Siebel Analytics Web Services Guide > Overview of the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API >

Accessing the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP Services Interface

You can access the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP services interface on any platform on which a SOAP client library and tools are available. The steps to access the SOAP services depend on your programming environment.

Example of Accessing the Siebel Analytics Web SOAP API from Microsoft Visual Studio

The following procedure provides the steps to access the SOAP services from Microsoft Visual Studio.

To access the SOAP services from Microsoft Visual Studio

  1. Open your project in Microsoft Visual Studio.
  2. In the Solution Explorer, expand the solution node, right-click References, and choose Add Web Reference.

    The Add Web Reference dialog box appears.

  3. In the URL field, type the URL to access the Siebel Analytics Web WSDL document.

    The following URL is an example URL to access the Siebel Analytics Web Server WSDL document:


  4. Click Go.

    The found services and methods appear in the Add Web Reference dialog box window.

  5. Click the Add Reference button.

    The Add Web Reference dialog box closes, and the node that represents the added Web reference appears in the Solution Explorer pane.

  6. To see the added classes and methods, right-click the node and choose the following option:

    View in Object Browser

    The classes and methods appear in the Object Browser window.

  7. Begin using the classes in your program.

    For a code example, see Code Example.

Siebel Analytics Web Services Guide