Siebel Analytics Web Services Guide > Description of Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API Methods > ReplicationService Service >

import() Method

Import changes from the log file.


ImportError[] import (String importFilePath, DateTime lastPurgedLog, bool updateReplicationLog, bool returnErrors, CatalogItemsFilter filter, String sessionID);


String importFilePath

The path of the log file to import.

DateTime lastPurgedLog

The date and time of when the log was last cleaned up. If the change in the export file was made after that time, then import uses local logs to determine if it should be replayed, otherwise it uses the last access time.

bool updateReplicationLog

If FALSE then the replication log is not updated.

bool returnErrors

If TRUE then the function returns an array of ImportError objects which describes cases when changes recorded in the import file which satisfy filter conditions were not replayed.

CatalogItemsFilter filter

Used to filter changes made within a particular time period, and to catalog items in specified folders. Can be null.

String sessionID

A string value that contains the session ID to log off from the SOAP session. The session ID is usually returned by the logon call. If the SOAP client engine can handle HTTP cookies, you can omit the session ID or set it to null.


Returns an ImportError structure containing the list of errors encountered. For more information, read ImportError Structure.

Siebel Analytics Web Services Guide