Siebel Analytics User Guide > Using Siebel Intelligence Dashboards >

Creating and Assigning Personal and Shared Saved Selections for a Siebel Intelligence Dashboard Page

Saved Selections allow users to view dashboard pages with their most frequently used or favorite choices for filters and prompts preselected, without the need to make choices manually for prompts and filters that appear on the dashboard. Users can save multiple view selections with different combinations of prompt and filter choices, and switch between them.

Multiple customized versions of a reusable dashboard can also be created using Saved Selections, and assigned to appropriate user groups. Users with the appropriate permissions can perform the following tasks to create, save, and assign view selections:

  • Save various combinations of choices for filters and prompts as view selections, for their personal use or use by others.
  • Specify which saved selection is the default view, for their personal use or use by others.

Example Scenarios for Creating and Using Saved Selections

This section describes two example scenarios that describe the creation and use of saved selections.

Scenario 1-Saved Selections Created by a Group for Use by Others

An IT group in a consumer goods organization builds a master dashboard that contains the content that various product groups need to view. The dashboard contains filters and prompts from which members of the product groups would ordinarily make selections to view relevant results.

The master dashboard contains two reports, one that shows sales for the east, west, north, and south regions, and another that shows all products shipped in those regions. The report for sales by region contains a prompt that allows users to select their particular region. The report for all products shipped contains a filter that allows users to select their products.

An IT consultant customizes the view for the Fizzy Brands product group for each region. The consultant first selects the east region and the Fizzy Brand products from the filters and prompts on the dashboard, and then saves these choices as a selection that can be shared by other users. The consultant then assigns this selection as the default view selection to members of the east region group that sells Fizzy Brand products. The consultant repeats this process for the west, north, and south regions.

When a Fizzy Brands sales representative for the western region logs in to Siebel Analytics and views the dashboard, the representative initially views sales and shipment information based on the region and product choices assigned as the default view selection for that group. All sales representatives in that group who would typically make identical choices for region and product no longer have to do so.

Scenario 2-Saved Selections Created for Use by an Individual User

A business user's dashboard contains two reports, one that shows sales for all regions, and another that shows all products shipped. Each report contains a prompt, allowing the user to select a particular region and product. The user selects the eastern region and the Fizzy Brands product. The dashboard refreshes to show the user this view of the data. The user saves this view as a selection, indicates that the selection is for personal use, and that it is the default selection the user wants to see when viewing the dashboard. Then, this user creates additional combinations of the product and region sets in which the user is most interested, and saves them for later retrieval.

The user can also access selections that were saved by the IT group as shared selections. To view sales in the western region for Fizzy Brands, the user clicks the Page Options button, clicks Saved Selections, and selects the view named Dollar Sales, Western Region, Fizzy Brands. The dashboard refreshes with the new view of the data.

Accessing the Saved Selection Options

For users with the appropriate permissions, a Page Options button appears on the dashboard that replaces the Dashboard Editor link. (Access to the Dashboard Editor is one of the selections available from the Page Options menu.)

To access the saved selections menu

  • Click the Page Options button.

    NOTE:  The choices available to you depend on your permission settings in Siebel Analytics Web Administration.

To access the Dashboard Editor

To save a selection for your personal use or for use by others

  1. Make your choices for prompts and filters in the dashboard.
  2. Click the Page Options button on the dashboard page and perform one of the following actions:
    • To save the selection for your personal use, choose Save Current Selections > For Me.
    • To save the selection for use by others, choose Save Current Selections > For Others.
  3. Type a descriptive name for the selection or use the default name.
  4. (Optional) To assign this selection as your default selection, select the default option.
  5. (Optional) If you have the requisite permissions to a shared Saved Selection, you can also specify access now by clicking the Set Permissions button.

To apply Saved Selections

  1. Click the Page Options button on the dashboard page and choose Apply Saved Selections.

    Your personal Saved Selections, if any, are shown at the beginning of the list. Shared Saved Selections are listed next. Your current default selection is shown in bolded type.

  2. Click a Saved Selection in the list to apply it to the underlying dashboard.

To create or change a personal Saved Selection default view

  1. Click the Page Options button on the dashboard page and choose Save Current Selections > Edit Saved Selections and Defaults.
  2. Click the radio button next to any Saved Selection to assign it as your default selection.

    The default selection is shown in bolded type.

  3. Click OK when you are done.

To restore the basic dashboard as your default view

  1. Click the Page Options button on the dashboard page and choose Save Current Selections > Edit Saved Selections and Defaults.
  2. Click the option at the top of the list to use the unmodified dashboard.
  3. Click OK when you are done.

To rename or delete a Saved Selection

  1. Click the Page Options button on the dashboard page and choose Save Current Selections > Edit Saved Selections and Defaults.
  2. Locate the selection you want to rename or delete and click the appropriate button.
  3. Click OK when you are done.

To share a Saved Selection or assign it as the default selection for others

  1. Click the Page Options button on the dashboard page and choose Save Current Selections > Edit Saved Selections and Defaults.
  2. In the Shared Selections area, locate the selection you want to assign as the default Saved Selection for others and click the security button.
  3. Move a group to the Groups with Permission area to share it with that group.
  4. Check the box next to a group to make this Saved Selection the default selection.
  5. Click OK when you are done.
Siebel Analytics User Guide