Data Mining Deployment Guide > Overview of Siebel Data Mining Installation >

About Siebel Miner

Siebel Miner is a thin-client data mining application that allows subject matter experts to train and execute preconfigured data mining models through the use of templates. Siebel Miner allows business users to use data mining capabilities by following best practices embedded in these templates. It also provides an interface to the Siebel Data Mining Engine.

Siebel Miner uses a relational database to store repository metadata and batch scores. Siebel Analytics provides prebuilt metadata that exposes the Siebel Miner repository for ad-hoc analysis or for use in Siebel Marketing. For example, users of Siebel Marketing can use batch scores as segmentation criteria. In order to use the prebuilt data mining subject area in Siebel Analytics, the relational database component of Siebel Miner needs to be installed in the Siebel Data Warehouse. For instructions on installing Siebel Miner software, see the Siebel Miner documentation in the Angoss folder on the Siebel eBusiness Third-Party Bookshelf.

NOTE:  Users with access to the Template Editor functionality in Siebel Miner must have Siebel Data Mining Workbench installed on their client machines. To connect to analytics data sources, you must install an instance of the analytics ODBC driver on the server running Siebel Miner.

Data Mining Deployment Guide