problems. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
69003 Unknown Exception thrown by the Cluster Controller.
Cause. The primary and secondary Cluster Controllers may not be functioning properly.
Response. Verify that the Cluster Controller processes have been configured and started up properly. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
69004 No Cluster Controller has been specified for the clustered DSN.
Cause. The primary and secondary Cluster Controllers have not been specified.
Response. Verify that at least one Cluster Controller is specified for the clustered DSN.
69005 Cannot determine the identity of the controlling Cluster Controller for the clustered DSN.
Cause. Either no Cluster Controller has been specified or it is not running properly.
Response. Verify that at least one Cluster Controller is specified for the clustered DSN and that it is running properly.
69006 Test connection to both the primary and secondary Cluster Controller failed.
Cause. A test connection to both the primary and secondary Cluster Controller failed. The Cluster Controller(s) may not be correctly specified, or may not be running.
Response. Verify that at least one Cluster Controller is specified for the clustered DSN and that it is running properly.
69007 Test connection to the primary Cluster Controller failed. Connection to the secondary Cluster Controller succeeded, but test connection to the following Siebel Analytics Servers failed: @1%ls
Cause. The primary Cluster Controller may not be running properly. Some Siebel Analytics Servers connected to the secondary Cluster Controller may not be running properly.
Response. Verify that the primary Cluster Controller is running, and that the failed Siebel Analytics Servers are running and are properly connected to the primary Cluster Controller.
69008 Test connection to the secondary Cluster Controller failed. Connection to the Primary Cluster Controller succeeded, but test connection to the following Siebel Analytics Servers failed: @1%ls
Cause. The secondary Cluster Controller may not be running properly. Some Siebel Analytics Servers connected to the primary Cluster Controller may not be running properly.
Response. Verify that the secondary Cluster Controller is running, and that the failed Siebel Analytics Servers are running and are properly connected to the secondary Cluster Controller.
69009 Test connection to both Cluster Controllers succeeded. However, the connection test to the following Siebel Analytics Server nodes failed: @1%ls
Cause. Some Siebel Analytics Servers may not be running or there may be network problems.
Response. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Servers are running and that the client can access the specified machines over the network.
69010 Test connection to the primary Cluster Controller failed.
Cause. The primary Cluster Controller may not be running properly.
Response. Verify that the primary Cluster Controller is running.
69011 Test connection to the secondary Cluster Controller failed.
Cause. The specified secondary Cluster Controller may not be running properly.
Response. Verify that the secondary Cluster Controller is running.
69012 The Primary Cluster Controller has not been specified.
Cause. Only the Secondary Cluster Controller has been specified.
Response. Correct the configuration to specify a Primary Cluster Controller.
69013 Please specify different Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers.
Cause. The specified Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers are the same.
Response. Correct the configuration to specify a Primary Cluster Controller that is different from the Secondary Cluster Controller.
69014 Test connection to both Cluster Controllers succeeded. However, no Siebel Analytics Server node has been returned by either Cluster Controller.
Cause. Some Siebel Analytics Server nodes may not be running or there may be network problems.
Response. Check to make sure that all Siebel Analytics Server nodes are running and that the client can access the specified machines over the network.
69015 Please specify a Controller Port.
Cause. No Controller Port was specified.
Response. Supply a Controller Port.
70001 The Cluster Controller encountered the following error while processing '@1%ls'.
Cause. The request failed to complete. Subsequent messages provide additional information.
Response. Examine the messages that normally follow this one. If retrying the operation does not resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support.
70002 The Cluster Controller encountered an unknown exception while processing '@1%ls'.
Cause. The client's request failed but the reason for the failure is not known.
Response. Examine the operation that returned this message to verify that it is a valid operation. Examine the system error log on the Cluster Controller(s) to determine if any unexpected events occurred. If retrying the operation does not resolve the problem, contact Siebel Systems technical support.
71001 Cluster ENABLE_CONTROLLER is disabled in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The Cluster Controller will terminate because the ENABLE_CONTROLLER entry in the cluster configuration file indicates that it is disabled.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. To enable the Cluster Controller, set the value of the cluster ENABLE_CONTROLLER entry to "YES".
71002 The Cluster Controller is terminating due to errors in the cluster configuration.
Cause. The Cluster Controller detected fatal configuration errors. This message is usually accompanied by messages indicating the specific errors that were encountered.
Response. Correct the configuration errors before restarting the Cluster Controller. If no errors can be found, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71003 The Cluster Controller encountered an unknown error in @1%ls.
Cause. While processing a client request, the Cluster Controller encountered an unknown exception.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71004 This machine (@1%ls) is not specified as either the Primary or Secondary Cluster Controller.
Cause. The Cluster Controller is terminating because the name of this machine is not specified in the cluster configuration as being either the Primary or Secondary Cluster Controller.
Response. Either disable the Cluster Controller or correct the PRIMARY_CONTROLLER and/or SECONDARY_CONTROLLER entries in the cluster configuration file. The Cluster Controller can be disabled by setting the entry ENABLE_CONTROLLER = NO in the cluster configuration file, or by uninstalling the Cluster Controller feature.
71005 The current state of the node is incompatible with the requested state change.
Cause. The request to change the state of a Cluster Controller or Siebel Analytics Server node could not be honored because the current and requested states are incompatible. This condition can result from a change to the state of the server between the time the request was made and the time the request was actually processed.
Response. Reexamine and refresh the current state of the affected controller or server. If desired, submit a request compatible with the current state.
71006 The Cluster Controller processing the request is not enabled.
Cause. A request was sent to a Cluster Controller but it could not be processed. The Controller is not in a state that allows it to honor the request. This is usually the result of sending a request to the server during startup.
Response. Wait until the Cluster Controller startup is complete and resubmit the request.
71007 The Cluster Controller is terminating.
Cause. During startup, the Cluster Controller encountered conditions that prevented it from completing the startup process. The log messages that precede this message usually provide additional detail.
Response. Examine preceding log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no preceding log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71008 Cluster Controller started. Version: @1%ls
Cause. The Cluster Controller started normally.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71009 The Cluster Controller is exiting.
Cause. The Cluster Controller is exiting normally.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. If the service termination is not expected, examine previous log messages to determine the cause.
71010 Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls has transitioned to ONLINE state.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server state has changed to online.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71011 Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls has transitioned to OFFLINE state.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server state has changed to offline.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71012 Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls is active but is in an administrative state and was NOT transitioned to ONLINE.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Server has been explicitly set to a state that prevents it from being brought to ONLINE status. Although the Siebel Analytics Server successfully established communications with the Cluster Controller, the state of the Siebel Analytics Server will not be altered. The Siebel Analytics administrator may have forced the Siebel Analytics Server offline or requested that it be quiesced
Response. Use the Administration Tool to explicitly change the state of the node to online.
71013 The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies additional Siebel Analytics Servers that are not present in the configuration of this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Cluster Controller and the specified Siebel Analytics Server do not match. However, both the Cluster Controller and the named Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71014 The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls does not specify Siebel Analytics Servers that are present in the configuration of this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Cluster Controller and the specified Siebel Analytics Server do not match. However, both the Cluster Controller and the named Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71015 The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies a different Primary Cluster Controller than the configuration on this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration file on the named Siebel Analytics Server specifies a Primary Cluster Controller that is different from the Primary Cluster Controller specified in the cluster configuration file of the named Cluster Controller. However, both the named Cluster Controller and the named Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71016 The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies a different Secondary Cluster Controller than the configuration on this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration file on the named Siebel Analytics Server specifies a Secondary Cluster Controller that is different from the Secondary Cluster Controller specified in the cluster configuration file of the named Cluster Controller. However, both the named Cluster Controller and the named Siebel Analytics Server will continue to operate as part of the cluster.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71017 An internal error has occurred - a message with class=@1%0d and kind=@2%0d was expected but the message received had class=@3%0d and kind=@4%0d.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71018 The version of the Siebel Analytics Server or Cluster Controller at @1%ls and this Server have incompatible message protocol versions. The remote minimum/maximum version is @2%d/@3%d while the local minimum/maximum version is @4%d/@5%d.
Cause. The specified servers have incompatible message protocol versions. This is usually the result of installing incompatible versions of Siebel Systems on different servers in a cluster.
Response. Stop the server(s) running obsolete Siebel Systems and install compatible software versions. Restart the servers and retry your actions. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71019 The connection with Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls was lost.
Cause. A connection had been established with the specified Siebel Analytics Server but the connection was later dropped. A variety of conditions, such as network connectivity problems or server problems, can cause this situation.
Response. Verify that the specified Siebel Analytics Server should be online. Check its state and repair or restart, if necessary. Verify the network connectivity to the specified Siebel Analytics Server. If problems persist, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71020 A connection with Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls was established.
Cause. A connection has been established with the specified Siebel Analytics Server. This is a normal message that is usually the result of either the Siebel Analytics Server or Cluster Controller restarting. This can also be the result of repairing a network connectivity problem that was previously preventing communication.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71021 An attempt to establish a connection with Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls failed.
Cause. The Cluster Controller was unable to establish a connection with the specified Siebel Analytics Server. The specified server may be unavailable or there may be network connectivity problems. Although this message will not be repeated regularly, attempts to establish the connection will be made periodically. If a subsequent attempt to establish a connection succeeds, messages will be issued which reflect the establishment of a connection.
Response. Verify that the specified Siebel Analytics Server is running, and that it has appropriate network connectivity. Review and resolve any other network problems. If connectivity cannot be established, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71022 Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls reports that its cluster configuration is incompatible with the configuration of this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) on the specified Siebel Analytics Server is sufficiently different from the cluster configuration file on the Cluster Controller that the Siebel Analytics Server cannot participate in the operational cluster.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71024 An unknown exception was encountered in the Cluster Controller while monitoring Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71025 An error was encountered in the Cluster Controller while monitoring Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls.
Cause. Subsequent message provide causal information.
Response. Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71026 Cluster Controller exiting.
Cause. The Cluster Controller is exiting. A shutdown may have been requested, or an error may have occurred.
Response. If the shutdown is unexpected, or if the Cluster Controller fails to successfully restart, contact Siebel Analytics Software technical support for assistance.
71027 Cluster Controller @1%ls has transitioned to ONLINE state.
Cause. The Cluster Controller state has changed to online.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71028 Cluster Controller @1%ls has transitioned to OFFLINE state.
Cause. The Cluster Controller state has changed to offline.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71029 The connection with Cluster Controller @1%ls was lost.
Cause. A connection had been established with the specified Cluster Controller but the connection was later dropped. This may be caused by many conditions, such as network connectivity or power problems.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. If the specified Cluster Controller should be online, examine its state and repair or restart, if necessary. Verify network connectivity to the specified Cluster Controller. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71030 A connection with Cluster Controller @1%ls was established.
Cause. A connection has been established with the specified Cluster Controller. This can be caused by restarting the reporting Cluster Controller or the specified Cluster Controller. This can also result from the repair of a network connectivity problem that was previously preventing communication.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71031 An attempt to establish a connection with Cluster Controller @1%ls failed.
Cause. The reporting Cluster Controller was unable to establish a connection with the specified Cluster Controller. The specified server is unavailable, or the network may be experiencing connectivity problems. Although this message will not be repeated regularly, attempts to establish the connection will be made periodically. If a subsequent attempt to establish a connection succeeds, messages will be issued which reflect the establishment of a connection.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. Verify that the specified server is started, and that there is appropriate network connectivity. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71032 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies additional Siebel Analytics Servers that are not present in the configuration of this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Cluster Controller and the cluster configuration file on the specified Cluster Controller do not match. However, both Cluster Controllers will continue to operate as part of the cluster.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controller should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71033 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls does not specify Siebel Analytics Servers that are present in the configuration of this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) on this Cluster Controller and the cluster configuration file on the named Cluster Controller do not match. However, both Cluster Controllers will continue to operate as part of the cluster.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. Normally, all the Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers should have the same configuration specified. If the reported differences are not intentional, make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71034 Cluster Controller @1%ls reports that its cluster configuration is incompatible with the configuration of this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The specified Cluster Controller cannot participate in the operational cluster with the reporting controller because of significant differences in the controllers' cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI).
Response. Synchronize the cluster configuration files and restart the controllers.
71035 An unknown exception was encountered in the Cluster Controller while monitoring Cluster Controller @1%ls.
Cause. An unknown exception was encountered. An internal Siebel Analytics error may have occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71036 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies a different Primary Cluster Controller than the configuration on this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) for the named Cluster Controllers specify different Primary Cluster Controllers. Each Cluster Controller must have the same Primary Cluster Controller specified in their NQClusterConfig.INI file.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the controllers which reference the changed files.
71037 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies a different Secondary Cluster Controller than the configuration on this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration files (NQClusterConfig.INI) for the named Cluster Controllers specify different Secondary Cluster Controllers. Each Cluster Controller must have the same Secondary Cluster Controller specified in their NQClusterConfig.INI file.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71038 An error was encountered in the Cluster Controller while monitoring Cluster Controller @1%ls.
Cause. The log messages that follow this message usually provide additional detail.
Response. Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71040 An unknown exception caused the Cluster Controller thread accepting connections from other Cluster Controllers to fail.
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71041 The following unexpected errors caused the Cluster Controller thread accepting connections from other Cluster Controllers to fail.
Cause. The log messages that follow this message usually provide additional detail.
Response. Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71042 The connection with Cluster Controller at @1%ls was lost.
Cause. A connection had been established with the named Cluster Controller but the connection was later dropped. This can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as network connectivity or power problems.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required. If the specified Cluster Controller should be online, verify that there is network connectivity between the reporting and the specified Cluster Controllers. Examine the state of the named Cluster Controller. Repair or, if necessary, restart the controller.
71043 The monitoring of the Cluster Controller at @1%ls failed for the following reasons.
Cause. The thread that was allocated to monitoring the specified Cluster Controller failed and the communication was terminated. The log messages that follow this message usually provide additional detail.
Response. Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71045 An unknown exception was encountered while monitoring Cluster Controller at @1%ls.
Cause. An internal Siebel Analytics error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71046 Cluster Controller startup error. Unable to establish listener on port specified in CONTROLLER_PORT field in cluster configuration file.
Cause. The log messages that follow this message usually provide additional detail.
Response. Examine subsequent log message(s) and follow the recommended actions to correct the problem. If there are no subsequent log messages, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71047 Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls transitioned to OFFLINE in response to an administrative request.
Cause. An administrative action caused the state of the specified Siebel Analytics Server to change to OFFLINE. This can be caused by an earlier action that took place while the reporting Cluster Controller was offline. An administrative request to transition the Siebel Analytics Server to online actually results in the specified node being transitioned internally to the OFFLINE state until the Siebel Analytics Server is actually available.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71048 Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls transitioned to FORCED OFFLINE in response to an administrative request.
Cause. An administrative action caused the state of the specified Siebel Analytics Server to change to FORCED OFFLINE. This can be caused by an earlier action that took place while the reporting Cluster Controller was offline.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71049 Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls transitioned to QUIESCE in response to an administrative request.
Cause. An administrative action caused the state of the specified Siebel Analytics Server to change to QUIESCE. This can be caused by an earlier action that took place while the reporting Cluster Controller was offline.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71050 This Cluster Controller is promoted to Controlling because there has been no recent contact from the Primary Cluster Controller.
Cause. The reporting Cluster Controller does not have an active connection with the Primary Cluster Controller and the Primary Cluster Controller has not attempted to establish contact recently.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71051 The clocks on the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers appear to differ by about @1%ld seconds.
Cause. There is a significant difference between the UCT times for the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers. The reported time difference is only an estimate and may be affected by the workload on the servers and/or the network. Because the Cluster Controllers attempt to compensate for time differences in situations where it would have an operational effect, the reported time difference may make interpretation of system logs and status reports more difficult. Siebel Systems recommends that all nodes in a cluster be synchronized to a common time standard.
Response. Synchronize the clocks on all nodes in the cluster and verify that they are all in the same time zone. Siebel Systems recommends that automatic clock synchronization software be installed or enabled.
71052 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies a different Master Server than this Cluster Controller's configuration.
Cause. The named Cluster Controller and the reporting Cluster Controller have different Master Siebel Analytics Servers specified in their respective cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI). Each Cluster Controller must have the same Master Siebel Analytics Server specified in their NQClusterConfig.INI file.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71053 The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies a different Master Server than this Cluster Controller's configuration.
Cause. The named Siebel Analytics server and the reporting Cluster Controller have different Master Siebel Analytics servers specified in their respective cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI). Each Cluster Controller must have the same Master Siebel Analytics Server specified in their NQClusterConfig.INI file.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the servers which reference the changed files.
71054 Contact with the Primary Cluster Controller appears to be lost.
Cause. The Secondary Cluster Controller has not received a heartbeat message from the Primary Cluster Controller within the alloted time. In response to this condition, the Secondary Cluster Controller terminates the connection with the Primary Cluster Controller which may eventually result in the Secondary Cluster Controller being promoted to the controlling role. This can occur if network connectivity between the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers is interrupted for an extended period or if the Primary Cluster Controller fails.
Response. Take the appropriate action to reestablish network connectivity or recover the Primary Cluster Controller.
71055 Siebel Analytics server @1%ls transitioned to ONLINE in response to an administrative request.
Cause. An administrative action caused the state of the specified Siebel Analytics server to change to ONLINE. This can be caused by an earlier action that took place while the reporting Cluster Controller was offline.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
71056 The Cluster Controller is terminating due to licensing errors.
Cause. The Cluster Controller is not properly licensed. This may be the result of an attempt to use capabilities that have not been licensed or the result of a configuration problem. This message is usually accompanied by messages indicating the specific errors that were encountered.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71057 The value specified in the license file for the property @1%ls within the component @2%ls is invalid.
Cause. The referenced value is either out of range or is not of the proper format. This is probably the result of an outdated or corrupt license file.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71058 There are @1%d Siebel Analytics servers configured in the cluster but only @2%d Siebel Analytics servers are licensed in this cluster.
Cause. The number of configured Siebel Analytics servers in a cluster must not exceed the maximum number licensed. This may be caused by not properly installing an updated license file.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71059 The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies that TestMode is @2%ls. However, the configuration on this Cluster Controller specifies that TestMode is @3%ls.
Cause. The TestMode specified in this cluster controller differs from that of the other cluster controller. This may be caused by an incorrect cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI).
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71060 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies that TestMode is @2%ls. However, the configuration on this Cluster Controller specifies that TestMode is @3%ls.
Cause. The TestMode specified in this cluster controller differs from that of the other cluster controller. This may be caused by an incorrect cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI).
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
71061 The configuration on Siebel Analytics Server @1%ls specifies a different client server port than the configuration on this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) specifies a client server port and each Siebel Analytics Server must have the same client server port specified in their NQSConfig.INI file.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the controllers which reference the changed files.
71062 The configuration on Cluster Controller @1%ls specifies a different client server port than the configuration on this Cluster Controller.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) specifies a client server port and each Siebel Analytics Server must have the same client server port specified in their NQSConfig.INI file.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the controllers which reference the changed files.
71063 The configuration on this Cluster Controller uses an Alias List with a server name that is not present elsewhere in the configuration file.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) has a server in the Alias List that is not used elsewhere in the file.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the controllers which reference the changed files.
71064 The configuration on this Cluster Controller uses an Alias List containing duplicate server information.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) has duplicate server information in the Alias List.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the controllers which reference the changed files.
71065 An unknown exception occured while processing the Alias List.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) may be using an incorrect Alias List.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the controllers which reference the changed files.
72001 The cluster configuration file (@1%ls) was not found or is inaccessible.
Cause. The named file either does not exist or is not accessible. This problem may be the result of incompatible permissions or remote file access problems on either the named file or on directories in its path. Installation configuration problems can also cause this error.
Response. The named file should be within the configuration subdirectory of the Siebel Analytics home directory. If the file path is correct but the file does not exist, restore the file from backup. If the file does exist, check and correct the permissions on the file and its parent directories. If the Siebel Analytics Server is not starting due to this error and the server should not be started, modify the NQConfig.INI file to specify that the server should not participate in a cluster. If necessary, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
72002 No Primary Cluster Controller is specified in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. Clusters must have a Primary Cluster Controller specified, but the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) does not specify one.
Response. Specify a Primary Cluster Controller in the cluster configuration file.
72003 No Siebel Analytics Servers are specified in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. Clusters must have at least one Siebel Analytics Server specified, but the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) does not specify one.
Response. Specify one or more Siebel Analytics Servers in the cluster configuration file.
72004 More than @1%d Siebel Analytics Servers specified in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) specifies more than the allowable number of Siebel Analytics Servers.
Response. Reduce the number of Siebel Analytics Servers specified in the cluster configuration file.
72005 No Cluster Controller port is specified in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The Cluster Controllers communicate with other components within the cluster via a TCP/UDP port, but the configuration file fails to specify which port number should be used for this purpose.
Response. Locate an unused TCP/UDP port and update the cluster configuration file to specify this port for use by the Cluster Controllers.
72006 No Siebel Analytics Server port is specified in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Servers communicate with other components within the cluster via a TCP/UDP port, but the configuration file fails to specify which port number should be used for this purpose.
Response. Locate an unused TCP/UDP port and update the cluster configuration file to specify this port for use by the Siebel Analytics Servers.
72007 The names of the Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers in the cluster configuration file are the same.
Cause. The Primary and Secondary Cluster Controllers must be on different nodes, but the configuration file specifies the same name for both controllers.
Response. Correct the specification of the Primary and/or Secondary Cluster Controllers in the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI). If the intent was to have only one Cluster Controller in the cluster, delete the configuration entry for the Secondary Cluster Controller.
72008 The list of Siebel Analytics Server names in the cluster configuration file contains duplicates.
Cause. Each Siebel Analytics Server in a cluster must be unique.
Response. Correct the NQClusterConfig.INI file. Delete the duplicate name(s) and enter the correct names.
72009 The list of Siebel Analytics Server names in the cluster configuration file contains one or more blank or zero length entries.
Cause. Siebel Analytics Server node names cannot be all blanks, or zero length.
Response. Correct the NQClusterConfig.INI file. Enter the correct node names and delete any blank or zero length name entries.
72010 The required version of WinSock is not available (Required version: @1%d.@2%d, Available version: @3%d.@4%d).
Cause. The version of WS2_32.DLL may be obsolete.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
72011 Initialization of WinSock failed with error @1%d (@2%ls).
Cause. The WinSock2 initialization routine WSAStartup failed.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
72012 A WinSock call returned an error during connection to @1%ls (@2%ls): (@3%d) @4%ls
Cause. An unexpected WinSock communications error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
72013 A WinSock call returned error (@1%d) @2%ls
Cause. An unexpected WinSock communication error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
72014 The WinSock call @1%ls returned error: (@2%d) '@3%ls'
Cause. The specified WinSock function returned an unexpected error.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
72015 The Primary Cluster Controller name is blank or zero length.
Cause. Cluster Controller names cannot be all blanks, or zero length.
Response. Correct the NQClusterConfig.INI file. Enter the correct Primary Cluster Controller name.
72016 The Secondary Cluster Controller name is blank or zero length.
Cause. Cluster Controller names cannot be all blanks, or zero length.
Response. Correct the NQClusterConfig.INI file. Enter the correct Secondary Cluster Controller name.
72017 A Master Siebel Analytics Server was not specified.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI does not contain a MASTER_SERVER entry. A Master Siebel Analytics Server must be specified via the MASTER_SERVER entry.
Response. Make the appropriate changes to the NQClusterConfig.INI file.
72018 The Master Siebel Analytics Server name is blank or zero length.
Cause. Siebel Analytics Server names cannot be all blanks, or zero length.
Response. Correct the NQClusterConfig.INI file. Enter the correct Master Siebel Analytics Server name.
72019 The Master Siebel Analytics Server is not specified in the list of Siebel Analytics Servers.
Cause. The Master Siebel Analytics Server specified via the MASTER_SERVER entry in the cluster configuration file (NQClusterConfig.INI) was not found in the list of Siebel Analytics Servers specified via the SERVERS entry.
Response. Correct the specification of either the SERVERS entry or the MASTER_SERVER entry in the NQClusterConfig.INI file.
72020 The port specified for the Cluster Controller is out of the valid range of @1%d to @2%d.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file specified a value for the CONTROLLER_PORT parameter that is outside the allowable range of port numbers.
Response. Specify a port within the allowable range (and not in use by any other application on any machine in the cluster) in the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72021 The port specified for the Siebel Analytics Server is out of the valid range of @1%d to @2%d.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file specified a value for the SERVER_PORT parameter that is outside the allowable range of port numbers.
Response. Specify a port within the allowable range (and not in use by any other application on any machine in the cluster) in the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72022 The value specified for the Siebel Analytics Server polling frequency is less than 1.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file specified a value for the SERVER_POLL_SECONDS parameter that is less than 1.
Response. Specify a value of 1 or greater for the SERVER_POLL_SECONDS parameter in the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72023 The value specified for the Cluster Controller polling frequency is less than 1.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file specified a value for the CONTROLLER_POLL_SECONDS parameter that is less than 1.
Response. Specify a value of 1 or greater for the CONTROLLER_POLL_SECONDS parameter in the NQClusterConfig.INI files and restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72024 The same value was specified as both the Controller port and the Server port.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file specified the same value for CONTROLLER_PORT as for SERVER_PORT. These ports must be different.
Response. Select new port(s) following guidelines in Siebel documentation, and change the value of CONTROLLER_PORT and/or SERVER_PORT in the NQClusterConfig.INI files. After making the changes, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72025 No Server Manager Port is specified in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file must have a SERVER_MANAGER_PORT specified.
Response. Select new port(s) following guidelines in Siebel documentation, and change the value of SERVER_MANAGER_PORT in the NQClusterConfig.INI files. After making the changes, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72026 A Server Manager Port is specified in the cluster configuration file, it should not exist.
Cause. On Microsoft plaforms, the NQClusterConfig.INI file should not have a SERVER_MANAGER_PORT specified.
Response. Remove the SERVER_MANAGER_PORT from the NQClusterConfig.INI file. After making the change, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72027 No Siebel Analytics Server Client Port is specified in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file must have a Siebel Analytics Client Port specified.
Response. Select new port(s) following guidelines in Siebel documentation, and change the value of CLIENT_SERVER_PORT in the NQClusterConfig.INI files. After making the changes, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72028 No Siebel Analytics Server Client Controller Port is specified in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file must have a Siebel Analytics Client Controller Port specified.
Response. Select new port(s) following guidelines in Siebel documentation, and change the value of CLIENT_CONTROLLER_PORT in the NQClusterConfig.INI files. After making the changes, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72029 No port number may be used more than once for a specific parameter in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file must have unique port numbers assignments.
Response. Select new port(s) following guidelines in Siebel documentation, and change the value of the relevant ports in the NQClusterConfig.INI files. After making the changes, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72030 While in TestMode, a problem has been encountered in configuration parsing.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file has specified must have unique port numbers assignments.
Response. Select new port(s) and server names(s) following guidelines in Siebel documentation, and change the value of the relevant ports in the NQClusterConfig.INI files. After making the changes, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
72031 Test mode should not be enabled in the cluster configuration file.
Cause. The NQClusterConfig.INI file has enabled test mode.
Response. Following the guidelines in Siebel documentation please disable test mode in the NQClusterConfig.INI files. After making the changes, restart the affected Siebel Analytics Servers and Cluster Controllers.
73001 Cannot contact the primary Cluster Controller (@1%ls) or the secondary Cluster Controller (@2%ls) specified for the clustered DSN.
Cause. The primary and secondary Cluster Controller specified for the clustered DSN may not be up and running or may be overloaded.
Response. Check the network connection and make sure that the Cluster Controllers specified are running properly. Try the action again. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
73002 System Error from COM execution: @1%ls. Failed at stage @2%ls on machine @3%ls. Reconnection succeeded on machine @4%ls.
Cause. An error was encountered while executing a COM call to an Siebel Analytics Server node. A retry on another machine was successful.
Response. Verify that the Cluster Controller and Siebel Analytics Server nodes are properly configured, and review other system configuration information. Make any necessary changes. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Servers are online.
73003 System error from COM execution: @1%ls. Failed at stage @2%ls on machine @3%ls. Attempted recovery failed on machine @4%ls; System error from COM execution: @5%ls.
Cause. An error was encountered executing a COM call to an Siebel Analytics Server. A retry on another machine still failed.
Response. Verify that the system configuration, in particular the Cluster Controller and Siebel Analytics Server lists, is correct. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Servers are up and running. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
73004 COM Execution error @1%ls at @2%ls.
Cause. An error was encountered executing COM at the specified line.
Response. Verify that the system configuration, in particular the Cluster Controller and Siebel Analytics Server lists, is correct. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Servers are up and running. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
73005 Execution error @1%ls at @2%ls.
Cause. An error was encountered in executing the specified line.
Response. Verify that the system configuration, in particular the Cluster Controller and Siebel Analytics Server lists, is correct. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Servers are up and running. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
73006 Cannot obtain Siebel Analytics Servers from either the primary Cluster Controller (@1%ls) or the secondary Cluster Controller (@2%ls) specified for the clustered DSN.
Cause. There may not be any Siebel Analytics Servers connected to the primary and secondary Cluster Controllers specified for the clustered DSN, or the Siebel Analytics Servers may not be up and running or they may be overloaded.
Response. Check the network connection; make sure that the Siebel Analytics Servers are online and that they are connected to the Cluster Controller. If the problem persists, contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
73007 Reconnection for the clustered DSN @1%ls has been time-out.
Cause. The primary and secondary Cluster Controllers specified for the clustered DSN may not be up and running, they may be overloaded, or there may be no Siebel Analytics Servers connected to them.
Response. Check the network connection, make sure that the specified Cluster Controllers are running properly and that there are Siebel Analytics Servers connected to the Cluster Controllers.
73008 COM Execution error at of Siebel Analytics ODBC OpenSession() call.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC OpenSession() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Servers are up and running.
73009 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC OpenRequest() call.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC OpenRequest() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73010 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call. The call has failed.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73011 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call. The call is still running asynchronously.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call. The query is still running
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73012 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call. The task has been cancelled.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73013 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call. The call has been timed out.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73014 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call. The task has been killed.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73015 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call. An improper call sequence has been encountered.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73016 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM Cause. The server has been shut down.
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73017 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call. The call has succeeded with warnings.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73018 COM Execution error at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call. The end of data has been reached.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
73019 Governor Violation error during COM exectution at Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() call.
Cause. An error was encountered when executing Siebel Analytics ODBC GetMessages() COM call .
Response. Check that the Cluster Controllers and their nodes are properly configured, and verify other cluster configuration information. Verify that all Siebel Analytics Server are up and running.
75001 The SMTP Server is not specified.
Cause. The SMTP Server used by Siebel Analytics Delivers to deliver SNMP mail is not defined.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to specify the name of the SMTP Server on the Siebel Analytics Mail tab of the Job Manager Configuration dialog. See the document Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler for additional information about the Job Manager configuration.
75002 The sender address is not specified.
Cause. The sender address is the email address on the SMTP Server which will be used as the sender's reply-to address for all mail sent from Siebel Analytics Scheduler. This address is not specified or is not valid.
Response. Use the Administration Tool to specify a valid email address on the Siebel Analytics Mail tab of the Job Manager Configuration dialog. See the document Using Siebel Analytics Scheduler for additional information about the Job Manager configuration.
75003 Failed to open connection to SMTP Server.
Cause. A connection could not be opened to the SMTP Server. The server may not be running, or there may be a problem with the network.
Response. Verify that the server is running and that there is appropriate network connectivity. Use the Administration Tool to check the value of the SMTP Server field on the Job Manager Configuration dialog, and make changes if necessary.
75004 Failed to send HELO command. @1%ls
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75005 Failed to send AUTH command. @1%ls
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75006 Failed to send MAIL command. @1%ls
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75007 Failed to send RCPT command. @1%ls
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75008 Failed to send DATA command. @1%ls
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75009 Failed to send message. @1%ls
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75010 Insufficient memory.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail. There is insufficient memory available to complete the action.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75011 Failed to open file. @1%ls
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75012 Winsock DLL cannot be found.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75013 The network has failed.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75014 No buffer space is available.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75015 The server was not found.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75016 The connection was dropped by the server.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75017 The connection was refused by the server.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75018 The server cannot be reached.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75019 The connection attempt to the server timed out.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75020 Unknown content type.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75021 Unknown encoding scheme.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75022 Unknown error occurs in SMTP.
Cause. An internal error occurred during an attempt to send SMTP mail.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
75023 An unknown mail object error occurred in @1%ls.
Cause. An internal mail object error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76001 Could not create IByteStream on @1%ls. Contact Siebel Systems technical support.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76002 Could not contact the Siebel Analytics Scheduler on @1%ls [HRESULT = @2%ld].
Cause. A possible misconfiguration of Siebel Analytics Scheduler.
Response. Verify the Siebel Analytics Scheduler is running on the specified machine.
76003 Not enough memory.
Cause. The system memory is full.
Response. Shutdown unused application or reboot the machine.
76004 Unhandled filterType in GetJobs or GetJobInstances.
Cause. An internal Scheduler Client error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76005 An unknown Siebel Analytics Scheduler client error occurred in @1%ls. Contact Siebel Systems technical support.
Cause. An internal Scheduler client error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76006 @1%ls must be defined in @2%ls.
Cause. An internal Scheduler client error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76007 @1%ls and @2%ls must be defined in @3%ls.
Cause. An internal Scheduler client error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76008 @1%ls, @2%ls, and @3%ls must be defined in @4%ls.
Cause. An internal Scheduler client error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76009 The Siebel Analytics Scheduler Server is unavailable.
Cause. The Siebel Analytics Scheduler Service may not be running on the specified machine.
Response. Make certain the Siebel Analytics Scheduler service is running.
76010 NQScheduler object not open.
Cause. An internal Scheduler client error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76011 The Scheduler client version supplied does not match the version of the DLL.
Cause. An internal Scheduler client error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
76012 The Scheduler client connection was closed.
Cause. Close the scheduler client and re-open it.
Response. Close the scheduler client and re-open it.
76013 The Scheduler server is shutting down on @1%ls. Once the Scheduler server is back up, you can connect.
Cause. The Scheduler service is shutting down.
Response. Start the Scheduler service on the specified machine. Then close the client and re-open it.
76014 The Administrator Name and Password supplied does not match the configuration of the Scheduler.
Cause. The Administrator Name and Password supplied does not match the configuration settings of the Scheduler.
Response. Either change the configuration of the Scheduler or supply the correct login credentials.
77001 The function @1%ls is not defined. Installation was not successful.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
77002 Could not load iBot library @1%ls.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
77003 The version of nQWebIBotAPI.dll is not compatible (compiled with @1%ld, version @2%ld).
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
77004 The request to the web was cancelled.
Cause. Either the job running this request was cancelled or the Scheduler shut down.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
77005 An invalid parameter was passed to the nQWebIBotAPI.dll. Verify that the iBot configuration is correct.
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
77006 Siebel Analytics Web Error: @1%ls
Cause. An internal Scheduler service error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
77007 Failed to open a connection to the Siebel Analytics Web server (JobID: @1%ls, InstanceID: @2%ls, web server URL: @3%ls, log directory: @4%ls).
Cause. The iBot configuration could be incorrect or the web server could not be found.
Response. Check the iBot configuration.
79001 This data mining adaptor can only return a maximum of two columns for discrete predictive models and three columns for continuous models.
Cause. The driving join setup is incorrect.
Response. Please fix the driving join setup to specify the correct output column names based on the model type.
79002 Model expects datatype @1%ls for field @2%ls. Please make the column of type @3%ls in the physical table.
Cause. The cause is stated in the text.
Response. Correct the column type in the physical table.
79003 Error parsing data mining model command line at the last character of: @1%ls.
Cause. There are some syntax errors in the data mining model command line.
Response. Correct the model command line.
79004 No model path found in the data mining model command line @1%ls.
Cause. The data mining model command line does not contain a path to the XML file of the data mining model.
Response. Put the path to the XML file of the data mining model in the model command line, following the path to the SADataMining.dll.
79005 @1%ls.
Cause. Could not open the XML model file specified.
Response. Correct the path.
79006 @1%ls: could not load model; valid document?
Cause. The XML model file may not be a valid model XML file.
Response. Generate a correct XML model file using the Knowledge Studio.
79007 ERROR: Something is wrong with the model metadata at index @1%d of @1%d model parameters.
Cause. The XML model file may not be a valid model XML file.
Response. Generate a correct XML model file using the Knowledge Studio.
79008 Unexpected output column @1%ls for continuous model. "score", "stddev" and "variance" are the only fields returned by a continuous model.
Cause. The driving join setup is incorrect.
Response. Please fix the driving join setup to replace the unsupported field by a supported one.
79009 Unexpected output field @1%ls for discrete predictive model. "score" and "probability" are the only fields returned by a discrete model.
Cause. The driving join setup is incorrect.
Response. Please fix the driving join setup to replace the unsupported field by a supported one.
79010 ****** Invalid Prediction ******; the problem fields are: @1%ls. Put -log <log_file_name> at the end of the data model command line, rerun the query, and look the scoring parameters passed to the data mining routine.
Cause. Some of the scoring parameters are bad for the data mining model.
Response. Remove the problem fields.
79011 No prediction in prediction result. Put -log <log_file_name> at the end of the data model command line, rerun the query, and look the scoring parameters passed to the data mining routine.
Cause. The scoring data or the data mining model may be invalid.
Response. Generate a correct XML model file using the Knowledge Studio.
79012 The default NULL token @1%ls is too long for column name @1%ls. Please specify a shorter null token.
Cause. The cause is specified in the text.
Response. Specify a shorter NULL token.
79013 This model does no support the statistical measure @1%ls.
Cause. The cause is specified in the text.
Response. Replace the unsupported measure by a supported one for the model.
79014 This model is of an unknown type.
Cause. This model is neither discrete nor continuous.
Response. Please rebuild the model with an appropriate type.
80001 Update was not successful.
Cause. The Update process failed for some reason
Response. Refer to the log file or contact your system administrator for more details
80002 Unable to delete tasks file
Cause. Unable to delete tasks file on disk
Response. Refer to the log file or contact your system administrator for more details
80003 Unable to read or write to the file : @1%ls
Cause. Unable to read or write to a file
Response. Refer to the log file or contact your system administrator for more details
80004 Error Updating Database: Check Log File for details
Cause. A critical database update operation has failed
Response. Refer to the log file or contact your system administrator for more details
80005 Warning : A non-critical database operation (SQL Statement) has failed. You can continue to use the application.
Cause. A database operation failed but application integrity has been maintained.
Response. Refer to the log file or contact your system administrator for more details
80006 Unable to Shutdown the Siebel Analytics Server
Cause. Unable to Shutdown the Siebel Analytics Server
Response. Check Product Configuration or contact your system administrator for more details
80007 Unable to start Siebel Analytics Server
Cause. Unable to start the Siebel Analytics Server
Response. Check Product Configuration or contact your system administrator for more details
80008 Network Error. Please try to reconnect to the enterprise Analytics Server.
Cause. The disconnected application was unable to connect to the enterprise Siebel Analytics Server.
Response. Reconnect to the enterprise Siebel Analytics Server or restart the Application
80009 @1%ls : Remote File is Missing. Please try to download the files again
Cause. Remote Server cannot locate the file
Response. Contact your system administrator for more details
80010 Tasks File: Error in opening task file
Cause. Unable to Open or read the tasks file located in the Sync folder
Response. Check Product Configuration or contact your system administrator for more details
80011 Error in accessing the disconnected application definition (.dad) file on the remote server
Cause. Unable to download the Disconnected Application Definition file
Response. Contact your system administrator for more details
80012 Application Launch Failed
Cause. Unable to start the Analytics server or update the configuration
Response. Check Product Configuration or contact your system administrator for more details
80013 Synchronization Error. Check product configuration, You may need to install again.
Cause. Synchronization Error. Invalid configuration or an Unknown error has occured
Response. Check Product Configuration or contact your system administrator for more details
80014 The Web Catalogs could not be merged
Cause. Unable to merge the web catalogs or library file could not be loaded
Response. Check Product Configuration or contact your system administrator for more details
80015 Web Catalog could not be copied
Cause. Unable to copy web catalog to the catalog directory
Response. Check Product Configuration or contact your system administrator for more details
80016 Error while executing database operation. Please report the following message to your Administrator. SQL Failed: @1%ls
Cause. Unable to execute the given SQL query
Response. Check Product Configuration or contact your system administrator for more details
80017 Login Error. Please make sure user name, password and server name is correct.
Cause. UserName or Password or Server Information is wrong
Response. Try to Login again or contact your system administrator for more details
81001 Siebel Analytics Web Error: Unknown SchXmlReader Error
Cause. Unknown xml parsing error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
81002 Siebel Analytics Web Error: (Xerces Error Message: @1%ls )
Cause. An internal xml parsing error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance..
81003 Siebel Analytics Web Error: (Out of bound for @1%ls )
Cause. An internal error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
81004 The parsing of the XML result set has been cancelled.
Cause. A cancellation of the XML parser occurred.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
81005 The xml document does not end normally.
Cause. Xml syntax error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
81006 The content of xml document does not match the schema.
Cause. Xml syntax error occurred.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
82001 iBot Started:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82002 iBotID: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82003 Priority: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82004 Personalized: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82005 Run As User: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82006 Filter: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82007 No subscribers. Not executing.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82008 Exceeded number of request retries.
Cause. There are too many failures for the iBot to continue.
Response. Contact Siebel Systems technical support for assistance.
82009 ...Trying main iBot loop again.
Cause. An error occurred in the main logic loop of the iBot.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82010 Subscriber Type: Original Set
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82011 Subscriber Type: Parent Set
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82012 Subscriber Type: Intersect with Parent Set
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82013 Subscriber Type: Union with Parent Set
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82014 Subscriber Type: Original Set Less Parent Set
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82015 ...Trying iBot Post Action loop again.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82016 Subscribers: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82017 Running Conditional Report for userID: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82018 No Content for user : @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82019 ...Trying iBot RunCR loop again.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82020 Finding Delivery Devices for the Run As User: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82021 No devices for user: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82022 Getting response content for user: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82023 Device: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82024 Content Retrieved:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82025 User: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82026 Response Status:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82027 Headline: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82028 Root Charset: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82029 Root Content Type: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82030 Num Linked Content: @1%d
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82031 Num Attachments: @1%d
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82032 No further action for transport: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82033 ...Trying iBot Get Response Content loop again.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82034 SMTP Delivery As User: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82035 Addresses:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82036 ** No Data -- Not delivering
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82037 Warning:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82038 Exceeded number of delivery retries.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82039 ...Trying SMTP Delivery loop again
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82040 Scheduling post actions...
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82041 ...Trying iBot Post Action loop again.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82042 Scheduled post actions...
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82043 iBot Action (@1%d): @2%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82044 Workflow Action (@1%d): @2%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82045 Script Action (@1%d): @2%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82046 iBot Action
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82047 child iBot ID: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82048 Should pass filter: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82049 For iBot: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82050 No CR for user: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82051 Not adding to filter or subscribers with results.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82052 * No Results - Not adding to filter or subscribers with results.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82053 Filter Addition for user: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82054 Cannot add any more rows and columns to filter.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82055 Warning: Null value encountered when operand is not =.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82056 Skipping row addition to filter.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82057 Warning: Invalid operand encountered: @1%d
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82058 No script will be run
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82059 * No Results - Not Executing Workflow.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82060 ...Trying iBot Workflow Post Action loop again.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82061 Workflow Action
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82062 Workflow Process Name: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82063 Error in Workflow @1%ls Row (@2%d):
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82064 HTTP response: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82065 There is no message associated with this workflow invocation.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82066 Finished Running Workflow @1%ls Row (@2%d)
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82067 Script Action
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82068 Script Path: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82069 Script Lang: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82070 Parameters:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82071 * No Results - Not Executing Script.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82072 ...Trying iBot Script Post Action loop again.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82073 Script finished with the result: @1%d
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82074 iBot Chain Started.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82075 Scheduler iBot Version: @1%d
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82076 Job ID: @1%d
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82077 Instance ID: @1%f
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82078 User ID: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82079 Job Version: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82080 Root iBot ID: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82081 Web Server: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82082 Debug: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82083 iBot Chain Completed.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82084 Eventually succeeded, but encountered and resolved errors...
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82085 Number of skipped recipients: @1%d of @2%d
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82086 Global Error: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82087 Terminal Error: Exceeded number of retries.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82088 ...Trying main loop again.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82089 Status before cancelled:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82090 Status before timed out:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82091 ... Sleeping for @1%d seconds.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82094 Java finished with the result: @1%d
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82095 Java Action (@1%d): with name @2%ls from @3%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82096 Java Class Name: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82097 Java Class Path: @1%ls
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82098 Parameters:
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
82099 ...Trying iBot Java Extension Post Action loop again.
Cause. This is not an error message.
Response. Take no action. The message is informational.
83001 Repository is missing.
Cause. The Repository filename provided is incorrect.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83002 [Fact Logical Table Source] Complex Physical Joins not supported.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source] Complex Physical Joins not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83003 @1%ls has a complex join @2%ls between physical tables @3%ls and @4%ls.
Cause. The Given Logical Table Source has a complex join between physical tables.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83004 [Dimension Logical Table Source] Complex Physical Joins not supported.
Cause. [Dimension Logical Table Source] Complex Physical Joins not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83005 [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dimension Logical Table Source] Complex Physical Joins not supported.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dimension Logical Table Source] Complex Physical Joins not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83006 [Fact Logical table Source] Physical SQL Select Statements not supported.
Cause. [Fact Logical table Source] Physical SQL Select Statements not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83007 @1%ls uses the SQL Select Statement @2%ls.
Cause. The given Logical Table Source contains a physical table which is derived from a SQL Select Statement
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83008 [Dimension Logical table Source] Physical SQL Select Statements not supported.
Cause. [Dimension Logical table Source] Physical SQL Select Statements not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83009 [Fact Logical Table Source] Physical Outer Joins not supported.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source] Physical Outer Joins not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83010 @1%ls has an outer join @2%ls between physical tables @3%ls and @4%ls.
Cause. The given Logical Table Source has an outer join between physical tables.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83011 [Dimension Logical table Source] Physical Outer Joins not supported.
Cause. [Dimension Logical table Source] Physical Outer Joins not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83012 [Fact Logical Table Source] WHERE clauses are not supported.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source] WHERE clauses are not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83013 @1%ls has a where condition @2%ls.
Cause. The given Logical Table Source has a WHERE condition.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83014 [Dimension Logical table Source] WHERE clauses are not supported.
Cause. [Dimension Logical table Source] WHERE clauses are not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83015 [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dimension Logical Table Source] Multiple Joins between sources not supported.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dimension Logical Table Source] Multiple Joins between sources not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83016 @1%ls and @2%ls have at least the following joins : @3%ls, @4%ls
Cause. The given Fact Logical Table Source is joined to the given Dimension Logical Table Source by more than one join.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83017 [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dimension Logical Table Source] Join between logical fact and dimension is not on the most detailed table.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dimension Logical Table Source] Join between logical fact and dimension is not on the most detailed table.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83018 @1%ls between @2%ls and @3%ls is not on the most detailed table @4%ls {Join name, facttable,dimtable)
Cause. The join between the given Fact Logical Table Source and the given Dimension Logical Table Source is not to the most detailed table in the source.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83019 [Column] Complex Aggregation Rules not supported.
Cause. [Column] Complex Aggregation Rules not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83020 @1%ls uses an aggregation rule of @2%ls which is not supported.
Cause. The given Measure uses an aggregation rule which is not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83021 [Column] COUNT-DISTINCT Aggregation Rule not supported.
Cause. [Column] COUNT-DISTINCT Aggregation Rule not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83022 @1%ls uses an aggregation rule of @2%ls which is not supported.
Cause. The given Measure uses an aggregation rule of COUNT-DISTINCT which is not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83023 [Level] Some columns that are part of the Primary Level Key are invalid.
Cause. [Level] Some columns that are part of the Primary Level Key are invalid.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83024 @1%ls has @2%ls as part of its primary key, when @3%ls has already been marked invalid.
Cause. The given Level has a column as part of its primary key, which has already been marked invalid.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83025 [Fact Logical Table Source -> Column] Column uses a Variable in the Expression.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source -> Column] Column uses a Variable in the Expression.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83026 Column @1%ls uses a variable in its mapping.
Cause. The given Column uses a variable in its mapping.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83027 [Dimension Logical Table Source -> Column] Column uses a Variable in the Expression.
Cause. [Dimension Logical Table Source -> Column] Column uses a Variable in the Expression.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83028 [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dimension Logical Table Source] There must be a unique join path between the most detailed tables in the logical fact and the dimension.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dimension Logical Table Source] There must be a unique join path between the most detailed tables in the logical fact and the dimension.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83029 Found at least the following join paths :
Cause. The given Fact Logical Table Source is joined to the given Dimension Logical Table Source by more than one join.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83030 No join paths found between @1%ls and @2%ls (both physical table names).
Cause. No join paths found between the given Fact Logical Table Source and the given Dimension Logical Table Source.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83031 [Fact Logical Table Source] Fact Logical Table Source must have a unique most detailed table.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source] Fact Logical Table Source must have a unique most detailed table.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83032 @1%ls has at least the following most detailed tables : @2%ls,@3%ls.
Cause. The given Logical Table Source has more than one most detailed table.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83033 [Dimension Logical Table Source] Dimension Logical Table Source must have a unique most detailed table.
Cause. [Dimension Logical Table Source] Dimension Logical Table Source must have a unique most detailed table.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83034 [Fact Logical Table Source] Fact Logical Table Source does not have any Measures.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source] Fact Logical Table Source does not have any Measures.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83035 @1%ls does not have any deployable measures.
Cause. The given Fact Logical Table Source does not have any deployable measures.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83036 [Fact Logical Table Source] Fact Logical Table Source is not marked Active.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source] Fact Logical Table Source is not marked Active.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83037 @1%ls has been marked inactive.
Cause. The given Logical Table Source has been marked inactive.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83038 [Dimension Logical Table Source] Dimension Logical Table Source is not marked Active.
Cause. [Dimension Logical Table Source] Dimension Logical Table Source is not marked Active.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83039 [Dimension Logical Table Source -> Column] Measure found in Dimension.
Cause. [Dimension Logical Table Source -> Column] Measure found in Dimension.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83040 @1%ls in a dimension source @2%ls has an aggregation rule.
Cause. The given Column in a dimension Logical Table source has an aggregation rule.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83041 [Column] -> The run_as_user does not have visibility to this Logical Column.
Cause. [Column] -> The run_as_user does not have visibility to this Logical Column.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83042 @1%ls is not accessible to the run_as_user @2%ls due to visibility rules.
Cause. The given Column is not accessible to the specified run_as_user due to visibility rules.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83043 [Fact Logical Table Source] A Join uses an alternate key in the Fact Logical Table Source.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source] A Join uses an alternate key in the Fact Logical Table Source.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83044 @1%ls between @2%ls and @3%ls in @4%ls uses the alternate key @5%ls.
Cause. The given Logical Table Source contains a join which uses an alternate key.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83045 [Dimension Logical Table Source] A Join uses an alternate key in the Dimension Logical Table Source.
Cause. [Dimension Logical Table Source] A Join uses an alternate key in the Dimension Logical Table Source.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83046 [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dim Logical Table Source] A Join uses an alternate key between the Logical Table sources.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source -> Dim Logical Table Source] A Join uses an alternate key between the Logical Table sources.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83047 @1%ls between @2%ls and @3%ls for sources @4%ls and @5%ls uses the alternate key @6%ls.
Cause. The join between the given Fact Logical Table Source and the given Dimension Logical Table Source uses an alternate key.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83048 [Fact Logical Table Source -> Column] The Column contains an Expression not supported.
Cause. [Fact Logical Table Source -> Column] The Column contains an Expression not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83049 @1%ls has expression @2%ls which is not supported
Cause. The Given Column has expression which is not supported
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83050 [Dimension Logical Table Source -> Column] The Column contains an expression not supported.
Cause. [Dimension Logical Table Source -> Column] The Column contains an expression not supported.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83051 [Dimension Logical Table Source] Dimension Logical Table Source does not have any attributes visible to the run_as_user.
Cause. [Dimension Logical Table Source] Dimension Logical Table Source does not have any attributes visible to the run_as_user.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83052 @1%ls can not be queried by user @2%ls since none of its attributes are visible.
Cause. The given Dimension Logical Table Source can not be queried by the specified user since none of its attributes are visible.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83053 @1%ls has passed.
Cause. The given Logical Metadata has passed the specified rule.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83054 Path : "@1%ls" is invalid
Cause. The specified path is invalid
Response. Please provide the correct path.
83055 Authentication information provided is invalid
Cause. Authentication information provided is invalid
Response. Please provide the correct username and password.
83056 Business Model, @1%ls, is invalid. Please provide the correct business model name in the input file.
Cause. The given Business Model is invalid. Please provide the correct business model name in the input file.
Response. Please provide the correct business model name in the input file.
83057 Physical Database, @1%ls, is invalid. Please provide the correct physical database name in the input file.
Cause. The given Physical Database is invalid. Please provide the correct physical database name in the input file.
Response. Please provide the correct physical database name in the input file.
83058 Repository, @1%ls, is invalid or corrupt
Cause. The given Repository is invalid or corrupt
Response. Please provide a valid repository and/or refer to the Documentation.
83059 Run_as_user, @1%ls, is invalid
Cause. The given Run_as_user is invalid
Response. Please provide a valid username and/or refer to the Documentation.
83060 Unable to write to Log file : @1%ls
Cause. Unable to write to Log file
Response. Please provide a accessible and valid Logfile Path with disk space and/or refer to the Documentation.
83061 The input file provided : @1%ls is invalid
Cause. The input file provided is invalid
Response. Please provide a valid input file and/or refer to the Documentation.
83062 The Schema Name provided : @1%ls is empty or invalid
Cause. The Schema Name provided is empty or invalid
Response. Please provide a valid schema name and/or refer to the Documentation.
83063 Successfully created Metadata Bridge.
Cause. Successfully created Metadata Bridge.
Response. This is an informational message. No action is required.
83064 Incorrect Input Parameters
Cause. Incorrect Input Parameters
Response. Please provide valid input parameters
83065 Unknown error! Cause of this error could not be determined. Please try again.
Cause. Unknown error! Cause of this error could not be determined. Please try again.
Response. Cause of this error could not be determined and/or refer to the Documentation.

Siebel Analytics Message Reference